This notebook demonstrates the use of the responsibleai
API to assess an openai endpoint on the SQuAD dataset (see for more information about the dataset). It walks through the API calls necessary to create a widget with model analysis insights, then guides a visual analysis of the openai model.
The following section examines the code necessary to create datasets and a model. It then generates insights using the responsibleai
API that can be visually analyzed.
The following section can be skipped. It loads a dataset and trains a model for illustrative purposes.
First we import all necessary dependencies
import datasets
import pandas as pd
from transformers import pipeline
from responsibleai_text import RAITextInsights, ModelTask
Next we load the SQuAD dataset from huggingface datasets
dataset = datasets.load_dataset("squad", split="train")
def replace_error_chars(message):
message = message.replace('`', '')
return message
Reformat the dataset to be a pandas dataframe with three columns: context, questions and answers
questions = []
context = []
answers = []
for row in dataset:
data = pd.DataFrame({'context': context, 'questions': questions, 'answers': answers})
from ml_wrappers.model import OpenaiWrapperModel
Create an openai endpoint wrapper through ml-wrappers library. Please enter the api_base and api_key for your openai endpoint below:
api_type = "azure"
api_base = ""
api_version = "2023-03-15-preview"
api_key = "put_your_secret_key_here"
# Openai Wrapper that calls endpoint with given questions
openai_model = OpenaiWrapperModel(api_type, api_base, api_version, api_key, engine='gpt-4')
Here we modify the template for the request sent to openai by wrapping the OpenaiWrapperModel. Please remove the path below and only return the predictions when running on your openai endpoint.
# modify the template for the questions passed to openai
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from unittest.mock import patch
class template(object):
def __init__(self, model):
self.model = model
def predict(self, dataset):
template = 'Answer the question given the context.'
for i, (context, question) in enumerate(zip(dataset['context'], dataset['questions'])):
templated_question = template + '\n\ncontext: ' + context + '\nquestion: ' + question
if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame):
dataset.iloc[i]['questions'] = templated_question
dataset['questions'] = templated_question
# NOTE: Remove this patch when calling your openai model
with patch('ml_wrappers.model.OpenaiWrapperModel.predict') as mock_predict:
# wrap return value in mock class
if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame):
mock_predict.return_value = np.array(data['answers'][dataset.index])
mock_predict.return_value = np.array(data['answers'][0])
context = {}
# Note: When calling a real openai model just return this line here
return self.model.predict(dataset)
train_data = data
test_data = data[:5]
pipeline = template(openai_model)
from responsibleai_text import RAITextInsights, ModelTask
from raiwidgets import ResponsibleAIDashboard
To use Responsible AI Dashboard, initialize a RAITextInsights object upon which different components can be loaded.
RAITextInsights accepts the model, the test dataset, the classes and the task type as its arguments.
rai_insights = RAITextInsights(pipeline, test_data,
Add the components of the toolbox for model assessment.
# Note: explanations are not yet available for openai models
# rai_insights.explainer.add()
Once all the desired components have been loaded, compute insights on the test set.
Finally, visualize and explore the model insights. Use the resulting widget or follow the link to view this in a new tab.