using LinearAlgebra, PyPlot
A real matrix can easily have complex eigenvalues, because (as you know from the quadratic formula), real polynomials such as $\det(A - \lambda I)$ can have complex roots.
Here is a randomly chosen $5 \times 5$ real matrix, for example:
A = [ 0 -9 5 -4 7
-2 2 0 -5 -9
4 9 7 5 2
5 0 -7 5 -4
2 1 -3 -8 0 ]
5×5 Matrix{Int64}: 0 -9 5 -4 7 -2 2 0 -5 -9 4 9 7 5 2 5 0 -7 5 -4 2 1 -3 -8 0
λ = eigvals(A)
5-element Vector{ComplexF64}: -5.616265073910875 - 8.089914555646233im -5.616265073910875 + 8.089914555646233im 7.593939120984211 + 0.0im 8.819295513418766 - 4.439554583783142im 8.819295513418766 + 4.439554583783142im
# a little function to plot the complex axes nicely
function reim_axes(ax)
# Move left y-axis and bottim x-axis to centre, passing through (0,0)
# Eliminate upper and right axes
# Show ticks in the left and lower axes only
xlabel(L"\operatorname{Re} \lambda")
ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(1.04, 0.52)
ylabel(L"\operatorname{Im} \lambda", rotation=0)
ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, 1.02)
reim_axes (generic function with 1 method)
plot(real.(λ), imag.(λ), "bo", label=L"$\lambda$ of real $A$")
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead │ caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67 └ @ PyCall /Users/stevenj/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/numpy.jl:67
PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x15f21df70>
The complex eigenvalues of a real matrix come in complex-conjugate pairs:
The eigenvectors also come in conjugate pairs:
X = eigvecs(A)
X[:,1:2] # the first two eigenvectors, corresponding to λ ≈ -5.6 ± 8.1i
5×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}: 0.111042-0.466655im 0.111042+0.466655im 0.486281-0.0im 0.486281+0.0im -0.363772+0.179752im -0.363772-0.179752im 0.115521+0.375451im 0.115521-0.375451im 0.322662+0.332225im 0.322662-0.332225im
This fact is easy to derive. If $A$ is a real matrix (so $\bar{A}=A$) and we have an eigensolution, we can just take the complex-conjugate of both sides:
$$ Ax = \lambda x \implies \overline{Ax} = \boxed{A \bar{x}} = \overline{\lambda x} = \boxed{\bar{\lambda} \bar{x}} $$so the complex-conjugate of any eigensolution is also an eigensolution for any real matrix.
Of course, complex matrices will have complex λ as well, but they have no particular symmetry in general.
For example, here is a randomly chosen $5\times 5$ complex matrix $B$:
B = [ -4+6im 4+3im 2+5im 6+9im 0+0im
-3+4im 4+3im -6-3im 5+0im 9+5im
8+3im -3-6im 6-3im -9-5im 4+8im
9+9im 9+0im 2-1im 5+2im 7+9im
-4-9im 0+0im 6+4im -2-6im -4-5im ]
5×5 Matrix{Complex{Int64}}: -4+6im 4+3im 2+5im 6+9im 0+0im -3+4im 4+3im -6-3im 5+0im 9+5im 8+3im -3-6im 6-3im -9-5im 4+8im 9+9im 9+0im 2-1im 5+2im 7+9im -4-9im 0+0im 6+4im -2-6im -4-5im
λ_B = eigvals(B)
plot(real.(λ_B), imag.(λ_B), "ro", label=L"$\lambda$ of complex $B$")
PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x15fb16520>
A complex eigenvalue $\lambda_k = |\lambda_k| e^{i\phi_k}$ in polar form. When you multiply a vector $x$ by $A^n$, it multiplies each eigenvector component by $$ \lambda_k^n = |\lambda_k|^n e^{in\phi_k } \, . $$ So the magnitude $|\lambda_k|$ determines the exponential growth/decay of each eigenvector component, whereas any phase $\phi_k \ne 0$ causes a phase rotation, equivalent to an an oscillation with $n$.
Let's take an arbitrary real vector $x$, for example:
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5
If we expand it in the basis of the eigenvectors ($x = Xc \implies c = X^{-1} x$):
c = X \ x
5-element Vector{ComplexF64}: 3.524941723422433 - 4.592506349393967im 3.5249417234224336 + 4.592506349393967im 7.01850888051289 + 5.742185317061215e-17im -0.7740338338111896 - 0.34390253168210033im -0.774033833811189 + 0.3439025316820996im
we find that the coefficients come in complex-conjugate pairs as well. This way, the complex-conjugate eigenvectors in the basis add up in conjugate pairs, to give a real $x$.
Now, let's plot the components of $A^n x$ as a function of $n$:
xn = reduce(vcat, [(A^n * float(x))' for n = 1:10])
plot(xn, "o-")
ylabel(L"(A^n x)_k", size=20)
xlabel(L"matrix power $n$", size=15)
PyObject Text(0.5, 34.0, 'matrix power $n$')
We can't see much, because there are eigenvalues with $|\lambda| > 1$, so the result blows up exponentially:
5-element Vector{Float64}: 9.848307006693481 9.848307006693481 7.593939120984211 9.873683114998084 9.873683114998084
It's almost a tie, but the last eigenvalue has the biggest magnitude $\approx 9.87$ … or actually the last two complex eigenvalues, since complex conjugates have the same magnitude.
The combination of these two complex-conjugate terms leads to an oscillation, which we can see more clearly if we divide by $|\lambda_5|^n$ to cancel the exponential growth:
plot(xn ./ abs(λ[end]).^(1:10), "o-")
ylabel(L"(A^n x)_k / |\lambda_5|^n", size=20)
xlabel(L"matrix power $n$", size=15)
PyObject Text(0.5, 34.0, 'matrix power $n$')
We can plot a few more $n$ just to see that the oscillation never stops:
xnmore = reduce(vcat, [((A/λ[end])^n * float(x))' for n = 1:50])
plot(xnmore, "o-")
ylabel(L"(A^n x)_k / |\lambda_5|^n", size=20)
xlabel(L"matrix power $n$", size=15)
PyObject Text(0.5, 34.0, 'matrix power $n$')