Most real-life equations are nonlinear — everything in the real world "goes nonlinear" if you push it hard enough. But we can still use linear algebra to solve nonlinear equations!
The key fact is that derivatives represent linear approximations of functions, so you can solve even nonlinear problems by a sequence of linear approximations using derivatives.
The most famous example of this is Newton’s method. Given a system of nonlinear equation $$ \vec{f}(\vec{x}) = \vec{0} $$ representing $n$ equations $\vec{f} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ in $n$ unknowns $\vec{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n$, the linear approximation around any given $\vec{x}$ is $$ \vec{f}(\vec{x} + \delta\vec{x}) ≈ \vec{f}(\vec{x}) + J\delta\vec{x} \, , $$ where $J$ is the Jacobian matrix of $\vec{f}(\vec{x})$: $J_{ij} = \partial f_i / \partial x_j$. By setting this approximation to zero, we obtain a Newton step $$ \delta\vec{x} = \boxed{-J^{-1} \vec{f}(\vec{x})} \, . $$ Performing a sequence of these steps gives us Newton's method:
x = initial guess
while not converged
x = x - J(x) \ f(x)
If you give it a reasonable starting guess, it converges amazingly fast: asymptotically, it doubles the number of accurate digits on every step.
The Thomson problem is one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics: given $N$ equal point charges constrained to lie on a sphere, repelling each other by the usual inverse-square "Coulomb" force law, what is their equilibrium configuration where all the forces are zero and potential energy is minimized?
Rigorous solutions on a sphere in 3 dimensions are known for only a few values of $N$!
A much easier version of the Thomson problem is to formulate it in 2 dimensions for point charges sliding (without friction) on a circle:
If all the charges $q_i$ are equal, then the solution is simply that they lie on the vertices of a regular N-vertex polygon, which allows them to be as far from one another as possible.
Let's pretend we don't know that solution, or have unequal charges, or perhaps we are "warming up" to solve the problem in 3d. Then we could attack the problem numerically in two basic ways:
We could have a vector of $N-1$ unknown angles $\vec{\theta}$ (fixing $q_0$ to lie at $[-1,0]$), compute the $N-1$ tangential forces $\vec{f}(\vec{\theta})$ by the inverse-square law, and then solve for the root $\vec{f}(\vec{\theta}) = \vec{0}$ by Newton’s method.
We could instead compute the potential energy $V(\vec{\theta})$ and minimize over the $N-1$ angles, perhaps by gradient descent.
In this notebook, we'll use the former approach: solve for the configuration with tangential forces = 0 using Newton iterations.
Let's write a little Julia function forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
to compute the tangential forces on the $N-1$ charges q⃗[1], q⃗[2], …
($= q_1, q_2, \ldots$) given the angles θ⃗[1], θ⃗[2], …
($= \theta_1, \theta_2, \ldots$), fixing $q_0$ to lie at $(-1,0)$ as in the diagram above.
(If you're wondering how I typed a variable name like θ⃗
, it's easy: just type \theta<TAB>
followed by \vec<TAB>
using tab completion. It's nice to be able to write programs using a notation that mirrors how we might write it in mathematics!)
using LinearAlgebra # for the norm(x⃗) function = ‖x⃗‖ = √x⃗ᵀx⃗
function forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
x⃗₀ = [-1, 0] # q₀ is fixed at (-1,0)
q₀ = 1
F⃗ = map(1:length(θ⃗)) do i
x⃗ᵢ = [cos(θ⃗[i]), sin(θ⃗[i])] # position of charge i on unit circle
# inverse-square force law: F⃗ = qᵢqⱼ r̂ᵢⱼ / rᵢⱼ² = qᵢqⱼ r⃗ᵢⱼ / rᵢⱼ³
# force from x⃗₀:
F⃗ᵢ = (x⃗ᵢ - x⃗₀) * (q⃗[i] * q₀ / norm(x⃗ᵢ - x⃗₀)^3)
for j = 1:length(θ⃗) # add forces from other charges
if i ≠ j
x⃗ⱼ = [cos(θ⃗[j]), sin(θ⃗[j])]
F⃗ᵢ += (x⃗ᵢ - x⃗ⱼ) * (q⃗[i] * q⃗[j] / norm(x⃗ᵢ - x⃗ⱼ)^3)
# construct force component in tangential direction
F⃗ᵢ ⋅ [-x⃗ᵢ[2], x⃗ᵢ[1]] # dot product with tangent vector [-sin, cos]
return F⃗
forces (generic function with 1 method)
forces([1,2], [1,1])
2-element Vector{Float64}: -1.1101484801582246 0.23390271383615946
Computing derivatives is straightforward in principle, but can be pretty tedious in practice to carry out by hand.
Fortunately, nowadays there are lots of tools for automatic differentiation in many programming languages: given a function like our forces
function above, they can automatically compute any derivative we want exactly.
Julia has lots of automatic-differentiation packages with different strengths and weaknesses. (In Python, the most famous ones are JAX and autograd.)
Here, we will use the ForwardDiff package in Julia to compute the whole Jacobian matrix at once for us. (For a gentle introduction to how ForwardDiff works, see e.g. Matrix Calculus Lecture 5.)
using ForwardDiff
This provides a function ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, x)
that computes the Jacobian of a function f(x)
at x
Here, our forces
function takes two arguments θ⃗
and q⃗
, but we only want the derivatives with respect to the angles θ⃗
. We can wrap a two-argument function in a 1-argument function by using a closure/anonymous function θ⃗ -> forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
, which effectively tells ForwardDiff to ignore q⃗
(treat it as a constant parameter):
ForwardDiff.jacobian(θ⃗ -> forces(θ⃗, [1,1]), [1,2])
2×2 Matrix{Float64}: -2.23542 2.00797 2.00797 -3.36162
Given a function and it's Jacobian, Newton's method is trivial to implement: just a loop of updates θ⃗ = θ⃗ - J \ f⃗
Here, we'll run 8 iterations of Newton, starting at θ⃗ = [1,2]
, using Julia's handy @show
macro to print out the values of the angles and forces at each step:
θ⃗ = [1,2] # initial "guess"
q⃗ = [1,1]
for iteration = 1:8
@show θ⃗ .* (180/π)
@show f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
J = ForwardDiff.jacobian(θ⃗ -> forces(θ⃗, q⃗), θ⃗)
θ⃗ = θ⃗ - J \ f⃗
println() # print a blank line
# show the final values:
@show θ⃗ .* (180/π)
@show f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗);
θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [57.29577951308232, 114.59155902616465] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-1.1101484801582246, 0.23390271383615946] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [3.6272305871204433, 86.52081245119722] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-0.43561688723970665, 0.10464402757105067] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-49.452387906553305, 60.63693449859814] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-0.08648212799856117, 0.04386916996774379] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-60.229832611790215, 59.28633181111147] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-0.0010745673439266357, 0.005015882462263949] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-59.99776766680708, 60.00252816028715] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-8.130415691087745e-6, -1.185710069834256e-5] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-60.000000012297534, 60.00000002720289] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [2.174794511144995e-10, -2.800611131892339e-10] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-59.999999999999986, 60.00000000000001] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-1.6653345369377348e-16, 5.551115123125783e-17] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-60.00000000000001, 60.00000000000001] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [1.1102230246251565e-16, -1.1102230246251565e-16] θ⃗ .* (180 / π) = [-59.99999999999999, 59.99999999999999] f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗) = [-5.551115123125783e-17, 5.551115123125783e-17]
Notice how quickly the forces decrease, and how quickly the angles converge to $\theta = \pm \pi / 3 = \pm 60^\circ$!
Once the solution is even slightly close to the correct answer, the number of correct digits double on each step of Newton’s method.
Eventually, the answers are limited by roundoff error to about 15–16 digits.
(Note: there is also another solution where the positions of $q_1$ and $q_2$ are swapped. In general, which solution Newton’s method converges to — or even whether it converges at all — depends strongly on the initial guess.)
It is nice to plot these solutions graphically, and even to animate the progress of the Newton iterations.
First, let's write a function plotcharges(θ⃗)
to plot the locations of the charges at the angles θ⃗
using the PyPlot.jl package, which is a thin wrapper around Python's matplotlib:
using PyPlot
function plotcharges(θ⃗)
gca().add_patch(plt.Circle((0,0), 1.0, clip_on=false, fill=false))
plot(-1, 0, "ko")
text(-1 + 0.05, 0, "q₀")
for (i,θ) in enumerate(θ⃗)
plot(cos(θ), sin(θ), "o")
text(cos(θ)+0.1, sin(θ), "q" * ('₀' + i))
plotcharges (generic function with 1 method)
title(L"equilibrium distribution for $N=3$ equal charges")
PyObject Text(0.5, 1.0, 'equilibrium distribution for $N=3$ equal charges')
Next, we'll create an interactive animation of the Newton iterations and the Thomson solutions using Julia's Interact.jl package, which allows us to set up "slider" controls for the number of Newton steps, the number of charges, and the values of the charges $q_1$ and $q_2$:
using Interact
The WebIO Jupyter extension was not detected. See the WebIO Jupyter integration documentation for more information.
fig = figure()
@manipulate for iterations = slider(0:16, value=0, label="Newton iterations"),
q₁ in slider([0.1,1,2,4,8], value=1, label="q₁"),
q₂ in slider([0.1,1,2,4,8], value=1, label="q₂"),
N in slider(2:10, value=3, label="Number of particles")
n = N-1
θ⃗ = [1:n;] ./ n
q⃗ = ones(n)
q⃗[1] = q₁
if n > 1
q⃗[2] = q₂
for iteration = 1:iterations
f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
J = ForwardDiff.jacobian(θ⃗ -> forces(θ⃗, q⃗), θ⃗)
θ⃗ = θ⃗ - J \ f⃗
f⃗ = forces(θ⃗, q⃗)
withfig(fig) do
title("$N particles, forces = $(round.(f⃗, sigdigits=3))")