Chapter 4.4 illustrates a hand technique for computing orthonormal vectors q₁,q₂,… from arbitrary vectors a,b,… with the property that the first k vectors in the original set span the same subspace as the orthonormal set, and this is true for k=1,2,3,...
We will move this hand technique to the computer in this notebook. Some of you will notice that on the computer one can combine operations in a simpler block fashion.
using LinearAlgebra
# start with four arbitrary independent vectors in ℝᵐ
# with random entries from 1 to 10.
m = 6
a₁ = rand(1:10,m)
a₂ = rand(1:10,m)
a₃ = rand(1:10,m)
a₄ = rand(1:10,m)
A = [a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄] # show them as the columns of a 6×4 matrix A
6×4 Matrix{Int64}: 5 10 6 8 10 6 5 1 2 1 7 3 7 5 4 8 1 3 8 3 1 8 9 4
# The vₖ are vectors, but they are all orthogonal and
#span([v₁]) = span([a₁])
#span([v₁ v₂]) = span([a₁ a₂])
#span([v₁ v₂ v₃]) = span([a₁ a₂ a₃] )
#span([v₁ v₂ v₃ v₄]) = span([a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄])
v₁ = a₁
v₂ = a₂ - v₁*(v₁'a₂)/(v₁'v₁)
v₃ = a₃ - v₁*(v₁'a₃)/(v₁'v₁) - v₂*(v₂'a₃)/(v₂'v₂)
v₄ = a₄ - v₁*(v₁'a₄)/(v₁'v₁) - v₂*(v₂'a₄)/(v₂'v₂) - v₃*(v₃'a₄)/(v₃'v₃)
# gather into a matrix V with orthogonal but *not* orthonormal columns
V = [v₁ v₂ v₃ v₄]
6×4 Matrix{Float64}: 5.0 5.61111 -3.16215 1.37162 10.0 -2.77778 -0.0979465 -3.70534 2.0 -0.755556 6.16936 1.22464 7.0 -1.14444 -0.324354 4.20193 1.0 2.12222 5.22283 0.0756904 1.0 7.12222 1.49913 -1.74319
# now we normalize
q₁ = normalize(v₁)
q₂ = normalize(v₂)
q₃ = normalize(v₃)
q₄ = normalize(v₄);
# Gather into a matrix Q with orthonormal columns
Q = [q₁ q₂ q₃ q₄]
6×4 Matrix{Float64}: 0.372678 0.571756 -0.358733 0.223061 0.745356 -0.283047 -0.0111116 -0.602583 0.149071 -0.0769889 0.699888 0.199157 0.521749 -0.116616 -0.0367966 0.683342 0.0745356 0.216248 0.592508 0.0123092 0.0745356 0.725734 0.170071 -0.283488
#check that Q has orthonormal columns
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 1.0 -9.21828e-17 8.99478e-17 1.35877e-16 -9.21828e-17 1.0 1.0142e-17 1.42552e-16 8.99478e-17 1.0142e-17 1.0 -2.09229e-16 1.35877e-16 1.42552e-16 -2.09229e-16 1.0
Q'Q - I
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 0.0 -9.21828e-17 8.99478e-17 1.35877e-16 -9.21828e-17 0.0 1.0142e-17 1.42552e-16 8.99478e-17 1.0142e-17 0.0 -2.09229e-16 1.35877e-16 1.42552e-16 -2.09229e-16 2.22045e-16
Q'Q ≈ I
# compare to what happens if we didn't normalize:
V'V # = diagonal matrix (orthogonal columns, but not orthonormal)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 180.0 -1.42109e-14 1.33227e-14 1.28786e-14 -1.42109e-14 96.3111 9.32625e-15 6.94211e-15 1.33227e-14 9.32625e-15 77.7003 -1.16249e-14 1.28786e-14 6.94211e-15 -1.16249e-14 37.8113
# What does this triangular structure say?
round.(Q'A, digits=5)
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: 13.4164 11.7766 10.3605 8.86974 -0.0 9.81382 9.2715 6.67879 0.0 0.0 8.81478 1.38213 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.14909
How do we do all this at once on a computer? We ask the computer to factor the matrix as $QR$ (orthonormal columns times upper triangular).
F = qr(A) # returns a "factorization object" that stores both Q (implicitly) and R
LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWY{Float64, Matrix{Float64}} Q factor: 6×6 LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWYQ{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}: -0.372678 0.571756 0.358733 -0.223061 -0.0840586 -0.590504 -0.745356 -0.283047 0.0111116 0.602583 0.0189054 -0.0272178 -0.149071 -0.0769889 -0.699888 -0.199157 -0.619405 -0.242243 -0.521749 -0.116616 0.0367966 -0.683342 0.131189 0.478182 -0.0745356 0.216248 -0.592508 -0.0123092 0.74464 -0.204877 -0.0745356 0.725734 -0.170071 0.283488 -0.192913 0.566789 R factor: 4×4 Matrix{Float64}: -13.4164 -11.7766 -10.3604 -8.86974 0.0 9.81382 9.2715 6.67879 0.0 0.0 -8.81478 -1.38213 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6.14909
R = F.R
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: -13.4164 -11.7766 -10.3604 -8.86974 0.0 9.81382 9.2715 6.67879 0.0 0.0 -8.81478 -1.38213 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6.14909
Q2 = Matrix(F.Q) # extract the "thin" QR factor you would get from Gram–Schmidt
6×4 Matrix{Float64}: -0.372678 0.571756 0.358733 -0.223061 -0.745356 -0.283047 0.0111116 0.602583 -0.149071 -0.0769889 -0.699888 -0.199157 -0.521749 -0.116616 0.0367966 -0.683342 -0.0745356 0.216248 -0.592508 -0.0123092 -0.0745356 0.725734 -0.170071 0.283488
round.(Q'Q2, digits=5) # almost I, up to signs
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: -1.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 -1.0
R # Recognize this matrix?
4×4 Matrix{Float64}: -13.4164 -11.7766 -10.3604 -8.86974 0.0 9.81382 9.2715 6.67879 0.0 0.0 -8.81478 -1.38213 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6.14909
Q2*R ≈ A
b = rand(6)
6-element Vector{Float64}: 0.5450097629781777 0.8599801580391012 0.7036387925825908 0.7553540639899048 0.7234080262946185 0.14725528162868073
A \ b
4-element Vector{Float64}: 0.08995466028300682 -0.0768023071730735 0.07513430689992019 0.03688677949256471
inv(A'A) * A'b
4-element Vector{Float64}: 0.08995466028300675 -0.07680230717307351 0.07513430689992023 0.03688677949256475
R \ (Q2'b)[1:4]
4-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0899546602830068 -0.07680230717307351 0.07513430689992022 0.03688677949256465
F \ b # the factorization object F can be used directly for a least-square solve
4-element Vector{Float64}: 0.08995466028300678 -0.07680230717307349 0.07513430689992023 0.03688677949256459