using PyPlot, Interact
Suppose $b$ is a vector of data and we want to find $p$, a multiple of $a=(1,1,\ldots,1)$, say, closest to $b$. Which vector is that?
Let us call this vector $p=\hat{x}a$.
Here is an example in 2d:
b = rand(2)
2-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.405977 0.752382
arrow(0,0,b[1],b[2],head_width=0.05, head_length=0.03,color="r")
b = rand(2) # random red vector
arrow(0,0,b[1],b[2],head_width=0.05, head_length=0.03,color="r")
a = ones(2) # target direction
x̂ = (a'b)/(a'a)
p = a * x̂ # projection
arrow(0,0,p[1],p[2],head_width=0.05, head_length=0.03)
PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x329310c50>
Let us break this into steps
To do this form the "error" vector $e = b - p = b - \hat{x}a$ where $\hat{x}$ is the unknown. We choose $\hat{x}$ specifically to make $e \perp a$.
We want $a \cdot (b-\hat{x}a) = 0$ (where $\cdot$ denotes the dot product) so that
P = (a*a')/(a'a)
2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
@manipulate for n=slider(1:15,value=2)
a = ones(Rational,n)
P = (a*a')/(a'a)
2×2 Array{Rational{Int64},2}: 1//2 1//2 1//2 1//2
In the special case of a being the ones vector, $\hat{x}$ is the mean of $b$. If only one number is used to summarize a large data vector $b$, it is commonly the mean.
Now consider more general $a$.
b = rand(2) # random red vector
a = rand(2); a *= 1.1/maximum(a) # target direction
P = (a*a')/a'a
p = P*b
arrow(0,0,b[1],b[2],head_width=0.05, head_length=0.03,color="r")
arrow(0,0,p[1],p[2],head_width=0.05, head_length=0.03)
PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x3296e27d0>
# Powers of P remain equal. Explain why geometrically?
# Answer: once you project, projecting again keeps you where you were
2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 0.999947 0.00729359 0.00729359 5.31993e-5
2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 0.999947 0.00729359 0.00729359 5.31993e-5
2×2 Array{Float64,2}: 0.999947 0.00729359 0.00729359 5.31993e-5
Relationship to least squares:
x̂= (a'b)/(a'a)
1×1 Array{Float64,2}: 0.770082
1-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.770082
A = rand(5, 3) # consider the subspace spanned by the columns of A
5×3 Array{Float64,2}: 0.857652 0.517855 0.280477 0.418829 0.556069 0.964192 0.376845 0.64954 0.692936 0.839149 0.0958249 0.297049 0.533046 0.988303 0.900709
b = rand(5)
5-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.65487 0.536363 0.847276 0.527487 0.667052
Our problem
Find the linear combination of the columns of ($m \times n$) $A$ closest to $b$
In other words, find an $\hat{x}$ in $\Re^n$ such that $A\hat{x}$ is closest to $b$.
How do we find $\hat{x}$? Idea is the same as the line. Make $e=b-A\hat{x} \perp $ to every column of $A$:
$A^T(b-A\hat{x})=0$ is equivalent to the first column of $A$ is orthogonal to $e$, and the second column is orthogonal to $e$, ..., and the last column of $A$ is orthogonal to $A$.
$A^TA\hat{x} = A^Tb$. (known as the normal equations)
Some examples
5×3 Array{Float64,2}: 0.857652 0.517855 0.280477 0.418829 0.556069 0.964192 0.376845 0.64954 0.692936 0.839149 0.0958249 0.297049 0.533046 0.988303 0.900709
P = A * inv(A'A) * A'
5×5 Array{Float64,2}: 0.680624 -0.275029 0.0718287 0.273674 0.24835 -0.275029 0.726659 0.227343 0.235613 0.125645 0.0718287 0.227343 0.233565 -0.0612794 0.344112 0.273674 0.235613 -0.0612794 0.765488 -0.212956 0.24835 0.125645 0.344112 -0.212956 0.593663
5×5 Array{Float64,2}: 0.680624 -0.275029 0.0718287 0.273674 0.24835 -0.275029 0.726659 0.227343 0.235613 0.125645 0.0718287 0.227343 0.233565 -0.0612794 0.344112 0.273674 0.235613 -0.0612794 0.765488 -0.212956 0.24835 0.125645 0.344112 -0.212956 0.593663
b = rand(5)
5-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.458361 0.601126 0.721415 0.940134 0.816022
p = P*b
5-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.658412 0.798797 0.561274 0.768752 0.721845
e = p - b
5-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.200051 0.197671 -0.16014 -0.171382 -0.094177
3-element Array{Float64,1}: -1.49186e-15 -1.22125e-15 -1.67921e-15
x̂ = inv(A'A)*A'b
3-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.707741 -0.265997 0.674437
A\b # in matlab and in julia, to solve the least squares system
# Ax=b for the best vector x̂, type A\b
3-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.707741 -0.265997 0.674437
Suppose that $A^TA$ is not invertible. Then there is a nonzero x $x$ such that $A^TAx=0$. Then $x^TA^TAx=0=\|Ax\|^2$. Then $Ax=0$ meaning $A$ does not have linearly independent columns. Taking the contrapositive, if $A$ has linearly independent columns $A^TA$ is invertible.
Note logically one should prove the converse too. This is implied in the "when." If $A$ does not have linearly independent columns, there is a nonzero $x$ with $Ax=0$. Multiplying by $A^T$ we have $A^TAx$ is then $0$ so $A^TA$ is not invertible.
Chebychev Approximation = polynomial fitting = linear equations
Machine learning = nonlinear fitting = nonlinear equations
In high school stats classes , students are told to divide by $n-1$, not $n$, for sample variance.
Some argument about degrees of freedom usually appeases the masses. In fact, the projection matrix P = I - ones(n,n)/n
can be viewed as "removing the mean" or projection orthogonal to the "ones" vector. Removing the true mean creates a vector whose element squares have expectation $\sigma^2$ and cross terms have expectation 0.
You might check that the sample variance numerator is $\|Pb\|^2$. This is the same as $b^TPb$, which is readliy checked to have average
$\sigma^2$ times the sum of the diagonal elements of $P$, which is $n \times \left( 1-\frac{1}{n}\right)=n-1$.