In this notebook we take a first look at one of the most important matrix decompositions, the SVD. The SVD gives what is arguably the "best" basis for the row and column spaces of a matrix, and reveals the "true nature" of a matrix in a unique way. It is heavily used in nearly all applications of linear algebra, especially to non-square matrices, especially for data analysis.
using PyPlot, Interact, LinearAlgebra
arc(args...; kws...) = gca().add_patch.(matplotlib.patches.Arc(args...; kws...))
The WebIO Jupyter extension was not detected. See the WebIO Jupyter integration documentation for more information.
arc (generic function with 1 method)
Orthonormal bases are "nice", and make it especially easy to do things like projections or changes of basis. However, for any matrix $A$ with rank > 1, there are infinitely many possible orthonormal bases for $C(A)$ and $C(A^T)$. Are they all equally good?
Let's look at a simple $2\times2$ matrix $$A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ -1 & \frac{1}{4} \end{pmatrix} .$$ This matrix is rank 2, so $C(A) = C(A^T) = \mathbb{R}^2$. The obvious orthonormal basis would be the unit vectors (1,0) and (0,1). But is there a better choice? A choice that comes from $A$ itself?
Let's see what $A$ does to two orthonormal vectors $v_1$ and $v_2$ as we rotate the "input" basis.
A = [1 1
-1 1/4]
fig = figure()
Θ = range(0,2π, length=200)
V = [[cos(θ),sin(θ)] for θ in Θ]
U = [A*v for v in V]
Vx, Vy = first.(V), last.(V)
Ux, Uy = first.(U), last.(U)
# @manipulate for θ in slider(0:1:90, value=29)
for θ in 9:10:49
withfig(fig) do
ϕ = deg2rad(θ) # convert to radians
v₁, v₂ = [cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)], [-sin(ϕ), cos(ϕ)] # orthonormal inputs
u₁, u₂ = A*v₁, A*v₂ # outputs
# arrows and labels for v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂
for (v,s,c) in ((v₁,"v₁","red"), (v₂,"v₂","red"), (u₁,"Av₁","blue"), (u₂,"Av₂","blue"))
arrow(0,0,v..., color=c, width=0.04, length_includes_head=true)
text(((norm(v)+0.1)*normalize(v))..., s, color=c)
# show the angle between u₁ and u₂
uangle = rad2deg(acos((u₁⋅u₂)/(norm(u₁)*norm(u₂))))
arc([0,0], 0.5,0.5, angle=rad2deg(atan(u₁[2],u₁[1])), theta1=0, theta2=uangle, color="blue")
p = 0.4*normalize(u₁+u₂)
text(p..., "$(round(uangle,sigdigits=2))°", color="blue")
if round(uangle,sigdigits=2) == 90
arc(p + [0.2,0.05], 0.5, 0.23, color="blue")
# plot dashed lines for all possible v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂
plot(Vx,Vy, "r--")
plot(Ux,Uy, "b--")
┌ Warning: `vendor()` is deprecated, use `BLAS.get_config()` and inspect the output instead │ caller = npyinitialize() at numpy.jl:67 └ @ PyCall /Users/stevenj/.julia/packages/PyCall/L0fLP/src/numpy.jl:67
$A$ takes points $v_1, v_2$ on the unit circle and maps them to an ellipse. In general ($n$ dimensions), linear tranformations map the unit sphere to an ellipsoid.
In general, even if $v_1 \perp v_2$, $Av_1$ and $Av_2$ are not orthogonal.
However, for a particular choice of orthonormal input basis, we get orthonormal outputs.
In fact, it turns out that we can always do this for any $m \times n$ matrix $A$ of rank $r$:
We can choose an orthonormal basis $v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_r \in \mathbb{R}^n$ of $C(A^T) = N(A)^\perp$ such that $Av_1, Av_2, \ldots, Av_r$ are an orthogonal basis for $C(A)$!!!
To make an orthonormal basis for $C(A)$, we simply divide $Av_k$ etcetera by their lengths $\sigma_k = \Vert Av_k\Vert$ to get orthonormal vectors $u_k = Av_k /\sigma_k$.
Geometrically, $A$ transforms spheres to ellipsoids with axes oriented along $u_k$ (the "principal axes"), and the "semi-axes" (half-diameters) of the ellipsoid are the $\sigma_k$.
(This is not obvious. We won't have the tools to prove this, or to find these vectors, until later in 18.06.)
Equivalently: $$ Av_k = \sigma_k u_k $$ The matrix $A$ transforms orthormal vectors $v_k$ into orthonormal vectors $u_k$ "stretched" by the factors $\sigma_k$.
The $u_k$ and $v_k$ are called the left and right singular vectors and the $\sigma_k$ are called the singular values. Together, they form the singular value decomposition (the SVD).
In particular, if we put the above relation in matrix form, we have: $$ A \underbrace{ \begin{pmatrix} v_1 & \cdots & v_r \end{pmatrix} }_V = \underbrace{ \begin{pmatrix} u_1 & \cdots & u_r \end{pmatrix} }_U \underbrace{ \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_1 & & & \\ & \sigma_2 & & \\ & & \ddots & \\ & & & \sigma_r \end{pmatrix} }_\Sigma $$
In fact, since $C(V)=C(A^T)=N(A)^\perp$, so that $N(V^T) = N(A)$, we can write: $$ \boxed{A = U\Sigma V^T} = AVV^T = A[VV^T + \underbrace{(I-VV^T)}_{\mbox{proj. to }N(A)}] $$ which is in the form of a matrix factorization, the SVD.
In Julia, you can get these vectors and values with the svd
U, σ, V = svd(A)
σ # the ellipsoid semi-axes
2-element Vector{Float64}: 1.5542476415070756 0.8042476415070755
V # columns of V are the orthogonal "input" basis v₁, v₂
2×2 adjoint(::Matrix{Float64}) with eltype Float64: -0.874642 -0.484769 -0.484769 0.874642
for (v,s,c) in ((V[:,1],"v₁","red"), (V[:,2],"v₂","red"),
(U[:,1],"u₁","blue"), (U[:,2],"u₂","blue"))
arrow(0,0,v..., color=c, width=0.04, length_includes_head=true)
text(((norm(v)+0.15)*normalize(v))..., s, color=c)
title(L"the singular vectors of $A$")
PyObject Text(0.5, 1.0, 'the singular vectors of $A$')
Modulo an arbitrary choice of sign ($v_1$ is flipped in sign), this is exactly the case of $\theta \approx 29^\circ$ that we found above which gave $Av_1 \perp Av_2$. Julia has now computed a much more precise angle where this happens:
rad2deg(acos(-V[1,1])) # rotation angle of the basis, in degrees
The SVD $A = U\Sigma V^T$ can be thought of as: to compute $Ax$ for any $x$ you (1) compute $x$'s components in the $V$ basis with $V^Tx$, then (2) multiply each coefficient by the $\sigma_k$, and (3) add up in the $U$ basis. In the SVD basis, any matrix $A$ acts like a bunch of scalars $\sigma_k$ once you have decomposed $x$ into the right input and output basis!
This can be also written $$ \boxed{A = \sigma_1 u_1 v_1^T + \sigma_2 u_2 v_2^T + \cdots + \sigma_r u_r v_r^T} $$ That is, any matrix $A$ of rank $r$ can be written as a sum of r rank-1 matrices with orthogonal vectors, weighted by the singular values $\sigma$.
It is conventional to sort the singular values in descending order $$ \boxed{\sigma_1 \ge \sigma_2 \ge \cdots \ge \sigma_r} $$ In this way, the earlier singular vectors describe the more "important" part of the matrix $A$: the part that has a bigger effect on the output of $Ax$.
Because the SVD decomposes A into orthogonal components, sorted by "importance" it is extremely useful in data analysis for pulling out the "most important" parts of a data. There is a whole statistical technique, principal component analysis (PCA) that is based on this.
If we take only the first k (< r) singular values of $A$, we can think of it as an "approximate" version of A that throws out the "less important" parts. This is called a low-rank approximation of a matrix: $$ A \approx \sigma_1 u_1 v_1^T + \sigma_2 u_2 v_2^T + \cdots + \sigma_k u_k v_k^T $$
A great way to visualize this is to look at images, which can be thought of as matrices of numbers representing the red, green, and blue (RGB) components of the image.
using Images, FileIO
picture = download("")
pimage = load(picture)
p = Float64.(channelview(pimage)) # convert to an array
"3×198×313 Array{Float64, 3}"
pr,pg,pb = p[1,:,:],p[2,:,:],p[3,:,:]
Ur,σr,Vr = svd(pr)
Ug,σg,Vg = svd(pg)
Ub,σb,Vb = svd(pb);
imshow(cat(pr,0*pg,0*pb, dims=3))
imshow(cat(0*pr,pg,0*pb, dims=3))
imshow(cat(0*pr,0*pg,pb, dims=3))
PyObject <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x7fd9e4c42f50>
semilogy(σr, "r.")
semilogy(σg, "g.")
semilogy(σb, "b.")
title("exponential decay of singular values of Strang image")
PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fd9e6ed3050>
# clip x to [0,1] so that imshow doesn't complain about rounding errors
# that lead to values slightly outside this range.
clip01(x) = max(min(x, 1), 0)
clip01 (generic function with 1 method)
fig = figure()
# @manipulate for k=slider(1:40,value=1)
for k in 1:5:26
withfig(fig) do
title("rank $k approximation")
p̂r = clip01.(Ur[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σr[1:k])*Vr[:,1:k]')
p̂g = clip01.(Ug[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σg[1:k])*Vg[:,1:k]')
p̂b = clip01.(Ub[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σb[1:k])*Vb[:,1:k]')
imshow(cat(p̂r,p̂g,p̂b, dims=3))
pics = Dict{String,Array}()
pics["Ukraine"] = load(download(""))
pics["USA"] = load(download(""))
# pics["Klingon"] = load(download(""))
# display(pics["Klingon"])
fig = figure()
# @manipulate for flagimg in collect(keys(pics)), k=slider(1:40,value=1)
for flagimg in collect(keys(pics)), k=1:10
withfig(fig) do
title("rank-$k approximation of $flagimg flag")
p = float.(channelview(pics[flagimg])) # convert to an array
pr,pg,pb = p[1,:,:],p[2,:,:],p[3,:,:]
Ur,σr,Vr = svd(pr)
Ug,σg,Vg = svd(pg)
Ub,σb,Vb = svd(pb)
p̂r = clip01.(Ur[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σr[1:k])*Vr[:,1:k]')
p̂g = clip01.(Ug[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σg[1:k])*Vg[:,1:k]')
p̂b = clip01.(Ub[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σb[1:k])*Vb[:,1:k]')
imshow(cat(p̂r,p̂g,p̂b, dims=3))
Moral of the story: if k is large enough,
U[:,1:k] * Diagonal(σ[1:k]) * V[:,1:k]'
= \sigma_1 u_1 v_1^T + \sigma_2 u_2 v_2^T + \cdots + \sigma_k u_k v_k^T
$$is a good approximation to A often requiring less storage and less computation, revealing the "most important" parts of A.
Consider the matrix $$ B = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 1 & 2.01 \end{pmatrix} $$ The rows (and columns) of $B$ are nearly linearly dependent. Maybe they were "supposed" to be exactly dependent but there was some error (e.g. measurement error) in constructing $B$.
The SVD of $B$ reveals that fact, because one of the singular values is much smaller than the other:
B = [1 2
1 2.01]
σ = svdvals(B) # returns just the σ values
2-element Vector{Float64}: 3.168610111694078 0.0031559578640154287
We say that the matrix $B$ is ill-conditioned. The condition number of a full-rank matrix is the ratio $\sigma_1 / \sigma_r = \sigma_\max / \sigma_\min$ of largest to smallest singular value. It is computed in Julia by the cond
cond(B) # same thing: the condition number of B
If we plot what $B$ does to a circle, it almost projects it to a line. The output ellipse is so thin we can't really see it is an ellipse.
Θ = range(0,2π, length=200)
V = [[cos(θ),sin(θ)] for θ in Θ]
U = [B*v for v in V]
Vx, Vy = first.(V), last.(V)
Ux, Uy = first.(U), last.(U)
plot(Vx,Vy, "r--")
plot(Ux,Uy, "b--")
legend(["input circle", "output ellipse"])
title("inputs and outputs of ill-conditioned B")
PyObject Text(0.5, 1.0, 'inputs and outputs of ill-conditioned B')
So, $B$ is almost the rank-1 matrix $\tilde{B} = \sigma_1 u_1 v_1^T$:
U,σ,V = svd(B)
B̃ = σ[1] * U[:,1] * V[:,1]' # "best" rank-1 approximation to B
2×2 Matrix{Float64}: 0.997999 2.001 1.00199 2.00901
B̃ - B
2×2 Matrix{Float64}: -0.00200098 0.000997992 0.00199301 -0.000994014
What happens if we blindly try to solve $Bx = b$ without knowing this fact?
First, because $B$ is nearly singular, $x = B^{-1} b$ tends to be pretty large for most $b$: we almost divided by zero:
x = B \ [1, 2]
2-element Vector{Float64}: -199.00000000000426 100.00000000000213
Second, the result can be hugely sensitive to small changes in b:
B \ [1, 1]
2-element Vector{Float64}: 1.0 0.0
B \ [1, 1.01]
2-element Vector{Float64}: -1.0000000000000444 1.0000000000000222
This is a general problem with "ill-conditioned" (nearly singular) systems of equations: the results can be very sensitive to tiny errors in the inputs (or to tiny roundoff errors during the computation).