This is an example from my notes on adjoint methods for recurrence relations.
In particular, we have a simple linear recurrence: $$ x^n = Ax^{n-1} + \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ p_n \end{pmatrix} $$ in terms of parameters $p$, with initial condition: $$ x^0 = b = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} $$ and $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta & \sin\theta \\ -\sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{pmatrix} $$ We execute this recurrence for $N$ steps, and at the end we compute $g(p) = (x^N_2)^2$. The goal is to compute the partial derivatives $d g / d p_n$ for $n = 1,\ldots,N$.
θ = 0.1
A = [ cos(θ) sin(θ); -sin(θ) cos(θ)]
N = 100
p = rand(N)
b = [1,0]
2-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 0
# compute xᴺ
function recurrence(A, b, p)
x = b
for i = 1:length(p)
x = A * x + [0,p[i]]
return x
recurrence (generic function with 1 method)
recurrence(A, b, p)
2-element Array{Float64,1}: 9.29829 -3.75176
Here is the implementation of $g$ and $dg/dp$ by the adjoint method, as explained in the notes. This involves computing the recurrence "forward" to obtain $x^n$, saving the results for each $n$ (using a $2\times N+1$ matrix X
here), then computing the adjoint recurrence "backward" to obtain $\lambda$ and accumulate $dg/dp$.
# compute g(x) = x[2]^2 from last iteration, and dg/dp, by adjoint method
function recurrence_adjoint(A, b, p)
X = Array(Float64, 2, length(p)+1)
X[:,1] = b
for i = 1:length(p)
X[:,i+1] = A * X[:,i] + [0,p[i]]
λ = [0, 2*X[2,end]]
dgdp = Array(Float64, length(p))
for i = length(p):-1:1
dgdp[i] = λ[2]
λ = A'λ
return X[2,end]^2, dgdp
recurrence_adjoint (generic function with 1 method)
recurrence_adjoint(A, b, p)
(14.07573606941016,[6.67207,6.98148,7.22113,7.38863,7.48231,7.50123,7.44519,7.31477,7.11126,6.83669 … -4.66427,-5.22776,-5.73902,-6.19293,-6.58497,-6.91121,-7.16839,-7.35396,-7.46604,-7.50353])
For comparison, we will compute $dg/dp$ by a center difference approximation: $\partial g/\partial p_n \approx [g(p + \delta e_n) - g(p - \delta e_n)] / 2\delta$ for some small $\delta$.
function recurrence_FD(A, b, p, δ=1e-5)
g = recurrence(A, b, p)[2]^2
dgdp = Array(Float64, length(p))
for i = 1:length(p)
pold = p[i]
p[i] = pold + δ
g₊ = recurrence(A, b, p)[2]^2
p[i] = pold - δ
g₋ = recurrence(A, b, p)[2]^2
dgdp[i] = (g₊ - g₋) / (2δ)
p[i] = pold
return g, dgdp
recurrence_FD (generic function with 2 methods)
As we might have hoped, the answers are pretty close (limited by roundoff error and/or finite-difference error):
norm(recurrence_FD(A, b, p)[2] - recurrence_adjoint(A, b, p)[2])
In practice, it is really easy to make mistakes in computing derivatives of complicated functions by hand, so it is always important to check your results against a finite-difference approximation.
It is interesting to ask what the influence of the finite-difference step $\delta$ is in this problem, by plotting the error vs. $\delta$:
using PyPlot
δ = logspace(-15, -1, 100)
loglog(δ, [norm(recurrence_adjoint(A, b, p)[2] - recurrence_FD(A, b, p, d)[2]) for d in δ], ".-")
xlabel("finite-difference step δ")
ylabel("norm of error in dg/dp")
PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x31730e050>
At first glance, this seems ridiculous: the errors get monotonically worse as $\delta$ decreases! How can this be right?
The key point is to realize that our $g(p)$ depends quadratically on $p$, and a center-difference approximation is exact for a quadratic function in exact arithmetic. So, all of the difference arises due to roundoff errors. In the finite-difference approximation, the difference $g(p + \delta e_n) - g(p - \delta e_n)$ is the difference of two nearly equal quantities as $\delta \to 0$, so there is a large cancellation error in the result (i.e. the result arises from the least significant digits of $g$), and hence the error worsens with decreasing $\delta$.