This notebook accompanies the first problem set posted on the 18.335 web page, and is here to get you started with the Julia computations.
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file) by right-clicking the download link at the upper-right to Save As a file, and then drag this file into your Jupyter dashboard to upload it (e.g. on or in a local installation).
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Give your solution to Trefethen problem 13.2(c) below. Note that you can use the Insert menu (or ctrl-m b) to insert new code cells as needed.
Compute $(|x|^4 + |y|^4)^{1/4}$:
L4(x,y) = ...
Some tests:
Compute $\cot(x) - \cot(x + y)$:
cotdiff(x,y) = ...
Some tests:
cotdiff(1.0, 1e-20)
cotdiff(big(1.0), big(1e-20)) # compute in BigFloat precision
Suppose we are trying to find a root $f(x)=0$ and we are given ways to compute $f$, $f'$, and $f''$. You will design an algorithm to take advantage of this, and apply it to $f(x)=x^3-1$.
(You should be able to base your code on the Newton square-root example from class.)
# Sum x[first:last]. This function works, but is a little slower than we would like.
function div2sum(x, first=1, last=length(x))
n = last - first + 1;
if n < 2
s = zero(eltype(x))
for i = first:last
s += x[i]
return s
mid = div(first + last, 2) # find middle as (first+last)/2, rounding down
return div2sum(x, first, mid) + div2sum(x, mid+1, last)
# check its accuracy for a set logarithmically spaced n's. Since div2sum is slow,
# we won't go to very large n or use too many points
N = round.(Int, 10 .^ range(1,7,length=50)) # 50 points from 10¹ to 10⁷
err = Float64[]
for n in N
x = rand(Float32, n)
xdouble = Float64.(x)
push!(err, abs(div2sum(x) - sum(xdouble)) / abs(sum(xdouble)))
using PyPlot
loglog(N, err, "bo-")
title("simple div2sum")
xlabel("number of summands")
ylabel("relative error")
Time it vs. the built-in sum
(which is also written in Julia):
x = rand(Float32, 10^7)
@time div2sum(x)
@time div2sum(x)
@time div2sum(x)
@time sum(x)
@time sum(x)
@time sum(x)
You should notice that it's pretty darn slow compared to sum
, although in an absolute sense it is pretty good. Make it faster: