The QR algorithm computes the real Schur decomposition of a nonsymmetric matrix, $A = U T U^T$, in two phases:
The real Schur decomposition hides the eigenvalues of $A$ along it's diagonal (scroll down for more info) and the eigenvectors of $A$ can be extracted from the orthogonal matrices $U$ with additional work. The real Schur decomposition allows us to continue to work with orthogonal transformations of $A$ and still reveals the eigenvalues of nonsymmetric $A$. The Hessenberg reduction is the nonsymmetric analogue of the tridiagonal reduction stage in the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition.
With the right choice of shifts, $\mu^{(1)},\mu^{(2)},\mu^{(3)},\ldots,$ the iterates $A^{(k)}$ typically converge to $T$. The eigenvalues of $A$ can be extracted directly from the diagonal of $T$ and the eigenvectors of $A$ can be computed with some additional postprocessing.
This notebook walks through the two phases and introduces two concepts that make QR iterations fly: deflation and implicit double shifts ("bulge-chasing").
Here's our generic dense matrix $A$ with real entries (the blue blocks in the spy plot denote nonzero entries).
using LinearAlgebra
using PyPlot
n = 10
A = rand(n,n)
spy(abs.(A) .> 1e-12, markersize = 12)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}: 0.596743 0.953508 0.160266 … 0.685694 0.635918 0.585804 0.974072 0.280291 0.689595 0.464274 0.856417 0.622869 0.639517 0.88061 0.554528 0.0321642 0.309086 0.210872 0.993187 0.871752 0.656522 0.100221 0.358144 0.0672854 0.780664 0.570967 0.464813 0.607093 0.7083 0.0611541 0.193732 0.635558 0.0718944 … 0.743273 0.141546 0.746133 0.338093 0.271387 0.791033 0.182219 0.832148 0.507381 0.587215 0.637329 0.957485 0.413398 0.677972 0.0895093 0.0907199 0.909522 0.441795 0.69461 0.0862548 0.839091 0.823763 0.0253694 0.602349 0.475098 0.227959 0.657145
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000006815B8B0>
Both phases lean heavily on Householder reflections! The orthogonal matrices $O$ and $Q^{(k)}$ above will be constructed as a sequence of Householder transformations $$O = O_1 O_2 \cdots O_{n-2},$$ and $$Q^{(k)} = Q_1^{(k)} Q_2^{(k)} \cdots Q_{n-1}^{(k)}.$$
One can also use Givens rotations at a slightly increased cost in flops (Pset 3, problem 10.4).
# get reflector for Householder transformation
function reflector( x )
v = zeros(length(x))
v[1] = sign(x[1]) * norm(x) + x[1]
v[2:end] = x[2:end]
v = v / norm(v)
return v
# apply Householder transformation to A from left, i.e., QA = (I-vv')A
function hhtLeft( A, v)
return A - 2 * v * (transpose(v) * A)
# apply Householder transformation to A from right, i.e., AQ = A(I-vv')
function hhtRight( A, v)
return A - 2 * (A * v) * transpose(v)
# Householder reflection "zeros out" all but first entry
a = rand(10)
v = reflector(a)
Qa = hhtLeft(a, v)
display([norm(a) norm(Qa)]) # length of a is preserved by orthogonal transformation
display(Qa) # all entries but first are now (numerically) zero
1×2 Matrix{Float64}: 1.70181 1.70181
10-element Vector{Float64}: -1.7018074194650175 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.1102230246251565e-16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In Phase 1, we apply $n-2$ orthogonal transformations on both the left and right of A to make it upper Hessenberg. Upper Hessenberg form means that the matrix is "almost" triangular, except for nonzero entries on the first subdiagonal. Upper Hessenberg form can be achieved directly with a finite sequence of Householder reflections and it makes subsquent QR iterations an order of magnitude faster (among other advantages).
Here's what A looks like after applying the first pair, $A_1 = O_1^T A O_1$. Recall that the blue blocks represent nonzero entries.
# orthogonal transform from the left introduces zeros in first column below first subdiagonal
A1 = A
v1 = reflector(A1[2:end,1])
A1[2:end,:] = hhtLeft(A1[2:end,:], v1)
# same orthogonal transform applied from the right doesn't affect zeros in first column
A1[:,2:end] = hhtRight(A1[:,2:end], v1)
spy(abs.(A1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}: 0.596743 -1.25018 -0.308241 … 0.255504 0.569457 -0.0176796 -2.03399 3.41012 -0.660115 -0.0199233 -1.25279 0.410544 0.0 -0.121033 -0.0868371 -0.396207 -0.18961 -0.290792 0.0 0.244933 -0.14208 -0.383744 -0.388333 -0.45747 0.0 -0.198901 -0.221831 0.172579 0.113196 -0.427218 0.0 -1.16798 -0.44132 … 0.320664 -0.0547675 0.183356 0.0 -0.690966 0.359946 -0.128739 0.55545 0.12364 0.0 -0.206194 0.384774 0.0349365 0.22236 -0.350258 0.0 -1.48868 -0.128838 0.193419 -0.0525304 0.150087 0.0 0.110407 0.068586 0.191781 -0.372935 0.387567
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x00000000681E0580>
And after applying the second pair, $A_2 = O_2^T A_1 O_2$.
# orthogonal transform from the left introduces zeros in second column below subdiagonal
A2 = A1
v2 = reflector(A2[3:end,2])
A2[3:end,:] = hhtLeft(A2[3:end,:], v2)
# same orthogonal transform applied from the right doesn't affect zeros in first or second column
A2[:,3:end] = hhtRight(A2[:,3:end], v2)
spy(abs.(A2).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}: 0.596743 -1.25018 -0.757457 -0.642306 … 0.262262 0.00510325 -2.03399 3.41012 1.81005 -0.0852633 0.436418 0.285265 0.0 2.05589 0.657158 0.232917 0.108233 -0.217807 0.0 5.55112e-17 0.0906292 -0.573999 -0.205463 -0.481729 0.0 -5.55112e-17 0.108026 0.24052 0.319494 -0.433831 0.0 -2.22045e-16 -0.026432 0.213825 … 0.11578 0.221718 0.0 -1.11022e-16 -0.0295866 0.750071 0.222118 0.178538 0.0 -5.55112e-17 -0.377386 -0.247072 -0.318819 -0.301117 0.0 -2.22045e-16 0.155633 0.0499277 -0.00224333 0.211374 0.0 2.77556e-17 0.417369 0.429849 -0.123723 0.364263
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0000000068240070>
After applying the remaining $n-4$ transformations, we obtain the upper Hessenberg matrix $$ H = O_{n-2}^T\cdots O_2^T O_1^T A O_1 O_2 \cdots O_{n-2}.$$
# orthogonal similarity transforms convert to upper Hessenberg
H = A2;
for j=3:n-2
vj = reflector(H[j+1:end,j]) # get Householder reflector
H[j+1:end,:] = hhtLeft(H[j+1:end,:], vj) # orthogonal transform from left
H[:,j+1:end] = hhtRight(H[:,j+1:end], vj) # same orthgonal transform from right
spy(abs.(H).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
10×10 Matrix{Float64}: 0.596743 -1.25018 -0.757457 … 0.533076 -0.170799 0.0412546 -2.03399 3.41012 1.81005 0.301308 -0.2674 -0.277479 0.0 2.05589 0.657158 -0.0607439 0.598446 0.028592 0.0 -1.0241e-17 -0.60191 0.130176 0.364182 0.28029 0.0 -3.85641e-17 -2.56192e-17 -0.238278 -0.231879 -0.325169 0.0 2.14035e-16 8.50065e-18 … 0.0249621 -0.0326442 0.46533 0.0 -6.37623e-17 -1.92207e-17 0.174885 -0.148479 -0.134659 0.0 -1.71321e-16 -1.64916e-17 -0.111072 -0.446685 -0.135896 0.0 6.2973e-17 -3.12278e-17 0.238548 0.517943 -0.06716 0.0 1.90167e-16 -3.06745e-17 0.0 -0.203549 -0.20485
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0000000000D2E7C0>
Of course, by similarity we know that $H = O^T A O$ still has the same eigenvalues as $A$.
[eigen(A).values eigen(H).values]
10×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}: -1.13088+0.0im -1.13088+0.0im -0.402147+0.0im -0.402147+0.0im -0.247587-0.635938im -0.247587-0.635938im -0.247587+0.635938im -0.247587+0.635938im -0.197061+0.0im -0.197061+0.0im 0.374731-0.571987im 0.374731-0.571987im 0.374731+0.571987im 0.374731+0.571987im 0.500927-0.111393im 0.500927-0.111393im 0.500927+0.111393im 0.500927+0.111393im 5.02014+0.0im 5.02014+0.0im
During a single unshifted QR iteration, the QR step triangularizes $A^{(k-1)}$ and the RQ step restores $A^{(k)}$ to upper Hessenberg form. To triangularize the upper Hessenberg matrix $A^{(k)}$, we use $(n-1)$ $2\times2$ Householder transformations to introduce zeros on the subdiagonal: $$ R = (Q^{(k)}_{n-1})^T\cdots (Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)}.$$
function hessQR( A ) # compute QR factorization of upper Hessenberg matrix with 2 x 2 Householder transformations
R = copy(A)
n = size(R,2)
V = zeros(2,n-1)
for j = 1:n-1
v = reflector( R[j:j+1,j])
R[j:j+1,:] = hhtLeft(R[j:j+1,:], v)
V[:,j] = v
return R, V # outputs triangular factor and sequence of 2 x 2 Householder reflectors for orthogonal factor
H1 = H # First, triangularize upper Hessenberg matrix via QR factorization
R, V = hessQR( H1 )
spy(abs.(R).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000171FE80>
Applying the same $2\times 2$ Householder transformations on the right mixes two columns at a time, reintroducing zeros on the subdiagonal. This RQ step transforms $R$ to the upper Hessenber matrix $A^{(k)}$: $$ A^{(k)} = R^{(k)} Q^{(k)}_1\cdots Q^{(k)}_{n-1}.$$
function hessRQ( R, V ) # compute RQ by applying 2 x 2 Householder transformations from the right
A = copy(R)
n = size(A,2)
for j = 1:n-1
A[:,j:j+1] = hhtRight(A[:,j:j+1], V[:,j])
return A
H2 = hessRQ( R, V ) # Second, return to upper Hessenberg form by completing similarity transform (apply Q from right)
spy(abs.(H2).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0000000000E6CCA0>
Notice that combining the two steps reveals a similarity transform: $$A^{(k)} = R^{(k)} Q^{(k)}_1\cdots Q^{(k)}_{n-1} = (Q^{(k)}_{n-1})^T\cdots (Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1\cdots Q^{(k)}_{n-1}.$$ The eigenvalues of $A^{(k)}$ are the eigenvalues of $A^{(k-1)}$, and consequently, the eigenvalues of the initial Hessenberg matrix $H$ and the original matrix $A$.
Applying QR iterations to $H$ tends to drive the subdiagonal entires to zero, so that (aggregating the orthogonal transformations from Phase 1 and Phase 2 into an orthogonal matrix $U$) we recover approximations to the real Schur form of A, $$ U^T A U = T.$$
If $A$ has real eigenvalues, $T$ is a triangular matrix with the eigenvalues of $A$ on its diagonal. For example, $$T = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_1 & X & X & X \\ 0 & \lambda_2 & X & X \\ 0 & 0 & \lambda_3 & X \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \lambda_4 \end{bmatrix}.$$
However, notice above that $A$ may have complex eigenvalues even though the entries of $A$ are real. This is analogous (in fact, equivalent) to the fact that polynomials with real coefficients may have complex roots. Such complex eigenvalues (or roots) always come in complex conjugate pairs. In this case, the real Schur form contains $2\times 2$ blocks along the diagonal corresponding precisely to the complex eigenvalues, e.g., $$T = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_1 & X & X & X \\ 0 & a & b & X \\ 0 & c & d & X \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \lambda_4 \end{bmatrix}.$$ The eigenvalues of the $2\times 2$ diagonal block $\smash{\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d\end{bmatrix}}$ comprise a conjugate pair of complex eigenvalues of $A$, while $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_4$ are real eigenvalues of $A$.
In general, $T$ is a real block upper triangular matrix of the form $$T = \begin{bmatrix} T_{11} & T_{12} & \cdots & T_{1n} \\ 0 & T_{22} & \cdots & T_{2n} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 & T_{nn} \end{bmatrix},$$ where the block diagonal entries $T_{11},\ldots,T_{nn}$ are $1\times 1$ or $2\times 2$, corresponding to the real and complex eigenvalues of A, respectively.
F = schur(A)
display(F.values) # eigenvalues extracted from Schur decomposition
spy(abs.(F.T).>1e-12, markersize = 12) # visualize block tridiagonal structure
10-element Vector{ComplexF64}: 5.0201430332243175 + 0.0im -1.1308791303789132 + 0.0im -0.2475866142161597 + 0.6359382912707199im -0.2475866142161597 - 0.6359382912707199im 0.3747313744107058 + 0.5719869329089322im 0.3747313744107058 - 0.5719869329089322im 0.5009265862450623 + 0.11139268948728849im 0.5009265862450623 - 0.11139268948728849im -0.40214703762698834 + 0.0im -0.19706148707858062 + 0.0im
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x00000000017A2F10>
If we run some simple (unshifted) QR iterations on $H$, the iterates tend to approach the real Schur form. However, convergence can be very slow and is not guaranteed. To visualize, we can plot the magnitude of the subdiagonal entries at each iteration: we hope that $n - \#(\text{complex eigenvalues})/2$ of these entries will converge to zero to match the real Schur form. But some of them may converge much slower than others (or not at all).
Hk = H
n_iter = 100
Hksd1 = zeros(n-1, n_iter)
for k = 1:n_iter
QR = qr(Hk) # using LinearAlgebra.qr for convenience here, in practice (and below)
Hk = QR.R*QR.Q # we will want to take advantage of Hessenberg structure for faster QR!
Hksd1[:,k] = diag(Hk, -1)
spy(abs.(Hk).>1e-12, markersize = 12) # visual check on convergence to real Schur form
plot(log.(abs.(transpose(Hksd1)))) # subdiagonal elements driven to zero?
9-element Vector{PyCall.PyObject}: PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185C700> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185C760> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185C880> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185C9A0> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185CAC0> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185CBE0> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185CD00> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185CE20> PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000185CF40>
Now, let's take a look at two techniques designed to accelerate the Hessenberg QR iterations: deflation and shift strategies. These ideas work powerfully in tandem with each other to make the Phase 2 iterations fly.
When a subdiagonal entry in the Hessenberg matrix $H$ is zero, the eigenvalue problem can be reduced to two smaller eigenvalue problems. We have that $$H = \begin{bmatrix} H_{11} & H_{12} \\ & H_{22} \end{bmatrix},$$ where $H_{11}$ and $H_{22}$ are upper Hessenberg. In analogy with with the fact that the eigenvalues of a triangular matrix must lie on the diagonal, the eigenvalues of a block triangular matrix are simply the eigenvalues of the diagonal blocks. Actually, we have already seen an example of this with the real Schur form! Consequently, the eigenvalues of $H$ are precisely the eigenvalues of $H_{11}$ together with the eigenvalues of $H_{22}$.
# upper Hessenberg matrix with zero on subdiagonal
HH = randn(n,n)
HH = convert(Array, UpperHessenberg(HH))
HH[n-1,n-2] = 0
# compare eigenvalues and visualize block triangular structure of HH,
# note that eigenvalues are sorted by real part
HHEvals = sort(eigen(HH).values, by = x -> real(x))
HHBlockEvals = sort([eigen(HH[1:n-2,1:n-2]).values; eigen(HH[n-1:end,n-1:end]).values], by = x -> real(x))
display([HHEvals HHBlockEvals])
spy(abs.(HH).>1e-15, markersize = 12)
10×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}: -2.34167+0.0im -2.34167+0.0im -1.58187+0.0im -1.58187+0.0im -1.16056+0.0im -1.16056+0.0im -0.648278+0.0im -0.648278+0.0im -0.645407+0.0im -0.645407+0.0im -0.596147-1.35397im -0.596147-1.35397im -0.596147+1.35397im -0.596147+1.35397im 0.658336+0.0im 0.658336+0.0im 1.69829+0.0im 1.69829+0.0im 2.11882+0.0im 2.11882+0.0im
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0000000001C81F40>
When a subdiagonal entry in the last or second to last row is zero, then $H_{22}$ is a $1\times 1$ or $2\times 2$ matrix and we can go beyond reduction to deflation. If $H_{22}$ is $1\times 1$, then $H_{22}$ itself is an eigenvalue of $A$ and if $H_{22}$ is $2\times 2$, we can find its eigenvalues by calculating the roots of the characteristic polynomial (e.g., with the quadratic formula). We then proceed with QR iterations on the $H_{11}$ block. We don't need to do any further computations with the blocks $H_{12}$ or $H_{22}$!
In the next section, we will discuss shifts for the Hessenberg QR iterations whose purpose is to rapidly shrink the subdiagonal entries in the last two rows of $A^{(k)}$. When one of these entries is close enough to zero, we deflate this small lower right block and continue with QR iterations on the large upper left block. We repeat this procedure until the upper left block is a $2\times 2$ matrix, at which point we can calculate the last two eigenvalues analytically.
# calculate eigenvalues of 2x2 matrix via numerically
# stable quadratic formula for roots of characteristic
# polynomial.
function eig2x2( A )
tr = A[1,1]+A[2,2]
det = A[1,1]*A[2,2]-A[1,2]*A[2,1]
if tr^2 >= 4 * det # real eigenvalues
lam = zeros(2)
if tr <= 0 # avoid possible cancellation
d = tr - sqrt(tr^2 - 4 * det)
lam[1] = d / 2.0
lam[2] = 2.0 * det / d
d = tr + sqrt(tr^2 - 4 * det)
lam[1] = 2.0 * det / d
lam[2] = d / 2.0
else # complex eigenvalues
lam = 1im*zeros(2)
d = sqrt(4 * det - tr^2)
lam[1] = (tr - 1im * d) / 2.0
lam[2] = (tr + 1im * d) / 2.0
return lam
# eigenvalues of the lower right 2x2 block in the previous example (test against eigen().values)
evals = eig2x2(HH[end-1:end,end-1:end])
2-element Vector{Float64}: -0.6482784032291332 1.698287308681436
2-element Vector{Float64}: -0.6482784032291331 1.698287308681436
The efficacy of deflation depends on the introduction of carefully selected shifts $\mu^{(1)}, \mu^{(2)},\mu^{(3)},\ldots,$ such that $$Q^{(k)}R^{(k)} = A^{(k-1)}-\mu^{(k)}I, \qquad \text{and}\qquad A^{(k)} = R^{(k)}Q^{(k)} + \mu^{(k)}I.$$ The second update is equivalent to $A^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)})^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}$. How should we choose these shifts?
In Lecture 13, we studied Rayleight Quotient shifts for real symmetric matrices, defined as $$\mu^{(k)} = A^{(k-1)}_{nn} = (\underbar{q}_n^{(k-1)})^T A \underbar{q}_n^{(k-1)} \qquad\text{where}\qquad \underbar{Q}^{(k-1)} = Q^{(1)}Q^{(2)}\cdots Q^{(k-1)}.$$ These shifts usually cause $A^{(k)}_{nn}$ to converge rapidly to an eigenvalue of $A$ while the remaining entries in the last row and column are driven to zero. Rayleigh Quotient shifts may not always converge, but this is fixable. The Wilkinson shift calculates the eigenvalues of the $2\times 2$ submatrix in the lower rightmost corner of $A^{(k)}$ and uses the one that is closest to $A^{(k-1)}_{nn}$ for the $k^{th}$ shift. This strategy always converges rapidly (usually cubically) for symmetric matrices.
As nonsymmetric matrices may have complex eigenvalues, Wilkinson shifts may be complex-valued and subsequent QR iterations would require complex arithmetic (approximately doubling the computation cost). Since these complex eigenvalues come in conjugate pairs when $A$ is real, John Francis suggested combining two shifts into a single step to avoid complex arithmetic. E.g., when a Wilkinson shift $\mu^{(k)}$ is complex, the QR iteration takes a double step: $$Q^{(k)}R^{(k)} = (A^{(k-1)}-\bar \mu^{(k)}I)(A^{(k-1)}-\mu^{(k)}I) = (A^{(k-1)})^2 - 2{\rm real}(\mu^{(k)}) A^{(k-1)} + |\mu^{(k)}|^2 I,$$ and then $$A^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)})^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}.$$ The Francis double shift bypasses complex arithmetic and usually drives the bottom left submatrix rapidly to the associated block of the real Schur form. We can deflate the block, extract the associated eigenvalues, and repeat the process until all the eigenvalues have been calculated.
function doubleShift( A ) # get real coefficients b = - 2 * real(mu), c = |mu|^2 for double shift
mu = eig2x2( A )
if isreal(mu) # double Wilksinson shift if eigenvalues are real
if abs(mu[1] - A[end,end]) < abs(mu[2] - A[end,end])
b = -2 * mu[1]
c = mu[1] ^ 2
b = -2 * mu[2]
c = mu[2] ^ 2
else # double Francis shift if eigenvalues are complex
b = -2*real(mu[1])
c = abs2(mu[1])
return b,c
function doubleQRstep( H1, b, c ) # execute one QR iteration with double shift polynomial coeffs 1, b, and c
QR = qr(H1*H1 + b * H1 + c * I) # using LinearAlgebra.qr for convenience here, in practice (and below)
H2 = transpose(QR.Q) * H1 * QR.Q # we will want to take advantage of Hessenberg structure for faster QR!
return H2
Hk = H
tol = 1e-8 * norm(H)
n_iter = 16 * n
count_iter = 0
n_converged = 0
lam = zeros(size(H,1))+im*zeros(size(H,1))
while n_converged < n && count_iter <= n_iter # Explicit double shifted QR iterations with deflation
(b, c) = doubleShift( Hk[end-1:end,end-1:end] ) # get double shift coeffs
Hk = doubleQRstep( Hk, b, c) # QR step with double shift
if abs(Hk[end,end-1]) < tol # deflate 1 x 1 or 2 x 2 blocks
n_converged += 1
lam[n_converged] = Hk[end,end]
Hk = Hk[1:end-1,1:end-1]
elseif abs(Hk[end-1,end-2]) < tol
n_converged += 2
lam[n_converged-1:n_converged] = eig2x2( Hk[end-1:end,end-1:end] )
Hk = Hk[1:end-2,1:end-2]
if size(Hk) == (1,1) # stop after last 1 x 1 or 2 x 2 block
lam[end] = Hk[1,1]
return lam
elseif size(Hk) == (2,2)
lam[end-1:end] = eig2x2( Hk )
return lam
count_iter += 1
# sort computed eigenvalues by their real part and compare with the built-in LinearAlgebra solver eigen()
display([sort(eigen(A).values, by = x -> real(x)) sort(lam, by = x -> real(x))])
using Printf
@printf "Convergence required about %.2f iterations per eigenvalue\n" (count_iter / n)
10×2 Matrix{ComplexF64}: -1.13088+0.0im -1.13088+0.0im -0.402147+0.0im -0.402147+0.0im -0.247587-0.635938im -0.247587-0.635938im -0.247587+0.635938im -0.247587+0.635938im -0.197061+0.0im -0.197061+0.0im 0.374731-0.571987im 0.374731-0.571987im 0.374731+0.571987im 0.374731+0.571987im 0.500927-0.111393im 0.500927-0.111393im 0.500927+0.111393im 0.500927+0.111393im 5.02014+0.0im 5.02014+0.0im
Convergence required about 1.20 iterations per eigenvalue
After incorporating the shift and deflation strategies outlined above, the QR algorithm typically converges with only several iterations per eigenvalue.
The Hessenberg reduction step, deflation techniques, and shifting strategies all work together to improve the efficiency of the Phase 2 iterations. But explicitly forming the double shift polynomial is itself expensive with a cost of approximately $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ flops per iteration. Moreover, forming the double shift polynomial explicitly has implications for numerical stability because it is not an orthogonal transformation.
Fortunately, we can avoid forming the double shift polynomial and implement the shifts implicitly. To see how, we need to take a closer look at one double shift QR iteration and pay careful attention to the introduction of new zero and nonzero entries during the iteration.
First, we compute the QR factorization of the double shift polynomial with Householder transformations. If $A^{(k-1)}$ is upper Hessenberg, then the double shift polynomial, $$p(A^{(k-1)}) = (A^{(k-1)})^2 - 2{\rm real}(\mu^{(k)}) A^{(k-1)} + |\mu^{(k)}|^2 I,$$ can have two nonzero subdiagonals.
b, c = doubleShift(H[end-1:end,end-1:end])
pH = H*H + b*H + c*I
spy(abs.(pH).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x0000000001CD5850>
We need to zero out both subdiagonal entries in the first $n-1$ columns: we can accomplish this with $(n-2)$ $3\times 3$ Householder transformations and one final $2\times 2$ Householder transformation: $$R^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)}_{n-1})^T\cdots (Q^{(k)}_1)^T p(A^{(k-1)}).$$
function doubleHessQR( A )
n = size(A,2)
R = copy(A)
V = zeros(3, n-1)
for j = 1:n-2
v = reflector(R[j:j+2,j])
R[j:j+2,:] = hhtLeft(R[j:j+2,:], v)
V[:,j] = v
v = reflector(R[end-1:end,end-1])
R[end-1:end,:] = hhtLeft(R[end-1:end,:], v)
V[1:2,end] = v
return R, V
R, V = doubleHessQR( pH )
spy(abs.(R).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000125B730>
Now, we form $A^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)}_{n-1})^T \cdots (Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1\cdots Q^{(k)}_{n-1}$. The key observation here is that $A^{(k)}$ is again upper Hessenberg. The double QR steps preserve the upper Hessenberg structure so that the iterates $A^{(1)}, A^{(2)}, A^{(3)},\ldots,$ are all upper Hessenberg!
H1 = copy(H)
for j = 1:n-2
H1[j:j+2,:] = hhtLeft(H1[j:j+2,:], V[:,j])
H1[:,j:j+2] = hhtRight(H1[:,j:j+2], V[:,j])
H1[end-1:end,:] = hhtLeft(H1[end-1:end,:], V[1:2,end])
H1[:,end-1:end] = hhtRight(H1[:,end-1:end], V[1:2,end])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x00000000013FA970>
How does this help us avoid explicitly forming (and factoring) the double shift polynomial? Let's compute the update step again: $$A^{(k)} = (Q^{(k)}_{n-1})^T \cdots (Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1\cdots Q^{(k)}_{n-1}.$$ But this time we'll look at the pattern of new zeros and nonzeros after applying $Q^{(k)}_1$ from right and left, after applying $Q^{(k)}_2$ from right and left, and so on.
Here is $(Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1\ldots$
H1 = copy(H)
H1[1:3,:] = hhtLeft(H1[1:3,:], V[:,1])
H1[:,1:3] = hhtRight(H1[:,1:3], V[:,1])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x00000000012DAB80>
$\ldots$ and here is $(Q^{(k)}_2)^T(Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1Q^{(k)}_2\dots$
H1[2:4,:] = hhtLeft(H1[2:4,:], V[:,2])
H1[:,2:4] = hhtRight(H1[:,2:4], V[:,2])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000133BD90>
$\ldots$ and here is $(Q^{(k)}_3)^T(Q^{(k)}_2)^T(Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1Q^{(k)}_2Q^{(k)}_3\dots$
H1[3:5,:] = hhtLeft(H1[3:5,:], V[:,3])
H1[:,3:5] = hhtRight(H1[:,3:5], V[:,3])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000139BFA0>
$\ldots$ and $(Q^{(k)}_4)^T(Q^{(k)}_3)^T(Q^{(k)}_2)^T(Q^{(k)}_1)^T A^{(k-1)} Q^{(k)}_1Q^{(k)}_2Q^{(k)}_3Q^{(k)}_4\dots$
H1[4:6,:] = hhtLeft(H1[4:6,:], V[:,4])
H1[:,4:6] = hhtRight(H1[:,4:6], V[:,4])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000140C1F0>
Do you see the pattern? The Householder reflections from the QR factorization of the double shift polynomial, when applied sequentially on the left and right, introduce a bulge of nonzero entries on the subdiagonals and chase it down the subdiagonal until the matrix is restored to upper Hessenberg form. After the last few steps of bulge chasing, we have the upper Hessenberg matrix $A^{(k)}$.
for j = 5:n-2
H1[j:j+2,:] = hhtLeft(H1[j:j+2,:], V[:,j])
H1[:,j:j+2] = hhtRight(H1[:,j:j+2], V[:,j])
H1[end-1:end,:] = hhtLeft(H1[end-1:end,:], V[1:2,end])
H1[:,end-1:end] = hhtRight(H1[:,end-1:end], V[1:2,end])
spy(abs.(H1).>1e-12, markersize = 12)
PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x00000000014710D0>
With this bulge-chasing pattern in hand, we're can outline the implicit double shift:
Note that the double shift polynomial is not explicitly computed - only the three entries in its first column! After that, we obtain the Householder reflections by bulge chasing instead of explicitly factoring the double shift polynomial. The implicit QR steps cost only $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ flops.
The mathematical justification for bulge-chasing is the Implicit Q Theorem (it is also sometimes called the Francis Q Theorem), which ensures that the orthogonal factors from the two approaches are essentially the same, up to the column signs. Therefore, the implicitly shifted QR iterations retain all the excellent convergence properties we have seen above!