This notebook accompanies the second problem set posted on the 18.335 web page, and is here to get you started with your own Julia computations.
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Develop your algorithm for a banded factorization of $A=I+\sigma D$ in the following sections. The flops required to compute the factorization should scale linearly with the dimension of $A$ (e.g., if $A$ is $n\times n$, then ${\rm \#flops}=\mathcal{O}(n))$. Here are the problem parameters and a banded representation of our finite-difference discretization to get you started.
using LinearAlgebra
using BandedMatrices
## PDE and discretization parameters
α = 1 # velocity
n = 199 # discretization size
Δx = 1 / (n+1) # grid spacing
Δt = 0.005 # time step
σ = α*Δt/Δx # shift
## scaled 2nd order central difference matrix plus identity
D = BandedMatrix(-2 => ones(n-2)/12, -1 => -2*ones(n-1)/3, 0=> zeros(n), 1 => 2*ones(n-1)/3, 2 => -ones(n-2)/12)
A = BandedMatrix(Eye(n), (2,2)) + σ * D
Your algorithm goes here! You can overwrite the factors $L$, $D$, and $U$ on the copy of $A$ by writing the entries in $L$ and $U$ to the strictly lower and upper triangular entries and $D$ on the diagonal (no need to store the unit diagonal entries of $L$ and $U$ explicitly).
function ldu( A )
# YOUR SOLUTION HERE: compute banded factorization A = LDU via elimination
# write factors L, D, and U onto a copy of A
F = copy(A)
# banded elimination
return F
Let's check the backward error $\|\Delta A\| = \|A-LDU\|$ in the computed factorization.
F = ldu(A)
D = BandedMatrix(0 => diag(F))
U = UpperTriangular(F) - D + BandedMatrix(Eye(n), (0,2))
L = LowerTriangular(F) - D + BandedMatrix(Eye(n), (2,0))
norm(A - L*D*U)
Finally, let's use our factorization to solve the advection equation with the square-wave initial condition $$u(0,x) = \begin{cases} 0,\qquad |x-1/2| > 0.1 \\ 1, \qquad |x-1/2| \leq 0.1 \end{cases}$$
Provide a function to advance the solution from $u_k$ to $u_{k+1}$, using only the factors $L$, $D$, and $U$, in the segment below.
function advec_step(L, D, U, uk)
# YOUR SOLUTION HERE: advance advection solution ub one time step with LDU factorization of finite-difference discretization
return ukp1
Now, we'll take a look at the initial condition and the numerical solution.
using Plots
# initial condition
b = zeros(n)
b[80:120] = ones(41)
plot(range(0.01, 0.99, length=n), b)
In the exact (weak) solution, the square-wave moves to the right with velocity $v=1$, i.e., $u(x,t)=u(0,x-vt)$ (at least, until it hits the boundary). What do you observe in the numerical solution?
Try out the second gaussian initial condition too!
# initial condition 1 (square-wave)
b = zeros(n)
b[80:120] = ones(41)
# initial condition 2 (gaussian)
#b = zeros(n)
#x = range(0.01, 0.99, length=n)
#b = exp.(-200*(x.-0.25).^2)
# time stepping gif
anim = Animation()
m = 100 # number of steps in time
for k ∈ 1:m # animate solution
plot(range(0.01, 0.99, length=n), b, linecolor = :blue, legend = false)
b = advec_step(L,D,U,b)
For a deeper understanding of the movie, one needs to go beyond linear algebra and understand the approximation properties of finite-difference schemes for partial differential equations like the advection equation.
Implement a structure-exploiting Givens-based QR solver for the least-squares problem $$x_* = {\rm argmin}_x\left\|\begin{pmatrix}A \\ \\ \sqrt{\lambda}I \end{pmatrix}x - \begin{pmatrix}b \\ \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}\right\|_2^2.$$
function qrsolve(A, b, λ)
return xmin
The rest of this notebook explores solutions to the regularized least-squares problem. Experiment if you are curious! There are no tasks "for credit" beyond this point.
Consider the following $100\times 50$ ill-conditioned least-squares problem $Ax=b$, where the last $20$ singular values of $A$ decay rapidly to about $10^{-6}$.
# singular values with decay profile
x = 1:50
v = 1e-6 .+ (1 ./ (1 .+ exp.(2*(x .- 30))))
plot(x,log10.(v), legend = false)
# matrix constructed from SVD
U = qr(rand(100,100)).Q
V = qr(randn(50,50)).Q
Σ = [diagm(v); zeros(50,50)]
A = U * Σ * V'
Given a random right-hand side $b$, plot the terms $\|Ax_*-b\|$ and $\|x_*\|$ as $\lambda\rightarrow 0$.
# random right-hand side
b = randn(100)
# "exact" least-squares solution (warning: ill-conditioned)
x0 = A \ b
res = norm(A*x0 - b)
# range of \lambda
l = 20
p = LinRange(-1,15,l)
λ = 10 .^ (-p)
# iterate over \lambda
errx = zeros(l)
resAx = zeros(l)
normx = zeros(l)
for j ∈ 1:l
x = V * ( (Σ'*Σ+λ[j]*I) \ (Σ' * U' *b) )
resAx[j] = norm(A*x-b)
normx[j] = norm(x)
p1 = plot(log10.(λ), resAx, legend = false, title = "log10(||Ax-b||)", xlabel = "log10(lambda)")
plot!(log10.(λ), res * ones(length(λ)), legend = false)
p2 = plot(log10.(λ), log10.(normx), legend = false, title = "log10||x||", xlabel = "log10(lambda)")
plot!(log10.(λ), log10(norm(x0)) * ones(length(λ)), legend = false)
Now, try adjusting the singular value profile of $A$ (for example, lower the plateau at $10^{-6}$ to $10^{-9}$) and see what changes!