from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score, calinski_harabasz_score
from modules.cluster import FAMD, KMeans, KMeansPlusPlus
from modules.data_handler import DataHandler
from modules.recommender import Recommender
from sklearn.cluster import BisectingKMeans
from modules.plotter import Plotter
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
In this homework, we were asked to implement our version of the LSH algorithm, which will take as input a user's preferred genre of movies, find the most similar users to this user, and recommend the most watched movies by those who are more similar to the user.
We were provided with a dataset that provides anonymised movie watch history of opted-in Netflix users in the United Kingdom. We can observe the structure of this dataset below:
#Here we open the csv file with pandas and create a dataframe. The first column is the index
raw_dataset = pd.read_csv('data/vodclickstream_uk_movies.csv', index_col=0).reset_index(drop=True)
#Here we print the first 5 rows of the dataframe
datetime | duration | title | genres | release_date | movie_id | user_id | |
0 | 2017-01-01 01:15:09 | 0.0 | Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2008-07-25 | 26bd5987e8 | 1dea19f6fe |
1 | 2017-01-01 13:56:02 | 0.0 | The Curse of Sleeping Beauty | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 2016-06-02 | f26ed2675e | 544dcbc510 |
2 | 2017-01-01 15:17:47 | 10530.0 | London Has Fallen | Action, Thriller | 2016-03-04 | f77e500e7a | 7cbcc791bf |
3 | 2017-01-01 16:04:13 | 49.0 | Vendetta | Action, Drama | 2015-06-12 | c74aec7673 | ebf43c36b6 |
4 | 2017-01-01 19:16:37 | 0.0 | The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, ... | 2004-11-19 | a80d6fc2aa | a57c992287 |
This dataset (according to its Kaggle description):
Covers user behaviour on Netflix from users in the UK to opted-in to have their anonymized browsing activity tracked. It only includes desktop and laptop activity (which Netflix estimate is around 25% of global traffic) and is for a fixed window of time (January 2017 to June 2019, inclusive). It documents each time someone in our tracked panel in the UK clicked on a URL for a movie.
The columns are described as follows:
datetime: Date and time of the click.
duration: Time between this click and the user's next tracked click on, in seconds. A watch time of zero seconds means they visited the page but instantly clicked away.
title: Movie title.
genres: Movie genre(s).
release_date: Movie's original theatrical release date (not when it first appeared on Netflix).
movie_id: VODC title ID.
user_id: VODC user ID.
From the raw dataset we noticed a few things we can approach before doing any kind of analysis:
There are negative values on the duration column and this can't be possible since time cannot be negative. Therefore we filtered out rows with these values.
There are "NOT AVAILABLE" values on the genres and release_date fields. These are clearly not categories or dates and therefore we need to substitute them with NaN
There exist movies with the same title but different values for the genres and release_date fields. This cannot be possible since movies that are have the same name should be the same movie. Therefore, we decided to substitute the genre and release_date values of each movie that have the same name with the mode of the values between those movies.
In this way we can ensure that we have the correct values for the genres and release_date fields. Of course if the values are all NaN
, they still remain in that way.
We can solve these issues using the custom-made DataHandler
class we built specifically for this homework. For more information on the implementation of the code behind it, please refer to the
file included in the modules
folder of this repository.
Initializing the DataHandler
#Here we create a DataHandler object that will be used to clean the data
data_handler = DataHandler(raw_dataset)
#Here we can print the cleaned dataframe
datetime | duration | title | genres | release_date | movie_id | user_id | |
0 | 2017-01-01 01:15:09 | 0.0 | Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2008-07-25 | 26bd5987e8 | 1dea19f6fe |
1 | 2017-01-01 13:56:02 | 0.0 | The Curse of Sleeping Beauty | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 2016-06-02 | f26ed2675e | 544dcbc510 |
2 | 2017-01-01 15:17:47 | 10530.0 | London Has Fallen | Action, Thriller | 2016-03-04 | f77e500e7a | 7cbcc791bf |
3 | 2017-01-01 16:04:13 | 49.0 | Vendetta | Action, Drama | 2015-06-12 | c74aec7673 | ebf43c36b6 |
4 | 2017-01-01 19:16:37 | 0.0 | The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie | Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, ... | 2004-11-19 | a80d6fc2aa | a57c992287 |
Now we have our dataset cleaned and ready for exploration. We can obtain general information of the dataset:
#Here we print the info of the dataframe
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 650002 entries, 0 to 650001 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 datetime 650002 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 duration 650002 non-null float64 2 title 650002 non-null object 3 genres 633484 non-null object 4 release_date 629873 non-null datetime64[ns] 5 movie_id 650002 non-null object 6 user_id 650002 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(1), object(4) memory usage: 34.7+ MB
As we can see, we still have NaN
values on the genres and release_date columns. Nevertheless we will deal with that later on since we don't really have to change this in this section. Another important thing we can notice is that when cleaning the dataset we converted the type columns in a convenient way for us to handle them. The dates are now of datetime
type and the duration is a float64
Now, as a first task, we were asked to gather the title and genre of the maximum top 10 movies that each user clicked on regarding the number of clicks. We can do this by means of our DataHandler
#Here we print the dataset that contains the maximum top 10 movies for each user regarding number of clicks
user_id | title | genres | clicks | |
0 | 00004e2862 | Hannibal | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 1 |
1 | 000052a0a0 | Looper | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 9 |
2 | 000052a0a0 | Frailty | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 3 |
3 | 000052a0a0 | Jumanji | Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy | 3 |
4 | 000052a0a0 | Resident Evil | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi | 2 |
As we can see, now we have converted our data in a user-based dataset containing the top-10 movies a user clicked on regarding number of clicks. We have to notice of course that if a user didn't click on more than 10 movies, we will have less movies for that particular user.
One important thing to notice is that this dataset doesn't contain NaN
values as we can see from its information:
#Here we print the info of the dataset
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 419403 entries, 0 to 419402 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 user_id 419403 non-null object 1 title 419403 non-null object 2 genres 419403 non-null object 3 clicks 419403 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(1), object(3) memory usage: 12.8+ MB
As a next step, we were asked to use the movie genre and user_ids to try to implement min-hash signatures in order that users with similar interests in a genre appear in the same bucket. To do this we used the custom-made Recommender
class we built specifically for this homework. For more information on the implementation of the code behind it, please refer to the
file included in the modules
folder of this repository.
We can initialize our class:
#Here we create a Recommender object that will be used to create the model
recommender = Recommender(data_handler.lsh_user_data)
Now, in order to perform Minhashing, we must perform the following steps:
In this case we define each different genre as a shingle and represent our users as sets of shingles. Shingles can be categories or characters that represent a document.
For example, we can represent a user A as:
$$A = \{\text{drama}, \text{horror}, \text{mystery}, \dots\},$$the set of genres the user clicked the most (in the context of the top-10 movies regarding clicks).
We can obtain the shingles from every user in our dataset via our Recommender
class. As an example, we can see that we can represent user 82af209598
by its shingles as follows:
#Here we can see an example of the shingles of the user with id '82af209598'
['sci-fi', 'comedy', 'fantasy', 'animation', 'action', 'adventure', 'thriller', 'crime', 'family']
Here we can see that among its top 10 most clicked movies, user 82af209598
had movies with the genres obtained before. This is a first way of knowing which kind of movies the user likes. We can do this for every user and represent each individual user as the genres it clicked on. Nevertheless in order to be able to compare each user we must have a way to represent each user regardless of the order in which each genre appears.
Once we've represented each of our users using its genre shingles, we can build the characteristic matrix of users. The columns of this matrix correspond to each unique user and the rows correspond to elements of the universal set of shingles (in this case the universal set of genres) from which elements are drawn.
There is a 1 in the element $(i,j)$ of the matrix if the genre of row $i$ has been watched by user $j$. In general, we have the following matrix:
As we can see, the first row represents the action genre and we can see that users $1$ and $n$ have frequently clicked movies on this genre. The same applies for the other rows. We can think of this matrix as being formed by the one-hot representation of users regarding the genres they most frequently clicked.
For completeness, we can obtain the column of these matrix for our dummy user 82af209598
#Here we obtain the one-hot representation of the shingles of the user with id '82af209598'
array([1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.])
As we can see, we only have $1$ values in 9 indexes representing the 9 genres the user most frequently clicked. As we already know, these genres are: action, adventure, animation, comedy, crime, family, fantasy, sci-fi, and thriller (in that order).
We can use this representation to compare users depending on their genres. Nevertheless, when the number of users and shingles grows this becomes a problem. We can therefore replace this large matrix with a smaller (it also can be longer depending on the number of unique shingles of our dataset) "signature" that still preserves the underlying similarity between users.
We can do this by building a signature matrix via Min-Hashing. In order to create this matrix from the characteristic matrix we need to:
Randomly permute the rows of the characteristic matrix. E.g. Rows 12345 => 35421, so if "drama" was in row 1, it would now be in row 5.
For each user, start from the top and find the position of the first shingle that appears in the set, i.e. the first shingle with a 1 in its cell. Use this shingle number to represent the set. This is the "signature".
Repeat as many times as desired, each time appending the result to the set's signature.
In practice doing permutations is very costly and therefore we use hash functions in order to mimic these permutations. The definition of a hash function which takes an input integer $x$ is:
$$h(x) = ax + b \text{ mod $c$}$$The coefficients $a$ and $b$ are normally chosen as random integers less than the number of rows of the shingle matrix and the $c$ value is a prime number slightly bigger than the number of rows.
Therefore, instead of permuting the rows of the characteristic matrix, we apply a random hash function. It is important to notice that applying this function is not necessarily a true permutation since there can be collisions, where two rows have the same hash value. This depends on the choice of $c$ and the number of rows.
Using this framework, our algorithm transforms to the following:
Initially, we set all the values of the signature matrix to $S(i,c)=\infty$.
For each row, we compute $h_{1}(r), h_{2}(r), \dots, h_{n}(r)$ $n$ random hash functions.
For each column $c$ of row $r$:
If $c$ has 0 in row $r$, we do nothing.
If $c$ has 1 in row $r$, then for each $i\in\{1,\dots, n\}$ we set $S(i,c)$ to be the smaller of the current value of $S(i,c)$ and $h_{i}(r)$.
This matrix will have as dimension the number of hash functions (or permutations) we decide to perform on our rows by the number of users. The choice of the number of hash functions to use depends on the nature of each problem and will be discussed in more detail in the next subsection.
For our Recommendation System we chose 100 hash functions and therefore the dimension of our matrix is:
#Here we obtain the shape of the signature matrix
(100, 152185)
Through this method, we produce vectors of equal length that contain positive integer values in the range of $(1, \text{\# of shingles})$, these are called the signatures of each user. Now, in principle, we would like to hash our users to buckets in a way that similar users finish together in the same bucket. Nevertheless, if we were to hash each of the users taking all its signature as a whole we may struggle in finding similar users since they would have to be exactly equal to be hashed to the same buckets.
In most cases, even though parts of two vectors may match perfectly, we would likely hash them into separate buckets. We don’t want this. We want signatures that share even some similarity to be hashed into the same bucket, this is why we perform banding.
The banding method solves this problem by splitting our vectors into sub-vectors called bands. Then, rather than hashing a user to a bucket by taking into account its whole signature vector, we do this by taking into account only a part of this vector. For example, if we split a 100-dimensionality vector into 20 bands, this gives us 20 opportunities to identify matching sub-vectors between our vectors.
This, of course, increases the number of false positives (users that were hashed into the same bucket but are not similar). Nevertheless, we can tune this by noting that the probability of a pair of users being hashed to the same bucket given they have a similarity score $s$ is given by:
\begin{equation*} \mathbb{P} = 1 - (1-s^{r})^{b}, \end{equation*}where $b$ is the number of bands we divided our signature vectors on and $r$ the number of rows per band. By similarity we mean the Jaccard Similarity between the users (in this case, between the genres watched by each user). We can plot this probability using our custom-made Plotter
class (for information about the implementation refer to the
file in the modules folder of our repository) for different values of banding $b$:
#Here we plot the probability of a pair of users being hashed to the same bucket in function of their similarity
As we can see, as the value of $b$ increases, so does the number of false positives. This is expected since when we increase the number of bands we decrease the number of rows $r$ we need to take into account to hash our users to their buckets and therefore we are more flexible when considering two users as "similar". On the other way, if we decrease the number of bands, we consider more rows when comparing users and therefore it is more probable to hash to the same bucket users with high similarity score.
In order to not be very restrictive with our banding, we considered a value of $b=20$ for our exercise, giving a value of $r=5$ since we used 100 hash functions.
Finally, once we've chosen our values for banding, we need to hash users that have the same signature in each band to the same bucket. We also have to make sure that users that have the same signature but on different bands are not hashed to the same bucket. This is why we decided to hash each user in the following way:
Users were hashed to the bucket with
equal to their signature. In addition these buckets are also identified by the band in which the signature took place. In this way, users are not only hashed by their signature but also by the band in which the user had that signature. For example, if a user had the signature5403834
on band3
it would be hashed to the bucket withbucket_id
equal to5403834
but with the restriction that this bucket only allows signatures from band $3$.
In this way we made sure that users that have the same signature are hashed to the same bucket only if the signature is the same on the same band.
Now that our buckets are ready, we can start getting recommendations. Our goal is to recommend at most five movies to a user with a given user_id
. We used the following procedure:
We extracted the two most similar users to our target user. We did this by following these steps:
We performed Min-Hashing on the one-hot vector representation of our target user.
Based on its signature vector, we obtained all the users that shared at least once a bucket with our target user for any band.
We found the two top users who shared buckets with our target user the greatest number of times. We did this by mantaining the similar users on a heap
If these two users had any movies in common, we recommended those movies based on the total number of clicks by these users.
If there were no more common movies, we tried to propose the most clicked movies by the most similar user first, followed by the other user.
In the end we obtained at most 5 movie recommendations. For example, if we try our Recommendation System for our dummy user 82af209598
we obtain:
#Here we obtain 5 movies recommended for the user with id '82af209598'
Recommended Movies for User 82af209598 | |
1 | Kick-Ass 2 |
2 | The Last Airbender |
3 | Back to the Future |
4 | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 |
5 | Godzilla |
From these recommendations we can see in fact that there are a lot of animated/action/fantasy movies, which is consistent to the genres our user usually likes. We essentially can obtain recommendations for each user in our dataset. We can try even to get recommendations for a user at random:
#Here we obtain 5 movies recommended for the user with random id
Recommended Movies for User 2086196cc7 | |
1 | Mudbound |
2 | Their Finest |
3 | To All the Boys I've Loved Before |
References for this section:
Leskovec, J., Rajaraman, A.,, Ullman, J. D. (2014). Mining of Massive Datasets. Cambridge University Press.
Building a Recommendation Engine with Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) in Python.
Locality Sensitive Hashing: How to Find Similar Items in a Large Set, with Precision.
Similarity Search, Part 5: Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH).
Now, we will deal with clustering algorithms in order to provide groups of Netflix users that are similar among. As we can see, our dataset has information about clicks made on movies by certain users. Nevertheless it doesn't contain explicit information about the users themselves, this is why we need to perform Feature Engineering before doing any kind of clustering.
In order to obtain relevant data by user in our dataset, we obtained the following features (as suggested by the homework statement):
Favorite Genre (favourite_genre
): To obtain this feature we grouped our dataset by user and for each user we obtained the genre in which the user spent more time i.e. the genre in which the total duration of clicks was higher.
Average Click Duration (avg_click_duration
): To obtain this feature we simply grouped our dataset by user and obtained the average value of the click duration for each user.
Most Active Time of Day (Morning/Afternoon/Night) (most_active_time_day
): To obtain this feature we grouped our dataset by user and for each user we classified each of its clicks using the following rule:
If the click was made between 4:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. it is classified as Morning.
If the click was made between 12:00 p.m. and 19:59 p.m. it is classified as Afternoon.
If the click was made between 20:00 p.m. and 3:59 a.m. it is classified as Night.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the time in which the user spent more time i.e. the time in which the total duration of clicks was higher.
Old Movie Lover (is_old_movie_lover
): To obtain this feature we grouped our dataset by user and for each user we classified the movie it clicked on in the following way:
If the movie's release date was before or in 2010, we classify it as an Old Movie.
If the movie's release date was after 2010, we classify it as Not an Old Movie.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the type of movie in which the user spent more time i.e. the type of movie in which the total duration of clicks was higher.
Average time spent a day by the user (avg_time_per_day
): To obtain this feature we simply grouped our dataset by user and date (in format YYYY-MM-DD, not timestamp) and obtained the average value of the click duration taking into account only the days the user logged-in.
The goal of this section was to obtain at least 15 new features by user, so we performed a prompt to ChatGPT in order for it to suggest to us more features we could obtain from our dataset. Since ChatGPT's answers sometimes were not useful or proposed things out of scope, we had to perform the prompt several times by changing parts of the prompt and chose the most reasonable features. For the sake of tidyness in our Notebook we will just include the list of the final suggested features (including our own suggestions) we will obtain from our dataset:
Most Active Time of the Week (Weekend/Weekday) (most_active_time_week
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and classified each of its clicks by the following rule:
If the click was made on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday it is classified as a Weekday.
If the click was made on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it is classified as a Weekend.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the time of the week in which the user spent more time i.e. the time of the week in which the total duration of clicks was higher (weekend or weekday).
Most Active Season of the Year (most_active_season
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and classified each of its clicks by the following rule:
If the click was made on December, January or February it is classified as Winter.
If the click was made on March, April or May it is classified as Spring.
If the click was made on June, July or August it is classified as Summer.
If the click was made on September, October or November it is classified as Autumn.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the season of the year in which the user spent more time i.e. the season of the year in which the total duration of clicks was higher. It is important to note that since we're working from a dataset from the UK, the seasons are the same for all of our users and we can do this without overcomplicating things.
Genre Diversity (genre_diversity
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and obtained the ratio between the number of different genres watched by the user and the total different genres included in our dataset.
Follow-Through-Probability (FTP) (ft_probability
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and obtained the ratio between the number of clicks that had duration greater than a follow-through threshold (in our case, we decided 10 minutes) and the total number of clicks. This gives us the probability that a user clicks on a movie and stays to watch.
Most Frequent Click Duration (most_common_click_length
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and classified each of its clicks by the following rule:
If the click duration was under 10 minutes it was a Short click.
If the click duration was between 10 minutes and 1 hour it was a Medium click.
If the click duration was longer than 1 hour it was a Long click.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the most frequent click duration for our users. This could give us insight about the engagement of the user on the platform.
Peak Hour Avg. Click Duration (mean_duration_peak_hour
): To obtain this feature we grouped our data by user and classified each click by the following rule:
If the click was made between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. it was made during Peak Hours.
If the click was not made between that period, it wasn't made during a Peak Hour.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the average click duration of users during peak hours in order to get insight about the users watching patterns.
Most Active Moment (Nighttime/Daytime) (most_active_daytime
): To obtain this feature we grouped our dataset by user and for each user we classified each of its clicks using the following rule:
If the click was made between 6:00 a.m. and 17:59 p.m. it is classified as Daytime.
If the click was made between 18:00 p.m. and 5:59 a.m. it is classified as Nighttime.
Then, after doing this, we obtained the time in which the user spent more time i.e. the time in which the total duration of clicks was higher. It is important to note this is a variation of feature 3 without taking into account the afternoon in order to understand if users are more active during the night or day.
Total Time Spent on Netflix (total_time_spent
): To obtain this feature we simply grouped our dataset by user and for each user we obtained the total click duration.
Consistency Ratio (consistency_ratio
): To obtain this feature we simply grouped our dataset by user and obtained the ratio between the different days the user logged in to Netflix and the total different days considered in our dataset. This gives us a measure of how consistent was a user during the period of time the data was obtained from.
Average Click per Movie (avg_click_per_movie
): To obtain this feature we simply grouped our dataset by user and for each user we obtained the average of the clicks made by movie.
Once we obtained all 15 user-based features from our dataset, we end up with a new dataset for 154388
different users. We can observe this new dataset using our DataHandler
class initialized earlier:
#Here we print our new user-dataset with all the 15 engineered features
favourite_genre | avg_click_duration | most_active_time_day | is_old_movie_lover | avg_time_per_day | most_active_time_week | most_active_season | genre_diversity | ft_probability | most_common_click_length | mean_duration_peak_hour | most_active_daytime | total_time_spent | consistency_ratio | avg_click_per_movie | |
user_id | |||||||||||||||
322abe045c | Drama | 1.513406e+06 | Morning | True | 1.765640e+06 | Weekday | Spring | 0.346154 | 0.571429 | Long | NaN | Daytime | 21187685.0 | 0.013172 | 2.333333 |
28afa6a44d | Mystery | 7.003762e+06 | Night | False | 1.400752e+07 | Weekday | Winter | 0.153846 | 0.500000 | Long | 7003762.0 | Nighttime | 14007524.0 | 0.001098 | 2.000000 |
ea2b1ea81e | Musical | 1.147194e+07 | Night | False | 1.147194e+07 | Weekday | Winter | 0.038462 | 1.000000 | Long | 11471935.0 | Nighttime | 11471935.0 | 0.001098 | 1.000000 |
2863be3386 | Comedy | 2.223648e+06 | Night | True | 2.223648e+06 | Weekday | Summer | 0.423077 | 0.600000 | Long | 0.0 | Nighttime | 11118242.0 | 0.005488 | 1.000000 |
783526abee | Drama | 2.530067e+06 | Afternoon | False | 2.530067e+06 | Weekday | Summer | 0.384615 | 1.000000 | Long | 2878002.0 | Nighttime | 10120269.0 | 0.004391 | 1.000000 |
We can also print the information of our new dataset to understand its overall structure:
#Here we print the info of our new user-dataset
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 154388 entries, 322abe045c to 7dd5c2ca5c Data columns (total 15 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 favourite_genre 150302 non-null object 1 avg_click_duration 154388 non-null float64 2 most_active_time_day 154388 non-null object 3 is_old_movie_lover 151801 non-null object 4 avg_time_per_day 154388 non-null float64 5 most_active_time_week 154388 non-null object 6 most_active_season 154388 non-null object 7 genre_diversity 152185 non-null float64 8 ft_probability 154388 non-null float64 9 most_common_click_length 154388 non-null object 10 mean_duration_peak_hour 110084 non-null float64 11 most_active_daytime 154388 non-null object 12 total_time_spent 154388 non-null float64 13 consistency_ratio 154388 non-null float64 14 unique_movies 154388 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(7), int64(1), object(7) memory usage: 22.9+ MB
As a first issue we can see we have several features with NaN
values. Since we intend to apply dimensionality reduction to perform K-Means clustering with this dataset, we need to handle the NaN
values in order to avoid errors since these algorithms don't handle null values very well.
Since we intend to use a variant of PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to perform our dimensionality reduction, we took into account the following approach for imputing null values:
Keeping in mind that PCA relies on the analysis of the dispersion in the individuals around the center of gravity. When we don’t have information about an individual, a prudent decision is to place that individual at the center of the cloud. By doing this, we don’t privilege any direction of dispersion.
This gives us a first basic rule to handle missing data. We substitute an individual’s missing value by the mean of the variable for which there’s no available information. This works as long as the amount of missing data for that given variable is small.
For categorical data, since we cannot obtain the mean of the values, we can substitute an individual's missing value by the mode of the variable since this is also works well as long as the amount of missing data is small.
Since the NaN
values in our columns are indeed small compared to the length of the dataset, we applied this method to get rid of null values. To do this, we used a method from our DataHandler
class named fill_nan_values()
#Here we fill all the columns with nan values with the mean of the column
clustering_data = data_handler.fill_nan_values()
Once we've obtained our new user-based dataset we may notice that we have a lot of features to work with, therefore, it is wise to find a way to reduce dimensionality in order to perform clustering. First, we can think of performing PCA (Principal Component Analysis) with our dataset since it one of the most popular models for dimensionality reduction.
In summary, PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique for datasets with numerical features that can be summarized in the following steps:
Standardizing our dataset: Since we will be calculating the variance of features in our dataset, we need to perform standardization if we know that they are not in the same units, since if we don't do this we could, for example, consider 100 grams to be greater than 1 kg, etc. This is in general a crucial step before applying any dimensionality reduction process.
We could, however, ignore this step if we are sure that all of our features are in the same units. Given that this is not the case, then standardizing is important.
Calculating the covariance matrix: After standardizing our dataset, we can obtain its covariance matrix. The covariance matrix is a square matrix that shows the variance of variables and the covariance between a pair of variables in a dataset. For three variables $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ we can obtain this matrix as:
\begin{equation*} M = \begin{pmatrix} \text{var}(x)&\text{cov}(x,y)&\text{cov}(x,z)\\ \text{cov}(x,y)&\text{var}(y)&\text{cov}(y,z)\\ \text{cov}(x,z)&\text{cov}(y,z)&\text{var}(z)\\ \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}
The idea behind PCA is to capture the same exact information of our dataset, but using fewer columns. It does this by obtaining the principal components of our dataset, that are elements in a vector space that are orthogonal between them but still capture the information in the original dataset. These vectors are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix.
Obtaining the eigenvectors and eigenvalues: Obtaining the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix is a process that involves linear algebra and won't be explained in this notebook. We can however note that the eigenvectors tell us the direction of variance of our dataset and the eigenvalues the magnitude of this variance. Therefore, if we obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of our covariance matrix, we can obtain new vectors that represent the amount and direction of the variance of our dataset.
Principal Components: We can choose the Principal Components as the eigenvectors with the highest eigenvalues since they can represent a high amount of variance of our dataset. Choosing the number of principal components depends on how much variance of the dataset we want to mantain and if we value more data visualization or accuracy.
However, we must note that PCA applies only to datasets that contain only numeric features. We could transform our categoric columns to numeric by making a one-hot transformation to each column with the cost of having a lot of features ($k$ for each column where $k$ is the number of categories). Nevertheless, PCA is designed for continuous variables since it tries to minimize variance and this concept doesn't work for binary variables. Therefore we decided that Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) was the best fit for our dataset.
Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) does the dimensionality reduction analysis with a combination of PCA and MCA techniques in order to account for datasets with both numerical and categorical variables. MCA stands for Multiple Correspondence Analysis which is a similar analysis to PCA suitable for multiple categorical variables specifically. It is important an important limitation to the FAMD analysis: we're still converting columns in one-hot binary representations since this is needed to perform MCA. Therefore, the dimensionality reductions is performed on a bigger dataset than the one we had originally but still this is a better analysis than simply doing PCA on binary numeric columns.
In order to perform FAMD we used the prince
Python library that includes classes to perform PCA, MCA and FAMD. For more information about the implementation of this package, please visit the documentation. At the same time, to keep our notebook as clean as possible, we implemented the FAMD in a custom-made class called FAMD
included in the
module of our repository.
Before implementing FAMD in our dataset is important to mention the following:
We chose to take into account only two principal components from the analysis since we wanted to perform data visualization after performing this analysis. At the same time, after experimenting with different numbers of principal components we found that in order to get a number that explained more than $70\%$ of the variability of our dataset we needed to choose a big number of principal components and this defeats the purpose of performing dimensionality reduction.
It is important to notice that the Prince
package performs automatic standardization/normalization of our data before performing PCA (source) and therefore we are normalizing our data before we proceed to this step. We make emphasis that standardizing our data is important here since we are comparing numbers that come from different contexts and in order to get meaningful results they must be in the same "units".
Now, we can implement FAMD:
#Here we implement FAMD to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset
#First we create a FAMD object
famd = FAMD(clustering_data, number_of_components=2)
#Here we obtain the reduced dataset
famd_df =
#Here we print the reduced dataset
component | 0 | 1 |
user_id | ||
322abe045c | 1.043282 | 19.301486 |
28afa6a44d | -7.954620 | 44.901715 |
ea2b1ea81e | -9.755527 | 51.661417 |
2863be3386 | -3.761285 | 14.845750 |
783526abee | -1.839989 | 19.345423 |
As we can see, now we've reduced our 15 feature dataset to a dataset with only 2 numerical features. As we've mentioned before, the vectors defined by the principal components are orthogonal to one another and have the property that they explain the direction of greatest variance of our dataset. How much variance? We can see it below:
#Here we print the cumulative explained variance of the reduced dataset
eigenvalue | % of variance | % of variance (cumulative) | |
component | |||
0 | 5.822 | 4.46% | 4.46% |
1 | 5.045 | 3.87% | 8.33% |
From this dataframe, we are conscious that we are losing information when choosing only two principal components this but still the top two principal components explain $\sim 10\%$ of our datasets (in reality, of the one-hot encoded dataset, with far more features) variability and this is enough for us to get interpretable results as we will see below.
If we, for example, plot the two principal components when comparing for the most_active_time_day
and most_common_click_length
we can observe the following:
#Here we use the Plotter object to plot the principal components of the reduced dataset
#We plot by distinguishing the categories of the most_active_time_day column and most_common_click_length
Plotter().plot_principal_components(clustering_data, famd_df)
We can see that the FAMD top 2 principal components achieve some degree of separation of users when taking into account some of their features. Obviously there is still some overlap since we are only accounting for $\sim 5 \%$ of variance for the first component and $\sim 4 \%$ of variance for the second component. We can also observe that the first component captures more of the variance of the Most Active Time of Day in contrast with the second component that better captures the variance of the Most Common Click Length feature.
We can therefore observe we are effectively separating users with the help of the FAMD analysis we did before. Now it is time to use these new features to perform clustering and find groups of users depending on their behaviour on Netlix.
As a first approach to perform clustering in our dataset we used the k-Means clustering algorithm. This algorithm is a centroid-based clustering technique that partitions the dataset into $k$ distinct clusters, where each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest center. Mathematically, we have a set of $n$ points $\{\vec{x}_{1}, \dots, \vec{x}_{n}\}$, where each point is an $m$-dimensional vector and we would like to partition the data in $k$ clusters $\{C_{1}, \dots, C_{k}\}$ represented by their centroids $\{\vec{c}_{1}, \dots, \vec{c}_{k}\}$ in a way that minimizes the sum of squared distances from each point to its nearest centroid.
The sum of squared distances (or inertia) is defined as follows:
\begin{equation*} \text{Inertia} = \sum_{i=1}^{k} \sum_{\vec{x}\in C_{i}} ||\vec{x}-\vec{c}_{i}||^{2} \end{equation*}To do this, the k-Means algorithm by choosing $k$ initial centroids $\{\vec{c}_{1}, \dots, \vec{c}_{k}\}$ by randomly selecting $k$ data points from the dataset. Once these centroids are selected it alternates between the following steps (in the context of MapReduce):
Mapping Step: In this step, we map each data point to the cluster with the nearest centroid, i.e., the centroid with the least sum of squared distances. Mathematically this is:
\begin{equation*} C_{i}^{(t)} = \left\{\vec{x} : ||\vec{x}-\vec{c}_{i}^{(t)}||^{2} \leq ||\vec{x}-\vec{c}_{j}^{(t)}||^{2} \quad \forall j, 1\leq j \leq k \right\} \end{equation*}
where $C_{i}^{(t)}$ is the set of points that belong to cluster $i$ at iteration $t$ and $\vec{c}_{i}^{(t)}$ is the centroid of cluster $i$ at iteration $t$.
Reduce Step: For each cluster, we compute a new centroid by taking the mean of the data points assigned to that cluster. Mathematically this is:
\begin{equation*} \vec{c}_{i}^{(t+1)} = \frac{1}{|C_{i}^{(t)}|} \sum_{\vec{x}\in C_{i}^{(t)}}\vec{x} \end{equation*}
These two steps are repeated until the cluster assignments no longer change or a specified number of iterations has been reached.
We implemented this algorithm in the custom-made KMeans
class contained in the
module of our repository by using the MapReduce paradigm (as mentioned before) using PySpark. To do this we performed the following steps
We first used the Spark .parallelize()
method to distribute our data accross multiple nodes in order to process data simultaneously.
Then, we applied the Mapping Step and Reduce Step iteratively to each point distributed in different nodes and obtained a centroid update for each cluster.
If the new centroids don't change, we exit our algorithm and return the total inertia of our clusters and the labels of each pont.
As we can see, there is a crucial part of this algorithm that we still haven't talked about: how to choose the number of clusters $k$. There exist several methods to find an optimal number of clusters and in order to compare results, in this homework we will talk about two: The Elbow Method and The Silhouette Score.
The elbow method is a very intuitive technique used to determine the optimal number of clusters in a k-means clustering algorithm by plotting the total inertia of the algorithm for different values of $k$ and look for an elbow point on the graph. The elbow point can be defined as follows:
A point on the plot where the rate of decrease in the inertia sharply changes, forming an elbow-like shape.
The idea behind this method is that adding more clusters beyond this point does not significantly reduce the inertia. In the end, inertia will always decrease when we increase $k$, so we're making a trade-off between a small number of clusters $k$ with the smallest inertia possible.
If we plot the total inertia for several values of $k$ we get:
#Here we plot the elbow curve of the reduced dataset
As we can see, the elbow (we found this value using the KneeLocator
class of a python package called kneed
) of our inertia curve is found when $k=4$ since it is the value when the rate of decrease of inertia changes to a more constant way. This method suggests we should use $k=4$ clusters for our k-Means algorithm. Nevertheless, we can use another method to be sure of the number of clusters we can use: The Silhouette Score.
The Silhouette Score is a metric that measures how well each data point in a dataset fits into its assigned cluster. It combines information about both the cohesion (how close a data point is to other points in its own cluster) and the separation (how far a data point is from points in other clusters) of the data point. Mathematically it is defined as:
\begin{equation*} S = \frac{a-b}{\text{max}(a,b)}, \end{equation*}where $a$ is the average distance between a data point and all the other points in its same cluster and $b$ is the average distance between a data point and all the other points in the next nearest cluster. A high Silhouette Score signifies that clusters are far away from its nearest cluster and that clusters are more well-defined.
The Silhouette Score has a range of $[-1, 1]$, from incorrect clustering to highly dense clustering, with 0 being overlapping clusters. Therefore, finding a local maximum in the Silhouette Score when varying $k$ can give us the optimal value of $k$ to perform $k$-Means clustering.
If we plot the Silhouette Score for several values of $k$ we get:
#Here we plot the silhouette score of the reduced dataset
As we can see, also with this method we found that the optimal value of $k$ for our clustering algorithm is $k=4$ since is the value that gives us a (local) maximum of the Silhouette Score. Since the value for $k$ is the same for both our algorithms, we can proceed to perform our MapReduce k-Means algorithm with $k=4$.
We can run our k-Means algorithm by using the fit()
method of our custom-made KMeans
class included in our
module. For more information about the implementation of this class, please refer to this Python file.
#Here we initialize the k-Means class with k=4, a random state to reproduce the results and verbose=True to print the results
#Then we fit the k-Means model to the reduced dataset
kmeans = KMeans(k=4, random_state=42, verbose=True).fit(famd_df.values)
print(f"The total inertia of the k-Means model is {round(kmeans.inertia,2)}")
Convergence reached after 13 iterations The total inertia of the k-Means model is 368664.91
As we can see our algorithm took $13$ iterations to converge to a solution and resulted in a total inertia of $\approx 368k$ which is a very high value but is the best around all values of $k$ as we've seen before. We can also observe the final centroids we obtained with our algorithm with respect to each cluster:
#Here we plot the centroids and the clustered data
Plotter().plot_centroids(famd_df.values, kmeans.centroids, kmeans.labels)
As we can observe, our k-Means algorithm effectively separated our data in 4 clusters, although with some degree of overlapping. As we've seen before, the Silhouette score of our clustering for $k=4$ is $S\approx 0.5$ which is a value that is halfway between incorrect clustering to highly dense clustering. We can therefore interpret our results as decent, since we achieved a reasonable clustering solution, but there is still room for improvement since we're still far from a highly dense clustering.
k-Means is a fast algorithm to find $k$ clusters in data but it is very sensible to the initial choice of the centroids, since these are taken at random from all the data points, this effectively means that we can find worse/better results depending on our initial random choice. Therefore it is better to perform a wiser way of initializing our centroids. We can achieve this using the k-Means++ initialization.
The k-Means++ algorithm specifies a procedure to initialize the cluster centroids before moving forward with the standard k-Means clustering algorithm. In this way, we are more likely to find a solution that is near to the optimal k-Means solution. The steps to initialize the centroids using k-Means++ are:
Similar to the original k-Means, the first cluster centroid $c_{1}$ is chosen uniformly at random from the data points $S$ that we want to cluster.
For each data point $x\in S$, we calculate the minimum squared distance between the data point $x$ and the centroids $\{c_{1}, \dots, c_{m}\}$ that have already been defined. Thus if centroids $\{c_{1}, \dots, c_{m}\}$ have already been chosen, we define $d_{m}(x) = \text{dist}^{2}(x, c_{j})$ where $j=h$, $1 \leq h \leq m$, for which $\text{dist}^{2}(x, c_{h})$ has the minimum value.
Finally, we choose one of the data points $x \in S - \{c_{1}, \dots, c_{m}\}$ at random as a new centroid where the probability of any data point being chosen is proportional to $d_{m}(x)$. Thus the probability that $x$ is chosen is equal to: $$\mathbb{P}(x) = \frac{d_{m}(x)}{ \sum_{z\epsilon S} d_{m}(z)}$$
We repeat this algorithm until we have defined the $k$ centroids of our clusters and then we proceed with standard k-Means.
We can run our k-Mean++s algorithm by using the fit()
method of our custom-made KMeansPlusPlus
class included in our
module. For more information about the implementation of this class, please refer to this Python file.
#Here we initialize the k-Means++ class with k=4, a random state to reproduce the results and verbose=True to print the results
#Then we fit the k-Means model to the reduced dataset
kmeans_pp = KMeansPlusPlus(k=4, random_state=42, verbose=True).fit(famd_df.values)
print(f"The total inertia of the k-Means model is {round(kmeans_pp.inertia,2)}")
Convergence reached after 11 iterations The total inertia of the k-Means model is 368664.91
As we can see our algorithm with the k-Means++ initialization took $11$ iterations to converge to a solution ($2$ iterations less than the standard k-Means) and resulted in a total inertia of $\approx 368k$ which is equal to the value we obtained previously with standard k-Means. So we can conclude that:
We obtained the same results (considering inertia) by reducing the number of iterations since k-Means ++ initialization chooses as initial centroids separated points in order to don't define clusters very close to each other, resulting on less updates when trying to find the optimal centroids.
We can also observe the final centroids we obtained with our algorithm with respect to each cluster:
#Here we plot the centroids and the clustered data
Plotter().plot_centroids(famd_df.values, kmeans_pp.centroids, kmeans_pp.labels, "k-Means++")
After performing clustering using k-Means and k-Means++, we asked ChatGPT to recommend other clustering algorithms in order to choose one and compare its results against the ones we obtained before. The prompt we wrote was:
Recommend 3 not-density-based clustering algorithms that are similar or variants to KMeans/KMeans++ clustering and are scalable to large datasets.
We asked specifically for non-density based clustering algorithms since the Bonus section already covers this type of algorithms and we wanted to compare our k-Means implementation with an algorithm similar to its implementation since density-based algorithms normally perform better with performance metrics like the Silhouette Score. We also asked for algorithms that are scalable to large datasets since as a first approach we tried to implement the Mean Shift algorithm and it was very computationally expensive, not leading results after a lot of iterations. The response we obtained by ChatGPT was:
Sure, here are three clustering algorithms that are similar or variants to KMeans/KMeans++ and are scalable to large datasets:
- MiniBatch KMeans:
Description: MiniBatch KMeans is a variant of KMeans that uses randomly selected subsets, or mini-batches, of the dataset to update the cluster centroids instead of the entire dataset. This makes it computationally more efficient and suitable for large datasets.
Faster convergence due to partial updates.
Scalable to large datasets.
Can be more memory-efficient compared to traditional KMeans.
- Mean Shift:
Description: Mean Shift is a non-parametric clustering algorithm that doesn't require specifying the number of clusters beforehand. It works by shifting data points towards the mode (peak) of the data distribution. It is suitable for large datasets and doesn't rely on the Euclidean distance metric.
No need to specify the number of clusters.
Can handle irregularly shaped clusters.
Suitable for high-dimensional data.
- Bisecting K-Means:
Description: In Bisecting K-Means, the algorithm starts with the entire dataset as a single cluster and recursively bisects the cluster with the highest sum of squared distances (SSQ) into two clusters. This process continues until the desired number of clusters is reached. At each step, the bisected cluster is the one that results in the greatest reduction in SSQ.
Hierarchical in nature, providing a tree-like structure of clusters.
Can be effective in certain scenarios, especially when clusters have varying shapes and sizes.
Helps avoid local minima issues encountered by traditional K-Means.
These algorithms provide different approaches to clustering and have been shown to be scalable to large datasets, making them suitable alternatives to KMeans for specific use cases.
We chose to implement the Bisecting k-Means algorithm since we couldn't implement Mean Shift due to computational issues and MiniBatch KMeans is just the original k-Means by taking batches. Bisecting k-Means is a hybrid approach between Divisive Hierarchical Clustering and k-Means clustering. The key difference is that instead of partitioning the data set into $k$ clusters in each iteration, Bisecting k-Means splits one cluster into two sub clusters at each step (by using standard k-Means) until $k$ clusters are obtained.
The algorithm for Bisecting k-Means works as follows:
We set all of our data in one single cluster.
We use the standard k-Means with $k=2$ to split this cluster into two clusters.
We obtain the inertia or intra-cluster distance for each cluster. This is, if we have $\{x^{(t)}_{1}, \dots, x^{(t)}_{n}\}$ elements in cluster $C_{t}$ (with centroid $c_{t}$), the intra-cluster distance is given by:
$$d_{t} = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \left(x_{i}^{(t)}-c_{t}\right)$$
Once we've obtained $d_{t}$ for every cluster, we select the cluster with the highest intra-cluster distance and split this cluster again using standard k-Means with $k=2$ .
We repeat step 3 until we've reached $k$ different clusters.
The following is a diagram of the procedure for this algorithm:
In this case we separate the whole dataset in two clusters (A and B) using standard k-Means, then, at the same time, we separate A and B into the final clusters are C, D, E, and F. This is the result of the Bisecting 4-Means, since we obtained 4 different clusters.
We now, can implement the Bisecting k-Means algorithm to our data using the sklearn
Python package:
bisect_kmeans = BisectingKMeans(n_clusters=4, random_state=42).fit(famd_df.values)
print(f"The total inertia of the k-Means model is {round(bisect_kmeans.inertia_,2)}")
The total inertia of the k-Means model is 368736.23
As we can see, the inertia is slightly higher than the inertia we obtained in our previous algorithms but nothing significant. We can observe the final centroids we obtained with our algorithm with respect to each cluster:
#Here we plot the centroids and the clustered data
Plotter().plot_centroids(famd_df.values, bisect_kmeans.cluster_centers_, bisect_kmeans.labels_, "Bisecting k-Means")
As we can see, we obtained similar results to the centroids obtained with k-Means and k-Means++. We also can compare these algorithms by obtaining their Silhouette Score defined in section 2.3.2 in order to quantify how good are the clusters we found using each algorithm.
It is important to note that obtaining the Silhouette Score has a time complexity of $O(n^{2})$ and therefore is very expensive when trying to compute it for large datasets. This is why we will compute it only in a sample of our dataset that is significant enough to yield good results.
Computing the Silhouette score:
#Here we compute the silhouette score of the k-Means model, the k-Means++ model and the Bisecting k-Means model
print(f"The silhouette score of the k-Means model is {round(silhouette_score(famd_df.values, kmeans.labels, sample_size=10000),2)}")
print(f"The silhouette score of the k-Means++ model is {round(silhouette_score(famd_df.values, kmeans_pp.labels, sample_size=10000),2)}")
print(f"The silhouette score of the Bisecting k-Means model is {round(silhouette_score(famd_df.values, bisect_kmeans.labels_, sample_size=10000),2)}")
The silhouette score of the k-Means model is 0.5 The silhouette score of the k-Means++ model is 0.5 The silhouette score of the Bisecting k-Means model is 0.5
In conclusion we can't say for sure which algorithm performed better in terms of quality of the clusters we found. Nevertheless we can note some important differences:
Although k-Means is generally faster than k-Means++ since it takes centroids at random, k-Means++ takes less iterations to find the optimal clustering centroids since it generally starts from a better initial condition.
Although Bisecting k-Means still has a random initialization by design, it will still be more computationally efficient than regular k-Means when $k$ is large since for k-Means, each computation involves every data point of the data set and $k$ centroids. On the other hand, in each step of Bisecting k-Means, only the data points of one cluster and two centroids are involved in the computation. Thus, the computation time is reduced.
Therefore we can conclude that there is a "better" algorithm depending the case, since for big values of $k$ it would be wise to implement Bisecting k-Means at the cost of random initialization, but when $k$ is not that big it would be better to use k-Means++ since it is more robust to initial conditions. Definitely both of these algorithms are better than standard k-Means since they are generalizations that solve issues that the original k-Means had in the first place.
After analyzing the performance of several clustering algorithms with our dataset we can finally characterize our clusters in order to understand the reason why users are clustered in the way they are, in other words, understand the profile of the users in each of our clusters. To do this, we selected three key features of our dataset that can help us characterize our clusters:
Most Active Time of Day (Morning/Afternoon/Night) (most_active_time_day
): Let's remember that we classified each user depending on the moment of the day in which they spent more time on Netflix using the following rule:
If they spent more time between 4:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. they are classified as Morning.
If they spent more time between 12:00 p.m. and 19:59 p.m. they are classified as Afternoon.
If they spent more time between 20:00 p.m. and 3:59 a.m. they are classified as Night.
Follow-Through-Probability (FTP) (ft_probability
): This feature gives us the probability that a user clicks on a movie and stays to watch. In order to characterize our clusters depending on this variable, we categorized values of this feature as follows:
If a user has a $FTP < 0.3$ we categorize its value as Low.
If a user has a $0.3 \leq FTP < 0.6$ we categorize its value as Medium.
If a user has a $FTP \geq 0.6$ we categorize its value as High.
In this way we can obtain the percentage of users in our clusters that fall in each of these categories.
Most Frequent Click Duration (most_common_click_length
): Let's remember that we classified each user depending on their most frequent click length by the following rule:
If their most frequent click duration was under 10 minutes we classified as Short click.
If their most frequent click duration was between 10 minutes and 1 hour we classified as Medium click.
If their most frequent click duration was longer than 1 hour we classified as Long click.
In order to characterize our clusters using these variables we built pivot tables, this is, tables that have he clusters we obtained with the k-Means++ algorithm (we chose this algorithm since it is the one that has more robust results) on the horizontal axis, and on the vertical axis, the categories of each variable. To build these tables we used our DataHandler
class we defined earlier in this notebook:
#First, we add the labels of the k-Means++ model to the original clustering dataset
clustering_data['cluster'] = kmeans_pp.labels
#Here we obtain the pivot table for the most_active_time_day column
most_active_time_day_pivot = data_handler.pivot_table(clustering_data, 'most_active_time_day')
#Here we obtain the pivot table for the most_common_click_length column
most_common_click_length_pivot = data_handler.pivot_table(clustering_data, 'most_common_click_length')
#Here we obtain the pivot table for the ft_probability column
ft_probability_pivot = data_handler.pivot_table(clustering_data, 'ft_probability')
We can observe the first pivot table for the Most Active Time of Day feature:
#Here we print the first pivot table
most_active_time_day | Afternoon | Morning | Night |
cluster | |||
0 | 21.571269 | 0.439799 | 77.988932 |
1 | 71.574412 | 28.266367 | 0.159221 |
2 | 71.835845 | 27.492283 | 0.671872 |
3 | 21.329033 | 0.383375 | 78.287592 |
As we can see this feature segments our clusters (and the users within them) in two main categories:
Users that usually spend more time watching Netflix between 20:00 p.m. and 3:59 a.m. are more represented ($\approx 80\%$) in Cluster 0 and Cluster 3. Therefore we can conclude that users within these clusters prefer watching movies/series until high hours of the night (probably they are what's known as night owls) in contrast with the other clusters.
Users that usually spend more time watching Netflix between 12:00 p.m. and 19:59 p.m. are more represented ($\approx 70\%$) in Cluster 1 and Cluster 2. Therefore we can conclude that users within these clusters prefer watching movies/series in the afternoon but they don't spend that much time when the night comes. There could be several reasons for this like: age, which device they are watching on, etc.
It would be interesting to know more information about these clusters to see what other behaviours we can obtain from our clustering. If we observe the second pivot table, for the Follow-Through-Probability feature:
#Here we print the second pivot table
ft_probability_class | High | Low | Medium |
cluster | |||
0 | 4.219478 | 65.218520 | 30.562002 |
1 | 77.858949 | 0.341856 | 21.799195 |
2 | 4.443695 | 64.868090 | 30.688215 |
3 | 76.443741 | 0.547678 | 23.008580 |
As we can see, in the same way as before, this feature segments our clusters (and the users within them) in two main categories:
Users that have a high Follow-Through Probability (bigger than $0.6$) are more represented ($\approx 80\%$) in Cluster 1 and Cluster 3, which means that the probability that users in these clusters click in a movie and stay to watch it is bigger than $60\%$. We can conclude from this that users within these clusters are more direct and know exactly what they like beforehand.
On the other side, users that have a low Follow-Through Probability (lower than $0.3$) are more represented ($\approx 70\%$) in Cluster 0 and Cluster 2, which means that the probability that users in these clusters click in a movie and stay to watch it is lower than $30\%$. We can conclude from this that users within these clusters are indecisive and although they click on movies they generally don't watch them.
Finally, we can observe the distribution of the users for our clusters for the final feature: the Most Frequent Click Duration:
#Here we print the third pivot table
most_common_click_length | Long | Medium | Short |
cluster | |||
0 | 1.965303 | 1.639105 | 96.395592 |
1 | 84.579002 | 12.695514 | 2.725485 |
2 | 1.779553 | 1.966329 | 96.254118 |
3 | 86.825291 | 8.851092 | 4.323617 |
As we can see, this feature is tightly correlated with the Follow-Through probability, since this feature segments our clusters (and the users within them) in the same two main categories:
Users that have a Long Click Duration (bigger than 1 hour) are more represented ($\approx 90\%$) in Cluster 1 and Cluster 3, which means that it is $90\%$ probable that users within these clusters click on a movie and remain within it for at least one hour. These groups are similar as the last ones we found: people that normally decide quickly what they want to watch.
On the other side, users that have a Short Click Duration (lower than 10 minutes) are more represented ($\approx 90\%$) in Cluster 0 and Cluster 2, which means that it is $90\%$ probable that users within these clusters click on a movie and exit before 10 minutes have passed. We can conclude from this that users within these clusters are indecisive and they click in a lot of movies before remaining in one.
With the understanding of how our users are distributed within our clusters we can conclude the following:
Cluster 0 is formed by users that are more active during the night and usually they have a low probability on watching movies for more than 10 minutes. Therefore we can characterize this cluster as users that click a lot of movies during the night but hardly watch them until the end.
Cluster 1 is formed by users that are more active during the afternoon and usually they have a high probability on watching movies for more than 1 hour. Therefore we can characterize this cluster as users that have high activity before the night and usually watch the movies until the end.
Cluster 2 is formed by users that are more active during the afternoon and usually they have a low probability on watching movies for more than 10 minutes. Therefore we can characterize this cluster as users that click a lot of movies during the afternoon but hardly watch them until the end.
Cluster 3 is formed by users that are more active during the night and usually they have a high probability on watching movies for more than 1 hour. Therefore we can characterize this cluster as users that watch complete movies during the night without skipping them constantly.
We can conclude that our clustering was successful in separating users that are very active during the day/night and that have high/low probabilities of clicking on a movie and remaining in it.
Finally, in order to estimate the performance of our clustering algorithms (how good are the clusters we found) we will use the Calinski-Harabasz Index. This index measures the between-cluster dispersion against within-cluster dispersion. A higher score signifies better-defined clusters. Mathematically it is defined as:
\begin{equation*} CBS = \frac{B}{W} \cdot \frac{n_{E}-k}{k-1}, \end{equation*}where $B$ is the between-cluster dispersion, $W$ is the within-cluster dispersion, $n_{E}$ is the number of data points and $k$ is the number of clusters.
If we obtain it for all the algorithms we've defined before, we have that:
#Here we compute the Calinski-Harabasz score of the k-Means model, the k-Means++ model and the Bisecting k-Means model
print(f"The Calinski-Harabasz score of the k-Means model is {round(calinski_harabasz_score(famd_df.values, kmeans.labels),2)}")
print(f"The Calinski-Harabasz score of the k-Means++ model is {round(calinski_harabasz_score(famd_df.values, kmeans_pp.labels),2)}")
print(f"The Calinski-Harabasz score of the Bisecting k-Means model is {round(calinski_harabasz_score(famd_df.values, bisect_kmeans.labels_),2)}")
The Calinski-Harabasz score of the k-Means model is 184682.66 The Calinski-Harabasz score of the k-Means++ model is 184682.66 The Calinski-Harabasz score of the Bisecting k-Means model is 184637.07
As we can see, there is no significant difference before our three clustering approaches. Nevertheless in order to characterize how good our clusters are, we can resort again to the Silhouette Score since, as we know, gives us a bounded measure of how well-separated the clusters are. In particular, it quantifies the similarity of an object to its own cluster (cohesion) compared to other clusters (separation). We can segment the Silhouette Score values in three categories:
Close to +1: Indicates that data points are well inside their own cluster and far from neighboring clusters.
Around 0: Indicates that data points are very close to the decision boundary between two neighboring clusters.
Close to -1: Indicates that tdata points may have been assigned to the wrong cluster.
Since we obtained a Silhouette Score of $\approx 0.5$ for all of our clustering algorithms we can conclude that, on average, our clusters are well-defined and sufficiently separated but are not very compact. Nevertheless as we've seen before, we did segment our users in meaningful well defined groups.
References for this section:
In this question, we used the command line and its tools to answer some questions regarding our original dataset. To do this, we created an executable bash script called
where we parse and manipulate our original dataset in order to obtain relevant information. For questions about the implementation of this script please refer to the file included in the repository.
The questions we need to answer are the following:
What is the most-watched Netflix title?
Report the average time between subsequent clicks on
Provide the ID of the user that has spent the most time on Netflix
For the first and second questions we used standard cut
, tail
, sort
, uniq
, head
and awk
commands to obtain the answers. On the other side, in the third question we encountered a problem that was not easy to avoid:
Since our csv values are comma-separated, when we try to parse the csv after the genres column, common bash tools aren't enough since they can't distinguish between the commas inherent to the string values of a column and the column itself.
Therefore, to solve this question and avoid this problem we used a command-line tool that wasn't previously installed but resulted very useful in parsing our csv file. This tool is called csvkit
. For more information about the tool please visit its documentation.
In the end, we can our final bash script as follows:
#Here we run our commandline script
! ./
The most-watched Netflix title is: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch sort: Broken pipe The average time (in seconds) between subsequent clicks on Netflix is: 33476 The ID of the user that has spent the most time on Netflix is: 322abe045c sort: Broken pipe
As we can see, we obtained a sort: Broken pipe
warning. According to this source:
sort | head
always reports an error, if head exits before sort has written all its output (as will be the case, if the stream written by sort is much longer than that consumed by head).
However, this error doesn't affect the output whatsoever so we decided to ignore it. Nevertheless it is important to note that this error didn't appear when running our bash script on our local terminal, this could mean that this error may not be reported in all bash instances. We can see in the following screenshot our final result:
Federico studies in a demanding university where he has to take a certain number $N$ of exams to graduate, but he is free to choose in which order he will take these exams. Federico is panicking since this university is not only one of the toughest in the world but also one of the weirdest. His final grade won't depend at all on the mark he gets in these courses: there's a precise evaluation system.
He was given an initial personal score of $S$ when he enrolled, which changes every time he takes an exam: now comes the crazy part. He soon discovered that every of the $N$ exams he has to take is assigned a mark $p$. Once he has chosen an exam, his score becomes equal to the mark $p$, and at the same time, the scoring system changes:
So, for example, consider $S=8$ as the initial personal score. Federico must decide which exam he wants to take, being $[5,7,1]$ the marks list. If he takes the first one, being $5 < 8$ and $8 - 5 = 3$, the remaining list now becomes $[10,4]$, and his score is updated as $S = 5$.
In this chaotic university where the only real exam seems to be choosing the best way to take exams, you are the poor student advisor who is facing a long queue of confused people who need some help. Federico is next in line, and he comes up in turn with an inescapable question: he wants to know which is the highest score possible he could get.
As was hinted in the problem statement, we can attack this problem by writing a recursive algorithm that finds the maximum possible score by recursively comparing the score values for all possible mark combinations that Francesco can obtain. Our algorithm is written as follows:
def highest_score(S: int, marks_list: list) -> int:
Function that returns the highest score that can be achieved by taking exams
S (int): The starting score
marks (list): The list of marks for each exam
int: The highest score that can be achieved
#This is our base case, if there are no exams left to take, we return the score S
if len(marks_list) == 0:
return S
#Here we initialize the maximum score to -infinity since we'll be comparing it with the scores of each exam
max_score = -np.inf
#Here we iterate through all the marks of the exams
for i in range(len(marks_list)):
#For each iteration we take the score of the exam
p = marks_list[i]
#And we make our new score the value of the score of the exam
new_score = p
#Once we've done this, the scoring system changes as follows:
#If p < S, then we the mark of all the other exams is increased by S-p
if p < S:
#Here we ensure that the new marks list doesn't contain the mark of the exam we just took
new_marks = [mark + (S - p) for mark in marks_list[:i] + marks_list[i+1:]]
#If p >= S, then we the mark of all the other exams marks are decreased by p-S
#Here we ensure that the new marks list doesn't contain the mark of the exam we just took
new_marks = [mark - (p - S) for mark in marks_list[:i] + marks_list[i+1:]]
#Finally, we update the maximum score by taking the maximum between the current maximum score
#and the highest score that can be achieved by taking a set of exams with the new score and the new marks
#This is done recursively until we reach the base case for all the possible combinations of exams
max_score = max(max_score, highest_score(new_score, new_marks))
#Finally, we return the overall maximum score
return max_score
Here we can test the performance of our algorithm by inputting our testing cases. For the first example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 8
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [5, 7, 1]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 11 and it took 0.0 seconds to run the algorithm
For the second example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 25
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [18, 24, 21, 32, 27]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 44 and it took 0.0 seconds to run the algorithm
For the third example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 30
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [13, 27, 41, 59, 28, 33, 39, 19, 52, 48, 55, 79]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 205 and it took 563.56 seconds to run the algorithm
As we can see our running time increased significantly with $n=12$ exams in our marks list. This comes from the recursive nature of our algorithm and its potentially exponential time complexity. Let's prove this formally.
Base Case: The base case and max score initialization steps have constant time complexity since they involves a simple check on the length of the marks list and a simple variable initialization.
For Loop Over Exams: The iteratation through all the exams in the marks_list has a time complexity of $O(n)$, where $n$ is the number of exams since by definition, we have to loop through each element of the list.
Operations Inside the Loop:
List Slicing and Concatenation: In each iteration, the algorithm performs list slicing and concatenation to create the new_marks list. The slicing and concatenation operations take $O(n)$ time in the worst case.
Constant Operations: All variable assignments are made in constant time.
Recursion: In this step, the algorithm calls itself recursively with the new_score and new_marks variables. This step in the worst case scenario has time complexity of $O(2^{n})$. We'll elaborate later on this.
Max Operation: The algorithm uses the max function to update the max_score with the maximum between the current max_score and the result of the recursive call. This operation takes constant time $O(1)$ since it involves comparing two numbers.
Now, for the overall time complexity, we can now consider that within the for loop the exponential recursion time complexity $O(2^{n})$ dominates all the other operations since it is bigger than the linear time complexity it takes to perform list operations.
On the other side, we will perform recursivity for each element on our marks list. Therefore the overall time complexity of our algorithm is: $$\boxed{O(n\cdot 2^{n})}$$
Now, let's elaborate on why the Recursion step has time complexity of $O(2^{n})$. Let's consider that for each exam, our algorithm always explores two possibilities: either we add a number the current exam score or we subtract from it, this leads to a binary tree-like structure where we have $2^{n}$ leaves corresponding to each recursive call.
Now, we need to achieve a better performance of our algorithm by optimizing its time complexity. In order to do this we performed a Dynamic Programming approach.
Dynamic Programming is an optimization technique for solving recursive functions that make repeated calls to the same inputs. Dynamic programming works by breaking down complex problems into simpler subproblems and finding optimal solutions to these subproblems (in this case the subproblems are finding the score for a given score and list combination).
It does this by performing memorization. Memorization is a method that saves the outcomes of each of these processes so that the corresponding answers do not need to be computed when they are later needed. Saving solutions save time on the computation of subproblems that have already been encountered.
As we can see from our algorithm, we are making unnecessary recursion steps by searching every time for the solution for a given combination of score $S$ and marks list $m$. Therefore, by performing memorization we can effectively reduce the times we call our recursive function since we can save its output and obtain it every time it is necessary.
The advantage of this optimization techinque is that it can be shown that its overall time complexity is given by:
$$T(n) = \text{Number of Recursive Function Calls} \times \text{Work Done per Recursive Function Call}$$Applying this technique to our algorithm we obtain a new approach:
def highest_score_memorization(S: int, marks:list)-> int:
Function that returns the highest score that can be achieved by taking exams using memorization
S (int): The starting score
marks (list): The list of marks for each exam
int: The highest score that can be achieved
#Here we initialize the memorization dictionary in order to store the results of the subproblems
memorization_dict = {}
def subproblem(current_score: int, remaining_marks: list)-> int:
Function that returns the highest score that can be achieved by taking exams
current_score (int): The current score
remaining_marks (list): The list of marks for each exam
int: The highest score that can be achieved
#This is our base case, if there are no exams left to take, we return the score S
if len(remaining_marks) == 0:
return current_score
#Now we sort the remaining marks in order to ensure that the subproblems are unique
#Here we check if the subproblem has already been solved, if it has, we return the result
#We use a tuple of the score and the marks list as the key of the memorization dictionary
#This is done since tuples are hashable and can be used as keys in dictionaries
if (current_score, tuple(remaining_marks)) in memorization_dict:
return memorization_dict[(current_score, tuple(remaining_marks))]
#Here we initialize the maximum score to -infinity since we'll be comparing it with the scores of each exam
max_score = -np.inf
#Here we iterate through all the marks of the exams
for i in range(len(remaining_marks)):
#For each iteration we take the score of the exam
p = remaining_marks[i]
#And we make our new score the value of the score of the exam
new_score = p
#Once we've done this, the scoring system changes as follows:
#If p < S, then we the mark of all the other exams is increased by S-p
if p < current_score:
#Here we ensure that the new marks list doesn't contain the mark of the exam we just took
new_marks = [mark + (current_score - p) for mark in remaining_marks[:i] + remaining_marks[i+1:]]
#If p >= S, then we the mark of all the other exams marks are decreased by p-S
#Here we ensure that the new marks list doesn't contain the mark of the exam we just took
new_marks = [mark - (p - current_score) for mark in remaining_marks[:i] + remaining_marks[i+1:]]
#Here we recursively call the function with the new score and the new marks
max_score = max(max_score, subproblem(new_score, new_marks))
#Here we update the memorization dictionary with the result of the subproblem
memorization_dict[(current_score, tuple(remaining_marks))] = max_score
return max_score
#Here we return the result of the subproblem with the starting score and the marks list
return subproblem(S, marks)
Here we can test the performance of our algorithm by inputting our testing cases. For the first example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 8
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [5, 7, 1]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score_memorization(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 11 and it took 0.0 seconds to run the algorithm
For the second example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 25
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [18, 24, 21, 32, 27]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score_memorization(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 44 and it took 0.0 seconds to run the algorithm
For the third example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 30
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [13, 27, 41, 59, 28, 33, 39, 19, 52, 48, 55, 79]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = highest_score_memorization(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 205 and it took 0.37 seconds to run the algorithm
As we can see we've notoriously improved the running time of our algorithm. Moreover we have shown that this approach already includes a way of computing the time complexity of our algorithm based in Dynamic Programming. Let's see what this is.
To analyze the time complexity of our new algorithm, we have to look at the number of unique subproblems that are solved and how many times each subproblem is solved.
The number of subproblems in our algorithm is determined by the unique combinations of $S$ and the sorted marks list values. In the worst case, we can notice that this number is $n \cdot |S|$, where $|S|$ is the length of the range of possible values for $S$. This number in the worst case happens when the range of possible scores is proportional to the size of the input.
Now, knowing this, we can notice that in our algorithm the following process is followed:
For each call to the
function, there is a loop that iterates over the remaining marks ($n$ iterations). For each iteration of the loop, a recursive call tosubproblem
is made with a reduced set of remaining marks. The memorization table we built helps to avoid redundant computations, and if a subproblem has already been solved, its result is retrieved in constant time (by a call to our dictionary).
As we've seen before, we can obtain the time complexity of this algorithm by the following formula:
$$T(n) = \text{Number of Recursive Function Calls} \times \text{Work Done per Recursive Function Call}$$We've already obtained the number of recursive function calls since it is the same as the number of subproblems in our algorithm, given by $n \cdot |S|$. On the other side, we can observe that the work that takes to solve each subproblem is dominated by the loop iterating over the remaining marks (with time complexity $O(n)$). Therefore, the overall time complexity for our algorithm is given by:
$$T(n) = O(n \cdot |S|) \cdot O(n) = O(n^{2}\cdot |S|)$$As we can see this is still a high time complexity but we've managed to avoid the exponential time our previous algorithm had before.
In order to find another approach to this problem we designed a prompt to ask ChatGPT by trying to enforce it to find an answer that has near-linear time complexity. Our prompt is:
You're a Computer Scientist. Write an algorithm that solves the following problem:
A student is given an initial score S (int) and a list of marks (integers) of exams he has to take. Once he chooses an exam, his score S becomes equal to the mark p of the exam he chose.
If p<S, then we increase every element in the marks list by the quantity S-p (the list should not contain the chosen exam anymore)
If p>=S, then we decrease every element in the marks list by the quantity p-S (the list should not contain the chosen exam anymore)
The student wants to obtain the maximum possible score he can get after taking all the exams.
Make sure your algorithm has an optimal time complexity.
We obtained the following response:
The response was as follows:
To solve this problem, we can use a greedy algorithm. The idea is to sort the list of marks in descending order and iteratively choose the exams with the highest marks. For each chosen exam, we update the score and adjust the remaining exams accordingly based on the given conditions.
Here's the algorithm in Python:
def max_score(initial_score, marks): # Sort the marks in descending order marks.sort(reverse=True) # Iterate through the sorted marks for mark in marks: if mark < initial_score: # Increase every element in the marks list by the quantity (initial_score - mark) initial_score += (initial_score - mark) else: # Decrease every element in the marks list by the quantity (mark - initial_score) initial_score -= (mark - initial_score) return initial_score # Example usage: initial_score = 50 marks = [70, 60, 80, 40, 90] result = max_score(initial_score, marks) print("Maximum possible score:", result)This algorithm has a time complexity of $O(n log n)$ due to the sorting operation, where $n$ is the number of exams. The greedy strategy ensures that we always choose the exam that maximizes the score at each step.
First of all we may notice that the overall time complexity of this algorithm is $O(n)$ in the worst case since when sorting in the worst case we just need to move all elements in our list and the for loop has also time complexity of $O(n)$.
Now we can chat GPT's approach:
def max_score(initial_score, marks):
# Sort the marks in descending order
# Iterate through the sorted marks
for mark in marks:
if mark < initial_score:
# Increase every element in the marks list by the quantity (initial_score - mark)
initial_score += (initial_score - mark)
# Decrease every element in the marks list by the quantity (mark - initial_score)
initial_score -= (mark - initial_score)
return initial_score
For the first example:
#Here we test our function with the first example given in the assignment
#Here we define the starting score
S = 8
#Here we define the list of marks for each exam
marks = [5, 7, 1]
#Here we start our timer to time the execution of the algorithm
start_time = time.time()
#Here we run our algorithm
result = max_score(S, marks)
#Here we stop our timer
end_time = time.time()
#Finally, we print the result and the time it took to run the algorithm
print(f"The highest score that can be achieved is {result} and it took {round(end_time - start_time, 2)} seconds to run the algorithm")
The highest score that can be achieved is 25 and it took 0.0 seconds to run the algorithm
We can see that the proposed algorithm is wrong since it gives a maximum possible score of 25 even though the real maximum possible score is 11.
We can conclude that even though the algorithm seems simple in principle, it is really challenging and it is difficult for a LLM to generalize for this kind of problem. We tried to prompt ChatGPT with different problem statements in order to get a better result but we failed every time.
References for this section: