import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros
import numpy.polynomial.chebyshev as C
from scipy.linalg import solve
def laplace_solve(x, f, k=0):
Laplacian solve with mixed derivatives on boundary of the form
u_z + k u = 0
this is used for the vorticity inversion in Xing
a = 0
b = 0
n = x.shape[0]-1
# x does not need to be (-1,1)
scal = 2/(x.max()-x.min())
xx = (x-x.min())/(x.max()-x.min()) * 2 -1
# Identity matrix
I = np.eye(n+1)
# derivative matrices (n+1)x(n-1)
D = C.chebder(I,1, scl=scal)
D2 = C.chebder(I,2, scl=scal)
# Chebshev Vandermonde matrix
V = C.chebvander(xx,n)
# Transform forcing function to mode space
fhat = solve(V,f)
# Boundary operators for last two rows (tau conditions)
# First and last rows of Vandermonde contain the boundary
# values of the Chebyshev polynomials
B = zeros((2, V.shape[1]))
B[0,:] = V[0,:]
B[1,:] = k* V[-1,:] + C.chebval(1.0, D)
# Left-hand-side
A = -D2
L = np.vstack((A,B))
# Insert boundary values into the last two elements of
# the right-hand-side
fhat[-2] = a
fhat[-1] = b
# Compute expansion coefficients of the solution
yhat = solve(L,fhat)
# Transform solution to point space
y =
return y