def _ecg_simulate_ecgsynth(sfecg=256, N=256, Anoise=0, hrmean=60, hrstd=1, lfhfratio=0.5, sfint=256, ti=[-70, -15, 0, 15, 100], ai=[1.2, -5, 30, -7.5, 0.75], bi=[0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4]):
This function is a python translation of the matlab script by Patrick McSharry & Gari Clifford (2013). All credits go to them.
# Set parameter default values
# sfecg = 256;
# N = 256;
# Anoise = 0;
# hrmean = 60;
# hrstd = 1;
# lfhfratio = 0.5;
# sfint = 512;
# ti = [-70, -15, 0, 15, 100];
# ai=[1.2 -5 30 -7.5 0.75];
# bi=[0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4];
ti = np.array(ti)*np.pi/180
# Adjust extrema parameters for mean heart rate
hrfact = np.sqrt(hrmean/60)
hrfact2 = np.sqrt(hrfact)
bi = hrfact*np.array(bi)
ti = np.array([hrfact2, hrfact, 1, hrfact, hrfact2])*ti
# Check that sfint is an integer multiple of sfecg
q = np.round(sfint/sfecg)
qd = sfint/sfecg
if q != qd:
raise ValueError('Internal sampling frequency (sfint) must be an integer multiple of the ECG sampling frequency (sfecg). Your current choices are: sfecg = ' + str(sfecg) + ' and sfint = ' + str(sfint) + '.')
# Define frequency parameters for rr process
# flo and fhi correspond to the Mayer waves and respiratory rate respectively
flo = 0.1
fhi = 0.25
flostd = 0.01
fhistd = 0.01
fid = 1
# Calculate time scales for rr and total output
sfrr = 1
trr = 1/sfrr
tstep = 1/sfecg
rrmean = 60/hrmean
n = (np.ceil(np.log2(N*rrmean/trr)))**2
rr0 = _ecg_simulate_rrprocess(flo,fhi,flostd,fhistd,lfhfratio,hrmean,hrstd,sfrr,n)
# Upsample rr time series from 1 Hz to sfint Hz
rr = nk.signal_resample(rr0, sampling_rate=1, desired_sampling_rate=sfint)
# Make the rrn time series
dt = 1/sfint
rrn = np.zeros(len(rr))
i = 0
while i < len(rr):
tecg = tecg+rr[i]
ip = int(np.round(tecg/dt))
rrn[i:ip] = rr[i]
i = ip+1
Nt = ip
# Integrate system using fourth order Runge-Kutta
x0 = [1, 0, 0.04]
# Tspan = np.arange(0, (Nt-1)*dt, dt)
Tspan = np.linspace(0, (Nt-1)*dt, len(rrn))
# T, X0 = _ecg_simulate_derivsecgsyn(t=Tspan, rr=rrn, ti=ti, x=x0, flag=[], sfint, ti, ai, bi)
dxdt = _ecg_simulate_derivsecgsyn(Tspan=Tspan, rrn=rrn, ti=ti, x0=x0, sfint=sfint, ai=ai, bi=bi)
# downsample to required sfecg
X = dxdt[np.arange(0,len(dxdt),q).astype(int)]
# Scale signal to lie between -0.4 and 1.2 mV
z = X.copy()
zmin = np.min(z)
zmax = np.max(z)
zrange = zmax - zmin
z = (z - zmin)*(1.6)/zrange -0.4
# include additive uniformly distributed measurement noise
eta = 2*np.random.uniform(len(z))-1
s = z + Anoise*eta
def _ecg_simulate_derivsecgsyn(Tspan, rrn, ti, x0=[1, 0, 0.04], sfint=512, ai=[1.2, -5, 30, -7.5, 0.75], bi=[0.25, 0.1 , 0.1 , 0.1 , 0.4 ]):
xi = np.cos(ti)
yi = np.sin(ti)
ta = math.atan2(x0[1], x0[0])
r0 = 1
a0 = 1.0 - np.sqrt(x0[0]**2 + x0[1]**2)/r0
ip = np.floor(Tspan*sfint).astype(int)
# w0 = 2*np.pi/rrn[ip.astype(int)] # This fails, also in the matlab script it seems...
w0 = 2*np.pi/rrn[ip[ip <= np.max(rrn)]]
fresp = 0.25
zbase = 0.005*np.sin(2*np.pi*fresp*Tspan)
dx1dt = a0*x0[0] - w0*x0[1]
dx2dt = a0*x0[1] + w0*x0[0]
dti = np.remainder(ta - ti, 2*np.pi)
dx3dt = -np.sum(ai * dti * np.exp(-0.5*(dti/bi)**2)) - 1*(x0[2] - zbase)
dxdt = np.concatenate([dx1dt, dx2dt, dx3dt])
def _ecg_simulate_rrprocess(flo=0.1, fhi=0.25, flostd=0.01, fhistd=0.01, lfhfratio=0.5, hrmean=60, hrstd=1, sfrr=1, n=64):
w1 = 2*np.pi*flo
w2 = 2*np.pi*fhi
c1 = 2*np.pi*flostd
c2 = 2*np.pi*fhistd
sig2 = 1
sig1 = lfhfratio
rrmean = 60/hrmean
rrstd = 60*hrstd/(hrmean*hrmean)
df = sfrr/n
w = np.arange(n-1)*2*np.pi*df
dw1 = w-w1
dw2 = w-w2
Hw1 = sig1*np.exp(-0.5*(dw1/c1)**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*c1**2)
Hw2 = sig2*np.exp(-0.5*(dw2/c2)**2)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*c2**2)
Hw = Hw1 + Hw2
Hw0 = np.concatenate((Hw[0:int(n/2)], Hw[int(n/2)-1::-1]))
Sw = (sfrr/2)*np.sqrt(Hw0)
ph0 = 2*np.pi*np.random.uniform(size=int(n/2-1))
ph = np.concatenate([[0], ph0, [0], -np.flipud(ph0)])
SwC = Sw * np.exp(1j*ph)
x = (1/n)*np.real(np.fft.ifft(SwC))
xstd = np.std(x)
ratio = rrstd/xstd
rr = rrmean + x*ratio