Line Modeling simulation with PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl
Originally Contributed by: José Daniel Lara
This tutorial will introduce the modeling of an inverter with Virtual Inertia in a multi-machine model of the system. We will load the data directly from PSS/e dynamic files
The tutorial uses a modified 14-bus system on which all the synchronous machines have been substituted by generators with ESAC1A AVR's and no Turbine Governors.
In the first portion of the tutorial we will simulate the system with the original data and cause a line trip between Buses 2 and 4. In the second part of the simulation, we will switch generator 6 with a battery using an inverter and perform the same fault.
Load the packages
using SIIPExamples # Only needed for the tutorial, comment if you want to run
import DisplayAs # Only needed for the tutorial
using PowerSimulationsDynamics
using PowerSystems
using Logging
using Sundials
using Plots
PSD = PowerSimulationsDynamics
Create the system
file_dir = joinpath(
sys = System(joinpath(file_dir, "14bus.raw"), joinpath(file_dir, "dyn_data.dyr"))
Define Simulation Problem with a 20 second simulation period and the branch trip at t = 1.0
sim = PSD.Simulation(
ResidualModel, #Type of model used
sys, #system
file_dir, #path for the simulation output
(0.0, 20.0), #time span
BranchTrip(1.0, Line, "BUS 02-BUS 04-i_4");
console_level = Logging.Info,
Now that the system is initialized, we can verify the system states for potential issues.
We execute the simulation with an additional tolerance for the solver set at 1e-8.
PSD.execute!(sim, IDA(); abstol = 1e-8)
Using PowerSimulationsDynamics
tools for exploring the results, we can plot all the voltage
results for the buses
result = read_results(sim)
p = plot()
for b in get_components(Bus, sys)
voltage_series = get_voltage_magnitude_series(result, get_number(b))
xlabel = "Time",
ylabel = "Voltage Magnitude [pu]",
label = "Bus - $(get_name(b))",
img = DisplayAs.PNG(p) # This line is only needed because of literate use display(p) when running locally
We can also explore the frequency of the different generators
p2 = plot()
for g in get_components(ThermalStandard, sys)
state_series = get_state_series(result, (get_name(g), :ω))
xlabel = "Time",
ylabel = "Speed [pu]",
label = "$(get_name(g)) - ω",
img = DisplayAs.PNG(p2) # This line is only needed because of literate use display(p2) when running locally
It is also possible to explore the small signal stability of this system we created. However, Since a simulation has already taken place, we need to reset the model.
res = small_signal_analysis(sim; reset_simulation = true)
The eigenvalues can be explored visually
scatter(res.eigenvalues; legend = false)
Reload the system for this example
sys = System(joinpath(file_dir, "14bus.raw"), joinpath(file_dir, "dyn_data.dyr"))
We want to remove the generator 6 and the dynamic component attached to it.
thermal_gen = get_component(ThermalStandard, sys, "generator-6-1")
remove_component!(sys, get_dynamic_injector(thermal_gen))
remove_component!(sys, thermal_gen)
We can now define our storage device and add it to the system
storage = GenericBattery(
name = "Battery",
bus = get_component(Bus, sys, "BUS 06"),
available = true,
prime_mover = PrimeMovers.BA,
active_power = 0.6,
reactive_power = 0.16,
rating = 1.1,
base_power = 25.0,
initial_energy = 50.0,
state_of_charge_limits = (min = 5.0, max = 100.0),
input_active_power_limits = (min = 0.0, max = 1.0),
output_active_power_limits = (min = 0.0, max = 1.0),
reactive_power_limits = (min = -1.0, max = 1.0),
efficiency = (in = 0.80, out = 0.90),
add_component!(sys, storage)
A good sanity check it running a power flow on the system to make sure all the components
are properly scaled and that the system is properly balanced. We can use PowerSystems
perform this check. We can get the results back and perform a sanity check
res = solve_powerflow(sys)
After verifying that the system works, we can define our inverter dynamics and add it to the battery that has already been stored in the system.
inverter = DynamicInverter(
name = get_name(storage),
ω_ref = 1.0, # ω_ref,
converter = AverageConverter(rated_voltage = 138.0, rated_current = 100.0),
outer_control = OuterControl(
VirtualInertia(Ta = 2.0, kd = 400.0, kω = 20.0),
ReactivePowerDroop(kq = 0.2, ωf = 1000.0),
inner_control = CurrentControl(
kpv = 0.59, #Voltage controller proportional gain
kiv = 736.0, #Voltage controller integral gain
kffv = 0.0, #Binary variable enabling the voltage feed-forward in output of current controllers
rv = 0.0, #Virtual resistance in pu
lv = 0.2, #Virtual inductance in pu
kpc = 1.27, #Current controller proportional gain
kic = 14.3, #Current controller integral gain
kffi = 0.0, #Binary variable enabling the current feed-forward in output of current controllers
ωad = 50.0, #Active damping low pass filter cut-off frequency
kad = 0.2,
dc_source = FixedDCSource(voltage = 600.0),
freq_estimator = KauraPLL(
ω_lp = 500.0, #Cut-off frequency for LowPass filter of PLL filter.
kp_pll = 0.084, #PLL proportional gain
ki_pll = 4.69, #PLL integral gain
filter = LCLFilter(lf = 0.08, rf = 0.003, cf = 0.074, lg = 0.2, rg = 0.01),
add_component!(sys, inverter, storage)
These are the current system components:
Define Simulation problem using the same parameters:
sim = PSD.Simulation(
ResidualModel, #Type of model used
sys, #system
file_dir, #path for the simulation output
(0.0, 20.0), #time span
BranchTrip(1.0, Line, "BUS 02-BUS 04-i_4");
console_level = Logging.Info,
We can verify the small signal stability of the system before running the simulation:
res = small_signal_analysis(sim)
We execute the simulation
PSD.execute!(sim, IDA(); abstol = 1e-8)
Using PowerSimulationsDynamics
tools for exploring the results, we can plot all the voltage
results for the buses
result = read_results(sim)
p = plot()
for b in get_components(Bus, sys)
voltage_series = get_voltage_magnitude_series(result, get_number(b))
xlabel = "Time",
ylabel = "Voltage Magnitude [pu]",
label = "Bus - $(get_name(b))",
img = DisplayAs.PNG(p) # This line is only needed because of literate use display(p) when running locally
We can also explore the frequency of the different static generators and storage
p2 = plot()
for g in get_components(ThermalStandard, sys)
state_series = get_state_series(result, (get_name(g), :ω))
xlabel = "Time",
ylabel = "Speed [pu]",
label = "$(get_name(g)) - ω",
state_series = get_state_series(result, ("Battery", :ω_oc))
plot!(p2, state_series; xlabel = "Time", ylabel = "Speed [pu]", label = "Battery - ω")
img = DisplayAs.PNG(p2) # This line is only needed because of literate use display(p2) when running locally
This notebook was generated using Literate.jl.