# import necessary modules
# for running/displaying the ABM
import math
import random
from mesa import Agent
from mesa import Model
from mesa.time import SimultaneousActivation
from mesa.time import RandomActivation
from mesa.space import MultiGrid
from mesa.visualization.modules import CanvasGrid
from mesa.visualization.ModularVisualization import ModularServer
from mesa.visualization.UserParam import UserSettableParameter
# for data collection/plotting/saving
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
# define distance calculation function that needs to be call mid-decision in agent operation
def get_distance(pos_1, pos_2):
Get the distance between two points
pos_1, pos_2: Coordinate tuples for both points
x1, y1 = pos_1
x2, y2 = pos_2
dx = x1 - x2
dy = y1 - y2
return math.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 )
# adapted from sugarscape_cg
For the following agent classes:
unique_id: a unique value to distinguish the agent
pos: where the agent is located, as grid coordinates
model: standard model reference for agent
class Environment(Agent):
def __init__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class ForageArea(Agent):
def __int__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class DropArea(Agent):
def __int__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class Tree(Agent):
def __int__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class CacheArea(Agent):
def __int__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class NestArea(Agent):
def __int__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
class Nest(Agent):
The nest of the ants, destination for cut leaves
add(self, amount): increments the food quantity the ant colony has harvested
def __init__(self, unique_id, pos, model):
Records the unique_id with the super function
Saves the position
Initializes the food counters to 0
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.pos = pos
self.amount = 0
class Foraged_Food(Agent):
A food item for the ants, generated in the foraging area
add(self, amount): food is added to the agent, i.e. appears in foraging area
remove(self): food is removed from the agent, i.e. picked up from foraging area
any_food(self): returns bool to show if agent contains food, called when ants are foraging
def __init__(self, unique_id, model):
Records the unique_id with the super function
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
def remove(self):
Removes the agent from simulation
class Dropped_Food(Agent):
A food item for the ants, appears in the cache when ants drop a foraged food in the drop area
add(self, amount): food is added to the agent, i.e. appears in cache
remove(self): food is removed from the agent, i.e. picked up from cache
any_food(self): returns bool to show if agent contains food, called when ants are foraging
def __init__(self, unique_id, model):
Records the unique_id with the super function
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
def remove(self):
Removes the agent from simulation
class Ant(Agent):
Free agent in model, moves/takes actions based on nearby environment
Ants wander along an existing pheromone trail until food is within vision range ('foraging')
If the ant decides to pick up, it will efficiently walk towards nearest food in vision range
If not, the ant will continue following the pheromone trail
When ant is in the same cell as food, it will pick up and start carrying the food
When carrying the food, ant will efficiently walk towards nest ('homing')
When at the dropzone, ant will decide whether or not to drop food
If dropped, ant will stop carrying food, which reappears as food item in the cache
If not dropped, ant will continue walking towards nest down the tree
When ant is at the nest, ant will store the food, incrementing the score counter
get_item(self, item): looks for a specified item (agent) in the ant's current cell
step(self): runs decision tree for each ant at each model step
forage(self): ant looks for nearby food
pickup_or_phero(self, food): ant decides whether or not to pick up food
food_move(self, food): ant walks towards food
walk_here(self, destination): ant walks towards a specified location on the grid
phero_trail(self): ant walks up or down the pheromone trail without food
homing_or_drop(self): ant is carrying the food, decides whether to drop it or walk to nest
food_drop(self): ant drops food at the top of the tree
def __init__(self, unique_id, nest_loc, treetop_loc, model):
Records the unique_id with the super function
Initializes the ant to the foraging / undecided pickup states & upwards movement direction
- FORAGING state: ant is looking for food
- HOMING state: ant is moving towards the nest
- HOMING_forager: ant has found its food in the foraging area
- HOMING_collector: ant has found its food in the cache
- foraged or dropped food pickup states
- UNDECIDED: ant has not recently found any foraged/dropped food
- YES: ant has seen a foraged/dropped food + decided to pick it up
- NO: ant has seen a foraged/dropped food + decided to not pick it up
- UP direction: ant is moving along the pheromone trail up the tree
- DOWN direction: ant is moving along the pheromone trail down the tree
Saves the nest + treetop locations to establish pheromone trail endpoints
Initializes the food_carry quantity to 0
super().__init__(unique_id, model)
self.state = "FORAGING"
self.direction = "UP"
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
self.nest_loc = nest_loc
self.treetop_loc = treetop_loc
self.food_carry = 0
# adapted from Sugarscape get_sugar()
def get_item(self, item):
Looks for a specified item (agent) in the ant's current cell
Returns full agent class
item: specifies which type of agent to look for
# returns all agents in the ant's cell
this_cell = self.model.grid.get_cell_list_contents([self.pos])
for agent in this_cell:
if type(agent) is item:
return agent
def step(self):
Steps each ant agent forward 1 simulation time unit:
- Logs the y-coordinate of the ant
- Walks through decision hierarchy based on:
- the ant's internal states
- the colony's behavioral parameters
- observation of the surrounding environment
- Ant moves 1 cell within its Moore neighborhood
Ants will either be FORAGING for food or HOMING in on the nest location
If a FORAGING ant finds food + has decided to pick it up,
they pick the food up + begin HOMING / walking DOWN
Else, they search for food via forage()
If a HOMING agent is at the nest,
they store the food + return to FORAGING / walking UP
Else, they walk towards the nest via homing_or_drop()
Distinguishes between foraged + dropped/collected food
- different decision/action trees
- different record logs
# log the y-coordinate of the ant
# start of each simulation time step for each ant
if self.state == "FORAGING":
# look for food in the ant's cell
foraged_food = self.get_item(Foraged_Food)
dropped_food = self.get_item(Dropped_Food)
# three checks:
# if a foraged/drop food agent exists in the ant's cell
# if there still exists a food quantity in the food agent
# food agent with 0 food exists when another ant has picked up that food item
# during that step, where the agent has yet to be removed from the grid
# if the ant has decided to pickup that food (passed forage() + pickup_or_phero())
if foraged_food is not None and self.foraged_food_pickup_state == "YES":
# ant picks up food
self.food_carry += 1
# empty food agent is flagged for removal from the grid
# replaces foraged food agent in the current location
new_food = Foraged_Food(self.model.next_id(), self.model)
self.model.grid.place_agent(new_food, self.pos)
# switches homing/foraging states
self.state = "HOMING_forager"
# ant switches pheromone trail travel direction
self.direction = "DOWN"
# restores pickup decision states
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED" # line not included in "no reset"
# similar changes to picking up foraged food, but a food item is not replaced
elif dropped_food is not None and self.dropped_food_pickup_state == "YES":
self.food_carry += 1
self.state = "HOMING_collector"
self.direction = "DOWN"
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED" # line not included in "no reset"
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
# food was not found, ant looks for nearby food
else: self.forage()
else: # state: HOMING as either collector or forager
# if at nest, ant drops food + switches states
# food is logged at the nest for display reasons + in a model list as its respective type
if self.pos == self.nest_loc:
self.food_carry -= 1
self.get_item(Nest).amount += 1
if self.state == "HOMING_collector":
self.model.amount_collector += 1
elif self.state == "HOMING_forager": # carried its food from the foraging area
self.model.amount_generalist += 1
self.state = "FORAGING"
self.direction = "UP"
# ant is not at nest, ant walks home or drops food at drop area
else: self.homing_or_drop()
# adapted from wolf_sheep RandomWalker
def forage(self):
Foraging ant looks for food within its vision range
If food is found, ant decides whether or not to pickup food via pickup_or_phero()
If both foraged + dropped food is found, ant prioritizes foraged food
It not, ant follows the pheromone trail via phero_trail()
# gathers food items from a list of agents within vision range
nearby_foraged_foods = [
x for x in self.model.grid.get_neighbors(
self.pos, moore=True, radius=self.model.vision
) if type(x) is Foraged_Food
nearby_dropped_foods = [
x for x in self.model.grid.get_neighbors(
self.pos, moore=True, radius=self.model.vision
) if type(x) is Dropped_Food
# no food is within vision range, ant follows pheromone trail
if nearby_foraged_foods + nearby_dropped_foods == []:
elif nearby_foraged_foods == []: # only dropped food(s) exists within vision range
# generates distances between ant and each food item
nearby_foods_dist = [get_distance(self.pos, x.pos) for x in nearby_dropped_foods]
# compiles list of foods closest to the ant, translates to agent list by indexing
closest_foods = [
nearby_dropped_foods[index] for index, dist in enumerate(nearby_foods_dist)
if dist == min(nearby_foods_dist)
# selects a random food among the closest food list
# ant decides whether to pickup food or to walk the pheromone trail
else: # foraged food(s) exists within vision range
nearby_foods_dist = [get_distance(self.pos, x.pos) for x in nearby_foraged_foods]
closest_foods = [
nearby_foraged_foods[index] for index, dist in enumerate(nearby_foods_dist)
if dist == min(nearby_foods_dist)
def pickup_or_phero(self, food):
Foraging ant sees food, decides whether or not to pick it up
A random number is generated:
If lower than the threshold given at model start, ant walks to it via food_move()
If not, ant walks up/down phero_trail()
When either decision is made, ant changes its pickup state to remember decision
If previously decided, ant bypasses decision
Decision tree works the same way for foraged/dropped food
# calls pickup_state + colony_prob related to either foraged or dropped food
if type(food) is Foraged_Food:
pickup_state = self.foraged_food_pickup_state
colony_prob = self.model.colony_forage_prob
else: # type(item): Dropped_Food:
pickup_state = self.dropped_food_pickup_state
colony_prob = self.model.colony_pickup_prob
# if the ant has already decided to pickup a foraged_food, walk towards it
if pickup_state == "YES":
# if not, walk down tree
elif pickup_state == "NO":
else: # pickup_state: UNDECIDED
# generate a random number to compare with the colony level
# given this is a number 1-100, the colony number : probability to pickup the food
if random.randint(1,100) <= colony_prob:
# if so, ant decides to pickup the food, change state
if type(food) is Foraged_Food:
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "YES"
else: # type(item): Dropped_Food:
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "YES"
# ant walks towards the food
else: # ant decides to not pickup the food, change state
if type(food) is Foraged_Food:
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "NO"
else: # type(item): Dropped_Food:
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "NO"
# ant walks up/down the pheromone trail
def food_move(self, food):
Ant has seen a food within its vision range + has decided to pick it up
Ant walks directly towards the food
# generates distances between ant and food item
distance = get_distance(self.pos, food.pos)
if distance <= 1.5:
# if food is within Moore neighboorhood (diagonal tile distance = sqrt(2)), move to food
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, food.pos)
# if food is outside neighboordhood, ant walks towards food
def walk_here(self, destination):
Ant walks in an optimal path towards a specified location
i.e. towards food, end of pheromone trail, nest
# gathers grid positions of ant's neighbors
neighbor_pos = [
n.pos for n in self.model.grid.get_neighbors(self.pos, moore=True)
if type(n) is Environment
# calculates distances between each neighbor position and destination
neighbor_dist = [
get_distance(destination, pos) for pos in neighbor_pos
# finds the closest distance to destination, indexes to the position list
# returns coordinates of closest neighbor
closest_neighbor_pos = neighbor_pos[
# moves agent to the neighbor closest to destination
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, closest_neighbor_pos)
def phero_trail(self):
Pheromone trail is pre-existing to simulation start
Foraging ant hasn't found food or has decided to not pick up, thus will follow phero_trail
Movement up/down trail is according to random choice among 16 options ~ discrete bell curve
10 options forward (up/down) : 62.5% probability ~ 1 sigma
2 options to each forward-diagonal : 12.5% probability ~ 2 sigma
1 option to each side : 6.25% probability ~ 3 sigma
If the ant is walking up the trail + reaches the treetop
It switches directions + forgets pickup decision made at the bottom
If the ant is walking down the trail + reaches the cache
It switches directions + forgets pickup decision made at the top
if self.direction == "UP":
# once ant reaches treetop, switch directions, forget pickup state at bottom
if self.pos[1] >= self.treetop_loc[1]:
self.direction = "DOWN"
self.dropped_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
else: # direction: DOWN
# once ant reaches cache area, switch directions, forget pickup state at top
if self.pos[1] <= self.nest_loc[1] + 5:
self.direction = "UP"
self.foraged_food_pickup_state = "UNDECIDED"
# gather the 8 neighbors of ant's cell
next_moves = self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(self.pos, moore=True)
# gather 3 neighbors in the up/down direction, multiply by 2
if self.direction == "UP":
dir_moves = [move for move in next_moves if move[1] > self.pos[1] for i in range(2)]
else: # direction: DOWN
dir_moves = [move for move in next_moves if move[1] < self.pos[1] for i in range(2)]
# gather each up/down + center tile in the dir_moves, multiply by 4 >> 8 in total
straight_move = [move for move in dir_moves if move[0] == self.pos[0] for i in range(4)]
# gather 2 neighbors in the side direction
side_moves = [move for move in next_moves if move[1] == self.pos[1]]
# add each group to make 10 forward-center moves // 2+2 forward-diagonal moves // 1+1 side moves
all_moves = dir_moves + straight_move + side_moves
# randomly choose among this group + move ant to the chosen cell
next_move = self.random.choice(all_moves)
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, next_move)
# adapted from Sugarscape
def homing_or_drop(self):
Ant is carrying food + moving towards the nest
If ant is at the top of tree (DropArea), it decides whether to drop the food or not
A random number is generated:
If lower than the threshold given at model start, food is dropped
If not, ant continues toward nest
# find if ant is at the drop area
current_cell = self.get_item(DropArea)
# generate a random number to compare with the colony level
# given this is a number 1-100, the colony number : probability to drop the food
if type(current_cell) is DropArea and random.randint(1,100) <= self.model.colony_drop_prob:
# if both checks pass, ant drops food
else: # ant is either not at the drop area or has decided to not drop the food
# walk straight down until reached the bottom of the pheromone trail (cache area)
if self.pos[1] > self.nest_loc[1] + 5:
self.walk_here((self.pos[0], self.nest_loc[1] + 5))
else: # once reached cache area, walk directly toward nest
def food_drop(self):
Ant drops food at the top of the tree
Food item is generated at the bottom of the tree
Ant returns to foraging
# ant drops the food + returns to foraging
self.food_carry -= 1
self.state = "FORAGING"
# generates position for dropped food below ant at cache area
dropped_loc = ((self.pos[0], self.nest_loc[1] + 5))
# places dropped food agent
new_food = Dropped_Food(self.model.next_id(), self.model)
self.model.grid.place_agent(new_food, dropped_loc)
# increments drop counter +1
self.model.drops += 1
# adapted from ConwaysGameOfLife
class AntWorld(Model):
AntWorld is a model simulating leaf-cutting ants foraging for food near a
food source of variable height with 8 model parameters, 5 fixed for publication:
3 environmental parameters:
dplen: sets number of grid tiles between the drop + cache areas (1, 10, or 20)
i.e. how far a food item falls when dropped
height: vertical extent of grid
takes dplen + adds forage/nest areas (dplen + fixed @ 15 tiles)
width: horizontal extent of grid (fixed @ 11 tiles)
5 colony-wide parameters:
colony_size: how many ants to simulate (fixed @ 25 ants)
colony_drop_prob: 0-100 threshold, random number generated when ant makes a decision
whether or not to drop food when the ant reaches the Drop Area (variable)
colony_pickup_prob: 0-100 threshold, random number generated when ant makes a decision
whether or not to pickup food the ant finds a dropped_food (variable)
colony_forage_prob: 0-100 threshold, random number generated when ant makes a decision
whether or not to pickup food the ant finds a foraged_food (fixed @ 95)
vision: extent to which an ant can see food (fixed @ 5 cells)
step(): moves model forward 1 time unit, logs relevant data
def __init__(self, dplen, height, width, colony_size,
colony_drop_prob, colony_pickup_prob,
colony_forage_prob, vision):
Creates a map with the specified environmental + colony-wide parameters
Initializes each agent by:
- defining the initial grid position (fixed for food, random for ants)
- creating a unique ID
- placing agent on the grid
- adding agent to the schedule (logs agent states + processes actions)
Starts counters to track step number + drop count + scores + ant positions
# initializes/starts model run
self.running = True
# schedules all cells to be run randomly, as opposed to simultaneously or in stages
self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
# self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
# uses a simple 2D grid, where edges do not wrap around
self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, torus=False)
# applies specified parameters to model
self.dplen = dplen
self.colony_size = colony_size
self.colony_drop_prob = colony_drop_prob
self.colony_pickup_prob = colony_pickup_prob
self.colony_forage_prob = colony_forage_prob
self.vision = vision
# prints parameters, particularly useful for run iterations
print("dplen:", self.dplen,
", ant_num:", self.colony_size,\
", dp:", self.colony_drop_prob,\
", dpp:", self.colony_pickup_prob,\
", fpp:", self.colony_forage_prob,\
", vis:", self.vision)
# starts step counter + drop counter for model run
self.steps = 0
self.drops = 0
self.amount_collector = 0
self.amount_generalist = 0
# initialize nest agent
nest_loc = (int(width/2), 2)
nest = Nest(self.next_id(), nest_loc, self)
self.grid.place_agent(nest, nest_loc)
# define the top of the pheromone trail, to be internalized by the ants
treetop_loc = (int(width/2), nest_loc[1] + vision + self.dplen)
# initialize ant agents randomly throughout grid
initial_ant_locs = []
while len(initial_ant_locs) < colony_size:
ant = Ant(self.next_id(), nest_loc, treetop_loc, self)
x = random.randint(0,width-1)
y = random.randint(0,height-1)
self.grid.place_agent(ant, (x,y))
# build initial location list to be sent to tracking list below
# initialize food agents in the top of the foraging area
for x in range(width):
for y in range(treetop_loc[1] + vision, treetop_loc[1] + vision + 3):
food = Foraged_Food(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(food, (x,y))
# initialize forage area agents
for x in range(width):
for y in range(treetop_loc[1] + 1, treetop_loc[1] + vision + 3):
foragearea_id = ForageArea(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(foragearea_id, (x,y))
# initialize drop area agents, a single line of cells at the top of the tree
for x in range(width):
droparea_id = DropArea(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(droparea_id, (x, treetop_loc[1]))
# initialize tree agents if drop length > 1
# if dplen = 1, tree does not exist in model + dropped food passes to next cell below
# if dplen > 1, the vertical length of the tree between cache + drop areas = dplen - 1
if dplen > 1:
for x in range(width):
for y in range(nest_loc[1] + vision + 1, treetop_loc[1]):
tree_id = Tree(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(tree_id, (x,y))
# initialize cache area agents, a single line of cells at the bottom of the tree
for x in range(width):
cachearea_id = CacheArea(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(cachearea_id, (x, nest_loc[1] + vision))
# initialize nest area agents
for x in range(width):
for y in range(0, nest_loc[1] + vision):
nestarea_id = NestArea(self.next_id(), self)
self.grid.place_agent(nestarea_id, (x,y))
# initialize environment agents
for contents,x,y in self.grid.coord_iter():
enviro_id = Environment(self.next_id(), (x,y), self)
self.grid.place_agent(enviro_id, (x,y))
def step(self):
Steps the model forward 1 simulation time unit
Logs the step number + y-coordinate of each ant
# starts/clears position log that tracks the y-coordinate of each ant for the current step
self.ant_pos_step = []
# increment step counter
self.steps += 1
# steps model forward, each ant moves 1 cell
# adapted from sugarscape and schelling
def diffusion_portrayal(agent):
Defines visualization parameters for each agent
For active agents (Ant, Foraged_Food, Dropped_Food, Nest):
- shape: circular
- layer > 1, thus displayed above background agents
For background agents (ForageArea, DropArea, Tree, CacheArea):
- shape: rectangular
- layer = 1, thus displayed below active agents
NestArea agents not given display parameters, this area of the grid is left white
# creates dictionary for each agent
portrayal = {}
if type(agent) is Ant:
portrayal["Shape"] = "circle"
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["r"] = 1
portrayal["scale"] = 0.9
portrayal["Color"] = "#0D0D0DBB" # dark gray
portrayal["Layer"] = 3
# when carrying food:
if agent.food_carry == 1:
# ant changes color from dark gray to red
portrayal["Color"] = "red"
# is displayed above non-carrying ants
portrayal["Layer"] = 4
elif type(agent) is Foraged_Food:
portrayal["Shape"] = "circle"
portrayal["r"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 3
portrayal["Color"] = "#00FF00BB" # bright green
elif type(agent) is Dropped_Food:
portrayal["Shape"] = "circle"
portrayal["r"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 3
portrayal["Color"] = "purple"
elif type(agent) is Nest:
portrayal["Shape"] = "circle"
portrayal["r"] = 2
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 5
portrayal["Color"] = "#964B00BB"
# displays the number of returned food items in the simulation
portrayal["text"] = agent.amount
portrayal["text_color"] = "white"
elif type(agent) is ForageArea:
portrayal["Shape"] = "rect"
portrayal["w"] = 1
portrayal["h"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 1
portrayal["Color"] = "grey"
elif type(agent) is DropArea:
portrayal["Shape"] = "rect"
portrayal["w"] = 1
portrayal["h"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 1
portrayal["Color"] = "blue"
elif type(agent) is Tree:
portrayal["Shape"] = "rect"
portrayal["w"] = 1
portrayal["h"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 1
portrayal["Color"] = "yellow"
elif type(agent) is CacheArea:
portrayal["Shape"] = "rect"
portrayal["w"] = 1
portrayal["h"] = 1
portrayal["Filled"] = "true"
portrayal["Layer"] = 1
portrayal["Color"] = "orange"
return portrayal
# adapted from ConwaysGameOfLife
# adapted from schelling
# user inputs: drop length + vision + width
# height is calculated based on drop length + vision
dp_len = 10
vision = 5
width = 11
height = dp_len + vision*2 + 5
# creates 2D display for the simulation with size (width x height) scaled by a specified factor
scaling_factor = 14
canvas_element = CanvasGrid(
width, height,
width*scaling_factor, height*scaling_factor
# sets server parameters for model, including sliders for individual run parameters
model_params = {
"dplen": dp_len,
"height": height,
"width": width,
"colony_size": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Colony Size", 25, 1, 100, 1),
"colony_drop_prob": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Drop Prob", 95, 0, 100, 1),
"colony_pickup_prob": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Pick-Up Prob", 95, 0, 100, 1),
"colony_forage_prob": UserSettableParameter("slider", "Forage Prob", 95, 0, 100, 1),
"vision": vision
# opens new tab + runs simulation
server = ModularServer(
AntWorld, [canvas_element], "Ants", model_params
# 4 digit port number needs to change before starting a new server
server.port = 1000
def data_coll_iter(dplen, w, ant_num, dp, pp, fp, vis, step_num, run_num):
collects relevant simulation data at each time step by iterating model runs:
- collector, generalist, total scores
- number of leaf drops
- individual ant positions
- number of ants (population) in nest, forage, tree zones
# initialize data colletion matrices
c_score = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
g_score = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
t_score = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
drops = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
ant_pos = np.zeros((run_num,ant_num,step_num))
nest_zone = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
forage_zone = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
tree_zone = np.zeros((run_num,step_num))
# iterate model runs over run_num
for run in range(run_num):
# run model until step count reaches step_num
h = dplen + vis*2 + 5
model = AntWorld(dplen, h, w, ant_num, dp, pp, fp, vis)
# log scores by ant type + drop counts for each step
for step in range(step_num):
c_score[run,step] = model.amount_collector
g_score[run,step] = model.amount_generalist
t_score[run,step] = model.amount_collector + model.amount_generalist
drops[run,step] = model.drops
# organizes ant positions according to unique_id into array
# necessary due to random activation times of ant agents
for unique_id,pos in model.ant_pos_step:
ant_pos[run,unique_id-2,step] = pos
# run zone_count function to tally population-level spatial data
nest_zone[run],forage_zone[run],tree_zone[run] = zone_count(
return (c_score, g_score, t_score, drops, nest_zone, forage_zone, tree_zone), ant_pos
def zone_count(ant_pos, vis, dplen, step_num):
counts number of ants in each zone (nest, forage, tree) for each step in a model run
# gathers zone boundaries according to nest location + model parameters
nest_y = 2
cachearea = nest_y + vis
droparea = cachearea + dplen
nest_zone = []
forage_zone = []
tree_zone = []
# count number of ants in the nest/forage/tree areas in each step
for step in range(step_num):
nest_count = 0
forage_count = 0
tree_count = 0
# sort each ant in a particular zone according to their y coordinate + zone boundaries
for y_coord in ant_pos[:,step]:
if y_coord <= cachearea:
nest_count += 1
elif y_coord >= droparea:
forage_count += 1
else: # y_coord is between cache/drop areas
tree_count += 1
return nest_zone, forage_zone, tree_zone
# ititialize model parameters for two particular sets of inputs
# these two shown here for GitHub display purposes
run_num = 50
step_num = 1000
ant_num = 25
fp = 95
vis = 5
dplen = 10
w = 11
h = dplen + vis*2 + 5
# in the form of (dp, pp)
input_list = [
title_list = [
# iterate data_coll_iter for the two sets of inputs + output to pickle files
for (dp,pp),title in zip(input_list,title_list):
iter_data = data_coll_iter(dplen, w, ant_num, dp, pp, fp, vis, step_num, run_num)
# save run data as pickled files
ant movement in a single run
- with dp/pp at 0:
- ants oscillate between nest/foraging zones
- generalist (no division of labor, no leaf dropping)
- with dp/pp at 100:
- ants stay in a particular zone for >100 time steps until flipping
- task partitioned
for title in title_list:
# load run data
pop_data, ant_pos = pickle.load(open(title,'rb'))
# plot spatial position of each ant on the grid as they move through time for a single run
run = 0
cbar = plt.colorbar()
def collective_population_plot(run_data, step_num, ant_num, max_score=0, save=0):
plots data outputs + zone counts of iterated model runs
# unpacks run data arrays
[c_score,g_score,t_score,drops,nest_zone,forage_zone,tree_zone] = run_data
# sets up plot with two y axes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
host = fig.add_subplot(111)
par1 = host.twinx()
# sets limits for x and left y axes
host.set_xlim([0, step_num]) # time
host.set_ylim([0, ant_num]) # concentration
# sets right y axis to specified maximum or the rounded up nearest hundred if unspecified
if max_score > 0:
par1.set_ylim(0, max_score) # scores + drops
output_max = max(drops[-1],t_score[-1])
output_max_roundup = np.ceil(output_max/100)*100
par1.set_ylim(0, output_max_roundup) # scores + drops
# labels each axis
host.set_ylabel("Ants in Each Zone")
par1.set_ylabel("Output (Drops or Score by Type)")
# plots/labels each data array
steps = range(step_num)
p1, = host.plot(steps, tree_zone, color='seagreen', label='Tree Area')
p2, = host.plot(steps, forage_zone, color='tomato', label='Foraging Area')
p3, = host.plot(steps, nest_zone, color='cornflowerblue', label='Nest Area')
p4, = par1.plot(steps, c_score,
color='cornflowerblue', linestyle='--', label="Collector Output")
p5, = par1.plot(steps, drops,
color='tomato', linestyle='--', label="Dropper Output")
p6, = par1.plot(steps, g_score,
color='seagreen', linestyle='--', label="Generalist Output")
p7, = par1.plot(steps, t_score,
color='black', linestyle=':', label="Total Output")
# adds legend
lns = [p2, p1, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]
host.legend(handles=lns, loc='upper center')
if save == 0:
# averages each zone count between the middle/end to represent steady state levels + prints results
ss_run_num = int(step_num/2)
ss_forg = np.average(forage_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
ss_tree = np.average(tree_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
ss_nest = np.average(nest_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
print(f'steady state from {ss_run_num} to {step_num} steps')
print(f'ss forg: {round(ss_forg,1)}')
print(f'ss tree: {round(ss_tree,1)}')
print(f'ss nest: {round(ss_nest,1)}')
print(f'ss (forage-nest) gap: {round(ss_forg - ss_nest,1)}')
collective ant behavior averaged across 50 runs
- with dp/pp at 0 (generalist):
- ant populations oscillate between nest/foraging zones, starting from all walking up to forage
- oscillations decrease with time as movement stochasticity walking up the tree averages out
- steady state population levels between nest/forage roughly equal
- ss population levels greater for tree than for nest/forage
- with dp/pp at 100 (task partitioned):
- ants concentrate in foraging zone in the 100 steps, flattening out by 200 steps
- ss population levels in nest about 2 ants greater than in foraging zone
- ss population levels lower for tree than for nest/forage
- foraging zone population average flatter than nest/tree
due to absence of tree-foraging zone fluctuations
- total score greater for the task partitioned strategy than generalist
# plotting parameters
max_cost = 0.3
max_score = 1000
run_count = 50
for (dp,pp),title in zip(input_list,title_list):
# loads iterated model run data
pop_data, ant_pos = pickle.load(open(title,'rb'))
# calculate pickup cost applied to ant scores
pp_cost = pp/100 * max_cost
# average run data arrays for specified number of runs
pop_data_mean = [np.mean(data_array[:run_count,:],axis=0) for data_array in pop_data]
# apply pickup cost to ant scores (first three arrays of run data list)
for i in range(4):
pop_data_mean[i] = pop_data_mean[i]*(1 - pp_cost)
collective_population_plot(pop_data_mean, step_num, ant_num, max_score=max_score)
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 6.6 ss tree: 11.2 ss nest: 7.2 ss (forage-nest) gap: -0.5 iter_data_run50_dplen10_ant25_dp100_pp100_fp95_step1K
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.4 ss tree: 2.4 ss nest: 12.2 ss (forage-nest) gap: -1.8
collective ant behavior averaged across a variable number of runs
- run count = 1: step changes in population levels between time steps
- run count = 50: variability drastically reduced, inherent stochasticity remains
max_cost = 0.3
max_score = 1000
run_count = 50
pp = 100
title = 'iter_data_run50_dplen10_ant25_dp100_pp100_fp95_step1K'
for run_count in [1,5,10,25,50]:
print(f'run_count: ',run_count)
pop_data, ant_pos = pickle.load(open(title,'rb'))
pp_cost = pp/100 * max_cost
pop_data_mean = [np.mean(data_array[:run_count,:],axis=0) for data_array in pop_data]
for i in range(4):
pop_data_mean[i] = pop_data_mean[i]*(1 - pp_cost)
collective_population_plot(pop_data_mean, step_num, ant_num, max_score=max_score)
run_count: 1
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.5 ss tree: 1.7 ss nest: 12.8 ss (forage-nest) gap: -2.3 run_count: 5
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.4 ss tree: 2.3 ss nest: 12.3 ss (forage-nest) gap: -1.9 run_count: 10
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.3 ss tree: 2.4 ss nest: 12.2 ss (forage-nest) gap: -1.9 run_count: 25
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.3 ss tree: 2.4 ss nest: 12.3 ss (forage-nest) gap: -2.0 run_count: 50
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.4 ss tree: 2.4 ss nest: 12.2 ss (forage-nest) gap: -1.8
def collective_population_plot_control(run_data, step_num, ant_num, max_score=0, save=0):
plots data outputs + zone counts of iterated model runs
# unpacks run data arrays
[c_score,g_score,t_score,drops,nest_zone,forage_zone,tree_zone] = run_data
# sets up plot with two y axes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
host = fig.add_subplot(111)
par1 = host.twinx()
# sets limits for x and left y axes
host.set_xlim(0, step_num) # time
host.set_ylim(0, ant_num) # ant number
# sets right y axis to specified maximum or the rounded up nearest ten if unspecified
if max_score > 0:
par1.set_ylim(0, max_score) # dropped leaves in cache
output_max = max(drops-c_score)
output_max_roundup = np.ceil(output_max/10)*10
par1.set_ylim(0, output_max_roundup) # dropped leaves in cache
# averages each zone count between the middle/end to represent steady state levels + prints results
ss_run_num = int(step_num/2)
ss_forg = np.average(forage_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
ss_tree = np.average(tree_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
ss_nest = np.average(nest_zone[ss_run_num:step_num])
ss_cache = np.average(drops[ss_run_num:step_num] - c_score[ss_run_num:step_num])
# labels each axis
host.set_ylabel("Ants in Each Zone")
par1.set_ylabel("Dropped Leaves in Cache")
# plots/labels each data array
steps = range(step_num)
p1, = host.plot(steps, tree_zone, color='seagreen', label='Tree Area')
p2, = host.plot(steps, forage_zone, color='tomato', label='Foraging Area')
p3, = host.plot(steps, nest_zone, color='cornflowerblue', label='Nest Area')
p4, = par1.plot(steps, drops - c_score,
color='black', linestyle='-', label="Dropped Leaves in Cache")
p5, = host.plot(steps, np.ones(step_num)*ss_tree,
color='seagreen', linestyle='--', label='Tree Area SS')
p6, = host.plot(steps, np.ones(step_num)*ss_forg,
color='tomato', linestyle='--', label='Foraging Area SS')
p7, = host.plot(steps, np.ones(step_num)*ss_nest,
color='cornflowerblue', linestyle='--', label='Nest Area SS')
p8, = par1.plot(steps, np.ones(step_num)*ss_cache,
color='k', linestyle='--', label="Dropped Leaves in Cache SS")
# adds legend
lns = [p2, p1, p3, p4]
host.legend(handles=lns, loc='upper right')
if save == 0:
print(f'steady state from {ss_run_num} to {step_num} steps')
print(f'ss forg: {round(ss_forg,1)}')
print(f'ss tree: {round(ss_tree,1)}')
print(f'ss nest: {round(ss_nest,1)}')
print(f'ss cache: {round(ss_cache,1)}')
collective ant behavior averaged across 50 runs
plotted as control parameters, highlighting influence of dropped leaves in the cache
- with dp/pp at 0 (generalist):
- with dp/pp at 100 (task partitioned):
# plotting parameters
max_cost = 0.3
max_score = 1000
run_count = 50
pp = 100
title = 'iter_data_run50_dplen10_ant25_dp100_pp100_fp95_step1K'
pop_data, ant_pos = pickle.load(open(title,'rb'))
pp_cost = pp/100 * max_cost
pop_data_mean = [np.mean(data_array[:run_count,:],axis=0) for data_array in pop_data]
for i in range(4):
pop_data_mean[i] = pop_data_mean[i]*(1 - pp_cost)
collective_population_plot_control(pop_data_mean, step_num, ant_num, max_score=0)
steady state from 500 to 1000 steps ss forg: 10.4 ss tree: 2.4 ss nest: 12.2 ss cache: 10.4
create fitness landscape with different combinations of drop/pickup probabilities
plots of resulting data shown in next jupyter notebook
# data file will be saved as
file_name = 'landscape_data_dplen10_ant25_spacing5_rep10_step1K'
# set colony parameters
dplen = 10 # drop length, e.g. 1, 10, 20, 40
ant_num = 25 # ants per colony
fp = 95 # foraging probability kept constant
vis = 5 # vision range kept constant
# set grid parameters
h = dplen + vis*2 + 5
w = 11
# set iteration parameters
spacing = 5 # test every X trait values
run_num = 10 # simulation runs per trait combination
step_num = 1000 # model steps per run
landscape_data = []
for dp in list(range(0,101,spacing)):
for pp in list(range(0,101,spacing)):
# iterate model run + collect data
iter_data, ant_pos = data_coll_iter(dplen, w, ant_num, dp, pp, fp, vis, step_num, run_num, buffer=0)
# unpack data types
c_score, g_score, t_score, drops, nest_zone, forage_zone, tree_zone = iter_data
# save averaged data as a tuple for each trait combination
(dp, pp, np.average(c_score,axis=0), np.average(g_score,axis=0),
np.average(t_score,axis=0), np.average(drops,axis=0),
np.average(nest_zone,axis=0), np.average(forage_zone,axis=0),
# serialize data to file