# install pycaret
# pip install pycaret
# pip install pycaret[full]
from pycaret.utils import version
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
data = get_data('anomaly')
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 | Col9 | Col10 | |
0 | 0.263995 | 0.764929 | 0.138424 | 0.935242 | 0.605867 | 0.518790 | 0.912225 | 0.608234 | 0.723782 | 0.733591 |
1 | 0.546092 | 0.653975 | 0.065575 | 0.227772 | 0.845269 | 0.837066 | 0.272379 | 0.331679 | 0.429297 | 0.367422 |
2 | 0.336714 | 0.538842 | 0.192801 | 0.553563 | 0.074515 | 0.332993 | 0.365792 | 0.861309 | 0.899017 | 0.088600 |
3 | 0.092108 | 0.995017 | 0.014465 | 0.176371 | 0.241530 | 0.514724 | 0.562208 | 0.158963 | 0.073715 | 0.208463 |
4 | 0.325261 | 0.805968 | 0.957033 | 0.331665 | 0.307923 | 0.355315 | 0.501899 | 0.558449 | 0.885169 | 0.182754 |
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
Col1 | 1000.0 | 0.491362 | 0.259138 | 0.000000 | 0.287458 | 0.492070 | 0.694192 | 0.994431 |
Col2 | 1000.0 | 0.490200 | 0.251931 | 0.000000 | 0.291449 | 0.488656 | 0.686531 | 1.000000 |
Col3 | 1000.0 | 0.509077 | 0.256606 | 0.000000 | 0.337802 | 0.510077 | 0.686914 | 1.000000 |
Col4 | 1000.0 | 0.497362 | 0.263562 | 0.000000 | 0.256147 | 0.497537 | 0.731949 | 1.000000 |
Col5 | 1000.0 | 0.586120 | 0.334658 | 0.000000 | 0.169680 | 0.782019 | 0.847956 | 1.000000 |
Col6 | 1000.0 | 0.514636 | 0.317470 | 0.000000 | 0.142587 | 0.537953 | 0.856512 | 1.000000 |
Col7 | 1000.0 | 0.508270 | 0.278483 | 0.000000 | 0.246021 | 0.465679 | 0.804935 | 1.000000 |
Col8 | 1000.0 | 0.457541 | 0.220129 | 0.000000 | 0.245539 | 0.515619 | 0.626757 | 1.000000 |
Col9 | 1000.0 | 0.477685 | 0.241432 | 0.000000 | 0.291452 | 0.387753 | 0.723674 | 0.988732 |
Col10 | 1000.0 | 0.495760 | 0.211677 | 0.014495 | 0.329904 | 0.488891 | 0.659528 | 1.000000 |
(1000, 10)
from pycaret.anomaly import *
s = setup(data, session_id = 123, log_experiment = True, experiment_name = 'anomaly-demo')
Description | Value | |
0 | session_id | 123 |
1 | Original Data | (1000, 10) |
2 | Missing Values | False |
3 | Numeric Features | 10 |
4 | Categorical Features | 0 |
5 | Ordinal Features | False |
6 | High Cardinality Features | False |
7 | High Cardinality Method | None |
8 | Transformed Data | (1000, 10) |
9 | CPU Jobs | -1 |
10 | Use GPU | False |
11 | Log Experiment | True |
12 | Experiment Name | anomaly-demo |
13 | USI | 5118 |
14 | Imputation Type | simple |
15 | Iterative Imputation Iteration | None |
16 | Numeric Imputer | mean |
17 | Iterative Imputation Numeric Model | None |
18 | Categorical Imputer | mode |
19 | Iterative Imputation Categorical Model | None |
20 | Unknown Categoricals Handling | least_frequent |
21 | Normalize | False |
22 | Normalize Method | None |
23 | Transformation | False |
24 | Transformation Method | None |
25 | PCA | False |
26 | PCA Method | None |
27 | PCA Components | None |
28 | Ignore Low Variance | False |
29 | Combine Rare Levels | False |
30 | Rare Level Threshold | None |
31 | Numeric Binning | False |
32 | Remove Outliers | False |
33 | Outliers Threshold | None |
34 | Remove Multicollinearity | False |
35 | Multicollinearity Threshold | None |
36 | Clustering | False |
37 | Clustering Iteration | None |
38 | Polynomial Features | False |
39 | Polynomial Degree | None |
40 | Trignometry Features | False |
41 | Polynomial Threshold | None |
42 | Group Features | False |
43 | Feature Selection | False |
44 | Features Selection Threshold | None |
45 | Feature Interaction | False |
46 | Feature Ratio | False |
47 | Interaction Threshold | None |
Name | Reference | |
ID | ||
abod | Angle-base Outlier Detection | pyod.models.abod.ABOD |
cluster | Clustering-Based Local Outlier | pyod.models.cblof.CBLOF |
cof | Connectivity-Based Local Outlier | pyod.models.cof.COF |
iforest | Isolation Forest | pyod.models.iforest.IForest |
histogram | Histogram-based Outlier Detection | pyod.models.hbos.HBOS |
knn | K-Nearest Neighbors Detector | pyod.models.knn.KNN |
lof | Local Outlier Factor | pyod.models.lof.LOF |
svm | One-class SVM detector | pyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM |
pca | Principal Component Analysis | pyod.models.pca.PCA |
mcd | Minimum Covariance Determinant | pyod.models.mcd.MCD |
sod | Subspace Outlier Detection | pyod.models.sod.SOD |
sos | Stochastic Outlier Selection | pyod.models.sos.SOS |
iforest = create_model('iforest')
IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)
iforest = create_model('iforest', n_estimators=200)
IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=200, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)
knn = create_model('knn')
KNN(algorithm='auto', contamination=0.05, leaf_size=30, method='largest', metric='minkowski', metric_params=None, n_jobs=-1, n_neighbors=5, p=2, radius=1.0)
plot_model(iforest, plot = 'umap')
save_model(iforest, model_name = 'abc')
Transformation Pipeline and Model Succesfully Saved
(Pipeline(memory=None, steps=[('dtypes', DataTypes_Auto_infer(categorical_features=[], display_types=True, features_todrop=[], id_columns=[], ml_usecase='regression', numerical_features=[], target='UNSUPERVISED_DUMMY_TARGET', time_features=[])), ('imputer', Simple_Imputer(categorical_strategy='most frequent', fill_value_categorical=None, fill_value_numerical=None... ('fix_perfect', 'passthrough'), ('clean_names', Clean_Colum_Names()), ('feature_select', 'passthrough'), ('fix_multi', 'passthrough'), ('dfs', 'passthrough'), ('pca', 'passthrough'), ['trained_model', IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=200, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)]], verbose=False), 'abc.pkl')
l = load_model('abc')
Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Loaded
from pycaret.anomaly import load_model, predict_model
l = load_model('iforest-abc', platform = 'aws', authentication = .......)
p = predict_model(l, data=data)
Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Loaded
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 | Col9 | Col10 | Anomaly | Anomaly_Score | |
0 | 0.263995 | 0.764929 | 0.138424 | 0.935242 | 0.605867 | 0.518790 | 0.912225 | 0.608234 | 0.723782 | 0.733591 | 0 | -0.030361 |
1 | 0.546092 | 0.653975 | 0.065575 | 0.227772 | 0.845269 | 0.837066 | 0.272379 | 0.331679 | 0.429297 | 0.367422 | 0 | -0.078290 |
2 | 0.336714 | 0.538842 | 0.192801 | 0.553563 | 0.074515 | 0.332993 | 0.365792 | 0.861309 | 0.899017 | 0.088600 | 1 | 0.026938 |
3 | 0.092108 | 0.995017 | 0.014465 | 0.176371 | 0.241530 | 0.514724 | 0.562208 | 0.158963 | 0.073715 | 0.208463 | 1 | 0.053551 |
4 | 0.325261 | 0.805968 | 0.957033 | 0.331665 | 0.307923 | 0.355315 | 0.501899 | 0.558449 | 0.885169 | 0.182754 | 0 | -0.015639 |
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 | Col9 | Col10 | Anomaly | Anomaly_Score | |
0 | 0.263995 | 0.764929 | 0.138424 | 0.935242 | 0.605867 | 0.518790 | 0.912225 | 0.608234 | 0.723782 | 0.733591 | 0 | -0.030361 |
1 | 0.546092 | 0.653975 | 0.065575 | 0.227772 | 0.845269 | 0.837066 | 0.272379 | 0.331679 | 0.429297 | 0.367422 | 0 | -0.078290 |
2 | 0.336714 | 0.538842 | 0.192801 | 0.553563 | 0.074515 | 0.332993 | 0.365792 | 0.861309 | 0.899017 | 0.088600 | 1 | 0.026938 |
3 | 0.092108 | 0.995017 | 0.014465 | 0.176371 | 0.241530 | 0.514724 | 0.562208 | 0.158963 | 0.073715 | 0.208463 | 1 | 0.053551 |
4 | 0.325261 | 0.805968 | 0.957033 | 0.331665 | 0.307923 | 0.355315 | 0.501899 | 0.558449 | 0.885169 | 0.182754 | 0 | -0.015639 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
995 | 0.305055 | 0.656837 | 0.331665 | 0.822525 | 0.907127 | 0.882276 | 0.855732 | 0.584786 | 0.808640 | 0.242762 | 0 | -0.082756 |
996 | 0.812627 | 0.864258 | 0.616604 | 0.167966 | 0.811223 | 0.938071 | 0.418462 | 0.472306 | 0.348347 | 0.671129 | 0 | -0.065453 |
997 | 0.250967 | 0.138627 | 0.919703 | 0.461234 | 0.886555 | 0.869888 | 0.800908 | 0.530324 | 0.779433 | 0.234952 | 0 | -0.055405 |
998 | 0.502436 | 0.936820 | 0.580062 | 0.540773 | 0.151995 | 0.059452 | 0.225220 | 0.242755 | 0.279385 | 0.538755 | 0 | -0.068005 |
999 | 0.457991 | 0.017755 | 0.714113 | 0.125992 | 0.063316 | 0.154739 | 0.922974 | 0.692299 | 0.816777 | 0.307592 | 0 | -0.012268 |
1000 rows × 12 columns
iforest = create_model('iforest', fraction = 0.05)
results = assign_model(iforest)
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 | Col9 | Col10 | Anomaly | Anomaly_Score | |
0 | 0.263995 | 0.764929 | 0.138424 | 0.935242 | 0.605867 | 0.518790 | 0.912225 | 0.608234 | 0.723782 | 0.733591 | 0 | -0.035865 |
1 | 0.546092 | 0.653975 | 0.065575 | 0.227772 | 0.845269 | 0.837066 | 0.272379 | 0.331679 | 0.429297 | 0.367422 | 0 | -0.084927 |
2 | 0.336714 | 0.538842 | 0.192801 | 0.553563 | 0.074515 | 0.332993 | 0.365792 | 0.861309 | 0.899017 | 0.088600 | 1 | 0.025356 |
3 | 0.092108 | 0.995017 | 0.014465 | 0.176371 | 0.241530 | 0.514724 | 0.562208 | 0.158963 | 0.073715 | 0.208463 | 1 | 0.042415 |
4 | 0.325261 | 0.805968 | 0.957033 | 0.331665 | 0.307923 | 0.355315 | 0.501899 | 0.558449 | 0.885169 | 0.182754 | 0 | -0.023408 |
results['Anomaly_Score'].hist(bins=100, figsize=(10,6))
from sklearn import set_config
Pipeline(memory=None, steps=[('dtypes', DataTypes_Auto_infer(categorical_features=[], display_types=True, features_todrop=[], id_columns=[], ml_usecase='regression', numerical_features=[], target='UNSUPERVISED_DUMMY_TARGET', time_features=[])), ('imputer', Simple_Imputer(categorical_strategy='most frequent', fill_value_categorical=None, fill_value_numerical=None... ('fix_perfect', 'passthrough'), ('clean_names', Clean_Colum_Names()), ('feature_select', 'passthrough'), ('fix_multi', 'passthrough'), ('dfs', 'passthrough'), ('pca', 'passthrough'), ['trained_model', IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=200, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)]], verbose=False)
DataTypes_Auto_infer(ml_usecase='regression', target='UNSUPERVISED_DUMMY_TARGET')
Simple_Imputer(categorical_strategy='most frequent', fill_value_categorical=None, fill_value_numerical=None, numeric_strategy='mean', target_variable=None)
New_Catagorical_Levels_in_TestData(replacement_strategy='least frequent', target='UNSUPERVISED_DUMMY_TARGET')
New_Catagorical_Levels_in_TestData(replacement_strategy='least frequent', target='UNSUPERVISED_DUMMY_TARGET')
Make_Time_Features(list_of_features=None, time_feature=Index([], dtype='object'))
IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=200, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)
deploy_model(iforest, 'iforest-abc', platform = 'aws',
authentication = {'bucket' : 'pycaret-test'})
Model Succesfully Deployed on AWS S3
IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05, max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, random_state=123, verbose=0)
results = assign_model(iforest)
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 | Col9 | Col10 | Anomaly | Anomaly_Score | |
0 | 0.263995 | 0.764929 | 0.138424 | 0.935242 | 0.605867 | 0.518790 | 0.912225 | 0.608234 | 0.723782 | 0.733591 | 0 | -0.035865 |
1 | 0.546092 | 0.653975 | 0.065575 | 0.227772 | 0.845269 | 0.837066 | 0.272379 | 0.331679 | 0.429297 | 0.367422 | 0 | -0.084927 |
2 | 0.336714 | 0.538842 | 0.192801 | 0.553563 | 0.074515 | 0.332993 | 0.365792 | 0.861309 | 0.899017 | 0.088600 | 1 | 0.025356 |
3 | 0.092108 | 0.995017 | 0.014465 | 0.176371 | 0.241530 | 0.514724 | 0.562208 | 0.158963 | 0.073715 | 0.208463 | 1 | 0.042415 |
4 | 0.325261 | 0.805968 | 0.957033 | 0.331665 | 0.307923 | 0.355315 | 0.501899 | 0.558449 | 0.885169 | 0.182754 | 0 | -0.023408 |