from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
from pycaret.internal.pycaret_experiment import TimeSeriesExperiment
from sktime.utils.plotting import plot_series
y = get_data('airline', verbose=False)
_ = plot_series(y)
Based on business needs and good data science principles
Important arguments to setup
- forecast-horizonfolds
- number of cross validation folds to usefold_strategy
- 'sliding' or 'expanding'seasonal_period
: Inferred using index; can be explicitly setexp = TimeSeriesExperiment()
exp.setup(data=y, fh=12, session_id=42)
Description | Value | |
0 | session_id | 42 |
1 | Original Data | (144, 1) |
2 | Missing Values | False |
3 | Transformed Train Set | (132,) |
4 | Transformed Test Set | (12,) |
5 | Fold Generator | ExpandingWindowSplitter |
6 | Fold Number | 3 |
7 | CPU Jobs | -1 |
8 | Use GPU | False |
9 | Log Experiment | False |
10 | Experiment Name | ts-default-name |
11 | USI | 44d0 |
12 | Imputation Type | simple |
<pycaret.internal.pycaret_experiment.time_series_experiment.TimeSeriesExperiment at 0x1e5ffe33fc8>
y_train = exp.get_config("y_train")
y_test = exp.get_config("y_test")
_ = plot_series(y_train, y_test, labels=['Train', 'Test'])
_ = plot_series(y, y[-12:], labels=['Full Data', 'Last 12 points'])
Used to define the internal grid for tuning models, etc.
print(f"\nSeasonality Present: {exp.get_config('seasonality_present')}")
print(f"Seasonal Period: {exp.get_config('seasonal_period')}")
Seasonality Present: True Seasonal Period: 12
's ExpandingWindowSplitter
and SlidingWindowSplitter
to generate folds.exp.setup
Example (using sktime=0.5.3
print(f"\nFold Generator: {exp.get_config('fold_generator')}")
print(f" - Fold Generator Horizon: {exp.get_config('fold_generator').fh}")
print(f" - Fold Generator Initial Window: {exp.get_config('fold_generator').initial_window}")
print(f" - Fold Generator Step Length: {exp.get_config('fold_generator').step_length}")
print(f" - Fold Generator Window Length: {exp.get_config('fold_generator').window_length}")
Fold Generator: <sktime.forecasting.model_selection._split.ExpandingWindowSplitter object at 0x000001E5800A4688> - Fold Generator Horizon: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12] - Fold Generator Initial Window: 96 - Fold Generator Step Length: 12 - Fold Generator Window Length: 12
- Used in create_model
Tune Grid
- Used for fixed grid searchTune Distributions
- Used in random grid searchexp.models(internal=True).head()
Name | Reference | Turbo | Special | Class | Equality | Args | Tune Grid | Tune Distributions | Tune Args | GPU Enabled | Tunable Class | |
ID | ||||||||||||
naive | Naive Forecaster | sktime.forecasting.naive.NaiveForecaster | True | False | <class 'sktime.forecasting.naive.NaiveForecast... | <function ModelContainer.__init__.<locals>.<la... | {} | {'strategy': ['last', 'mean', 'drift'], 'sp': ... | {'strategy': CategoricalDistribution(values=['... | {} | False | None |
snaive | Seasonal Naive Forecaster | sktime.forecasting.naive.NaiveForecaster | True | False | <class 'sktime.forecasting.naive.NaiveForecast... | <function ModelContainer.__init__.<locals>.<la... | {'sp': 12} | {'strategy': ['last', 'mean', 'drift'], 'sp': ... | {'strategy': CategoricalDistribution(values=['... | {} | False | None |
polytrend | Polynomial Trend Forecaster | sktime.forecasting.trend.PolynomialTrendForeca... | True | False | <class 'sktime.forecasting.trend.PolynomialTre... | <function ModelContainer.__init__.<locals>.<la... | {} | {'degree': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'with_intercept': ... | {'degree': IntUniformDistribution(lower=1, upp... | {} | False | None |
arima | ARIMA | sktime.forecasting.arima.ARIMA | True | False | <class 'sktime.forecasting.arima.ARIMA'> | <function ModelContainer.__init__.<locals>.<la... | {'seasonal_order': (0, 1, 0, 12), 'n_jobs': -1} | {'order': [(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0)], 'seasonal_or... | {'order': CategoricalDistribution(values=[(0, ... | {} | False | None |
auto_arima | Auto ARIMA | sktime.forecasting.arima.AutoARIMA | True | False | <class 'sktime.forecasting.arima.AutoARIMA'> | <function ModelContainer.__init__.<locals>.<la... | {'sp': 12, 'random_state': 42, 'suppress_warni... | {'max_p': [12], 'max_q': [12], 'max_order': [N... | {'sp': CategoricalDistribution(values=[12, 24]... | {} | False | None |
model = exp.create_model("naive")
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 63.4167 | 6967.9167 | 0.1549 | 0.1766 | -1.2681 |
1 | 1957-12 | 52.3333 | 5842.1667 | 0.1205 | 0.1351 | -0.5305 |
2 | 1958-12 | 91.3333 | 12811.6667 | 0.1954 | 0.2259 | -1.8662 |
Mean | nan | 69.0278 | 8540.5833 | 0.1569 | 0.1792 | -1.2216 |
SD | nan | 16.4086 | 3054.8806 | 0.0306 | 0.0371 | 0.5463 |
NaiveForecaster(sp=1, strategy='last', window_length=None)
model = exp.create_model("naive", strategy='drift')
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 54.5675 | 5389.9425 | 0.1332 | 0.1489 | -0.7545 |
1 | 1957-12 | 47.2819 | 4743.9295 | 0.1108 | 0.1205 | -0.2428 |
2 | 1958-12 | 79.0434 | 10522.4321 | 0.1667 | 0.1909 | -1.3541 |
Mean | nan | 60.2976 | 6885.4347 | 0.1369 | 0.1534 | -0.7838 |
SD | nan | 13.5849 | 2585.2332 | 0.0230 | 0.0289 | 0.4542 |
NaiveForecaster(sp=1, strategy='drift', window_length=None)
model = exp.create_model("naive", fold=5)
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1954-12 | 55.0000 | 4652.8333 | 0.1782 | 0.2038 | -1.8583 |
1 | 1955-12 | 51.5833 | 4624.9167 | 0.1424 | 0.1605 | -1.2025 |
2 | 1956-12 | 63.4167 | 6967.9167 | 0.1549 | 0.1766 | -1.2681 |
3 | 1957-12 | 52.3333 | 5842.1667 | 0.1205 | 0.1351 | -0.5305 |
4 | 1958-12 | 91.3333 | 12811.6667 | 0.1954 | 0.2259 | -1.8662 |
Mean | nan | 62.7333 | 6979.9000 | 0.1583 | 0.1804 | -1.3451 |
SD | nan | 14.9045 | 3041.8833 | 0.0263 | 0.0319 | 0.4949 |
NaiveForecaster(sp=1, strategy='last', window_length=None)
tuned_model, tuner = exp.tune_model(model, return_tuner=True)
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 54.5675 | 5389.9425 | 0.1332 | 0.1489 | -0.7545 |
1 | 1957-12 | 47.2819 | 4743.9295 | 0.1108 | 0.1205 | -0.2428 |
2 | 1958-12 | 79.0434 | 10522.4321 | 0.1667 | 0.1909 | -1.3541 |
Mean | nan | 60.2976 | 6885.4347 | 0.1369 | 0.1534 | -0.7838 |
SD | nan | 13.5849 | 2585.2332 | 0.0230 | 0.0289 | 0.4542 |
# Grid Results
mean_fit_time | std_fit_time | mean_score_time | std_score_time | param_window_length | param_strategy | param_sp | params | split0_test_smape | split1_test_smape | split2_test_smape | mean_test_smape | std_test_smape | rank_test_smape | |
0 | 0.000332 | 0.000469 | 0.001995 | 6.257699e-07 | None | last | 1 | {'window_length': None, 'strategy': 'last', 's... | 0.176606 | 0.135060 | 0.225903 | 0.179190 | 0.037132 | 2 |
1 | 0.000666 | 0.000471 | 0.001653 | 9.473634e-04 | None | mean | 1 | {'window_length': None, 'strategy': 'mean', 's... | 0.518785 | 0.476298 | 0.527557 | 0.507547 | 0.022385 | 3 |
2 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.001652 | 4.822561e-04 | None | drift | 1 | {'window_length': None, 'strategy': 'drift', '... | 0.148905 | 0.120522 | 0.190900 | 0.153442 | 0.028910 | 1 |
# Best Hyperparameters
{'sp': 1, 'strategy': 'drift', 'window_length': None}
my_grid = {
'sp': [12],
'strategy': ['last', 'mean', 'drift'],
'window_length': [12, 24, None]
{'sp': [12], 'strategy': ['last', 'mean', 'drift'], 'window_length': [12, 24, None]}
tuned_model = exp.tune_model(model, custom_grid=my_grid)
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 40.1667 | 1720.1667 | 0.1076 | 0.1138 | 0.4401 |
1 | 1957-12 | 12.5833 | 289.4167 | 0.0314 | 0.0322 | 0.9242 |
2 | 1958-12 | 47.3333 | 2426.0000 | 0.1106 | 0.1176 | 0.4573 |
Mean | nan | 33.3611 | 1478.5278 | 0.0832 | 0.0879 | 0.6072 |
SD | nan | 14.9806 | 888.8341 | 0.0367 | 0.0394 | 0.2243 |
The performance improved over the original tuning (we essentially converted the naive model to a seasonal naive model with this new grid)
Available for some models only
model = exp.create_model("theta")
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 57.5799 | 5883.9192 | 0.1406 | 0.1582 | -0.9153 |
1 | 1957-12 | 48.6352 | 5040.6939 | 0.1131 | 0.1244 | -0.3205 |
2 | 1958-12 | 82.1049 | 11072.6778 | 0.1738 | 0.1995 | -1.4772 |
Mean | nan | 62.7733 | 7332.4303 | 0.1425 | 0.1607 | -0.9043 |
SD | nan | 14.1488 | 2667.0640 | 0.0248 | 0.0307 | 0.4723 |
exp.predict_model(model, return_pred_int=True)
Model | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | Theta Forecaster | 69.7290 | 96.1663 | 0.1306 | 0.1462 | -0.6695 |
y_pred | lower | upper | |
1960-01 | 407.3563 | 320.5866 | 494.1260 |
1960-02 | 408.6381 | 302.4562 | 514.8201 |
1960-03 | 409.9200 | 287.3630 | 532.4770 |
1960-04 | 411.2019 | 274.2133 | 548.1904 |
1960-05 | 412.4837 | 262.4455 | 562.5220 |
1960-06 | 413.7656 | 251.7252 | 575.8060 |
1960-07 | 415.0474 | 241.8345 | 588.2604 |
1960-08 | 416.3293 | 232.6221 | 600.0365 |
1960-09 | 417.6111 | 223.9776 | 611.2447 |
1960-10 | 418.8930 | 215.8177 | 621.9683 |
1960-11 | 420.1749 | 208.0777 | 632.2720 |
1960-12 | 421.4567 | 200.7061 | 642.2073 |
Models that do not provide a predicton interval simply return NA values
model = exp.create_model("naive")
cutoff | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | 1956-12 | 63.4167 | 6967.9167 | 0.1549 | 0.1766 | -1.2681 |
1 | 1957-12 | 52.3333 | 5842.1667 | 0.1205 | 0.1351 | -0.5305 |
2 | 1958-12 | 91.3333 | 12811.6667 | 0.1954 | 0.2259 | -1.8662 |
Mean | nan | 69.0278 | 8540.5833 | 0.1569 | 0.1792 | -1.2216 |
SD | nan | 16.4086 | 3054.8806 | 0.0306 | 0.0371 | 0.5463 |
exp.predict_model(model, return_pred_int=True)
Model | MAE | RMSE | MAPE | SMAPE | R2 | |
0 | Naive Forecaster | 76.0000 | 102.9765 | 0.1425 | 0.1612 | -0.9143 |
y_pred | lower | upper | |
1960-01 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-02 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-03 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-04 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-05 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-06 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-07 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-08 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-09 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-10 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-11 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |
1960-12 | 405.0 | NaN | NaN |