import folium
m = folium.Map([45, 0], zoom_start=4)
folium.Marker([45, -30], popup="inline implicit popup").add_to(m)
location=[45, -10],
popup=folium.Popup("inline explicit Popup"),
ls = folium.PolyLine(
locations=[[43, 7], [43, 13], [47, 13], [47, 7], [43, 7]], color="red"
ls.add_child(folium.Popup("outline Popup on Polyline"))
gj = folium.GeoJson(
data={"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[27, 43], [33, 43], [33, 47], [27, 47]]]}
gj.add_child(folium.Popup("outline Popup on GeoJSON"))
m = folium.Map([45, 0], zoom_start=2)
location=[45, -10],
popup=folium.Popup("Let's try quotes", parse_html=True, max_width=100),
location=[45, -30],
popup=folium.Popup(u"Ça c'est chouette", parse_html=True, max_width="100%"),
You may know that it's possible to create awesome Vega charts with (or without) vincent
. If you're willing to put one inside a popup, it's possible thanks to folium.Vega
import json
import numpy as np
import vincent
scatter_points = {
"x": np.random.uniform(size=(100,)),
"y": np.random.uniform(size=(100,)),
# Let's create the vincent chart.
scatter_chart = vincent.Scatter(scatter_points, iter_idx="x", width=600, height=300)
# Let's convert it to JSON.
scatter_json = scatter_chart.to_json()
# Let's convert it to dict.
scatter_dict = json.loads(scatter_json)
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
popup = folium.Popup()
folium.Vega(scatter_chart, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup)
folium.Marker([30, -120], popup=popup).add_to(m)
# Let's create a Vega popup based on scatter_json.
popup = folium.Popup(max_width=0)
folium.Vega(scatter_json, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup)
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=popup).add_to(m)
# Let's create a Vega popup based on scatter_dict.
popup = folium.Popup(max_width=650)
folium.Vega(scatter_dict, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup)
folium.Marker([30, -80], popup=popup).add_to(m)
import branca
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
html = """
<h1> This is a big popup</h1><br>
With a few lines of code...
from numpy import *<br>
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=html).add_to(m)
You can also put any HTML code inside of a Popup, thaks to the IFrame
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
html = """
<h1> This popup is an Iframe</h1><br>
With a few lines of code...
from numpy import *<br>
iframe = branca.element.IFrame(html=html, width=500, height=300)
popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=500)
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=popup).add_to(m)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
data=[["apple", "oranges"], ["other", "stuff"]], columns=["cats", "dogs"]
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
html = df.to_html(
classes="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed table-responsive"
popup = folium.Popup(html)
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=popup).add_to(m)
Note that you can put another Figure
into an IFrame
; this should let you do strange things...
# Let's create a Figure, with a map inside.
f = branca.element.Figure()
folium.Map([-25, 150], zoom_start=3).add_to(f)
# Let's put the figure into an IFrame.
iframe = branca.element.IFrame(width=500, height=300)
# Let's put the IFrame in a Popup
popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=2650)
# Let's create another map.
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
# Let's put the Popup on a marker, in the second map.
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=popup).add_to(m)
# We get a map in a Popup. Not really useful, but powerful.
If whatever you are showing in the popup is slow or heavy to load and you have many popups, you may not want to render the popup contents immediately. There's an argument to prevent loading until the popup is opened.
m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4)
html = "{a resource that is heavy to load, such as an image}"
folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=html, lazy=True).add_to(m)