Imputing missing data and preparing vehicle activity index.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandahelper as ph
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import (
import xgboost as xgb
from src.constants import MONTHS_MAP
import src.strings
import src.utils
import src.visualizations as viz
DATA_LOC = "data/raw/mta/Hourly_Traffic_MTA.csv"
PLAZA_MAPPING_LOC = "data/Plaza ID Mapping.csv"
PROCESSED_DATA_LOC = "data/processed/traffic_index.pkl"
MILLION = 1000000
def datetimeindex_features(df):
"""Return pd.DataFrame of time components as features."""
x = pd.DataFrame()
x["year"] = df.index.year
x["month"] = df.index.month
x["day"] =
x["dayofweek"] = df.index.dayofweek
x["hour"] = df.index.hour
return x
def preprocess(x, y, sparse=True):
"""Prepare and return Column Transformer fit on input cartegorical data."""
cat_features = [
transformations = []
for feature in cat_features:
pipe = pipeline.make_pipeline(
handle_unknown="infrequent_if_exist", sparse_output=sparse
transformations.append((feature, pipe, [feature]))
col_transformer = compose.ColumnTransformer(
), y)
return col_transformer
data = pd.read_csv(DATA_LOC)
Plaza ID | Date | Hour | Direction | # Vehicles - E-ZPass | # Vehicles - VToll | |
0 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 0 | I | 2021 | 413 |
1 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 1 | I | 1187 | 281 |
2 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 2 | I | 880 | 218 |
3 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 3 | I | 852 | 203 |
4 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 4 | I | 1698 | 321 |
plaza_location_info = pd.read_csv(PLAZA_MAPPING_LOC)
Plaza ID | Bridge / Tunnel | Latitude | Longitude | |
0 | 21 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge | 40.779648 | -73.926771 |
1 | 22 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge | 40.779648 | -73.926771 |
2 | 23 | Bronx-Whitestone Bridge (BWB) | 40.801405 | -73.829348 |
3 | 24 | Henry Hudson Bridge (HHB) | 40.877645 | -73.922386 |
4 | 25 | Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge (MPB) | 40.573195 | -73.884734 |
5 | 26 | Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge (CBB) | 40.597142 | -73.820928 |
6 | 27 | Queens Midtown Tunnel (QMT) | 40.745490 | -73.964421 |
7 | 28 | Hugh L. Carey Tunnel (HCT) | 40.694049 | -74.012872 |
8 | 29 | Throgs Neck Bridge (TNB) | 40.799901 | -73.793407 |
9 | 30 | Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge (VNB) | 40.606461 | -74.045057 |
10 | 1 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge | 40.779648 | -73.926771 |
11 | 2 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge | 40.779648 | -73.926771 |
12 | 3 | Bronx-Whitestone Bridge (BWB) | 40.801405 | -73.829348 |
13 | 4 | Henry Hudson Bridge (HHB) | 40.877645 | -73.922386 |
14 | 5 | Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge (MPB) | 40.573195 | -73.884734 |
15 | 6 | Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge (CBB) | 40.597142 | -73.820928 |
16 | 7 | Queens Midtown Tunnel (QMT) | 40.745490 | -73.964421 |
17 | 8 | Hugh L. Carey Tunnel (HCT) | 40.694049 | -74.012872 |
18 | 9 | Throgs Neck Bridge (TNB) | 40.799901 | -73.793407 |
19 | 11 | Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge (VNB) | 40.606461 | -74.045057 |
plaza_bridge_map = dict(
zip(plaza_location_info["Plaza ID"], plaza_location_info["Bridge / Tunnel"])
data["Location"] = data["Plaza ID"].map(plaza_bridge_map)
Plaza ID | Date | Hour | Direction | # Vehicles - E-ZPass | # Vehicles - VToll | Location | |
0 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 0 | I | 2021 | 413 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
1 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 1 | I | 1187 | 281 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
2 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 2 | I | 880 | 218 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
3 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 3 | I | 852 | 203 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
4 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 4 | I | 1698 | 321 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
data["date hour"] = data["Date"] + " " + data["Hour"].astype(dtype="str")
data["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(data["date hour"], format="%m/%d/%Y %H")
data = data.drop(["date hour"], axis=1)
data = data.set_index("datetime")
Plaza ID | Date | Hour | Direction | # Vehicles - E-ZPass | # Vehicles - VToll | Location | |
datetime | |||||||
2024-05-30 00:00:00 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 0 | I | 2021 | 413 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
2024-05-30 01:00:00 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 1 | I | 1187 | 281 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
2024-05-30 02:00:00 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 2 | I | 880 | 218 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
2024-05-30 03:00:00 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 3 | I | 852 | 203 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
2024-05-30 04:00:00 | 21 | 05/30/2024 | 4 | I | 1698 | 321 | Robert F. Kennedy Bridge |
data["Sum Vehicles"] = data["# Vehicles - E-ZPass"] + data["# Vehicles - VToll"]
Timestamp('2024-05-30 23:00:00')
counts_loc = (
data.groupby(by=["datetime", "Location"])["Sum Vehicles"]
Preparing data
y_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
y = y_scaler.fit_transform(pd.DataFrame(counts_loc["Sum Vehicles"]))
raw_x = datetimeindex_features(counts_loc)
raw_x["Location"] = counts_loc["Location"].values
col_transformer = preprocess(raw_x, y)
x = col_transformer.transform(raw_x)
Separating test data
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(
x, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=2
XGBoost seems to outperform Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and a null model
# null_model - always guess mean
null = dummy.DummyRegressor(strategy="mean")
null_results = model_selection.cross_validate(
null, x_train, y_train, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error", cv=5
print(f"Null model: {null_results["test_score"].mean()}")
# OLS Transformed features
ols = linear_model.LinearRegression()
ols_results = model_selection.cross_validate(
ols, x_train, y_train, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error", cv=5
print(f"Transformed OLS: {ols_results["test_score"].mean()}")
# XGBoost
gb = xgb.XGBRegressor(
learning_rate=0.07, n_estimators=1400, subsample=0.6, max_depth=13
gb_results = model_selection.cross_validate(
gb, x_train, y_train, scoring="neg_mean_squared_error", cv=5
print(f"XGBoost: {gb_results["test_score"].mean()}\n")
Null model: -1.0010165238136473 Transformed OLS: -0.23714971821903846 XGBoost: -0.013521713900977289
gb_params = {
"learning_rate": [0.07],
"n_estimators": [1400, 1600],
"max_depth": [15, 16],
"subsample": [0.6, 0.7],
results = src.utils.search_grid(
x_train, y_train, xgb.XGBRegressor, gb_params, "neg_mean_squared_error"
Mean Score Run Time(min) Parameters -0.0133 9.387 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 15, 'n_estimators': 1400, 'subsample': 0.6} -0.0132 9.545 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 15, 'n_estimators': 1400, 'subsample': 0.7} -0.0132 11.002 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 15, 'n_estimators': 1600, 'subsample': 0.6} -0.0132 11.107 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 15, 'n_estimators': 1600, 'subsample': 0.7} -0.0132 10.791 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 16, 'n_estimators': 1400, 'subsample': 0.6} -0.0131 11.703 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 16, 'n_estimators': 1400, 'subsample': 0.7} -0.0132 12.482 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 16, 'n_estimators': 1600, 'subsample': 0.6} -0.0131 12.491 {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 16, 'n_estimators': 1600, 'subsample': 0.7} Best score: -0.013144146501518687 Best parameters: {'learning_rate': 0.07, 'max_depth': 16, 'n_estimators': 1400, 'subsample': 0.7}
gb = xgb.XGBRegressor(
learning_rate=0.07, n_estimators=1600, max_depth=16, subsample=0.7
), y_train)
XGBRegressor(base_score=None, booster=None, callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=None, colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None, device=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=False, eval_metric=None, feature_types=None, gamma=None, grow_policy=None, importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None, learning_rate=0.07, max_bin=None, max_cat_threshold=None, max_cat_to_onehot=None, max_delta_step=None, max_depth=16, max_leaves=None, min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None, multi_strategy=None, n_estimators=1600, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None, random_state=None, ...)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
XGBRegressor(base_score=None, booster=None, callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=None, colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None, device=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=False, eval_metric=None, feature_types=None, gamma=None, grow_policy=None, importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None, learning_rate=0.07, max_bin=None, max_cat_threshold=None, max_cat_to_onehot=None, max_delta_step=None, max_depth=16, max_leaves=None, min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None, multi_strategy=None, n_estimators=1600, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None, random_state=None, ...)
Checking model performance against test data
metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, gb.predict(x_test))
imputed = []
for location in counts_loc["Location"].unique():
crossing = counts_loc[counts_loc["Location"] == location]
gaps = ph.id_gaps_index(
crossing, pd.Timedelta(hours=3)
) # ignore small gaps due to DST, etc.
gaps["start"] = gaps.index - (
gaps["diffs"] - pd.Timedelta(hours=1)
) # next time unit after last observation
for idx, row in gaps.iterrows():
dr = pd.date_range(row["start"], idx, inclusive="left", freq="h")
df = pd.DataFrame({"Location": [location] * len(dr)}, index=dr)
raw_x = datetimeindex_features(df)
raw_x["Location"] = df["Location"].values
x = col_transformer.transform(raw_x)
y_pred = gb.predict(x)
# predicted values should never be < 0
y_inverse = [
max(0, round(y))
for y in y_scaler.inverse_transform(y_pred.reshape(-1, 1)).ravel()
df["Sum Vehicles"] = pd.Series(y_inverse, index=dr)
imputed_df = pd.concat(imputed)
The distribution of imputed values is similar to the population distribution.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
counts_loc["Sum Vehicles"], bins=200, density=True, label="Actual", color="navy"
imputed_df["Sum Vehicles"],
plt.xlim((0, 15000))
plt.title("Distribution of Imputed Counts vs. Recorded Counts", fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel("Relative Frequency", labelpad=20, fontsize=14)
The imputed values per crossing appear to match the recorded values.
for location in counts_loc["Location"].unique():
crossing = counts_loc[counts_loc["Location"] == location]
daily_mean = crossing.resample("d")["Sum Vehicles"].mean()
imp_crossing = imputed_df[imputed_df["Location"] == location]
daily_mean_imp = imp_crossing.resample("d")["Sum Vehicles"].mean()
xticks = pd.date_range(
pd.Timestamp(year=2016, month=7, day=1), periods=25, freq="MS"
xlabels = [f"{MONTHS_MAP[x.month]}-{x.year}" for x in xticks]
scatter_params = {
"title": f"{location} Crossings per Hour",
"ylabel": "Crossings per Hour",
"ylabel_rotation": "vertical",
"xlim": (
pd.Timestamp(year=2016, month=7, day=1),
pd.Timestamp(year=2018, month=7, day=1),
"ylim": (-50, crossing["Sum Vehicles"].quantile(0.9997)),
"xticks": {
"ticks": xticks,
"labels": xlabels,
"rotation": 45,
"ha": "right",
"fontsize": 16,
fig, ax = viz.setup_chart(**scatter_params)
crossing["Sum Vehicles"].values,
ax.plot(daily_mean.index, daily_mean.values, label="Actual Trendline")
imp_crossing["Sum Vehicles"].values,
ax.plot(daily_mean_imp.index, daily_mean_imp.values, label="Imputed Trendline")
ax.legend(fontsize=14, markerscale=4)
The mean, median, and standard deviation of the imputed values is generally comparable to the population values.
locations = []
means = []
medians = []
stdevs = []
for location in counts_loc["Location"].unique():
crossing = counts_loc[counts_loc["Location"] == location]
crossing = crossing[(crossing.index.year >= 2015) & (crossing.index.year <= 2019)]
imp_crossing = imputed_df[imputed_df["Location"] == location]
diff_median = (
imp_crossing["Sum Vehicles"].median() - crossing["Sum Vehicles"].median()
) / crossing["Sum Vehicles"].median()
diff_mean = (
imp_crossing["Sum Vehicles"].mean() - crossing["Sum Vehicles"].mean()
) / crossing["Sum Vehicles"].mean()
diff_sd = (
imp_crossing["Sum Vehicles"].std() - crossing["Sum Vehicles"].std()
) / crossing["Sum Vehicles"].std()
diffs = pd.DataFrame(
"Median Difference": medians,
"Mean Difference": means,
"Standard Deviation Difference": stdevs,
Median Difference | Mean Difference | Standard Deviation Difference | |
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge (BWB) | 7.79% | 5.99% | -0.51% |
Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge (CBB) | 9.26% | 5.94% | -1.17% |
Henry Hudson Bridge (HHB) | 3.15% | -0.32% | -2.95% |
Hugh L. Carey Tunnel (HCT) | -3.11% | -3.58% | -3.36% |
Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge (MPB) | 13.73% | 7.92% | 2.42% |
Queens Midtown Tunnel (QMT) | -17.88% | -7.55% | -5.40% |
Robert F. Kennedy Bridge | 7.68% | 3.51% | -4.10% |
Throgs Neck Bridge (TNB) | 1.34% | 1.42% | -4.30% |
Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge (VNB) | 13.06% | 23.90% | 42.03% |
Imputed values will be approximately 5% of total observations before aggregation.
f"{len(imputed_df)/ (len(counts_loc) + len(imputed_df)):.1%}"
Verifying that there are no duplicates
combined = pd.concat([counts_loc, imputed_df])
vehicle_index = combined.groupby(by=combined.index)["Sum Vehicles"].sum()
vehicle_index.index.min(), vehicle_index.index.max()
(Timestamp('2010-01-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2024-05-30 23:00:00'))
Statistic Value | |
count | 126329.000000 |
min | 0.000000 |
1% | 3389.000000 |
5% | 4902.000000 |
25% | 16435.000000 |
50% | 35131.000000 |
75% | 45615.000000 |
95% | 54963.600000 |
99% | 59695.720000 |
max | 126084.000000 |
mean | 31676.023565 |
standard deviation | 16629.760481 |
median | 35131.000000 |
median absolute deviation | 13046.000000 |
skew | -0.225737 |
ph.id_gaps_index(vehicle_index, threshold=pd.Timedelta(hours=1))
diffs | |
2018-03-11 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2019-03-10 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2020-03-08 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2021-03-14 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2022-03-13 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2023-03-12 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
2024-03-10 03:00:00 | 0 days 02:00:00 |
annual_crossings = pd.DataFrame(
counts_loc.groupby(by=counts_loc.index.year)["Sum Vehicles"].sum() / MILLION
annual_crossings["Imputed"] = (
vehicle_index.groupby(by=vehicle_index.index.year).sum() / MILLION
title="Total Annual Crossings",
ylabel="Millions of Vehicles",
figsize=(20, 10),
bar_label_bbox={"facecolor": "white", "edgecolor": "none", "alpha": 0.8},
legend_labels=src.strings.add_line_breaks(["Original Data", "With Imputed Data"]),
legend_args={"legend_handleheight": 2.0, "legend_bbox": (1.025, 0.9)},
len(vehicle_index[vehicle_index == 0]), len(vehicle_index[vehicle_index < 100])
(14, 42)
There are several one-hour windows where there is zero traffic on the 9 MTA bridges and tunnels in NYC. These appear to correspond to time changes for daylight savings time or Hurricane Sandy (2012-10-30) where the MTA bridges and tunnels may have been closed or did not record crossings.
vehicle_index[vehicle_index == 0]
2010-03-14 02:00:00 0 2012-03-11 02:00:00 0 2012-10-30 01:00:00 0 2012-10-30 02:00:00 0 2012-10-30 03:00:00 0 2012-10-30 04:00:00 0 2012-10-30 05:00:00 0 2012-10-30 06:00:00 0 2012-10-30 07:00:00 0 2012-10-30 08:00:00 0 2013-03-10 02:00:00 0 2014-03-09 02:00:00 0 2015-03-08 02:00:00 0 2016-03-13 02:00:00 0 Name: Sum Vehicles, dtype: int64
vehicle_index.quantile(0.0002), vehicle_index.quantile(0.0005)
(26.531200000000005, 630.7560000000001)
The dates for extremely low crossing numbers tend to correspond to major weather events. 2011-08-28 was Hurricane Irene. 2012-10-29 / 2012-10-30 was Hurricane Sandy. 2015-01-26/27 and 2016-01-23/24 were blizzards.
vehicle_index[vehicle_index.between(200, 1000)]
2010-12-27 03:00:00 771 2011-03-13 02:00:00 378 2011-08-28 01:00:00 625 2011-08-28 02:00:00 450 2011-08-28 03:00:00 318 2011-08-28 04:00:00 347 2011-08-28 05:00:00 445 2011-08-28 06:00:00 779 2011-08-28 07:00:00 887 2011-08-28 08:00:00 869 2011-08-28 09:00:00 970 2012-10-29 19:00:00 608 2012-10-29 20:00:00 462 2012-10-30 10:00:00 259 2012-10-30 11:00:00 733 2015-01-26 23:00:00 926 2015-01-27 00:00:00 609 2015-01-27 01:00:00 398 2015-01-27 02:00:00 397 2015-01-27 03:00:00 289 2015-01-27 04:00:00 355 2015-01-27 05:00:00 738 2016-01-23 17:00:00 902 2016-01-23 18:00:00 777 2016-01-23 19:00:00 789 2016-01-23 20:00:00 714 2016-01-23 21:00:00 620 2016-01-23 22:00:00 655 2016-01-23 23:00:00 626 2016-01-24 00:00:00 674 2016-01-24 01:00:00 413 2016-01-24 02:00:00 409 2016-01-24 03:00:00 335 2016-01-24 04:00:00 480 2016-01-24 05:00:00 812 Name: Sum Vehicles, dtype: int64
We create a traffic index where the minimum value of vehicle crossings per hour corresponds to the .05 percentile of hourly crossings. This is done to prevent any divide by zero errors.
estimated_min = int(vehicle_index.quantile(0.0005))
vehicle_index[vehicle_index < estimated_min] = estimated_min
vehicle_index.min(), vehicle_index.max()
(630, 126084)
vehicle_index = pd.DataFrame(vehicle_index)