import param
import panel as pn
This example demonstrates how to use param.Action
to trigger an update in a method that depends on that parameter. Actions can trigger any function, but if we simply want to trigger a method that depends on that action, then we can define a small lambda
function that triggers the parameter explicitly.
class ActionExample(param.Parameterized):
Demonstrates how to use param.Action to trigger an update.
action = param.Action(lambda x: x.param.trigger('action'), label='Click here!')
number = param.Integer(default=0)
def get_number(self):
self.number += 1
return self.number
action_example = ActionExample()
component = pn.Column(
pn.Column(pn.panel(action_example, show_name=False, margin=0, widgets={"action": {"button_type": "primary"}, "number": {"disabled": True}}),
'**Click the button** to trigger an update in the output.'),
pn.panel(action_example.get_number, width=300), max_width=600)
Lets wrap it into nice template that can be served via panel serve action_button.ipynb
site="Panel", title="param.Action Example",
"This example demonstrates **how to use ``param.Action`` to trigger an update** in a method that depends on that parameter.\n\nActions can trigger any function, but if we simply want to trigger a method that depends on that action, then we can define a small ``lambda`` function that triggers the parameter explicitly.",