# data - cleaned wiki articles
!wget -q https://s3.amazonaws.com/video.udacity-data.com/topher/2018/October/5bbe6499_text8/text8.zip
!unzip -q text8.zip && rm text8.zip
!ls -al .
total 97676 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Sep 9 14:25 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Sep 9 14:21 .. drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 1 19:26 .config drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Sep 1 19:26 sample_data -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100000000 Jun 9 2006 text8
# read in the extracted text file
with open('text8') as f:
text = f.read()
# print out the first 100 characters
' anarchism originated as a term of abuse first used against early working class radicals including the diggers of the english revolution and the sans culottes of the french revolution whilst the term is still used in a pejorative way to describe any act that used violent means to destroy the organization of society it has also been taken up as a positive label by self defined anarchists the word anarchism is derived from the greek without archons ruler chief king anarchism as a political philosophy is the belief that rulers are unnecessary and should be abolished although there are differing interpretations of what this means anarchism also refers to related social movements that advocate the elimination of authoritarian institutions particularly the state the word anarchy as most anarchists use it does not imply chaos nihilism or anomie but rather a harmonious anti authoritarian society in place of what are regarded as authoritarian political structures and coercive economic instituti'
import re
from collections import Counter
def preprocess(text):
# Replace punctuation with tokens so we can use them in our model
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace('.', ' <PERIOD> ')
text = text.replace(',', ' <COMMA> ')
text = text.replace('"', ' <QUOTATION_MARK> ')
text = text.replace(';', ' <SEMICOLON> ')
text = text.replace('!', ' <EXCLAMATION_MARK> ')
text = text.replace('?', ' <QUESTION_MARK> ')
text = text.replace('(', ' <LEFT_PAREN> ')
text = text.replace(')', ' <RIGHT_PAREN> ')
text = text.replace('--', ' <HYPHENS> ')
text = text.replace('?', ' <QUESTION_MARK> ')
# text = text.replace('\n', ' <NEW_LINE> ')
text = text.replace(':', ' <COLON> ')
words = text.split()
# Remove all words with 5 or fewer occurences
word_counts = Counter(words)
trimmed_words = [word for word in words if word_counts[word] > 5]
return trimmed_words
# get list of words
words = preprocess(text)
['anarchism', 'originated', 'as', 'a', 'term', 'of', 'abuse', 'first', 'used', 'against', 'early', 'working', 'class', 'radicals', 'including', 'the', 'diggers', 'of', 'the', 'english', 'revolution', 'and', 'the', 'sans', 'culottes', 'of', 'the', 'french', 'revolution', 'whilst']
# print some stats about this word data
print("Total words in text: {}".format(len(words)))
print("Unique words: {}".format(len(set(words)))) # `set` removes any duplicate words
Total words in text: 16680599 Unique words: 63641
def create_lookup_tables(words):
Create lookup tables for vocabulary
:param words: Input list of words
:return: Two dictionaries, vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab
word_counts = Counter(words)
# sorting the words from most to least frequent in text occurrence
sorted_vocab = sorted(word_counts, key=word_counts.get, reverse=True)
# create int_to_vocab dictionaries
int_to_vocab = {ii: word for ii, word in enumerate(sorted_vocab)}
vocab_to_int = {word: ii for ii, word in int_to_vocab.items()}
return vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab
vocab_to_int, int_to_vocab = create_lookup_tables(words)
int_words = [vocab_to_int[word] for word in words]
[5233, 3080, 11, 5, 194, 1, 3133, 45, 58, 155, 127, 741, 476, 10571, 133, 0, 27349, 1, 0, 102, 854, 2, 0, 15067, 58112, 1, 0, 150, 854, 3580]
from collections import Counter
import random
import numpy as np
threshold = 1e-5
word_counts = Counter(int_words)
#print(list(word_counts.items())[0]) # dictionary of int_words, how many times they appear
total_count = len(int_words)
freqs = {word: count/total_count for word, count in word_counts.items()}
p_drop = {word: 1 - np.sqrt(threshold/freqs[word]) for word in word_counts}
# discard some frequent words, according to the subsampling equation
# create a new list of words for training
train_words = [word for word in int_words if random.random() < (1 - p_drop[word])]
[5233, 45, 476, 10571, 27349, 15067, 58112, 3580, 10712, 1324, 3672, 371, 539, 97, 2757, 7088, 5233, 44611, 2877, 792, 5233, 2621, 8983, 4147, 6437, 153, 5233, 19, 4860, 6753]
def get_target(words, idx, window_size=5):
''' Get a list of words in a window around an index. '''
R = np.random.randint(1, window_size+1)
start = idx - R if (idx - R) > 0 else 0
stop = idx + R
target_words = words[start:idx] + words[idx+1:stop+1]
return list(target_words)
# run this cell multiple times to check for random window selection
int_text = [i for i in range(10)]
print('Input: ', int_text)
idx=5 # word index of interest
target = get_target(int_text, idx=idx, window_size=5)
print('Target: ', target) # you should get some indices around the idx
Input: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Target: [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]
def get_batches(words, batch_size, window_size=5):
''' Create a generator of word batches as a tuple (inputs, targets) '''
n_batches = len(words)//batch_size
# only full batches
words = words[:n_batches*batch_size]
for idx in range(0, len(words), batch_size):
x, y = [], []
batch = words[idx:idx+batch_size]
for ii in range(len(batch)):
batch_x = batch[ii]
batch_y = get_target(batch, ii, window_size)
yield x, y
int_text = [i for i in range(20)]
x,y = next(get_batches(int_text, batch_size=4, window_size=5))
print('x\n', x)
print('y\n', y)
x [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3] y [1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 3, 2]
def cosine_similarity(embedding, valid_size=16, valid_window=100, device='cpu'):
""" Returns the cosine similarity of validation words with words in the embedding matrix.
Here, embedding should be a PyTorch embedding module.
# Here we're calculating the cosine similarity between some random words and
# our embedding vectors. With the similarities, we can look at what words are
# close to our random words.
# sim = (a . b) / |a||b|
embed_vectors = embedding.weight
# magnitude of embedding vectors, |b|
magnitudes = embed_vectors.pow(2).sum(dim=1).sqrt().unsqueeze(0)
# pick N words from our ranges (0,window) and (1000,1000+window). lower id implies more frequent
valid_examples = np.array(random.sample(range(valid_window), valid_size//2))
valid_examples = np.append(valid_examples,
random.sample(range(1000,1000+valid_window), valid_size//2))
valid_examples = torch.LongTensor(valid_examples).to(device)
valid_vectors = embedding(valid_examples)
similarities = torch.mm(valid_vectors, embed_vectors.t())/magnitudes
return valid_examples, similarities
class SkipGram(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_vocab, n_embed):
self.embed = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_embed)
self.output = nn.Linear(n_embed, n_vocab)
self.log_softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.embed(x)
scores = self.output(x)
log_ps = self.log_softmax(scores)
return log_ps
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.optim as optim
class SkipGramNeg(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_vocab, n_embed, noise_dist=None):
self.n_vocab = n_vocab
self.n_embed = n_embed
self.noise_dist = noise_dist
# define embedding layers for input and output words
self.in_embed = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_embed)
self.out_embed = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_embed)
# Initialize embedding tables with uniform distribution
# I believe this helps with convergence
self.in_embed.weight.data.uniform_(-1, 1)
self.out_embed.weight.data.uniform_(-1, 1)
def forward_input(self, input_words):
input_vectors = self.in_embed(input_words)
return input_vectors
def forward_output(self, output_words):
output_vectors = self.out_embed(output_words)
return output_vectors
def forward_noise(self, batch_size, n_samples):
""" Generate noise vectors with shape (batch_size, n_samples, n_embed)"""
if self.noise_dist is None:
# Sample words uniformly
noise_dist = torch.ones(self.n_vocab)
noise_dist = self.noise_dist
# Sample words from our noise distribution
noise_words = torch.multinomial(noise_dist,
batch_size * n_samples,
device = "cuda" if model.out_embed.weight.is_cuda else "cpu"
noise_words = noise_words.to(device)
noise_vectors = self.out_embed(noise_words).view(batch_size, n_samples, self.n_embed)
return noise_vectors
class NegativeSamplingLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, input_vectors, output_vectors, noise_vectors):
batch_size, embed_size = input_vectors.shape
# Input vectors should be a batch of column vectors
input_vectors = input_vectors.view(batch_size, embed_size, 1)
# Output vectors should be a batch of row vectors
output_vectors = output_vectors.view(batch_size, 1, embed_size)
# bmm = batch matrix multiplication
# correct log-sigmoid loss
out_loss = torch.bmm(output_vectors, input_vectors).sigmoid().log()
out_loss = out_loss.squeeze()
# incorrect log-sigmoid loss
noise_loss = torch.bmm(noise_vectors.neg(), input_vectors).sigmoid().log()
noise_loss = noise_loss.squeeze().sum(1) # sum the losses over the sample of noise vectors
# negate and sum correct and noisy log-sigmoid losses
# return average batch loss
return -(out_loss + noise_loss).mean()
Below is our training loop, and I recommend that you train on GPU, if available.
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# Get our noise distribution
# Using word frequencies calculated earlier in the notebook
word_freqs = np.array(sorted(freqs.values(), reverse=True))
unigram_dist = word_freqs/word_freqs.sum()
noise_dist = torch.from_numpy(unigram_dist**(0.75)/np.sum(unigram_dist**(0.75)))
# instantiating the model
embedding_dim = 300
model = SkipGramNeg(len(vocab_to_int), embedding_dim, noise_dist=noise_dist).to(device)
# using the loss that we defined
criterion = NegativeSamplingLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.003)
print_every = 1500
steps = 0
epochs = 5
# train for some number of epochs
for e in range(epochs):
# get our input, target batches
for input_words, target_words in get_batches(train_words, 512):
steps += 1
inputs, targets = torch.LongTensor(input_words), torch.LongTensor(target_words)
inputs, targets = inputs.to(device), targets.to(device)
# input, output, and noise vectors
input_vectors = model.forward_input(inputs)
output_vectors = model.forward_output(targets)
noise_vectors = model.forward_noise(inputs.shape[0], 5)
# negative sampling loss
loss = criterion(input_vectors, output_vectors, noise_vectors)
# loss stats
if steps % print_every == 0:
print("Epoch: {}/{}".format(e+1, epochs))
print("Loss: ", loss.item()) # avg batch loss at this point in training
valid_examples, valid_similarities = cosine_similarity(model.in_embed, device=device)
_, closest_idxs = valid_similarities.topk(6)
valid_examples, closest_idxs = valid_examples.to('cpu'), closest_idxs.to('cpu')
for ii, valid_idx in enumerate(valid_examples):
closest_words = [int_to_vocab[idx.item()] for idx in closest_idxs[ii]][1:]
print(int_to_vocab[valid_idx.item()] + " | " + ', '.join(closest_words))
Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 6.795905590057373 its | blue, minstrels, braille, exempting, goncourt all | being, epigraphic, warmest, quell, saudi time | construction, pearlman, thirds, buenos, robbers was | landscapes, the, geometrical, forms, orgies american | scarborough, banality, restored, technically, a have | cellulose, one, protectors, discrimination, seeds when | teletext, leaves, wholesale, wort, removed that | designers, summers, justification, gynt, death scale | assyria, butt, visitors, residence, booted versions | liberation, heraldic, underscores, exclusively, woodwinds additional | differently, solomon, moran, recreating, filipino know | paradox, phones, erects, collateral, powerbook experience | appreciable, company, celebrities, aether, dermal bbc | compilers, nichols, repayment, words, seeing animals | bladders, john, inscriptions, israelites, golf except | struggled, taggart, hazlitt, sasquatch, u ... Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 5.46177339553833 seven | one, zero, two, nine, the but | of, in, the, and, as more | of, and, nine, one, s such | to, classical, one, as, and about | and, welcoming, on, marianas, to state | the, shlomo, during, manhattan, ships known | prophecy, canis, colleges, zero, untie it | of, the, in, as, to existence | zionist, forbids, rcmp, formed, stub mainly | rws, nica, constitutions, brigham, catalans frac | public, capture, selectively, him, implication bible | binders, ohrid, arrangements, reflexes, to quite | frisch, to, ria, most, phonemes universe | boxers, introducing, barrie, donkeys, caloric primarily | aerospace, salad, location, gettysburg, encyclopaedia notes | permo, tomography, peroxide, gross, egyptian ... Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 4.1365885734558105 it | of, the, a, that, as about | of, such, also, the, and three | one, six, two, zero, nine or | which, the, this, of, that he | in, his, of, was, the only | this, at, not, of, the known | in, most, a, as, that people | of, in, to, as, which powers | salem, dribble, to, explosions, craggy rise | ornament, aruba, animalia, disproportionate, aligned ice | president, mitra, uplift, noises, shinogi pre | elephant, concert, praeparatio, leaves, birth versions | underscores, heraldic, golfers, woodwinds, cgi except | brag, volta, newsome, skis, oliphant stage | foraminifera, deckard, trope, announces, osiris joseph | incomprehensible, methoxy, statewide, respond, back ... Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 3.478447675704956 two | six, nine, three, seven, one used | are, using, use, can, is other | that, some, or, which, they they | not, to, the, but, which has | also, to, by, in, of the | of, and, to, in, by seven | nine, eight, six, one, three also | in, the, and, by, of operations | ayahuasca, progress, suits, same, dialect report | least, bryce, unlike, ugarte, dump numerous | ratify, better, in, beginning, intuition file | system, need, software, data, use troops | government, the, war, state, policy discovered | terminal, altar, powdered, however, law heavy | iguanas, faster, certain, transnistria, excludes orthodox | church, christian, christians, state, celebrating ... Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 3.3221445083618164 is | the, which, other, a, or between | of, still, see, and, which most | and, in, of, the, to only | in, by, as, and, which with | the, were, by, was, in all | it, or, the, are, of may | a, through, most, is, an if | we, be, they, does, can something | think, if, things, provided, get san | newspaper, seven, one, player, zero http | www, com, external, org, online frac | x, z, equation, vector, n stage | show, rumoured, film, in, best bible | biblical, scholars, text, christian, god active | planned, mandatory, behe, ige, until egypt | period, kingdom, from, tribes, eastern ... Epoch: 1/5 Loss: 3.260934591293335 only | so, to, a, and, the b | d, seven, writer, composer, six however | can, a, with, the, to can | because, or, this, all, be system | operating, systems, data, using, allows is | the, a, this, and, in their | the, in, with, or, this from | is, the, of, and, or derived | words, languages, pronunciation, word, language troops | forces, army, military, war, battle file | data, software, web, interface, user mathematics | mathematical, theory, analysis, published, j http | www, com, links, online, external joseph | politician, b, composer, robert, author mainly | important, north, some, modern, territory police | forces, independence, government, military, attack ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.8388876914978027 zero | one, five, two, four, seven by | to, the, of, on, had no | so, not, be, do, their at | the, were, on, s, and years | birth, year, age, population, until over | to, than, from, the, between in | the, from, to, of, also on | the, by, a, to, and pope | catholic, john, iv, bishop, church bbc | news, weekly, official, april, directory taking | he, this, his, out, what pre | the, what, well, as, adopted dr | actor, writer, david, actress, founder report | org, http, forum, links, agency institute | university, links, school, research, education accepted | view, doctrine, speaking, as, taught ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.8355414867401123 all | an, this, is, by, the new | york, university, college, school, community american | companies, actor, list, african, americans also | and, as, the, include, to than | is, to, while, which, more war | soviet, battle, army, troops, forces b | n, k, x, f, h known | the, a, of, with, old applications | computer, application, computers, allow, systems existence | questions, that, theories, universe, our notes | note, given, written, an, book file | files, unix, windows, interface, system primarily | small, mostly, factors, various, gas creation | concept, universal, philosophy, interpretation, societies shown | using, closed, p, being, e additional | the, is, hand, usually, device ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.8384206295013428 by | the, in, of, and, was be | any, is, can, if, a for | to, a, is, example, such about | of, for, however, to, also is | the, a, are, this, or often | example, is, some, sometimes, typically where | a, is, an, the, along war | troops, soviet, invasion, soldiers, battle ice | wet, dry, coast, snow, volcanic police | military, national, armed, government, court older | household, birth, living, age, married universe | theories, matter, cosmic, our, observations placed | mouth, tiny, display, surfaces, normal smith | robert, williams, richard, jack, actress defense | military, legal, security, commission, enforcement file | files, windows, web, unix, user ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.6320250034332275 during | was, in, the, forced, war history | culture, geography, egypt, century, south war | army, against, allied, troops, warfare as | form, have, most, and, such it | to, this, is, would, in states | united, national, union, nations, territories time | however, the, a, of, it four | eight, one, six, nine, seven creation | creator, rejected, view, though, inspired engineering | research, technology, electrical, computer, institute governor | appointed, minister, president, leader, elected alternative | primary, modern, example, universal, more mainly | from, principally, formerly, region, northern active | cell, due, technical, move, involved question | questions, something, saying, answer, that notes | online, page, press, literature, reading ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.4916765689849854 no | not, does, minor, i, g will | can, make, if, does, not people | americans, population, the, living, of five | two, seven, four, six, eight it | is, that, the, but, in there | is, the, are, all, of more | by, these, but, such, rather system | operating, systems, data, limited, applications marriage | marry, married, daughter, zeus, child quite | very, like, be, using, other ocean | atlantic, pacific, islands, coast, satellite arts | martial, students, academy, schools, sports engine | engines, turbine, piston, combustion, jet scale | scales, production, greatly, massive, development something | we, saying, things, my, thing account | writings, evidence, according, accounts, book ... Epoch: 2/5 Loss: 2.714233636856079 the | in, a, to, and, of it | a, then, this, if, to up | could, at, a, through, after known | of, ancient, whose, modern, named for | both, and, s, as, special its | use, form, mainly, these, interaction time | much, was, and, upon, previous s | on, for, the, first, was troops | army, forces, regiment, armed, infantry report | news, investigation, reports, review, pdf brother | his, son, wife, duke, father active | formed, its, mechanism, radical, with san | francisco, diego, california, los, angeles instance | method, physical, should, cannot, expressions shown | are, is, same, pattern, e articles | online, wikipedia, reading, publications, topics ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.4762697219848633 five | one, zero, four, six, seven this | be, they, because, that, even seven | eight, one, four, two, five were | was, of, in, the, now american | actor, actress, journalist, politician, songwriter about | according, have, at, than, there d | b, politician, composer, laureate, physicist his | he, him, himself, spent, brother file | files, windows, format, interface, microsoft orthodox | catholic, churches, church, christians, christianity engine | engines, powered, motors, turbine, piston brother | wife, died, son, father, cousin taking | out, to, stay, took, fled gold | silver, iron, copper, purple, glass defense | force, military, personnel, forces, defensive running | run, shooting, ran, record, hit ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.578321695327759 while | than, still, or, them, a a | as, is, in, or, the state | university, college, located, county, colorado he | his, him, himself, met, son been | that, than, to, were, have which | is, the, from, a, some states | united, america, national, american, mexico three | seven, two, zero, nine, four accepted | not, these, theologians, catholic, understood construction | building, formal, structures, natural, petroleum nobel | prize, laureate, chemist, physicist, novelist placed | filled, plastic, removed, balls, front writers | fiction, births, novelists, winners, literature magazine | cartoons, newspapers, published, interview, reviews powers | elected, power, judicial, legislative, government troops | army, battle, forces, infantry, war ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.280730724334717 not | is, be, a, or, the with | the, as, also, a, and nine | seven, six, eight, one, five during | period, july, had, late, returned from | of, by, the, and, or use | used, these, are, uses, different between | which, regions, is, the, central years | five, year, zero, one, months versions | microsoft, windows, version, hardware, linux ice | dry, wet, rocks, glaciers, water channel | channels, stations, radio, network, station consists | each, is, basis, process, smaller woman | she, mother, her, child, young notes | written, repertoire, note, harmonic, tuning accepted | not, disputed, criteria, evidence, some writers | fiction, novelists, authors, literature, births ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.522282600402832 their | were, the, which, from, other a | to, the, an, it, of as | form, is, and, such, to into | of, the, in, which, and american | actress, actor, nobel, singer, laureate people | who, have, living, many, certain i | son, r, my, you, t by | of, in, the, and, to stage | directing, actors, film, productions, films shows | show, singles, hollywood, tour, album mean | is, we, similarly, correct, sometimes nobel | prize, laureate, chemist, physicist, physiology creation | created, not, the, supernatural, eventual event | events, of, tour, resulted, reached governor | appointed, chief, office, exercised, bill square | smallest, approximately, numbers, rectangular, sqrt ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.66041898727417 they | themselves, their, the, in, to first | the, by, s, was, one was | had, after, as, he, with new | york, in, the, university, states three | four, two, five, seven, six th | century, earliest, nd, rd, eight five | two, four, seven, three, eight that | to, as, a, for, it gold | silver, metals, glass, precious, copper additional | on, these, simple, called, for placed | called, a, this, that, pieces issue | decisions, opinion, governments, federal, question cost | reduce, costs, prices, price, increase bible | hebrew, tanakh, testament, text, torah woman | male, fertility, female, birth, man assembly | legislative, parliamentary, deputies, parliament, elected ... Epoch: 3/5 Loss: 2.6305782794952393 were | was, had, and, later, by history | site, external, links, archive, overview they | their, them, to, not, often time | was, that, the, his, s only | a, to, with, is, it as | and, also, with, such, the zero | three, four, two, five, one united | states, national, state, presidents, world bbc | day, news, listing, days, links mean | sum, y, measure, arithmetic, coefficients articles | encyclopedia, archive, page, text, online engineering | research, technology, electrical, disciplines, processing existence | metaphysical, false, issues, truth, believe shows | show, movies, tv, episode, acclaimed gold | silver, bronze, coin, iron, deposits alternative | article, complete, itself, including, information ... Epoch: 4/5 Loss: 2.210568428039551 state | legislature, counties, residents, constitutional, southern known | also, as, and, found, now their | were, they, the, own, not of | the, and, in, is, by between | and, the, of, east, south as | and, are, is, with, a had | was, afterwards, became, after, to only | is, itself, be, it, not mainly | from, are, in, and, many shows | actors, productions, theatre, tv, movie liberal | liberals, conservative, opposition, party, conservatives pope | leo, papacy, pius, papal, archbishop orthodox | christianity, christians, churches, catholic, church award | awards, nominations, academy, best, nomination hold | calling, enter, regard, instead, accept governor | appointed, minister, elected, election, presidency ...
Below we'll use T-SNE to visualize how our high-dimensional word vectors cluster together. T-SNE is used to project these vectors into two dimensions while preserving local stucture. Check out this post from Christopher Olah to learn more about T-SNE and other ways to visualize high-dimensional data.
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
# getting embeddings from the embedding layer of our model, by name
embeddings = model.in_embed.weight.to('cpu').data.numpy()
viz_words = 380
tsne = TSNE()
embed_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(embeddings[:viz_words, :])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 16))
for idx in range(viz_words):
plt.scatter(*embed_tsne[idx, :], color='steelblue')
plt.annotate(int_to_vocab[idx], (embed_tsne[idx, 0], embed_tsne[idx, 1]), alpha=0.7)