# Poisson Image Editing ## Seamless Cloning ### Dhruv Ilesh Shah | Riddhish Bhalodia This folder contains the notebook to achieve Seamless Cloning using the Poisson Solver. You can find the notebook [here](Seamless_Cloning.ipynb). To run the shell and the notebook you will need the following packages: * Python (2.7 or later) * Numpy * Matplotlib * OpenCV (2.4 or later) (can be replaced with PIL) * Jupyter Notebook (or ipython-notebook) You can install these by yourself or run the `setup.sh` file. This is the first attempt at implementing the geometric approach. Suggestions and improvements are welcome. Also, we are working on implementing the Algebraic version using Python. The MATLAB version can be found [here](https://github.com/PrieureDeSion/matlabcodes/tree/master/Seamless_Cloning). Collaborators welcome!