Work in progress see also working solution in PAWS
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators as pg
def list_template_usage(site_obj, tmpl_name):
Takes Site object and template name and returns a generator.
The function expects a Site object (pywikibot.Site()) and
a template name (String). It creates a list of all
pages using that template and returns them as a generator.
It only returns pages in the 121-namespace (property-talk-pages).
The generator will load 50 pages at a time for iteration.
name = "{}:{}".format(site.namespace(10), tmpl_name)
tmpl_page = pywikibot.Page(site, name)
ref_gen = pg.ReferringPageGenerator(tmpl_page, onlyTemplateInclusion=True)
filter_gen = pg.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(ref_gen, namespaces=[121])
generator = site.preloadpages(filter_gen, pageprops=True)
return generator
def gather_template_usage(generator, template_name, header=None):
Takes a generator and a template name and returns usage list.
The function can also take a header (list of strings) that will be
the headers of the table (Needs to be the same dimension as the table).
The first column needs to be a link to property (It will be made into
a link. In this example the second column is a list of links to Q-items.
tmpl_usage = []
if header != None:
for page in generator:
page_str = page.get()
tmpl_list = pywikibot.textlib.extract_templates_and_params(page_str)
for tmpl in tmpl_list:
if template_name in tmpl:
page_title = page.title().split(":")[1]
property_link = "{{{{P|{}}}}}".format(page_title)
tmpl_usage.append([property_link, tmpl[1]["list"]])
return tmpl_usage
def create_table_string(data, highlight=(True, False, False, False),
table_class='wikitable', style=''):
Takes a list and returns a wikitable.
@param data: The list that is converted to a wikitable.
@type data: List (Nested)
@param highlight: Tuple of rows and columns that should be highlighted.
(first row, last row, left column, right column)
@type highlight: Tuple
@param table_class: A string containing the class description.
See wikitable help.
@type table_class: String
@param style: A string containing the style description.
See wikitable help.
@type style: String
last_row = len(data) - 1
last_cell = len(data[0]) - 1
table = '{{| class="{}" style="{}"\n'.format(table_class, style)
for key, row in enumerate(data):
if key == 0 and highlight[0] or key == last_row and highlight[1]:
row_string = '|-\n! ' + '\n! '.join(cell for cell in row)
row_string = '|-'
cells = ''
for ckey, cell in enumerate(row):
if ckey == 0 and highlight[2]:
cells += '\n! ' + cell
elif ckey == last_cell and highlight[3]:
cells += '\n! ' + cell
cells += '\n| ' + cell
row_string += cells
table += row_string + '\n'
table += '|}'
return table
site = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", 'wikidata')
template_name = "Constraint:Units"
tmpl_gen = list_template_usage(site, template_name)
header = ["Property", "Constraint:Units"]
tmpl_usage = gather_template_usage(tmpl_gen, template_name, header)
table = create_table_string(tmpl_usage)
write_page = pywikibot.Page(site, "Wikidata:Database reports/List of properties with Constraint:Unit templates and their values")"Updating Table")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-50f361384dfb> in <module> 87 88 template_name = "Constraint:Units" ---> 89 tmpl_gen = list_template_usage(site, template_name) 90 91 header = ["Property", "Constraint:Units"] <ipython-input-1-50f361384dfb> in list_template_usage(site_obj, tmpl_name) 14 name = "{}:{}".format(site.namespace(10), tmpl_name) 15 tmpl_page = pywikibot.Page(site, name) ---> 16 ref_gen = pg.ReferringPageGenerator(tmpl_page, onlyTemplateInclusion=True) 17 filter_gen = pg.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(ref_gen, namespaces=[121]) 18 generator = site.preloadpages(filter_gen, pageprops=True) AttributeError: module 'pywikibot.pagegenerators' has no attribute 'ReferringPageGenerator'