import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
This is pretty hacky and there must be a better way to do this.
pandeia_code_path = '/grp/jwst/jwstetc/pandeia/engine'
sys.path.append(pandeia_code_path) # required to access installed pandeia codebase
import pandeia, pandeia.engine, pandeia.engine.config
# Set default path to find the reference files
# THis must be done BEFORE importnig pandeia.engine.jwst
import pandeia.engine.jwst
from pandeia.engine.instrument_factory import InstrumentFactory
First define some helpful functions to use below.
def get_pce(inst, normalize=False):
wr = inst.get_wave_range()
wave = np.linspace(wr['wmin']*0.95, wr['wmax']*1.05, num=500)
pce = inst.get_total_eff(wave)
if normalize:
pce /= pce.max()
return (wave,pce)
def annotate_pce_plot(title="", xlim=(0.5,5.5), legend=True):
plt.ylabel("Photon Conversion Efficiency")
plt.xlabel('Wavelength [$\mu$m]')
if legend:
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def plotlabelcolorfilt(wave,pce,filtname, color='blue'):
plt.fill_between(wave,0,pce, alpha=0.5, color=color)
plt.plot(wave,pce, color=color, label=filtname.upper())
plt.plot(wave,pce, color='black', alpha=0.5)
# double print text to make it a bit darker since some of the rainbow colors are hard to read
plt.text(wave.mean(), 0.75, filtname.upper(), alpha=1, color='black', rotation=45)
plt.text(wave.mean(), 0.75, filtname.upper(), alpha=0.75, color=color, rotation=45)
def uppercase_si_name(name):
# the SI name with case as typically used, and specifically as used with WebbPSF.
name = name.upper()
if name=='NIRCAM': return 'NIRCam'
elif name=='NIRSPEC': return 'NIRSpec'
else: return name
def output_to_fits_table(wave,pce,inst, verbose=True, filtername=None):
data = [wave*1e4,pce/pce.max()] # convert wave to angstroms as expected by pysynphot
(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, DOY, DST) = time.gmtime()
si_name = uppercase_si_name(inst.inst_name)
if filtername is None:
filtername = inst.instrument['filter']
filtername = filtername.upper()
t = Table(data, names=['WAVELENGTH', 'THROUGHPUT'])
t.meta['WAVEUNIT']=('angstrom', 'Wavelength unit')
t.meta['TELESCOP']=('JWST', 'James Webb Space Telescope')
t.meta['INSTRUME']=(si_name, 'Name of instrument')
t.meta['FILTER']=(filtername, 'Bandpass filter identifier')
t.meta['SOURCE']=('JWST ETC / Pandeia / REDCAT', 'Derived from JWST ETC database')
t.meta["SRC_DATE"] = ( "%4d-%02d-%02d" % (year, month, day), "Date of file generation from ETC")
t.meta['NORMALIZ']=(True, 'Normalized to peak transmission=1')
t.meta['HISTORY'] = ['Normalized relative spectral response file for WebbPSF', '',
'Based on information extracted from the ',
'JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) system',
'(Pandeia software database, using reference files',
'managed by ReDCaT, the Reference Data for ',
'Calibration and Tools group at STScI)', '',
'File created by: webbpsf/dev_tools/',
' Normalized Throughputs from Pandeia.ipynb',
if not os.path.isdir('outputs'):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join('outputs',si_name)):
outname = os.path.join('outputs',si_name,"{}_throughput.fits".format(filtername))
t.write(outname, overwrite=True)
if verbose:
print("==>> "+outname)
return outname
NIRISS used as simple imager test case since NIRCam has the SW/LW complication.
inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRISS(mode='imaging')
plotlabelcolorfilt(wave,pce, inst.instrument['filter'])
annotate_pce_plot(title=("{} {}".format(inst.instrument['instrument'],
xlim=(0.5, 1.5))
==>> outputs/NIRISS/F090W_throughput.fits
inst_defaults = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRISS(mode='imaging')
config = inst_defaults.as_dict() # get default config
for filtname in inst_defaults.filters:
inst = InstrumentFactory(config=config)
plotlabelcolorfilt(wave,pce,filtname, color=next(colorseq))
annotate_pce_plot(title=inst.inst_name.upper(), legend=False)
==>> outputs/NIRISS/F090W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F115W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F140M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F150W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F158M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F200W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F277W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F356W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F380M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F430M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F444W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRISS/F480M_throughput.fits
inst_defaults = pandeia.engine.jwst.MIRI(mode='imaging')
config = inst_defaults.as_dict() # get default config
for filtname in inst_defaults.filters:
inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.MIRI(mode='imaging', config=config)
plotlabelcolorfilt(wave,pce,filtname, color=next(colorseq))
annotate_pce_plot(title=uppercase_si_name(inst.inst_name), xlim=(3,30), legend=False)
==>> outputs/MIRI/F1065C_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1140C_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1550C_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F2300C_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F560W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F770W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1000W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1130W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1280W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1500W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F1800W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F2100W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/MIRI/F2550W_throughput.fits
For NIRCam - note the no-longer-present F225N and F418N should be ignored. Will be removed in next Pandeia update. Missing the W2 filters also.
inst_defaults = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRCam(mode='sw_imaging')
config_sw = inst_defaults.as_dict() # get default config
inst_defaults = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRCam(mode='lw_imaging')
config_lw = inst_defaults.as_dict() # get default config
for width in ['wide','medium','narrow']:
nfilters = len([filt for filt in inst.filters if width[0] in filt])
for filtname in inst_defaults.filters:
if width[0] not in filtname: continue
if filtname=='f225n' or filtname=='f418n': continue # no longer present in NIRCam
if int(filtname[1:3]) < 25:
mode = 'sw_imaging'
config = config_sw
mode = 'lw_imaging'
config = config_lw
if filtname=='f322w': filtname='f322w2' # work around limitation in current config setup
inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRCam(mode=mode, config=config)
wr = inst.get_wave_range()
wave = np.linspace(wr['wmin'], wr['wmax'], num=500)
pce = inst.get_total_eff(wave)
plotlabelcolorfilt(wave,pce,filtname, color=next(colorseq))
output_to_fits_table(wave,pce,inst, filtername=filtname)
annotate_pce_plot(title=uppercase_si_name(inst.inst_name)+" {} filters only".format(width),
xlim=(0.4, 5.25), legend=False)
plt.ylim(0,0.85) #match NIRCam pocket guide PDF
plt.axvline(2.37, ls="-", color='black', alpha=0.3, linewidth=5)
==>> outputs/NIRCam/F070W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F090W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F115W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F150W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F200W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F277W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F322W2_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F356W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F444W_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F140M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F162M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F182M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F210M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F210M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F250M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F300M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F335M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F360M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F410M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F430M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F460M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F480M_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F164N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F187N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F212N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F323N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F405N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F466N_throughput.fits ==>> outputs/NIRCam/F470N_throughput.fits
Tim P says in Feb 2016:
"nirspec imaging hasn’t been implemented yet. there are stubs for it in the configuration file, but not all of the necessary configuration data is there. "
inst_defaults = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRSpec(mode='imaging')
config = inst_defaults.as_dict() # get default config
for filtname in inst_defaults.filters:
inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRSpec(mode='imaging', config=config)
plt.fill_between(wave,0, pce, color=color, alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(wave,pce,color=color, label=filtname.upper())
annotate_pce_plot(title=inst.inst_name.upper(), xlim=(3,30))
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-105-57179c5b0027> in <module>() 11 inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRSpec(mode='imaging', config=config) 12 ---> 13 wave,pce=get_pce(inst) 14 color=next(colorseq) 15 plt.fill_between(wave,0, pce, color=color, alpha=0.5) <ipython-input-98-69aa781738b3> in get_pce(inst, normalize) 1 def get_pce(inst, normalize=False): ----> 2 wr = inst.get_wave_range() 3 wave = np.linspace(wr['wmin']*0.95, wr['wmax']*1.05, num=500) 4 pce = inst.get_total_eff(wave) 5 if normalize: /grp/jwst/jwstetc/pandeia/engine/pandeia/engine/ in get_wave_range(self) 92 wmax = min(f_wmax, d_wmax, c_wmax, g_wmax) 93 else: ---> 94 wmin = self.range[aperture]["wmin"] 95 wmax = self.range[aperture]["wmax"] 96 KeyError: u'full'
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x116b21d50>
# FGS is not in Pandeia - get the spectral response from someone on FGS team directly.
from astropy.table import Table
import time
import webbpsf
_log = webbpsf.webbpsf_core._log
import pysynphot
inst = pandeia.engine.jwst.NIRCam(mode='sw_imaging')
outname = output_to_fits_table(wave,pce,inst)
==>> outputs/NIRCam/F070W_throughput.fits
# Check the header looks as we desire it to:
f =
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 16 / length of dimension 1 NAXIS2 = 500 / length of dimension 2 PCOUNT = 0 / number of group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups TFIELDS = 2 / number of table fields TTYPE1 = 'WAVELENGTH' TFORM1 = 'D ' TTYPE2 = 'THROUGHPUT' TFORM2 = 'D ' WAVEUNIT= 'angstrom' / Wavelength unit TELESCOP= 'JWST ' / James Webb Space Telescope INSTRUME= 'NIRCam ' / Name of instrument FILTER = 'F070W ' / Bandpass filter identifier SOURCE = 'JWST ETC / Pandeia / REDCAT' / Derived from JWST ETC database SRC_DATE= '2016-02-11' / Date of file generation from ETC NORMALIZ= T / Normalized to peak transmission=1 TUNIT1 = 'Angstrom' HISTORY Normalized relative spectral response file for WebbPSF HISTORY HISTORY Based on information extracted from the HISTORY JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) system HISTORY (Pandeia software database, using reference files HISTORY managed by ReDCaT, the Reference Data for HISTORY Calibration and Tools group at STScI) HISTORY HISTORY File created by: webbpsf/dev_tools/ HISTORY Normalized Throughputs from Pandeia.ipynb HISTORY
def read_filter_data_like_webbpsf_does(filename, filtername):
"""Copied from webbpsf_core SpaceTelescopeInstrument._getSynphotBandpass() """
# The existing FITS files all have wavelength in ANGSTROMS since that is
# the pysynphot convention...
#filterfits =
waveunit = filterfits[1].header.get('WAVEUNIT')
if waveunit is None:
_log.warn('The supplied file, {}, does not have a WAVEUNIT keyword. Assuming it '
'is Angstroms.'.format(filter_info.filename))
waveunit = 'angstrom'
filterdata = filterfits[1].data
band = pysynphot.spectrum.ArraySpectralElement(
throughput=filterdata.THROUGHPUT, wave=filterdata.WAVELENGTH,
waveunits=waveunit, name=filtername
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("The supplied file, %s, does not appear to be a FITS table "
"with WAVELENGTH and THROUGHPUT columns." % filter_info.filename)
return band
band = read_filter_data_like_webbpsf_does(outname, 'test')
import poppy.utils
from webbpsf.tkgui import synplot
plt.ylabel("Normalized throughput")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x116210390>