title: Election ETL
description: ETL Process on Malaysia’s 15th General Election Results
tags: [webscraping, scrapy]
import requests
!pip install scrapy
from scrapy import Selector
import re
import pandas as pd
states = ['perlis', 'kedah', 'kelantan', 'terengganu', 'penang', 'perak', 'pahang', 'selangor', 'ft', 'negerisembilan', 'malacca', 'johor', 'sabah', 'sarawak']
all_parliament_codes = []
all_parliament_names = []
all_registered_voters = []
all_total_votes = []
all_winning_candidates = []
all_winning_parties = []
all_winning_majorities = []
all_winning_percentages = []
for s in states:
# Get code snippet for only parliament in each state
request = requests.get(f'https://election.thestar.com.my/{s}.html')
text = request.text
sel = Selector(text=text)
parliament_code_snippet = sel.css('div#winnerListP').extract()
sel2 = Selector(text=parliament_code_snippet[0])
# Attribute - Parliament Code
parliament_code = sel2.css('h4 > a::text').extract()
# Attribute - Parliament Name
parliament_name = sel2.css('h4 > a > span.n-name::text').extract()
# Attribute - Registered Voters
voters_code_snippet = sel2.css('div.voters-vote > p').extract()
registered_voters_snippet = [x for x in voters_code_snippet if x.find("Registered voters: ")>0]
registered_voters = [text[30:text.index('<',30)] for text in registered_voters_snippet]
# Attribute - Total Votes
candidates_code_snippet = sel2.css('div.panel').extract()
total_voters = []
for candidate_code_snippet in candidates_code_snippet:
sel3 = Selector(text=candidate_code_snippet)
total_voters_snippet = sel3.css('div.number-of-voters').extract()
total_voter = 0
for x in total_voters_snippet:
total_voter += int(x[x.index('(')+1:x.index(')')].replace(',',''))
# Attribute - Winning Candidate
candidates_code_snippet = sel2.css('div.panel').extract()
winning_candidates = []
for candidate_code_snippet in candidates_code_snippet:
sel3 = Selector(text=candidate_code_snippet)
candidates_name = sel3.css('p.name-candidate::text').extract()
winning_candidate = candidates_name[0][0:candidates_name[0].index('(')-1]
# Attribute - Winning Party
winners_code_snippet = sel2.xpath('//div[contains(@class, "panel-heading winner-")]').extract()
winner_class = [re.findall('winner-[a-z]+', string) for string in winners_code_snippet]
winning_parties = [x[0][7:] for x in winner_class]
# Attribute - Winning Majority
majority_code_snippet = sel2.css('div.voters-vote > p').extract()
majority_vote = [x for x in majority_code_snippet if x[3:11] == 'Majority']
winning_majority = [text[21:text.index('<',21)] for text in majority_vote]
# Attribute - Winning Percentage
candidates_code_snippet = sel2.css('div.panel').extract()
winning_percentages = []
for candidate_code_snippet in candidates_code_snippet:
sel3 = Selector(text=candidate_code_snippet)
winning_percentage = sel3.css('span.voters-percent::text').extract()
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'Parliament Name':all_parliament_names,
'Registered Voters':all_registered_voters,
'Total Voters':all_total_votes,
'Winning Candidate':all_winning_candidates,
'Winning Party':all_winning_parties,
'Winning Percentage':all_winning_percentages,
'Winning Majority':all_winning_majorities},
index=[pcode[0:-1] for pcode in all_parliament_codes])
Parliament Name | Registered Voters | Total Voters | Winning Candidate | Winning Party | Winning Percentage | Winning Majority | |
P1 | padang besar | 60,192 | 45288 | Rushdan Rusmi | pas | 40.3% | 12,514 |
P2 | kangar | 74,859 | 56200 | Zakri Hassan | bersatu | 32.8% | 9,192 |
P3 | arau | 60,876 | 46789 | Shahidan Kassim | pas | 51.7% | 23,216 |
P4 | langkawi | 66,777 | 47480 | Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah | bersatu | 38.1% | 13,518 |
P5 | jerlun | 67,601 | 52207 | Abd Ghani Ahmad | pas | 46.9% | 20,456 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
P218 | sibuti | 58,522 | 33916 | Lukanisman Awang Sauni | pbb | 37.8% | 11,745 |
P219 | miri | 143,229 | 78148 | Chiew Choon Man | pkr | 27.6% | 6,159 |
P220 | baram | 59,535 | 29783 | Anyi Ngau | pdp | 30.9% | 7,339 |
P221 | limbang | 41,999 | 19796 | Hasbi Habibollah | pbb | 35.5% | 9,998 |
P222 | lawas | 33,655 | 18208 | Henry Sum Agong | pbb | 33.8% | 5,677 |
222 rows × 7 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 222 entries, P1 to P222 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Parliament Name 222 non-null object 1 Registered Voters 222 non-null object 2 Total Voters 222 non-null int64 3 Winning Candidate 222 non-null object 4 Winning Party 222 non-null object 5 Winning Percentage 222 non-null object 6 Winning Majority 222 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(6) memory usage: 13.9+ KB
df['Parliament Name'] = df['Parliament Name'].str.title()
df['Registered Voters'] = df['Registered Voters'].str.replace(',', '').astype('int64')
df['Winning Party'].unique()
array(['pas', 'bersatu', 'pkr', 'dap', 'umno', 'mic', 'amanah', 'muda', 'mca', 'ind', 'kdm', 'warisan', 'upko', 'sabah', 'pbrs', 'pbs', 'pbb', 'supp', 'prs', 'pbm', 'pdp'], dtype=object)
def party_to_coalition(party):
if party in ['pkr', 'dap', 'amanah', 'muda', 'upko']:
return 'PH'
elif party in ['bersatu', 'pas']:
return 'PN'
elif party in ['umno', 'mic', 'mca', 'pbrs']:
return 'BN'
elif party in ['kdm']:
return 'KDM'
elif party in ['warisan']:
return 'WARISAN'
elif party in ['sabah', 'pbs']:
return 'GRS'
elif party in ['pbb', 'supp', 'prs', 'pdp']:
return 'GPS'
elif party in ['pbm']:
return 'PBM'
elif party in ['ind']:
return 'BEBAS'
df['Winning Party'] = df['Winning Party'].apply(party_to_coalition)
df.rename(columns = {'Winning Party':'Winning Coalition'}, inplace = True)
df['Winning Coalition'].value_counts()
PH 82 PN 74 BN 30 GPS 23 GRS 6 WARISAN 3 BEBAS 2 KDM 1 PBM 1 Name: Winning Coalition, dtype: int64
df['Winning Percentage'] = df['Winning Percentage'].str.replace('%', '').astype('float64')
df.rename(columns = {'Winning Percentage':'Winning Percentage (%)'}, inplace = True)
df['Winning Majority'] = df['Winning Majority'].str.replace(',', '').astype('int64')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 222 entries, P1 to P222 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Parliament Name 222 non-null object 1 Registered Voters 222 non-null int64 2 Total Voters 222 non-null int64 3 Winning Candidate 222 non-null object 4 Winning Coalition 222 non-null object 5 Winning Percentage (%) 222 non-null float64 6 Winning Majority 222 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(3) memory usage: 13.9+ KB
Parliament Name | Registered Voters | Total Voters | Winning Candidate | Winning Coalition | Winning Percentage (%) | Winning Majority | |
P1 | Padang Besar | 60192 | 45288 | Rushdan Rusmi | PN | 40.3 | 12514 |
P2 | Kangar | 74859 | 56200 | Zakri Hassan | PN | 32.8 | 9192 |
P3 | Arau | 60876 | 46789 | Shahidan Kassim | PN | 51.7 | 23216 |
P4 | Langkawi | 66777 | 47480 | Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah | PN | 38.1 | 13518 |
P5 | Jerlun | 67601 | 52207 | Abd Ghani Ahmad | PN | 46.9 | 20456 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
P218 | Sibuti | 58522 | 33916 | Lukanisman Awang Sauni | GPS | 37.8 | 11745 |
P219 | Miri | 143229 | 78148 | Chiew Choon Man | PH | 27.6 | 6159 |
P220 | Baram | 59535 | 29783 | Anyi Ngau | GPS | 30.9 | 7339 |
P221 | Limbang | 41999 | 19796 | Hasbi Habibollah | GPS | 35.5 | 9998 |
P222 | Lawas | 33655 | 18208 | Henry Sum Agong | GPS | 33.8 | 5677 |
222 rows × 7 columns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
df.plot(x='Registered Voters', y='Total Voters', color = 'blue', style='o', legend=False, figsize=(16,8))
a, b = np.polyfit(df['Registered Voters'], df['Total Voters'], 1)
plt.plot(df['Registered Voters'], a*df['Registered Voters']+b, color='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
plt.text(200000, 225000, 'y = ' + f'{b:.2f} + {a:.2f}x', size=20)
plt.title("Scatter Plot of Total Voters Turnout against Registered Voters\n", fontdict={'fontsize': 24})
plt.xlabel('Registered Voters', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Total Voters Turnout', fontsize=18)
df['Winning Coalition'].value_counts().plot(kind='pie', label='', figsize=(16,12))
plt.title("Number of Seats Won by Coalition", fontdict={'fontsize': 24})
df['Winning Percentage (%)'].plot(kind='hist', color='blue', edgecolor='white', bins=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], figsize=(16,8))
plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax = 100)
plt.xlabel('Winning Percentage (%)', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=18)
plt.title('Distribution of Winning Percentages', fontdict={'fontsize': 24})
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Winning Percentages')
The final dataframe will look like:
Parliament Name | Registered Voters | Total Voters | Winning Candidate | Winning Coalition | Winning Percentage (%) | Winning Majority | |
P1 | Padang Besar | 60192 | 45288 | Rushdan Rusmi | PN | 40.3 | 12514 |
P2 | Kangar | 74859 | 56200 | Zakri Hassan | PN | 32.8 | 9192 |
P3 | Arau | 60876 | 46789 | Shahidan Kassim | PN | 51.7 | 23216 |
P4 | Langkawi | 66777 | 47480 | Mohd Suhaimi Abdullah | PN | 38.1 | 13518 |
P5 | Jerlun | 67601 | 52207 | Abd Ghani Ahmad | PN | 46.9 | 20456 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
P218 | Sibuti | 58522 | 33916 | Lukanisman Awang Sauni | GPS | 37.8 | 11745 |
P219 | Miri | 143229 | 78148 | Chiew Choon Man | PH | 27.6 | 6159 |
P220 | Baram | 59535 | 29783 | Anyi Ngau | GPS | 30.9 | 7339 |
P221 | Limbang | 41999 | 19796 | Hasbi Habibollah | GPS | 35.5 | 9998 |
P222 | Lawas | 33655 | 18208 | Henry Sum Agong | GPS | 33.8 | 5677 |
222 rows × 7 columns
Save the dataframe into a .csv file.