If you want to study techniques for visualizing and understanding neural networks, it's important to be able to try your experiments on multiple models.
Lucid is a library for visualizing neural networks. As of lucid v0.3, we provide a consistent API for interacting with 27 different vision models.
# Expanded modelzoo is only available as of lucid v0.3
!pip install --quiet lucid==0.3
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from lucid.misc.io import show, load
import lucid.optvis.objectives as objectives
import lucid.optvis.param as param
import lucid.optvis.render as render
import lucid.optvis.transform as transform
# Lucid's modelzoo can be accessed as classes in vision_models
import lucid.modelzoo.vision_models as models
# ... or throguh a more systematic factory API
import lucid.modelzoo.nets_factory as nets
As of lucid v0.3
print ""
print "Model".ljust(27), " ", "Dataset"
print ""
for name, Model in nets.models_map.iteritems():
print name.ljust(27), " ", Model.dataset
Model Dataset PnasnetMobile_slim ImageNet PnasnetLarge_slim ImageNet InceptionV1_caffe_Places365 Places365 MobilenetV1_025_slim ImageNet AlexNet_caffe_Places365 Places365 NasnetMobile_slim ImageNet InceptionV2_slim ImageNet ResnetV1_101_slim ImageNet InceptionV1_caffe ImageNet InceptionResnetV2_slim ImageNet InceptionV3_slim ImageNet InceptionV1_caffe_Places205 Places205 InceptionV1_slim ImageNet ResnetV1_50_slim ImageNet CaffeNet_caffe ImageNet InceptionV4_slim ImageNet VGG19_caffe ImageNet ResnetV1_152_slim ImageNet MobilenetV1_050_slim ImageNet NasnetLarge_slim ImageNet AlexNet ImageNet ResnetV2_101_slim ImageNet ResnetV2_152_slim ImageNet MobilenetV1_slim ImageNet VGG16_caffe ImageNet InceptionV1 ImageNet ResnetV2_50_slim ImageNet
[{'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Conv2d_1a_3x3/Relu', 'size': 32, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Conv2d_2a_3x3/Relu', 'size': 32, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Conv2d_2b_3x3/Relu', 'size': 64, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_3a/concat', 'size': 160, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_4a/concat', 'size': 192, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_5a/concat', 'size': 384, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_5b/concat', 'size': 384, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_5c/concat', 'size': 384, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_5d/concat', 'size': 384, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_5e/concat', 'size': 384, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6a/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6b/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6c/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6d/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6e/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6f/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6g/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6h/concat', 'size': 1024, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_7a/concat', 'size': 1536, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_7b/concat', 'size': 1536, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_7c/concat', 'size': 1536, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_7d/concat', 'size': 1536, 'type': 'conv'}, {'name': 'InceptionV4/Logits/Predictions', 'size': 1001, 'type': 'dense'}]
model = models.InceptionV4_slim()
See the lucid tutorial to learn more.
We pick InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6b/concat
from above, and chose to focus on unit 0.
model = models.InceptionV4_slim()
_ = render.render_vis(model, "InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6b/concat:0")
512 12.305752
See the inversion and caricature notebook to learn more.
from lucid.recipes.caricature import feature_inversion
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/dog_cat.png")
model = models.InceptionV4_slim()
result = feature_inversion(img, model, "InceptionV4/InceptionV4/Mixed_6b/concat", n_steps=512, cossim_pow=0.0)
WARNING:lucid.misc.io.showing:Show only supports numpy arrays so far. Using repr().