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This notebook uses Lucid to produce semi-transparent feature visualizations using a Differentiable Image Parameterization with an extra alpha channel.
This notebook doesn't introduce the abstractions behind lucid; you may wish to also read the Lucid tutorial.
Note: The easiest way to use this tutorial is as a colab notebook, which allows you to dive in with no setup. We recommend you enable a free GPU by going:
Runtime → Change runtime type → Hardware Accelerator: GPU
!pip install -q lucid>=0.2.3
!pip install -q moviepy
!imageio_download_bin ffmpeg
Ascertaining binaries for: ffmpeg.
from __future__ import print_function
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
import PIL
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
from google.colab import files
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import slim
from import FFMPEG_VideoWriter
import moviepy.editor as mvp
from IPython.display import clear_output, Image, display
from lucid.modelzoo import vision_models
from import load, save, show
from lucid.optvis import objectives, transform
from lucid.optvis.param import image, image_sample
from lucid.misc.tfutil import create_session
model = vision_models.InceptionV1()
We'll need two simple but non-standard tools to work with:
A common way to show transparency is by overlaying the transparent image on a checkerboard pattern:
Let's start by making sure we can generate those at arbitrary sizes.
from math import ceil
def checkerboard(h, w=None, channels=3, tiles=4, fg=.95, bg=.6):
"""Create a shape (w,h,1) array tiled with a checkerboard pattern."""
w = w or h
square_size = [ceil(float(d / tiles) / 2) for d in [h, w]]
board = [[fg, bg] * tiles, [bg, fg] * tiles] * tiles
scaled = np.kron(board, np.ones(square_size))[:w, :h]
return np.dstack([scaled]*channels)
for fg, bg in [(1., 0.), (.95, .6)]:
print("\nColors: {}".format((fg, bg)))
show([checkerboard(128, fg=fg, bg=bg, tiles=i)
for i in (1, 2, 4, 8)])
Colors: (1.0, 0.0)
Colors: (0.95, 0.6)
…and make a nice visualization grid with the transparent image overlaid on black, white, and our checkerboard pattern.
def linear2gamma(a):
return a**(1.0/2.2)
def gamma2linear(a):
return a**2.2
def composite_alpha_onto_backgrounds(rgba,
if input_encoding == 'gamma':
rgba = rgba.copy()
rgba[..., :3] = gamma2linear(rgba[..., :3])
h, w = rgba.shape[:2]
# Backgrounds
black = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.float32)
white = np.ones((h, w, 3), np.float32)
grid = checkerboard(h, w, 3, tiles=8)
# Collapse transparency onto backgrounds
rgb, a = rgba[...,:3], rgba[...,3:]
vis = [background*(1.0-a) + rgb*a for background in [black, white, grid]]
vis.append(white*a) # show just the alpha channel separately
# Reshape into 2x2 grid
vis = np.float32(vis).reshape(2, 2, h, w, 3)
vis = np.vstack(map(np.hstack, vis))
if output_encoding == 'gamma':
vis = linear2gamma(vis)
return vis
Let's try it with a simple image with transparency:
rgba_image = load("")
When compositing transparent images onto backgrounds we should take the non-linear relationship between numerical values representing colors, and the real light intensities into account. The Wikipedia entries on Alpha Compositing and on Gamma Correction come in handy if you want a refresher. Otherwise you should be able to understand everything that happens here without that background knowledge, too.
def render(obj_str, iter_n=1000):
sess = create_session()
def T(layer):
return sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("import/%s:0"%layer)
w, h = 320, 320
t_image = image(h, w, decorrelate=True, fft=True, alpha=True)
t_rgb = t_image[...,:3]
t_alpha = t_image[...,3:]
t_bg = image_sample([1, h, w, 3], sd=0.2, decay_power=1.5)
t_composed = t_bg*(1.0-t_alpha) + t_rgb*t_alpha
t_composed = tf.concat([t_composed, t_alpha], -1)
t_crop = transform.random_scale([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1])(t_composed)
t_crop = tf.random_crop(t_crop, [1, 160, 160, 4])
t_crop_rgb, t_crop_alpha = t_crop[..., :3], t_crop[..., 3:]
t_crop_rgb = linear2gamma(t_crop_rgb)
obj = objectives.as_objective(obj_str)(T)
t_alpha_mean_crop = tf.reduce_mean(t_crop_alpha)
t_alpha_mean_full = tf.reduce_mean(t_alpha)
t_lr = tf.constant(0.01)
t_loss = tf.losses.get_total_loss()
trainer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(t_lr)
train_op = trainer.minimize(t_loss)
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
log = []
out_name = obj_str.replace(':', '_')
writer = FFMPEG_VideoWriter(out_name+'.mp4', (w*2, h*2), 60.0)
with writer:
for i in range(iter_n):
_, loss, img =[train_op, t_loss, t_image], {t_lr: 0.03})
vis = composite_alpha_onto_backgrounds(img[0], 'linear', 'gamma')
if i%100 == 0:
print(len(log), loss)
vis = t_composed.eval()[...,:3]
vis = linear2gamma(vis)
img = t_image.eval()[0]
vis = composite_alpha_onto_backgrounds(img, 'linear', 'gamma')
img[..., :3] = linear2gamma(img[..., :3])
save(img, out_name+'.png')
alpha = img[...,3]
alpha = np.dstack([alpha]*3)
joined = np.hstack([img[...,:3], alpha])
save(joined, out_name+'.jpg', quality=90)
return log
loss_log = render('mixed4d_3x3_bottleneck_pre_relu:139')
901 -420.05374
That seems to have worked! Let's quickly check that the loss went down during optimization:
Let's view the video of the optimizations process! The video is set up at 60 frames per second, one frame per optimization step, and our optimization ran for 1000 steps. As a sanity check, the video should be roughly 1000 frames/60fps =~ 16s long.
mvp.ipython_display('mixed4d_3x3_bottleneck_pre_relu_139.mp4', height=320*2)
ls -lh
total 20M
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Jun 19 16:42 datalab/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.0M Jun 21 14:11 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_15.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 286K Jun 21 14:11 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_15.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.1M Jun 21 14:15 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_29.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 276K Jun 21 14:15 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_29.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7M Jun 21 14:13 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_52.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 281K Jun 21 14:13 mixed4a_pool_reduce_pre_relu_52.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M Jun 21 14:04 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_14.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 270K Jun 21 14:04 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_14.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M Jun 21 13:58 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_16.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 277K Jun 21 13:58 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_16.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.0M Jun 21 14:02 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_27.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 274K Jun 21 14:02 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_27.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8M Jun 21 14:06 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_40.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 267K Jun 21 14:06 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_40.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8M Jun 21 14:08 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_46.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 257K Jun 21 14:08 mixed4b_pool_reduce_pre_relu_46.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M Jun 21 14:00 mixed4d_3x3_bottleneck_pre_relu_139.mp4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 268K Jun 21 14:00 mixed4d_3x3_bottleneck_pre_relu_139.png
from glob import glob
for fn in glob('*.png')+glob('*.mp4'):