Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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This colab notebook is part of our Building Blocks of Intepretability series exploring how intepretability techniques combine together to explain neural networks. If you haven't already, make sure to look at the corresponding paper as well!
This notebook demonstrates Channel Attribution, a technique for exploring how different detectors in the network effected its output.
This tutorial is based on Lucid, a network for visualizing neural networks. Lucid is a kind of spiritual successor to DeepDream, but provides flexible abstractions so that it can be used for a wide range of interpretability research.
Note: The easiest way to use this tutorial is as a colab notebook, which allows you to dive in with no setup. We recommend you enable a free GPU by going:
Runtime → Change runtime type → Hardware Accelerator: GPU
Thanks for trying Lucid!
!pip install --quiet lucid==0.0.5
!npm install -g svelte-cli@2.2.0
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import lucid.modelzoo.vision_models as models
from import show
import lucid.optvis.objectives as objectives
import lucid.optvis.param as param
import lucid.optvis.render as render
import lucid.optvis.transform as transform
from import show, load
from import read
from import _image_url, _display_html
import lucid.scratch.web.svelte as lucid_svelte
/tools/node/bin/svelte -> /tools/node/lib/node_modules/svelte-cli/bin.js /tools/node/lib └─┬ svelte-cli@2.2.0 └── svelte@1.56.2
model = models.InceptionV1()
Let's make a little widget for showing all our channels and attribution values.
%%html_define_svelte ChannelAttrWidget
<div class="figure">
<div class="channel_list" >
{{#each attrsPos as attr}}
<div class="entry">
<div class="sprite" style="background-image: url({{spritemap_url}}); width: {{sprite_size}}px; height: {{sprite_size}}px; background-position: -{{sprite_size*(attr.n%sprite_n_wrap)}}px -{{sprite_size*Math.floor(attr.n/sprite_n_wrap)}}px;"></div>
<div class="value" style="background-color: hsl({{(attr.v > 0)? 210 : 0}}, {{100*Math.abs(attr.v)/1.8}}%, {{100-30*Math.abs(attr.v)/1.8}}%)">{{attr.v}}</div>
{{#if attrsPos.length > 5}}
<br style="clear:both;">
<br style="clear:both;">
<div class="gap">...</div>
{{#each attrsNeg as attr}}
<div class="entry">
<div class="sprite" style="background-image: url({{spritemap_url}}); width: {{sprite_size}}px; height: {{sprite_size}}px; background-position: -{{sprite_size*(attr.n%sprite_n_wrap)}}px -{{sprite_size*Math.floor(attr.n/sprite_n_wrap)}}px;"></div>
<div class="value" style="background-color: hsl({{(attr.v > 0)? 210 : 0}}, {{100*Math.abs(attr.v)/1.8}}%, {{100-30*Math.abs(attr.v)/1.8}}%)">{{attr.v}}</div>
<br style="clear:both">
float: left;
margin-right: 4px;
.gap {
float: left;
margin: 8px;
font-size: 400%;
function range(n){
return Array(n).fill().map((_, i) => i);
export default {
data () {
return {
spritemap_url: "",
sprite_size: 110,
sprite_n_wrap: 22,
attrsPos: [],
attrsNeg: [],
computed: {
helpers: {range}
Trying to build svelte component from html... svelte compile --format iife /tmp/svelte_8NKFID/ChannelAttrWidget_105f5be.html > /tmp/svelte_8NKFID/ChannelAttrWidget_105f5be.js svelte version 1.56.2 compiling ../tmp/svelte_8NKFID/ChannelAttrWidget_105f5be.html...
It would also be nice to see the distribution of attribution magnitudes. Let's make another widget for that.
%%html_define_svelte BarsWidget
<div class="figure">
<div class="channel_list" >
{{#each vals as val}}
<div class="bar" style="height: {{15*Math.abs(val)}}px; background-color: hsl({{(val > 0)? 210 : 0}}, {{Math.max(90, 110*Math.abs(val)/1.8)}}%, {{Math.min(80, 100-40*Math.abs(val)/1.8)}}%);">
<br style="clear:both">
.channel_list {
background-color: #FEFEFE;
.bar {
width: 1.5px;
height: 10px;
display: inline-block;
export default {
data () {
return {
vals: []
Trying to build svelte component from html... svelte compile --format iife /tmp/svelte_8NKFID/BarsWidget_282a79.html > /tmp/svelte_8NKFID/BarsWidget_282a79.js svelte version 1.56.2 compiling ../tmp/svelte_8NKFID/BarsWidget_282a79.html...
In order to show the channels, we need "spritemaps" of channel visualizations. These visualization spritemaps are large grids of images (such as this one) that visualize every channel in a layer. We provide spritemaps for GoogLeNet because making them takes a few hours of GPU time, but you can make your own channel spritemaps to explore other models. Check out other notebooks on how to make your own neuron visualizations.
It's also worth noting that GoogLeNet has unusually semantically meaningful neurons. We don't know why this is -- although it's an active area of research for us. More sophisticated interfaces, such as neuron groups, may work better for networks where meaningful ideas are more entangled or less aligned with the neuron directions.
layer_spritemap_sizes = {
'mixed3a' : 16,
'mixed3b' : 21,
'mixed4a' : 22,
'mixed4b' : 22,
'mixed4c' : 22,
'mixed4d' : 22,
'mixed4e' : 28,
'mixed5a' : 28,
def googlenet_spritemap(layer):
assert layer in layer_spritemap_sizes
size = layer_spritemap_sizes[layer]
url = "" % layer
return size, url
Attribution Code
def score_f(logit, name):
if name is None:
return 0
elif name == "logsumexp":
base = tf.reduce_max(logit)
return base + tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(logit-base)))
elif name in model.labels:
return logit[model.labels.index(name)]
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported")
def channel_attr_simple(img, layer, class1, class2, n_show=4):
# Set up a graph for doing attribution...
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(img, [None, None, 3])
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations
acts = T(layer).eval()
# Compute gradient
logit = T("softmax2_pre_activation")[0]
score = score_f(logit, class1) - score_f(logit, class2)
t_grad = tf.gradients([score], [T(layer)])[0]
grad = t_grad.eval()
# Let's do a very simple linear approximation attribution.
# That is, we say the attribution of y to x is
# the rate at which x changes y times the value of x.
attr = (grad*acts)[0]
# Then we reduce down to channels.
channel_attr = attr.sum(0).sum(0)
# Now we just need to present the results.
# Get spritemaps
spritemap_n, spritemap_url = googlenet_spritemap(layer)
# Let's show the distribution of attributions
print "Distribution of attribution accross channels:"
print ""
lucid_svelte.BarsWidget({"vals" : [float(v) for v in np.sort(channel_attr)[::-1]]})
# Let's pick the most extreme channels to show
ns_pos = list(np.argsort(-channel_attr)[:n_show])
ns_neg = list(np.argsort(channel_attr)[:n_show][::-1])
# ... and show them with ChannelAttrWidget
print ""
print "Top", n_show, "channels in each direction:"
print ""
"spritemap_url": spritemap_url,
"sprite_size": 110,
"sprite_n_wrap": spritemap_n,
"attrsPos": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_pos],
"attrsNeg": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_neg]
img = load("")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat", n_show=3)
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 3 channels in each direction:
img = load("")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "vase", "lemon", n_show=3)
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 3 channels in each direction:
img = load("")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "bow tie", "sunglasses", n_show=3)
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 3 channels in each direction:
img = load("")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat", n_show=30)
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 30 channels in each direction:
def channel_attr_path(img, layer, class1, class2, n_show=4, stochastic_path=False, N = 100):
# Set up a graph for doing attribution...
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(img, [None, None, 3])
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations
acts = T(layer).eval()
# Compute gradient
logit = T("softmax2_pre_activation")[0]
score = score_f(logit, class1) - score_f(logit, class2)
t_grad = tf.gradients([score], [T(layer)])[0]
# Inegrate on a path from acts=0 to acts=acts
attr = np.zeros(acts.shape[1:])
for n in range(N):
acts_ = acts * float(n) / N
if stochastic_path:
acts_ *= (np.random.uniform(0, 1, [528])+np.random.uniform(0, 1, [528]))/1.5
grad = t_grad.eval({T(layer): acts_})
attr += 1.0 / N * (grad*acts)[0]
# Then we reduce down to channels.
channel_attr = attr.sum(0).sum(0)
# Now we just need to present the results.
# Get spritemaps
spritemap_n, spritemap_url = googlenet_spritemap(layer)
# Let's show the distribution of attributions
print "Distribution of attribution accross channels:"
print ""
lucid_svelte.BarsWidget({"vals" : [float(v) for v in np.sort(channel_attr)[::-1]]})
# Let's pick the most extreme channels to show
ns_pos = list(np.argsort(-channel_attr)[:n_show])
ns_neg = list(np.argsort(channel_attr)[:n_show][::-1])
# ... and show them with ChannelAttrWidget
print ""
print "Top", n_show, "channels in each direction:"
print ""
"spritemap_url": spritemap_url,
"sprite_size": 110,
"sprite_n_wrap": spritemap_n,
"attrsPos": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_pos],
"attrsNeg": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_neg]
def compare_attr_methods(img, class1, class2):
_display_html("<h2>Linear Attribution</h2>")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10)
_display_html("<br><br><h2>Path Integrated Attribution</h2>")
channel_attr_path(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10)
_display_html("<br><br><h2>Stochastic Path Integrated Attribution</h2>")
channel_attr_path(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10, stochastic_path=True)
img = load("")
compare_attr_methods(img, "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat")
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
img = load("")
compare_attr_methods(img, "vase", "lemon")
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
img = load("")
compare_attr_methods(img, "hog", "dalmatian")
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction:
Distribution of attribution accross channels:
Top 10 channels in each direction: