Sometimes when attempting to consistently do a thing, it can feel nice to manually track progress.
I've made a very minimalist calendar to that end, meant to be printed out.
By default, it differentiates weekdays and weekends for easier counting.
By default, it plots 2023, but it can plot any year, given a target year and the weekday of the first day of that year as integer (monday = 1 and so on).
The colors, shapes, and relative sizes of the day markers are customizable, as is the label.
I've made a few examples, saved as .jpgs in the examples/
If you use it, I hope it's constructive and/or fun.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Gill Sans']
rcParams['font.monospace'] = ['Menlo']
rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 4 # calendar border
fact = 1.1
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,5, figsize=(12*fact, 8*fact), facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
axs = axs.ravel()
from IPython.display import HTML
function code_toggle() {
if (code_show){
} else {
code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')
def dayDotPlotter(yr = 2023, firstDayOfYear = 7,
weekdayShape = 's', weekendShape = 'o', weekdayColor = 'slategrey', \
weekendColor = '#1F18C0', weekendOffset = 0.5, \
annot = '', ffamily = 'sans-serif', fname = './examples/default2023.jpg'):
a simple day plotter. by default, it will plot the days of 2023, differentiating weekends.
optional arguments:
yr -- int, year to make a calendar for, 2023 as default
firstDayOfYear -- int, first day of year,
Monday = 1, Sunday = 7; 7 (for Sunday, 2023-01-01, as default)
weekdayShape -- string, shape of weekday marker
square by default:
weekendShape -- circle by default
weekdayColor -- string, color of weekday marker
hex or named color:
weekendColor -- string, as above
#1F18C0 (International Klein Blue) by default
weekendOffset -- float, size increase in weekend marker from weekday one
1.5 by default
annot -- string, anything that goes before the year in the bottom right
eg "RUNS" for "RUNS 2023"; empty by default
ffamily -- string defining font family
'sans-serif' is default, set to Gill Sans,
'monospace' is also defined, set to Menlo
fname -- string, path and file name for saving
./examples/default2023.jpg' by default
leap = False
frog = yr%4
if frog == 0:
leap = True #yrs divisible by 4 are leap
#establish days of year and day-of-week of first day of year.
if not leap:
daysInMonth = np.array([31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31])
dayInYear = 365
if leap:
daysInMonth = np.array([31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31])
dayInYear = 366
dayOfYear = np.arange(1,dayInYear+1,1)
dayOfMonth = np.copy(dayOfYear)
Month = np.copy(dayOfYear)
starts = np.zeros_like(daysInMonth)
ends = np.zeros_like(starts)
#get array of days of month
MonthTemplate = np.arange(1,32,1)
for i in range(0,12):
starts[i] = np.sum(daysInMonth[0:i])
ends[i] = np.sum(daysInMonth[0:i+1])
Month[starts[i]:ends[i]] = i+1 #month
dayOfMonth[starts[i]:ends[i]] = MonthTemplate[0:daysInMonth[i]]
a = np.arange(1,8,1) #day of week template, monday = 1, sunday = 7
dayOfWeekTemplate = np.tile(a, 54)
dayOfWeek2023 = dayOfWeekTemplate[firstDayOfYear-1:firstDayOfYear+dayInYear-1]
#font family for plotting:
rcParams[''] = ffamily # font family
ts = 13 #fontsize for
fact = 1.5
ms = 6.9 # weekday marker size
#fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(5*fact, 3*fact), facecolor='w', edgecolor='w')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6, 4), facecolor='w', edgecolor='w')
for i in range(0,dayInYear):
tday = dayOfWeek2023[i]
if tday <=5:
ax.plot(dayOfMonth[i],Month[i], marker = weekdayShape, \
markerfacecolor = 'w', markeredgecolor = weekdayColor, markersize = ms, markeredgewidth = 1)
ax.plot(dayOfMonth[i],Month[i], marker = weekendShape, \
markerfacecolor = 'w', markeredgecolor = weekendColor, markersize = ms + weekendOffset, markeredgewidth = 1.5)
for i in range(1,13):
ax.text(-1,i+0.2, f'{i}', color =weekendColor, fontsize = ts)
ax.plot(-10,-10, marker = weekendShape, markerfacecolor = weekendColor, \
linestyle = '', markeredgecolor = weekendColor, markersize = 12, label = f'{annot} {yr}')
ax.tick_params(color=weekendColor, labelcolor=weekendColor)
for spine in ax.spines.values():
margin = 1.5
ax.legend(loc = 'lower right', frameon = False, labelcolor = weekendColor, fontsize = ts+4)
fig.savefig(fname, dpi = 300)
yr = 2025; firstDayOfYear = 3; fname = './examples/default2025.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(yr, firstDayOfYear, fname = fname)
weekdayShape = '^'
weekendShape = 'o'
weekdayColor = 'y'
weekendColor = 'skyblue'
weekendOffset = 0
# annot = 'OSOBNÍ DENÍK'
fname = './examples/sweden2025.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(yr = yr, firstDayOfYear = firstDayOfYear, weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, fname = fname )
They are easily accessible with the help() function:
Help on function dayDotPlotter in module __main__: dayDotPlotter(yr=2023, firstDayOfYear=7, weekdayShape='s', weekendShape='o', weekdayColor='slategrey', weekendColor='#1F18C0', weekendOffset=0.5, annot='', ffamily='sans-serif', fname='./examples/default2023.jpg') a simple day plotter. by default, it will plot the days of 2023, differentiating weekends. optional arguments: yr -- int, year to make a calendar for, 2023 as default firstDayOfYear -- int, first day of year, Monday = 1, Sunday = 7; 7 (for Sunday, 2023-01-01, as default) weekdayShape -- string, shape of weekday marker square by default: weekendShape -- circle by default weekdayColor -- string, color of weekday marker hex or named color: weekendColor -- string, as above #1F18C0 (International Klein Blue) by default weekendOffset -- float, size increase in weekend marker from weekday one 1.5 by default annot -- string, anything that goes before the year in the bottom right eg "RUNS" for "RUNS 2023"; empty by default ffamily -- string defining font family 'sans-serif' is default, set to Gill Sans, 'monospace' is also defined, set to Menlo fname -- string, path and file name for saving ./examples/default2023.jpg' by default
weekdayShape = '^'
weekendShape = 'v'
weekdayColor = 'r'
weekendColor = 'b'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'RUNS'
fname = './examples/triRUNS2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )
weekdayShape = 'h'
weekendShape = 'H'
weekdayColor = 'grey'
weekendColor = 'k'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'SLEEP'
ffamily = 'monospace'
fname = './examples/monosleep2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname, ffamily = ffamily)
yr = 2024
firstDayOfYear = 1
weekdayShape = '>'
weekendShape = '<'
weekdayColor = 'darkkhaki'
weekendColor = 'forestgreen'
weekendOffset = 1
annot = 'reasonable optimism'
fname = './examples/optimism2024.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(yr = yr, firstDayOfYear = 1,
weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname)
# weekdayShape = '^'
# weekendShape = 'v'
# weekdayColor = 'r'
# weekendColor = 'b'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'NE-PIVO'
fname = './examples/NE-PIVO2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )
weekdayShape = '^'
weekendShape = 'v'
weekdayColor = 'r'
weekendColor = 'b'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'KLID'
fname = './examples/KLID2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )
weekdayShape = 's'
weekendShape = 's'
weekdayColor = 'grey'
weekendColor = 'darkcyan'
weekendOffset = 1
annot = 'MEDITACE'
fname = './examples/MEDITACE2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )
weekdayShape = 's'
weekendShape = 's'
weekdayColor = 'grey'
weekendColor = 'mediumaquamarine'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'KNIHA'
fname = './examples/KNIHA2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )
# weekdayShape = 'o'
# weekendShape = 'o'
# weekdayColor = 'grey'
# weekendColor = 'mediumaquamarine'
# weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'PRÁCE'
fname = './examples/PRACE2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter( annot = annot, fname = fname )
# weekdayShape = 'o'
# weekendShape = 'o'
# weekdayColor = 'grey'
# weekendColor = 'mediumaquamarine'
# weekendOffset = 0
fname = './examples/PRACDEN2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter( annot = annot, fname = fname )
weekdayShape = '^'
weekendShape = 'o'
weekdayColor = 'y'
weekendColor = 'skyblue'
weekendOffset = 0
annot = 'OSOBNÍ DENÍK'
fname = './examples/OSDEN2023.jpg'
dayDotPlotter( annot = annot, fname = fname )
dayDotPlotter(weekdayShape = weekdayShape, weekendShape = weekendShape, \
weekdayColor = weekdayColor, weekendColor = weekendColor, \
weekendOffset = weekendOffset, annot = annot, fname = fname )