Ideally, a comprehensive documentation set should be created as part of developing a Text-Fabric dataset. However, in practice, this is not always completed during the initial phase or after changes to features. This Jupyter Notebook contains Python code to automatically generate (and thus ensure consistency) a documentation set for any Text-Fabric dataset. It serves as a robust starting point for the development of a brand new documentation set or as validation for an existing one. One major advantage is that the resulting documentation set is fully hyperlinked, a task that can be laborious if done manually.
The main steps in producing the documentation set are:
The output format can be either Markdown, the standard for feature documentation stored on GitHub using its on-site processor, or HTML, which facilitates local storage and browsing with any web browser.
Your environment should (for obvious reasons) include the Python package Text-Fabric
. If not installed yet, it can be installed using pip
. Further it is required to be able to invoke the Text-Fabric data set (either from an online resource, or from a localy stored copy). There are no further requirements as the scripts basicly operate 'stand alone'.
At this step, the Text-Fabric dataset is loaded, which embedded data will be used to create a documentation set. For various options regarding other possible storage locations, see the documentation for function use
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# Loading the Text-Fabric code
# Note: it is assumed Text-Fabric is installed in your environment
from tf.fabric import Fabric
from import use
# load the app and data
A = use ("saulocantanhede/tfgreek2", version="0.5.5", hoist=globals())
Locating corpus resources ...
Name | # of nodes | # slots / node | % coverage |
book | 27 | 5102.93 | 100 |
chapter | 260 | 529.92 | 100 |
verse | 7944 | 17.34 | 100 |
sentence | 19767 | 13.79 | 198 |
group | 8964 | 7.02 | 46 |
clause | 30479 | 7.19 | 159 |
wg | 106868 | 6.88 | 533 |
phrase | 66424 | 1.93 | 93 |
subphrase | 119013 | 1.59 | 138 |
word | 137779 | 1.00 | 100 |
Nestle 1904 Greek New Testament
Show this on the website
#{num}: {cls} {rule} {junction}
#{num}: {function} {role} {rule} {type}
#{num}: {rule}
{book} {chapter}:{verse}
#{num}: {type} {role} {rule} {junction}
# If the following variable is set, it will be used as title for all pages. It is intended to the describe the dataset in one line
# customPageTitleMD="N1904 Greek New Testament [saulocantanhede/tfgreek2 - 0.5.4]("
# customPageTitleHTML="N1904 Greek New Testament <a href=\"\">saulocantanhede/tfgreek2 - 0.5.4</a>"
# Specify the location to store the resulting files, relative to the location of this notebook (without a trailing slash).
resultLocation = "results"
# Type of output format ('html' for HTML, 'md' for Mark Down, or 'both' for both HTML and Mark Down)
# HTML table style definition (only relevant for HTML output format)
htmlStyle='<style>\ntable {\nborder-collapse: collapse;\n}\n th, td {\nborder: 1px solid black;\n padding: 8px;\n}\nth {\nfont-weight: bold;\n}\n</style>'
# Limit the number of entries in the frequency tables per node type on each feature description page to this number
# This switch can be set to 'True' if you want additional information, such as dictionary entries and file details, to be printed. For basic output, set this switch to 'False'.
# The version number of the script
scriptDate="Jan. 24, 2024"
# Create the footers for MD and HTML, include today's date
from datetime import datetime
today =
formatted_date = today.strftime("%b. %d, %Y")
footerMD=f'\n\nCreated on {formatted_date} using [Doc4TF version {scriptVersion} ({scriptDate})]('
footerHTML=f'\n<p>Created on {formatted_date} using <a href=\"\">Doc4TF - version {scriptVersion} ({scriptDate})</a></p></body></html>'
The following will create a dictionary containing all relevant information for the loaded node and edge features.
# Initialize an empty dictionary to store feature data
featureDict = {}
import time
overallTime = time.time()
def getFeatureDescription(metaData):
This function looks for the 'description' key in the metadata dictionary. If the key is found,
it returns the corresponding description. If the key is not present, it returns a default
message indicating that no description is available.
metaData (dict): A dictionary containing metadata about a feature.
str: The description of the feature if available, otherwise a default message.
return metaData.get('description', "No feature description")
def setDataType(metaData):
This function checks for the 'valueType' key in the metadata. If the key is present, it
returns 'String' if the value is 'str', and 'Integer' for other types. If the 'valueType' key
is not present, it returns 'Unknown'.
metaData (dict): A dictionary containing metadata, including the 'valueType' of a feature.
str: A string indicating the determined data type ('String', 'Integer', or 'Unknown').
if 'valueType' in metaData:
return "String" if metaData["valueType"] == 'str' else "Integer"
return "Unknown"
def processFeature(feature, featureType, featureMethod):
Processes a given feature by extracting metadata, description, and data type, and then
compiles frequency data for different node types in a feature dictionary. Certain features
are skipped based on their type. The processed data is added to a global feature dictionary.
feature (str): The name of the feature to be processed.
featureType (str): The type of the feature ('Node' or 'Edge').
featureMethod (function): A function to obtain feature data.
None: The function updates a global dictionary with processed feature data and does not return anything.
# Obtain the meta data
featureMetaData = featureMethod(feature).meta
featureDescription = getFeatureDescription(featureMetaData)
dataType = setDataType(featureMetaData)
# Initialize dictionary to store feature frequency data
featureFrequencyDict = {}
# Skip for specific features based on type
if not (featureType == 'Node' and feature == 'otype') and not (featureType == 'Edge' and feature == 'oslots'):
for nodeType in F.otype.all:
frequencyLists = featureMethod(feature).freqList(nodeType)
if not isinstance(frequencyLists, int):
if len(frequencyLists)!=0:
featureFrequencyDict[nodeType] = {'nodetype': nodeType, 'freq': frequencyLists[:tableLimit]}
elif isinstance(frequencyLists, int):
if frequencyLists != 0:
featureFrequencyDict[nodeType] = {'nodetype': nodeType, 'freq': [("Link", frequencyLists)]}
# Add processed feature data to the main dictionary
featureDict[feature] = {'name': feature, 'descr': featureDescription, 'type': featureType, 'datatype': dataType, 'freqlist': featureFrequencyDict}
# Gather general information #
print('Gathering generic details')
# Initialize default values
corpusName = A.appName
liveName = ''
versionName = A.version
# Trying to locate corpus information
if A.provenance:
for parts in A.provenance[0]:
if isinstance(parts, tuple):
key, value = parts[0], parts[1]
if verbose: print (f'General info: {key}={value}')
if key == 'corpus': corpusName = value
if key == 'version': versionName = value
# value for live is a tuple
if key == 'live': liveName=value[1]
if liveName is not None and len(liveName)>1:
# an URL was found
pageTitleMD = f'Doc4TF pages for [{corpusName}]({liveName}) (version {versionName})'
pageTitleHTML = f'<h1>Doc4TF pages for <a href="{liveName}">{corpusName}</a> (version {versionName})</h1>'
# No URL found
pageTitleMD = f'Doc4TF pages for {corpusName} (version {versionName})'
pageTitleHTML = f'<h1>Doc4TF pages for {corpusName} (version {versionName})</h1>'
# Overwrite in case user provided a title
if 'customPageTitleMD_' in globals():
pageTitleMD = customPageTitleMD
if 'customPageTitleHTML' in globals():
pageTitleMD = customPageTitleHTML
# Processing node features #
print('Analyzing Node Features: ', end='')
for nodeFeature in Fall():
if not verbose: print('.', end='') # Progress indicator
processFeature(nodeFeature, 'Node', Fs)
if verbose: print(f'\nFeature {nodeFeature} = {featureDict[nodeFeature]}\n') # Print feature data if verbose
# Processing edge features #
print('\nAnalyzing Edge Features: ', end='')
for edgeFeature in Eall():
if not verbose: print('.', end='') # Progress indicator
processFeature(edgeFeature, 'Edge', Es)
if verbose: print(f'\nFeature {edgeFeature} = {featureDict[edgeFeature]}\n') # Print feature data if verbose
print(f'\nFinished in {time.time() - overallTime:.2f} seconds.')
Gathering generic details Analyzing Node Features: .................................................. Analyzing Edge Features: .... Finished in 12.62 seconds.
Two types of pages will be created:
import os
import time
overallTime = time.time()
# Initialize a counter for the number of files created
filesCreated = 0
# Get the current working directory and append a backslash for path building
pathFull = os.getcwd() + '\\'
# Iterating over each feature in the feature dictionary
for featureName, featureData in featureDict.items():
# Extracting various properties of each feature
featureDescription = featureData.get('descr')
featureType = featureData.get('type')
featureDataType = featureData.get('datatype')
# Initializing strings to accumulate HTML and Markdown content
nodeListHTML = nodeListMD = ''
tableListHTML = tableListMD = ''
frequencyData = featureData.get('freqlist')
# Processing frequency data for each node
for node in frequencyData:
# Building HTML and Markdown links for each node
nodeListHTML += f' <a href=\"featurebynodetype.htm#{node}\">{node}</a>'
nodeListMD += f' [`{node}`]({node}) '
# Starting HTML and Markdown tables for frequency data
tableListHTML += f'<h3>Frequency for nodetype <a href=\"featurebynodetype.htm#{node}\">{node}</a></h3><table><tr><th>Value</th><th>Occurences</th></tr>'
tableListMD += f'### Frequency for nodetype [{node}]({node})\nValue|Occurences\n---|---\n'
# Populating tables with frequency data
itemData = frequencyData.get(node).get('freq')
for item in itemData:
handleSpace = item[0] if item[0] != ' ' else 'space' # prevent garbling of tables where the value itself is a space
tableListHTML += f'<tr><td>{handleSpace}</td><td>{item[1]}</td></tr>'
tableListMD += f'{handleSpace}|{item[1]}\n'
tableListHTML += f'</table>\n'
# Creating info blocks for HTML and Markdown
infoBlockHTML = f'<table><tr><th>Data type</th><th>Feature type</th><th>Available for nodes</th></tr><tr><td><a href=\"featurebydatatype.htm#{featureDataType}\">{featureDataType}</a></td><td><a href="featurebytype.htm#{featureType}">{featureType}</a></td><td>{nodeListHTML}</td></tr></table>'
infoBlockMD = f'Data type|Feature type|Available for nodes\n---|---|---\n[`{featureDataType}`]({featureDataType.lower()})|[`{featureType}`]({featureType.lower()})|{nodeListMD}'
# Outputting in Markdown format
if typeOutput in ('md','both'):
pageMD = f'{pageTitleMD}\n# Feature: {featureName}\n{infoBlockMD}\n## Description\n{featureDescription}\n## Feature Values\n{tableListMD} {footerMD} '
fileNameMD = os.path.join(resultLocation, f"{featureName}.md")
with open(fileNameMD, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
filesCreated += 1
# Log if verbose mode is on
if verbose: print(f"Markdown content written to {pathFull + fileNameMD}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception: {e}")
break # Stops execution on encountering an exception
# Outputting in HTML format
if typeOutput in ('html','both'):
pageHTML = f'<html><head>{htmlStyle}</head><body><p>{pageTitleHTML}</p>\n<h1 id=\"start\">Feature: {featureName}</h1>\n{infoBlockHTML}\n<h2>Description</h2>\n<p>{featureDescription}</p>\n<h2>Feature Values</h2>\n{tableListHTML} {footerHTML}'
fileNameHTML = os.path.join(resultLocation, f"{featureName}.htm")
with open(fileNameHTML, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
filesCreated += 1
# Log if verbose mode is on
if verbose: print(f"HTML content written to {pathFull + fileNameHTML}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception: {e}")
break # Stops execution on encountering an exception
# Reporting the number of files created
if filesCreated != 0:
print(f'Finished in {time.time() - overallTime:.2f} seconds (written {filesCreated} {"html and md" if typeOutput == "both" else typeOutput} files to directory {pathFull + resultLocation})')
print('No files written')
Finished in 0.14 seconds (written 108 html and md files to directory C:\Users\tonyj\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Doc4TF\results)
import os
import time
overallTime = time.time()
# Initialize a counter for the number of files created
filesCreated = 0
def exampleData(feature):
This function checks if the specified feature exists in the global `featureDict` and if it
has a non-empty frequency list. If so, it extracts the first few values from this frequency
list to create a list of examples.
feature (str): The name of the feature for which examples are to be created.
str: A string containing the examples concatenated together. Returns "No values" if the
feature does not exist in `featureDict` or if it has an empty frequency list.
# Check if the feature exists in featureDict and has non-empty freqlist.
if feature in featureDict and featureDict[feature]['freqlist']:
# Get the first value from the freqlist
freq_list = next(iter(featureDict[feature]['freqlist'].values()))['freq']
# Use list comprehension to create the example list.
example_list = ' '.join(f'`{item[0]}`' for item in freq_list[:4])
return example_list
return "No values"
def writeToFile(fileName, content, fileType, verbose):
Writes provided content to a specified file. If verbose is True, prints a confirmation message.
This function attempts to write the given content to a file with the specified name. It handles
any exceptions during writing and can optionally print a message upon successful writing. The function
also increments a global counter `filesCreated` for each successful write operation.
fileName (str): The name of the file to write to.
content (str): The content to be written to the file.
fileType (str): The type of file (used for informational messages; e.g., 'md' for Markdown, 'html' for HTML).
verbose (bool): If True, prints a message upon successful writing.
None: The function does not return a value but writes content to a file and may print messages.
global filesCreated
with open(fileName, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
if verbose:
print(f"{fileType.upper()} content written to {fileName}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception while writing {fileType.upper()} file: {e}")
# Set up some lists
nodeFeatureList = []
typeFeatureList = []
dataTypeFeatureList = []
for featureName, featureData in featureDict.items():
for node in featureData.get('freqlist'):
nodeFeatureList.append((node, featureName))
# Create the page with overview per node type (e.g. word) #
pageMD=f'{pageTitleMD}\n# Overview features per nodetype\n'
pageHTML=f'<html><head>{htmlStyle}</head><body><p>{pageTitleHTML}</p>\n<h1>Overview features per nodetype</h1>'
# Sort the list alphabetically based on the second item of each tuple (featureName)
nodeFeatureList = sorted(nodeFeatureList, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Iterate over node types
for NodeType in F.otype.all:
NodeItemTextMD=f'## {NodeType}\n\nFeature|Featuretype|Datatype|Description|Examples\n---|---|---|---|---\n'
NodeItemTextHTML=f'<h2 id=\"{NodeType}\">{NodeType}</h2>\n<table><tr><th>Feature</th><th>Featuretype</th><th>Datatype</th><th>Description</th><th>Examples</th></tr>\n'
for node, feature in nodeFeatureList:
if node == NodeType:
NodeItemTextHTML+=f"<tr><td><a href=\"{feature}.htm#start\">{feature}</a></td><td><a href=\"featurebytype.htm#{featureType}\">{featureType}</td><td><a href=\"featurebydatatype.htm#{featureDataType}\">{featureDataType}</a></td><td>{featureDescription}</td><td>{exampleData(feature)}</td></tr>\n"
# Write to file by calling common function
if typeOutput in ('md','both'):
fileNameMD = os.path.join(resultLocation, "")
writeToFile(fileNameMD, pageMD, 'md', verbose)
if typeOutput in ('html','both'):
fileNameHTML = os.path.join(resultLocation, "featurebynodetype.htm")
writeToFile(fileNameHTML, pageHTML, 'html', verbose)
# Create the page with overview per data type (string or integer) #
pageMD=f'{pageTitleMD}\n# Overview features per datatype\n'
pageHTML=f'<html><head>{htmlStyle}</head><body><p>{pageTitleHTML}</p>\n<h1>Overview features per datatype</hl>'
# Sort the list alphabetically based on the second item of each tuple (featureName)
dataTypeFeatureList = sorted(dataTypeFeatureList, key=lambda x: x[1])
for DataType in ('Integer','String'):
DataItemTextMD=f'## {DataType}\n\nFeature|Featuretype|Available on nodes|Description|Examples\n---|---|---|---|---\n'
DataItemTextHTML=f'<h2 id=\"{DataType}\">{DataType}</h2>\n<table><tr><th>Feature</th><th>Featuretype</th><th>Available on nodes</th><th>Description</th><th>Examples</th></tr>\n'
for feature, featureDataType in dataTypeFeatureList:
if featureDataType == DataType:
for thisNode in featureDict[feature]['freqlist']:
nodeListMD+=f'[`{thisNode}`]({thisNode}) '
nodeListHTML+=f'<a href=\"featurebynodetype.htm#{thisNode}\">{thisNode}</a> '
DataItemTextHTML+=f"<tr><td><a href=\"{feature}.htm#start\">{feature}</a></td><td><a href=\"featurebytype.htm#{featureType}\">{featureType}</a></td><td>{nodeListHTML}</td><td>{featureDescription}</td><td>{exampleData(feature)}</td></tr>\n"
# Write to file by calling common function
if typeOutput in ('md','both'):
fileNameMD = os.path.join(resultLocation, "")
writeToFile(fileNameMD, pageMD, 'md', verbose)
if typeOutput in ('html','both'):
fileNameHTML = os.path.join(resultLocation, "featurebydatatype.htm")
writeToFile(fileNameHTML, pageHTML, 'html', verbose)
# Create the page with overview per feature type (edge or node) #
pageMD=f'{pageTitleMD}\n# Overview features per type\n'
pageHTML=f'<html><head>{htmlStyle}</head><body><p>{pageTitleHTML}</p>\n<h1 id=\"start\">Overview features per type</hl>'
# Sort the list alphabetically based on the second item of each tuple (nodetype)
typeFeatureList = sorted(typeFeatureList, key=lambda x: x[1])
for featureType in ('Node','Edge'):
ItemTextMD=f'## {featureType}\n\nFeature|Datatype|Available on nodes|Description|Examples\n---|---|---|---|---\n'
ItemTextHTML=f'<h2 id=\"{featureType}\">{featureType}</h2>\n<table><tr><th>Feature</th><th>Datatype</th><th>Available on nodes</th><th>Description</th><th>Examples</th></tr>\n'
for thisFeature, thisFeatureType in typeFeatureList:
if featureType == thisFeatureType:
for thisNode in featureDict[thisFeature]['freqlist']:
nodeListMD+=f'[`{thisNode}`]({thisNode}) '
nodeListHTML+=f'<a href=\"featurebynodetype.htm#{thisNode}\">{thisNode}</a> '
ItemTextHTML+=f"<tr><td><a href=\"{thisFeature}.htm\">{thisFeature}</a></td><td><a href=\"featurebydatatype.htm#{featureDataType}\">{featureDataType}</a></td><td>{nodeListHTML}</td><td>{featureDescription}</td><td>{exampleData(thisFeature)}</td></tr>\n"
# Write to file by calling common function
if typeOutput in ('md','both'):
fileNameMD = os.path.join(resultLocation, "")
writeToFile(fileNameMD, pageMD, 'md', verbose)
if typeOutput in ('html','both'):
fileNameHTML = os.path.join(resultLocation, "featurebytype.htm")
writeToFile(fileNameHTML, pageHTML, 'html', verbose)
# Reporting the number of files created
if filesCreated != 0:
print(f'Finished in {time.time() - overallTime:.2f} seconds (written {filesCreated} {"html and md" if typeOutput == "both" else typeOutput} files to directory {pathFull + resultLocation})')
print('No files written')
Finished in 0.01 seconds (written 6 html and md files to directory C:\Users\tonyj\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Doc4TF\results)
Licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)