%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use: %reload_ext autoreload
# Loading the New Testament TextFabric code
# Note: it is assumed Text-Fabric is installed in your environment.
from tf.fabric import Fabric
from tf.app import use
# load the app and data
N1904 = use ("tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI", version="0.3", hoist=globals())
Locating corpus resources ...
The requested data is not available offline ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 not found
| 0.19s T otype from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 2.11s T oslots from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.66s T after from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.79s T verse from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.69s T word from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.67s T book from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.80s T chapter from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | | 0.07s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext | | 1.84s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__ | | 0.07s C __rank__ from otype, __order__ | | 2.45s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__ | | 1.51s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__ | | 0.06s C __characters__ from otext | | 1.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__ | | 0.04s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, book, chapter, verse | | 0.25s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, book, chapter, verse | 0.57s T booknum from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.66s T bookshort from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.53s T case from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.56s T clause from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.07s T clauserule from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.02s T clausetype from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.47s T degree from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.58s T formaltag from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.58s T functionaltag from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.63s T gloss_EN from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.53s T gn from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.62s T lemma from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.57s T lex_dom from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.59s T ln from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.49s T monad from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.50s T mood from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.73s T nodeID from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.69s T normalized from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.56s T nu from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.55s T number from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.50s T person from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.78s T phrase from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.30s T phrasefunction from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.31s T phrasefunctionlong from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.30s T phrasetype from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.52s T sentence from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.57s T sp from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.57s T splong from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.59s T strongs from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.50s T subj_ref from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.50s T tense from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.52s T type from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3 | 0.50s T voice from ~/text-fabric-data/github/tonyjurg/Nestle1904GBI/tf/0.3
Name | # of nodes | # slots/node | % coverage |
book | 27 | 5102.93 | 100 |
chapter | 260 | 529.92 | 100 |
sentence | 5720 | 24.09 | 100 |
verse | 7944 | 17.34 | 100 |
clause | 16124 | 8.54 | 100 |
phrase | 73547 | 1.87 | 100 |
word | 137779 | 1.00 | 100 |
A heading is a tuple of pairs (node type, feature value) of node types and features that have been configured as structural elements These 3 structural elements have been configured node type book with heading feature book node type chapter with heading feature chapter node type verse with heading feature verse You can get them as a tuple with T.headings. Structure API: T.structure(node=None) gives the structure below node, or everything if node is None T.structurePretty(node=None) prints the structure below node, or everything if node is None T.top() gives all top-level nodes T.up(node) gives the (immediate) parent node T.down(node) gives the (immediate) children nodes T.headingFromNode(node) gives the heading of a node T.nodeFromHeading(heading) gives the node of a heading T.ndFromHd complete mapping from headings to nodes T.hdFromNd complete mapping from nodes to headings T.hdMult are all headings with their nodes that occur multiple times There are 8231 structural elements in the dataset.
WARNING: 1 structure headings with hdMult occurrences (total 2) book:I_Peter-chapter:4-verse:1 has 2 occurrences 240744, 240746
{(('book', 'I_Peter'), ('chapter', 4), ('verse', 1)): (240744, 240746)}
'οὖν Χριστοῦ παθόντος σαρκὶ καὶ ὑμεῖς τὴν αὐτὴν ἔννοιαν ὁπλίσασθε, '
'ὅτι ὁ παθὼν σαρκὶ πέπαυται ἁμαρτίας, '
Possibly related to?:
0.03s Removing unlinked nodes ...
| | 0.00s 25 unlinked "phrase" nodes: [1, 10018, 27166, 46044, 49656] ...
| | 0.00s 25 unlinked nodes
for i in (1, 10018, 27166, 46044, 49656):
for NodeType in F.otype.all:
print (NodeType, F.otype.sInterval(NodeType))
book (137780, 137806) chapter (137807, 138066) sentence (227738, 233457) verse (233458, 241401) clause (138067, 154190) phrase (154191, 227737) word (1, 137779)
The nodes are not sorted:
for node in WordNodeList:
print (node,F.nodeID.v(node),F.sentence.v(node))
123281 n60004001002 34 123282 n60004001001 34 123283 n60004001003 34 123284 n60004001004 34 123285 n60004001005 34 123286 n60004001006 34 123287 n60004001007 34 123288 n60004001008 34 123289 n60004001009 34 123290 n60004001010 34
for node in WordNodeList:
print (node,F.nodeID.v(node),F.sentence.v(node))
123305 n60004001011 35 123306 n60004001012 35 123307 n60004001013 35 123308 n60004001014 35 123309 n60004001015 35 123310 n60004001016 35
print ('Node=123290')
for Feature in FeatureList:
print (Feature,Fs(Feature).v(123290))
print ('\nNode=123291')
for Feature in FeatureList:
print (Feature,Fs(Feature).v(123291))
Node=123290 after , book I_Peter booknum 21 bookshort 1Pet case chapter 4 clause 153 clauserule None clausetype None degree formaltag V-AMM-2P functionaltag V-AMM-2P gloss_EN arm yourselves with gn lemma ὁπλίζω lex_dom 077 ln 77.10 monad 123290 mood Imperative nodeID n60004001010 normalized ὁπλίσασθε nu Plural number Plural otype word person Second phrase 567 phrasefunction None phrasefunctionlong None phrasetype None sentence 34 sp verb splong verb strongs 3695 subj_ref tense Aorist type verse 1 voice Middle word ὁπλίσασθε Node=123291 after book I_Peter booknum 21 bookshort 1Pet case chapter 4 clause 154 clauserule None clausetype None degree formaltag PREP functionaltag PREP gloss_EN so as gn lemma εἰς lex_dom 089008 ln 89.48 monad 123291 mood nodeID n60004002001 normalized εἰς nu number otype word person phrase 568 phrasefunction None phrasefunctionlong None phrasetype None sentence 34 sp prep splong preposition strongs 1519 subj_ref tense type verse 2 voice word εἰς