%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from tf.app import use
A = use("ETCBC/nestle1904", hoist=globals())
Locating corpus resources ...
The requested app is not available offline C:/Users/tonyj/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/app not found rate limit is 5000 requests per hour, with 5000 left for this hour connecting to online GitHub repo ETCBC/nestle1904 ... connected cannot find releases cannot find releases app/config.yaml...downloaded OK
The requested data is not available offline C:/Users/tonyj/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 not found rate limit is 5000 requests per hour, with 4991 left for this hour connecting to online GitHub repo ETCBC/nestle1904 ... connected cannot find releases cannot find releases tf/0.1/Rule.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/after.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/appositioncontainer.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/articular.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/case.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/ch.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/class.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/clauseType.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/cltype.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/degree.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/discontinuous.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/domain.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/file.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/folder.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/frame.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/gender.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/gloss.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/id.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/junction.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/lang.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/lemma.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/ln.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/mood.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/morph.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/nodeId.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/normalized.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/note.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/number.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/oslots.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/otext.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/otype.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/person.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/ref.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/referent.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/role.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/strong.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/subjref.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/tense.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/type.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/unicode.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/unit.tf...downloaded tf/0.1/voice.tf...downloaded OK
| 0.79s T otype from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 9.51s T oslots from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 8.23s T ch from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.00s T folder from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.00s T file from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | | 0.13s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext | | 17s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__ | | 0.61s C __rank__ from otype, __order__ | | 23s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__ | | 4.73s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__ | | 0.26s C __characters__ from otext | | 7.43s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__ | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, folder, file | 0.42s T Rule from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.55s T after from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.01s T appositioncontainer from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.13s T articular from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.35s T case from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.90s T class from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.03s T clauseType from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.02s T cltype from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.01s T degree from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.03s T discontinuous from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.57s T domain from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.16s T frame from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.35s T gender from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.65s T gloss from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.77s T id from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.09s T junction from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.00s T lang from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.62s T lemma from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.56s T ln from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.13s T mood from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.57s T morph from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.04s T nodeId from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.67s T normalized from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.00s T note from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.42s T number from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.09s T person from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.71s T ref from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.08s T referent from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.37s T role from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.62s T strong from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.09s T subjref from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.13s T tense from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.51s T type from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.68s T unicode from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.04s T unit from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1 | 0.14s T voice from ~/text-fabric-data/github/ETCBC/nestle1904/tf/0.1
Name | # of nodes | # slots/node | % coverage |
folder | 1 | 1999136.00 | 100 |
file | 27 | 74042.07 | 100 |
book | 27 | 74041.07 | 100 |
error | 1 | 263.00 | 0 |
sentence | 8011 | 248.54 | 100 |
p | 8011 | 115.59 | 46 |
wg | 114878 | 55.89 | 321 |
milestone | 9605 | 8.18 | 4 |
w | 137779 | 4.95 | 34 |
char | 1999136 | 1.00 | 100 |
results = A.search("""
w unicode*
0.16s 137779 results
A.show(results, end=2)
result 1
result 2