net <- read.table('/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/gimmemotif/top2_networks.csv',header=T)
net <- net[!duplicated(net[c(1,3)]),]
net$type <- net$Tissue
net <- net[,c("Tissue","Factor","zscore","type")]
Tissue | Factor | zscore | type | |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <chr> | |
1 | AM1 | LOC_Os02g01380 | 4.906071 | AM1 |
2 | AM1 | OsLFL1 | 4.277486 | AM1 |
3 | AM1 | OsERF117 | 3.451406 | AM1 |
4 | AM1 | EIL1 | 3.415054 | AM1 |
5 | AM1 | LOC_Os07g07974 | 3.330266 | AM1 |
6 | AM2 | OsLFL1 | 4.454432 | AM2 |
convert_ID <- read.table('/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/result/TF_MSU_RAP_converID.csv',head=T)
aa <- merge(net, convert_ID, by.x="Factor",by.y="gene",all=F)
net <- net[net$type!="AM2" & net$type!="Panicle2" &net$type!="Panicle3" & net$type!="Panicle4" & net$type!="SAM2" & net$type!="Seed1" & net$type!="Seed3" ,]
anno = data.frame(a=unique(net$Tissue),b='Tissues')
tf = data.frame(a=unique(net$Factor),b='TF')
c = rbind(anno,tf)
a | b | |
<chr> | <chr> | |
1 | AM1 | Tissues |
2 | Callus | Tissues |
3 | DBuds | Tissues |
4 | Leaf | Tissues |
5 | Lemma | Tissues |
6 | Palea | Tissues |
net3 <- graph_from_data_frame(d=net, vertices=c, directed=F)
mycol <- paletteer_d("ggthemes::Classic_20")[1:17]
V(net3)$size <- ifelse(V(net3)$b=="Tissues",8, 25)
V(net3)$shape <- ifelse(V(net3)$b=="Tissues", "circle","rectangle")
V(net3)$frame.color <- ifelse(V(net3)$b=="Tissues", NA,"black")
E(net3)$color <- 'grey'
options(repr.plot.width = 25, repr.plot.height = 25, repr.plot.res = 100)
e <- get.edgelist(net3,names=FALSE)
#e <- get.edgelist(net3,names=FALSE)
l <- qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold(e,vcount=vcount(net3),area=8*(vcount(net3)^2),repulse.rad=(vcount(net3)^3.1))
#l <-layout_with_dh(net3)
plot(net3,vertex.color=mycol,edge.width=(E(net3)$zscore-1),edge.curved = F,layout = l,vertex.label.cex=1.5)
quant <- read.table("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/Figure/Fig4/panicle_dynamic/quant/peak_quant_norm.csv",head=T,row.names=1)
entropy <- apply(quant, 1, function(x){H(x/sum(x))})
aa <-
specificty_score <- data.frame(score=H_specificity, peak = names(H_specificity))
spec_peak <- specificty_score[specificty_score$score <=0.0008074347,]
quant[rownames(quant) %in% spec_peak$peak,]
write.table(spec_peak, "/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/Figure/Fig4/panicle_dynamic/cluster1_6_motif/5000_Non_specific_peak.txt",sep='\t',quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)
res <- read.table("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/Figure/Fig4/panicle_dynamic/clutser1_6_merged_peak_TF_CHIP_enrichment.txt")
colnames(res) <- c("TF","left","right","two_tail","ratio")
res$two_tail <- ifelse(res$two_tail==0, 10e-300,res$two_tail)
res$score <- -log10(res$two_tail)
res$name <- substring(res$TF,11)
TF | left | right | two_tail | ratio | score | name | |
<chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | |
1 | DRP000207_OSH1 | 0.00000 | 1.0000e+00 | 1.0000e-299 | 7.618 | 299.0000000 | OSH1 |
2 | DRP001345_OsTGAP1 | 1.00000 | 3.1699e-100 | 3.1699e-100 | 2.934 | 99.4989544 | OsTGAP1 |
3 | ERP106693_OsIDS1 | 0.90409 | 1.1514e-01 | 2.0542e-01 | 1.139 | 0.6873573 | OsIDS1 |
4 | ERP106918_NGR2 | 0.18932 | 9.3243e-01 | 3.3582e-01 | 0.455 | 0.4738934 | NGR2 |
5 | ERP108685_bZIP73 | 1.00000 | 4.4624e-10 | 4.4624e-10 | 3.720 | 9.3504315 | bZIP73 |
6 | SRP014840_OsSRT1 | 1.00000 | 1.6307e-08 | 1.7340e-08 | 2.518 | 7.7609509 | OsSRT1 |
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.res = 100)
p1 <- ggplot(res, aes(x=ratio, y=score,label=name))+theme_pubr()+geom_point(aes(size= ratio, fill = score),shape=21,alpha=0.9)+
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteer_d("ggsci::pink_material")[1:6], limits=c(0, 300))+theme_pubr(base_size = 12, base_family = "", border = TRUE, margin = TRUE,
legend = c("right"), x.text.angle = 0)+scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, 8))+
ylab('-log10(P-value)') +xlab("Fold enrichment")+geom_text_repel(data=subset(res, score > 2 & ratio > 2),
aes(ratio,score,label=name))+ggtitle("56 ChIP-seq Enrchment")
sea <- read.table("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/Figure/Fig4/panicle_dynamic/cluster1_6_motif/merged_res/sea.tsv",head=T)
sea <- sea[,c(4,10,15)]
colnames(sea) <- c("name","ratio","score")
sea$motif <- str_sub(sea$name,1,16)
sea$motif <- gsub("[()]","",sea$motif)
sea <- sea[sea$score>0,]
# convert_ID <- read.table('/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/result/TF_MSU_RAP_converID.csv', head=T)
# merge(sea,convert_ID, by.x="motif",by.y="MSU", all=F)
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 6, repr.plot.res = 100)
p2 <- ggplot(sea, aes(x=ratio, y=score,label=motif))+theme_pubr()+geom_point(aes(size= ratio, fill = score),shape=21,alpha=0.9)+
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteer_d("ggsci::teal_material")[1:6], limits=c(0, 300))+theme_pubr(base_size = 12, base_family = "", border = TRUE, margin = TRUE,
legend = c("right"), x.text.angle = 0)+scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, 8))+
ylab('-log10(P-value)') +xlab("Fold enrichment")+geom_text_repel(data=subset(sea, score > 2 & ratio > 1.5),
aes(ratio,score,label=motif))+ggtitle("Motif Enrichment")
file_list = c(
"AM1" = "AM/sea.tsv",
"Callus" = "NIP_Callus/sea.tsv",
"Dbuds" = "NIP_Dormant_buds_umi/sea.tsv",
"Leaf" = "NIP_Leaf_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Sheath" = "NIP_Leaf_sheath_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Lemma"= "NIP_Lemma_umi/sea.tsv",
"Palea" ="NIP_Palea_umi/sea.tsv",
"PNN" = "NIP_Panicle_neck_node_umi/sea.tsv",
"Pistil"= "NIP_Pistil_umi/sea.tsv",
"Plumule" = "NIP_Plumule/sea.tsv",
"Radicle" = "NIP_Radicle_umi/sea.tsv",
"Root" = "NIP_Root_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Stem" ="NIP_Stem_umi/sea.tsv",
peak_list = lapply(file_list, function(f) {
df = read.table(f,head=T)
df <- df[df$QVALUE < 1e-10,]
a = unique(df$ALT_ID)
# options(repr.plot.width = 16, repr.plot.height = 8, repr.plot.res = 100)
# upset(fromList(peak_list), = "freq",sets = names(lengths(peak_list)),point.size = 3, line.size = 1,
# mainbar.y.label = "Intersectionh size", sets.x.label = "Target genes")
#`````````````````````````````````````````My Custom Color Upset Plot`````````````````````````
tissue_col <- c(Leaf="#2ca02c",Sheath="#98df8a",Stem="#32a251",PNN="#bdbdbd",Lemma= "#ff9896",Palea="#9467bd",Pistil="#c5b0d5",
Callus="#ccc94d",Root ="#7f7f7f")
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 12, repr.plot.res = 100)
p3 <- myupset(fromList(peak_list), = "freq",sets = names(lengths(peak_list)),point.size = 3, line.size = 1,
mainbar.y.label = "Intersectionh size", sets.x.label = "Enrichment motifs",, "#1170AA",matrix.color ="#FC7D0B", number.angles = 0)
file_list = c(
"AM1" = "AM/sea.tsv",
"Callus" = "NIP_Callus/sea.tsv",
"Dbuds" = "NIP_Dormant_buds_umi/sea.tsv",
"Leaf" = "NIP_Leaf_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Sheath" = "NIP_Leaf_sheath_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Lemma"= "NIP_Lemma_umi/sea.tsv",
"Palea" ="NIP_Palea_umi/sea.tsv",
"PNN" = "NIP_Panicle_neck_node_umi/sea.tsv",
"Pistil"= "NIP_Pistil_umi/sea.tsv",
"Plumule" = "NIP_Plumule/sea.tsv",
"Radicle" = "NIP_Radicle_umi/sea.tsv",
"Root" = "NIP_Root_4_5/sea.tsv",
"Stem" ="NIP_Stem_umi/sea.tsv",
peak_list = lapply(file_list, function(f) {
df = read.table(f,head=T)
df <- df[1:100,]#df[df$QVALUE < 1e-25,]
a = unique(df$ALT_ID)
motif <- stack(peak_list)
motif$motif <- sapply(strsplit(motif$values,")"), `[`, 1)
motif$moitf <- gsub("[()]","",motif$motif)
values | ind | motif | moitf | |
<chr> | <fct> | <chr> | <chr> | |
1 | (LOC_Os01g68370)_(Arabidopsis_thaliana)_(DBD_0.87) | AM1 | (LOC_Os01g68370 | LOC_Os01g68370 |
2 | LOC_Os01g68370 | AM1 | LOC_Os01g68370 | LOC_Os01g68370 |
3 | LOC_Os01g51610 | AM1 | LOC_Os01g51610 | LOC_Os01g51610 |
4 | LOC_Os07g39320 | AM1 | LOC_Os07g39320 | LOC_Os07g39320 |
5 | (LOC_Os03g20780)_(Arabidopsis_thaliana)_(DBD_0.60) | AM1 | (LOC_Os03g20780 | LOC_Os03g20780 |
6 | LOC_Os02g01380 | AM1 | LOC_Os02g01380 | LOC_Os02g01380 |
fam <- read.table("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/Osj_TF_list.txt",head=T)
sanky <- merge(motif, fam, by.x="motif",by.y="Gene_ID",all=F)
sanky$fre <- 1
sanky <- sanky[,c(3,6,7)]
#sanky$Family <- gsub("BBR-BPC|BES1|CAMTA|E2F/DP|GeBP|SRS|ZF-HD|C3H|EIL|RAV|LFY|LBD|AP2|B3|GATA|WOX|CPP|TALE|ARR-B|Trihelix","Others",sanky$Family)
#sanky$Family <- gsub("M-type_MADS|MIKC_MADS","MADS",sanky$Family)
sanky$tissue <- as.character(sanky$ind)
res <- table(sanky$tissue,sanky$Family) %>%>% reshape(idvar = "Var2", timevar = "Var1", direction = "wide")%>%
remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames(var="Var2")
colnames(res) <- gsub("Freq.","",colnames(res))
p43 <- pheatmap(res/, res), show_rownames=F)
p3 = draw(p43)
r.dend <- row_dend(p3)
Warning message: “The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.”
rcl.list <- row_order(p3)
res2 <- table(sanky$tissue,sanky$Family) %>%
res2 <- res/, res)
res2$fam <- rownames(res2)
res3 <- melt(res2)
res3$fam <- factor(res3$fam, levels=rev(rownames(res[rcl.list,])))
res3$variable <- factor(res3$variable, levels=c("Lemma","Palea","AM1","Seed","Radicle","Root","Pistil","Dbuds","SAM","Stamen",
Warning message in melt(res2): “The melt generic in data.table has been passed a data.frame and will attempt to redirect to the relevant reshape2 method; please note that reshape2 is deprecated, and this redirection is now deprecated as well. To continue using melt methods from reshape2 while both libraries are attached, e.g. melt.list, you can prepend the namespace like reshape2::melt(res2). In the next version, this warning will become an error.” Using fam as id variables
fam | variable | value | |
<fct> | <fct> | <dbl> | |
1 | AP2 | AM1 | 1 |
2 | ARF | AM1 | 0 |
3 | ARR-B | AM1 | 0 |
4 | B3 | AM1 | 1 |
5 | BES1 | AM1 | 0 |
6 | bHLH | AM1 | 0 |
myPalette <- colorRampPalette(as.character(paletteer_d("RColorBrewer::OrRd")[2:6]))
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 10, repr.plot.res = 100)
p4 <- ggplot(res3, aes(x=variable, y=fam)) + geom_point(aes(size= value,color=value),shape=15,alpha=0.9)+
scale_color_gradientn(colours =rev(paletteer_d("RColorBrewer::Spectral")[2:10]))+theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270, vjust = 1, hjust=1))+scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, 7))+
ylab('') +xlab("")
test <- read.table('/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/ATACorrect/maelstrom/output_new/jaspar_aggregated_zscore_threshold2_cisbp.csv',sep='\t',head=T)
rownames(test) <- make.names(test[,1], unique = TRUE)
test <- subset(test,select=-c(factors))
test <- test[rownames(test) !="X",]
colnames(test) <- sub("z.score.","",colnames(test))
AM1 | AM2 | Callus | DBuds | Leaf | Lemma | Palea | Panicle1 | Panicle2 | Panicle3 | ⋯ | Radicle | Root | SAM1 | SAM2 | Seed1 | Seed2 | Seed3 | Sheath | Stamen | Stem | |
<dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | ⋯ | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | |
LOC_OS06G49830 | -0.4666709 | -0.32219985 | 4.17406645 | -2.49179593 | 4.10970587 | -0.603527936 | -0.4312044 | 1.733376793 | 2.3203368 | 1.6043384 | ⋯ | -4.37523237 | -2.67189131 | -3.16711542 | -2.86476495 | -0.42654862 | -2.862051027 | -1.56968550 | 2.93446106 | 3.61664281 | 3.66614293 |
HSFB2C.HSFB4B.OSHSFA6A.OSHSFC1B | -1.6975657 | -0.78494324 | 0.41648706 | -1.36736578 | 1.73501270 | 1.545557797 | 2.2428570 | -0.217915047 | 0.6795691 | -0.1775205 | ⋯ | -1.40586964 | -0.31356343 | -2.10352840 | -2.20378887 | 1.18905282 | 1.276868717 | 1.27585308 | 0.06600621 | 1.55461464 | 0.89141070 |
ONAC075 | -1.9485590 | -1.31263865 | -0.04508732 | -1.76837722 | 2.62086614 | 0.425970326 | -0.4815454 | 1.959411072 | 2.1116965 | 1.8846729 | ⋯ | -2.35857934 | -1.05539112 | -2.28674351 | -2.21126628 | -1.45764823 | -2.055007637 | 2.82449225 | 2.78766586 | -0.20824467 | -0.67836387 |
JMJ702 | 0.7464345 | -0.42476239 | -0.06052989 | 1.99687707 | -1.37598287 | -1.758379793 | -2.3085303 | 0.647483448 | -0.2602739 | 0.9708447 | ⋯ | -0.39206728 | -1.08470494 | 1.62893684 | 1.70256419 | 1.39936631 | 0.797305110 | -1.56726482 | -1.68234407 | -1.92095555 | -1.29703262 |
LOC_OS05G03020 | 0.7483268 | 1.08851936 | 1.78285642 | -0.07019153 | 0.38238018 | -2.415411551 | -1.9127050 | 1.238260664 | 1.9143577 | 1.7336910 | ⋯ | -1.56949933 | -0.61260507 | 0.20104603 | 0.62338756 | 0.51794631 | 0.600054522 | 0.02217347 | -0.19305973 | -1.53122402 | -0.48429320 |
OSSTA129 | 2.3582932 | 1.56869258 | -1.29558168 | 2.78037733 | -3.20472685 | -0.727564740 | -2.4286669 | 0.713779172 | -0.8492254 | 0.9548959 | ⋯ | 2.36398996 | 1.44319500 | 3.31756510 | 3.35983002 | -1.11809977 | -0.931829859 | -2.49288110 | -2.67469240 | -2.75917541 | -2.56371035 |
LOC_OS04G32590 | -1.1249430 | -2.03500098 | 3.55145143 | -1.12602926 | 1.97510365 | -3.799647939 | -3.2538903 | 2.954976043 | 3.3391403 | 3.0690486 | ⋯ | -2.82542127 | -0.17006796 | -0.25123694 | 0.42259885 | -0.68337519 | -1.428503130 | 0.16850372 | 1.70465150 | -1.74924262 | -1.38677549 |
OSNTL5 | -1.8640346 | 0.23589583 | -1.09305872 | 0.09043577 | -1.15356276 | 0.070574031 | -0.2075436 | -1.513828174 | -1.1002998 | 0.3939523 | ⋯ | -0.01576561 | -1.12404087 | -0.04587536 | 0.25864348 | 2.43128986 | 2.227916549 | 2.78583162 | -0.70585195 | 0.45052086 | 0.10134456 |
OSEIL3.LOC_OS02G36510 | -0.9639781 | -0.57176677 | 0.28568334 | -0.66082366 | 2.49510717 | -0.112963252 | 0.2577214 | 2.218951194 | 2.6059637 | 2.3366873 | ⋯ | -3.03933781 | -2.07658528 | -1.90833175 | -1.49599330 | -1.01370814 | -1.330259088 | 1.54379426 | 2.52002731 | 1.01676606 | 0.77486085 |
RF2B.OSBZIP84.RF2A | 1.3905016 | 1.07847919 | -1.55260507 | 1.12785709 | -1.43094003 | 0.658336094 | 0.3582394 | -0.859022330 | -0.9765860 | -1.2188317 | ⋯ | 1.03077945 | -0.72342894 | 1.02588377 | 0.42064693 | 0.82847023 | -0.091394969 | -0.60743898 | -0.77495321 | 0.88194864 | 0.82190362 |
AP2.EREBP127 | -1.6415369 | -2.18273340 | -0.81518665 | -0.76307332 | 1.20316351 | -1.217828572 | -1.6896608 | 1.310356751 | 1.7108577 | 1.7636549 | ⋯ | -0.21589939 | 1.22036685 | -0.67897140 | -0.01158834 | -0.56553122 | -1.231709263 | 1.60857264 | 1.51179199 | -1.55618018 | -2.01780016 |
LOC_OS03G56090 | -1.2780617 | -1.75450438 | 1.06239763 | -0.85840684 | 2.10580939 | -3.391789245 | -3.3130619 | 1.726341997 | 2.3250966 | 2.2123740 | ⋯ | -0.66462898 | -0.58226263 | -1.08722255 | -0.84095871 | 0.02596418 | -0.274380132 | 2.00032354 | 1.11911087 | -0.47588857 | -0.47983846 |
LOC_OS02G09480.LOC_OS09G24800 | 0.4586454 | -1.00875647 | 0.46823122 | -0.16267339 | 1.00944515 | 0.009744425 | 0.4692638 | 1.933275938 | 1.3244135 | 1.2845366 | ⋯ | -1.51096100 | -0.25688999 | -0.41284377 | -0.28317151 | -3.10412146 | -2.310826219 | 0.37509773 | 1.61375974 | 1.00642083 | 0.04358908 |
OSZFP | 2.4662854 | 0.79924007 | -0.16718311 | 3.06712059 | -2.01215348 | -2.447444128 | -2.8022736 | 3.561131140 | 3.1241544 | 4.3752324 | ⋯ | -2.11642688 | -1.21814982 | 3.19827190 | 3.35319931 | -3.18964537 | -2.844969215 | -1.13003656 | -1.56272425 | -2.66998286 | -2.53752342 |
OSMYB3R.2.CSA.OSMYB52.LOC_OS01G12860 | 0.4603955 | -0.65036125 | 0.12285236 | 0.06469490 | 1.05567800 | -0.275757068 | 0.2882994 | 1.838096706 | 1.2920673 | 0.9017782 | ⋯ | -0.95363094 | -1.07276032 | -0.38178767 | -0.27752293 | 0.12323221 | -0.403783621 | -0.52131560 | 0.45876819 | 0.17014591 | 0.09273642 |
LOC_OS05G27980 | -1.3914821 | -1.55168775 | 1.89766336 | -3.59990905 | 4.16110750 | 1.094513176 | 1.8621461 | 0.290001938 | 0.5056365 | -0.7355728 | ⋯ | -0.83217608 | 0.01155583 | -4.63137781 | -3.32828732 | 0.16183183 | -1.448298925 | 1.38881496 | 3.84417938 | 1.24433784 | 1.06478194 |
LOC_OS03G25430 | -4.4544317 | -4.10861556 | 2.45831618 | -3.26205344 | 4.73829111 | -1.433563785 | -1.1776592 | 3.627623039 | 3.5363532 | 3.0341850 | ⋯ | -1.29172176 | 0.82119278 | -3.20922477 | -3.81638170 | -2.17545167 | -4.105460643 | 2.57809118 | 5.08301691 | -1.20301024 | -0.30377132 |
AP2.EREBP033.RSR1 | -0.3139671 | -0.95656632 | 1.79414849 | 0.81366996 | 1.86726115 | -1.390406867 | -1.0154210 | 3.421535879 | 3.2854432 | 3.2538820 | ⋯ | -2.05796786 | -0.11144806 | 0.08873796 | -0.52514659 | -3.45746814 | -3.188878618 | 0.92155811 | 2.10752553 | -0.30115217 | -0.26058734 |
OSBHLH033 | -1.0436265 | -0.94690779 | 1.06128218 | -0.19037933 | 1.29618531 | -1.000437359 | -0.5789327 | 0.191894439 | 1.1230644 | 0.7385293 | ⋯ | -0.52652937 | 1.88407252 | -1.46562807 | -0.82088092 | 0.64639990 | 0.461641461 | 0.75314280 | 1.16968572 | -1.01241885 | 0.58964816 |
AP2.EREBP129.AP2.EREBP127.AP2.EREBP096 | 3.0785596 | 2.37226135 | -4.90607078 | 2.84875403 | -3.38379898 | 1.121760247 | 0.9996293 | -1.599008797 | -1.3780338 | -0.2829992 | ⋯ | 0.14691951 | -1.99470058 | 2.67526582 | 2.88170019 | 1.31503926 | 2.423361751 | -1.72490266 | -3.42408519 | 0.94042886 | 0.23218876 |
OSFBH1 | -3.2791869 | -3.38828367 | 3.61239758 | -4.02941626 | 3.21151482 | -2.163296656 | -2.4299452 | -2.327670702 | -2.6716399 | -2.3404084 | ⋯ | 2.76413341 | 4.03967304 | -4.45443168 | -4.08691312 | 0.55626121 | 0.128614376 | 0.80429876 | 3.92864970 | 0.91547947 | 0.26451476 |
OSWRKY63 | -0.7742476 | -0.47057619 | 0.37247377 | -2.06709079 | 0.64076463 | 3.073008846 | 3.1582465 | -0.001065989 | 0.4407639 | -0.6988458 | ⋯ | 0.89090195 | 2.60851608 | -1.87911027 | -1.01919738 | -2.51629179 | -3.143907931 | -0.50445567 | 2.37457209 | -1.13797731 | 0.02189033 |
OSERF117 | 3.4514059 | 2.26022600 | 0.28352795 | 3.36223058 | -2.85678820 | -2.440241109 | -2.4761480 | 1.914413324 | 1.2847878 | 1.5239338 | ⋯ | 0.14722684 | -0.22915662 | 2.91622218 | 2.62645416 | -0.70640142 | -0.661415745 | -2.94199578 | -2.95322234 | -1.68698662 | -2.26900272 |
OSBZIP40.OSBZIP72.LOC_OS02G10860.BZIP23 | -3.4259069 | -2.85978946 | 2.50531738 | -0.68167736 | 0.25477552 | -0.852949166 | -1.9607446 | 1.984235267 | 2.4086726 | 2.2875339 | ⋯ | 1.13340964 | 1.83094666 | -0.61244821 | -0.38252658 | -0.18220713 | 0.583648960 | 1.12232093 | 1.06882922 | -3.23290058 | -3.30671892 |
LOC_OS01G51154.LOC_OS01G40670 | 0.7465798 | -0.07306627 | 1.46704364 | -0.78269911 | 0.39098849 | -0.184305075 | 0.2557395 | -0.093957545 | 0.5456451 | 0.3986240 | ⋯ | -1.27451435 | -1.24342787 | -0.82082125 | -0.33050103 | -0.01894375 | 0.009306786 | -1.09743302 | 0.48092263 | 3.56113114 | 3.22386930 |
OSIDD1.OSIDD3.OSIDD2.OSIDD8 | -2.4889667 | -3.19219233 | 0.65640177 | -0.86448858 | -0.04547556 | -0.675587472 | -1.1934329 | 0.940206839 | 1.0786540 | 1.2262931 | ⋯ | -0.59046264 | 1.02863424 | -0.70611365 | -0.26352571 | 4.73829111 | 4.459352914 | 1.19740414 | -0.03331836 | -3.40631042 | -1.90483743 |
OSHB4 | 0.1187012 | 0.99862340 | -0.72317511 | 1.26171674 | -0.18914960 | -1.096726287 | -0.8484058 | 0.339030973 | -0.4199199 | 0.6433346 | ⋯ | -2.03474933 | -1.71343200 | 1.27931413 | 1.54690069 | -0.45621812 | 0.912772659 | 0.49544472 | 0.26160097 | 0.70700644 | 0.11126771 |
LOC_OS02G03690.OSBHLH113.BZR1.LOC_OS06G35900.OSBHLH009... | -0.6316541 | -0.23699156 | -0.29093388 | 0.73726024 | 0.78261983 | -1.471374970 | -0.9134907 | 0.652070747 | 0.5612703 | 0.8106614 | ⋯ | 0.30188019 | -0.79177301 | 0.76717711 | 0.52696583 | 1.68947275 | 1.484037672 | 0.27890084 | -0.02458057 | -0.11262519 | -1.53005569 |
OSMYB60.LOC_OS08G33940 | -0.4374302 | 2.04197599 | -2.12381599 | -0.22352102 | -2.06135156 | 0.428539612 | -0.7407595 | -2.845150705 | -2.6125566 | -2.6858368 | ⋯ | 2.51413378 | 0.26899765 | -0.87707972 | -0.80811792 | 3.31574486 | 4.356684849 | 2.44717226 | -1.90935784 | 0.98517926 | 1.10144403 |
ONAC052 | -1.9657302 | -1.97174601 | 2.44847368 | -0.95195186 | 0.67565802 | -1.055366471 | -1.2490403 | 1.935927847 | 2.2720826 | 1.9596132 | ⋯ | -2.05810907 | 0.72779617 | -1.46719122 | -1.53049671 | -0.88147626 | -0.793482856 | 2.26221126 | 0.37202383 | 0.07781289 | -0.98837106 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋱ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
ONAC015.NAC2.ONAC007.ONAC020.ONAC006... | 0.93032840 | 2.343887524 | 0.31707686 | 0.3775908 | -2.6388757 | -0.081231512 | -0.58462737 | -1.7449803702 | -1.95142112 | -1.2927832 | ⋯ | 1.7990726 | 1.7141026 | 0.67053166 | 0.937460754 | 2.4784194 | 2.81268452 | 1.19497766 | -2.28157500 | -0.31754744 | -2.0603525 |
LOC_OS12G01490 | -3.10542573 | -2.238916437 | 1.06881200 | -3.0704562 | 2.8289928 | -0.067515608 | -0.24243608 | 0.4271979473 | 0.50406027 | 0.9324045 | ⋯ | -0.4226213 | 0.8658668 | -2.14219861 | -1.675636454 | -0.9441167 | -1.05604115 | 2.77132707 | 2.24580557 | 0.33250002 | -0.6657075 |
OSH42.OSKN2.HB365.OSH6.OSH15 | -2.43670228 | -2.638875692 | -2.57776197 | -1.8301494 | 2.7504047 | 3.177388910 | 2.85960022 | 0.0008800928 | -0.31431380 | -1.1225061 | ⋯ | -1.4034796 | 1.2146787 | -1.91813615 | -2.307567913 | -1.6039481 | -1.71850310 | 3.16640737 | 2.25771791 | 0.25462855 | 1.5993663 |
OSMYBS3.MID1.LOC_OS01G09280.LOC_OS05G10690 | -1.48507971 | 2.135759616 | 0.59234414 | 1.5302700 | -0.6102463 | 0.755575997 | 1.69761528 | 0.6678913470 | 0.23837817 | 0.5193551 | ⋯ | -1.1085107 | -0.5642341 | 0.41324330 | -2.221831745 | 0.7159034 | 0.28492738 | 0.01316692 | -0.78941572 | 0.96187952 | 1.7910363 |
WOX1 | 0.31413217 | 0.300264285 | -1.25688308 | 1.1288473 | -1.5660192 | 1.691490569 | 1.83434205 | -1.1784419853 | -1.43416110 | -0.7407892 | ⋯ | 0.1492971 | -0.7833970 | 0.93767012 | 1.097108369 | -0.4348394 | 0.91312156 | -0.29346806 | -1.18625485 | -0.33573073 | 0.6102295 |
CCA1.LOC_OS02G45670.LOC_OS06G51260.OSMYB1R | -1.22312513 | -0.032700798 | -1.52483073 | -0.1888229 | 1.1112853 | 3.351839761 | 3.53425548 | -0.7065354864 | -0.66145748 | -0.9422159 | ⋯ | -1.6560535 | -0.8416171 | -1.39195553 | -1.355066881 | 0.3691453 | 0.27401870 | 0.96189214 | 1.17007918 | 0.83811287 | 1.6108615 |
OSPCF5.OSTCP21.OSTCP5 | 0.28352830 | -0.193169282 | -2.30020175 | 3.5375787 | -1.0412777 | -1.359691017 | -1.81120044 | -0.4635384262 | -1.28297698 | 0.9851249 | ⋯ | -2.1186590 | -3.4654470 | 2.18150749 | 0.885491746 | 1.8634010 | 2.66437465 | -1.21279661 | 0.66885189 | -2.72001848 | -1.7249163 |
OSDREB1G.OSERF035.OSARF7.OSERF018.OSERF007... | -3.06333411 | -2.705595063 | 2.53297122 | -2.6111596 | 2.3228171 | 0.001142265 | -0.15591249 | 0.5474183308 | 0.68264787 | 0.4901331 | ⋯ | 1.4799065 | 1.8001250 | -1.50574242 | -1.398827232 | -3.1357094 | -3.13946573 | 3.29598139 | 3.17346216 | -2.52002731 | -1.3560995 |
OSSPL10 | -1.71760051 | -2.569321207 | 1.75381084 | 1.9808478 | -0.4312404 | -3.011570510 | -3.06712059 | 3.3195438174 | 3.74413627 | 3.5638141 | ⋯ | -0.3812606 | 1.2457183 | 2.08939665 | 2.073399810 | -2.1455132 | -1.60024755 | 2.29959760 | 0.02950445 | -4.68277944 | -4.1519410 |
OSHOX6.OSWOX8.OSHOX27 | -3.03490965 | -3.383388159 | -0.25191704 | -1.4822966 | 0.1539104 | 1.476001482 | 1.36202150 | -0.8232932598 | -0.84083632 | -1.0730108 | ⋯ | 1.9045177 | 1.4855859 | -1.23587678 | -0.001948446 | -1.7604704 | -1.22085895 | 2.33613163 | 1.19057096 | 0.01172795 | 1.7887176 |
SPW1.RAG.MFO1.OSMADS55.OSMADS47... | -3.74473005 | -3.632002314 | -0.60499810 | -3.4705656 | 0.5795229 | -1.150902453 | -0.96862209 | 0.0223327113 | -0.06702799 | 0.2442982 | ⋯ | -1.1810885 | -0.3886685 | -1.84920360 | -1.673609444 | 1.7098710 | 4.28665201 | 5.08301691 | -0.21290490 | 1.09170269 | -1.7378830 |
OSMYB1R1.LOC_OS05G37730.OSMYBS3 | -0.05544739 | 0.617341910 | 0.99423554 | 0.4040051 | 1.5561457 | -0.610156167 | -0.18807099 | 1.2773320270 | 1.29658285 | 0.2853807 | ⋯ | -0.5330069 | -0.3929779 | -0.62128900 | -1.769997817 | 0.3915312 | -0.63065008 | 0.36950037 | -0.13751059 | -0.09811881 | -0.2763111 |
EHD2.OSDOF16.OSDOF21.OSDOF7.OSMADS2 | 1.67736195 | 1.329282424 | -1.82821505 | 1.9281510 | -2.0236262 | -0.439577831 | -0.37788195 | -1.0954256614 | -0.92749766 | -1.2744817 | ⋯ | 1.2200221 | 0.2884176 | 2.13134116 | 1.932704174 | 2.3781292 | 1.20161477 | -2.92735298 | -2.17672179 | 0.16311807 | 0.3175815 |
OSE2F1 | 0.77327345 | 0.325581142 | 0.68967153 | -0.2112799 | -1.0658642 | 2.293437317 | 1.41640137 | -2.0937634373 | -1.78301757 | -2.5312563 | ⋯ | 1.8036983 | 1.0516836 | 0.81295613 | 0.911951095 | 1.7923290 | 1.49911624 | -1.84460259 | -0.78224950 | -0.15725044 | 0.1713545 |
OSGATA6.OSGATA28.OSGATA2.OSGATA7.OSGATA3... | 1.09409386 | -0.792913710 | -1.96554250 | 1.2340171 | -0.8987149 | -0.047514097 | -0.08887095 | -0.2504788887 | -0.08944652 | 0.3158579 | ⋯ | 1.1883064 | -0.3860344 | 0.55395705 | 0.837585494 | -1.9924906 | -0.18967743 | -0.52630500 | -1.58706888 | 1.43577455 | -0.3110270 |
OSTCP7.OSTCP6.OSTCP19.OSTCP17.PCF1... | 1.00535146 | -1.248990575 | 0.52203553 | -2.2534421 | 2.5951543 | -3.228670200 | -1.96621088 | -1.5544828557 | -0.51423404 | -1.5303730 | ⋯ | -3.1653262 | -4.2774855 | -0.21876838 | -1.217809126 | 4.1797387 | 2.57288107 | -1.64663092 | 1.57473419 | 2.62546247 | 4.6313778 |
OSHOX11.OSHOX17.DL | 1.40479056 | 0.728433359 | 0.20444625 | 1.1106895 | -1.6011388 | -2.714430463 | -2.61713472 | 0.6983380345 | 0.78981608 | 1.2212926 | ⋯ | 1.7519198 | 0.2500246 | 1.60110511 | 1.221368373 | -2.7812869 | -0.71902219 | 1.23741683 | -1.29733049 | -2.28137959 | -1.7010967 |
OSCBT.LOC_OS03G09100.LOC_OS07G43030.LOC_OS10G22950 | -0.41332567 | -0.578677170 | -0.24184343 | -0.7697487 | 1.4951110 | -0.178328628 | -0.19183371 | 0.1021339907 | 0.34609918 | -0.2977743 | ⋯ | 1.3823272 | 1.6827414 | -0.76746417 | -0.526893314 | 1.2944880 | 0.68412776 | -0.11082932 | 2.69030694 | 0.01345706 | -0.7056466 |
MADS63.OSMADS24.DEP.MADS14 | 1.30116052 | 0.692806585 | 0.34066174 | -1.0716221 | -0.6566346 | 0.719975801 | 1.23734058 | -1.3278943858 | -1.38707111 | -1.4394319 | ⋯ | -1.4414770 | -2.4588587 | -1.25167276 | -1.400339957 | 2.0139566 | 3.87189337 | 2.47643176 | -0.92373751 | 2.25606094 | 0.9759496 |
OSSPL9.OSSPL15.GW8.SPL6.WFP... | 0.33402703 | -0.002474019 | -0.11154909 | 1.5372909 | -0.4069566 | -0.943488228 | -1.10968865 | 3.0758538066 | 2.63703670 | 2.4000338 | ⋯ | 1.9448966 | 1.4461081 | 1.54558886 | 1.729839499 | -4.7291246 | -3.86968078 | 0.16645174 | 0.78443228 | -3.93166943 | -3.1505534 |
OSBZIP08.BZIP50.OSLG2.OSBZIP03.OSBZIP63... | -1.14597053 | -2.509298733 | -2.10035062 | -1.1072140 | 0.3950251 | -0.448258041 | -0.10928916 | 0.3281068477 | 0.72230601 | 0.2359297 | ⋯ | 0.6771072 | 2.6268135 | -0.55959940 | -0.137361843 | -0.4481356 | -0.69209447 | 1.98922977 | 0.60238884 | -1.32279133 | -0.3265279 |
OSZHD7 | -3.20333659 | -2.030059162 | 1.99192520 | -3.3622306 | -1.5468512 | 0.410229165 | 0.80767842 | -4.5521785091 | -4.08199188 | -4.0819919 | ⋯ | 4.9060708 | 4.5960128 | -0.42461219 | 0.033857239 | 0.7688426 | 1.80341590 | 3.37675175 | -0.84034472 | -0.61267206 | 0.6511621 |
LOC_OS08G33050.LOC_OS02G47190.LOC_OS01G08160.OSMYBC.OSKANADI4... | 0.88200297 | 0.067289692 | 0.42617587 | -0.2623315 | -0.4273818 | 0.853189917 | 0.69126637 | 0.8787743733 | 0.55584293 | 0.2449258 | ⋯ | 1.7854475 | 1.6649500 | -0.04446175 | -0.141394242 | -0.7294843 | -2.56692549 | -2.04657480 | 0.17832863 | -0.56314163 | -0.3368944 |
OSERF044.OSERF008.LOC_OS06G09717.OSERF011.OSERF049... | -0.13412349 | 0.552569021 | -0.01557689 | -1.7991527 | 1.4316346 | 1.508998431 | 1.63071908 | -0.0965769517 | -0.26060396 | -1.0603460 | ⋯ | -0.1529669 | -1.7920008 | -2.84092075 | -2.452280727 | 0.3258687 | 0.69963778 | -0.31250632 | 1.02028163 | 2.37093969 | 1.6805057 |
ROC8.T..ROC4.ROC7.T..ROC5.T. | 0.91583009 | -1.534094337 | 0.75429614 | -0.3565842 | 0.1556203 | -1.348815343 | -1.72902239 | -0.1197560144 | -0.38214585 | 0.1002826 | ⋯ | 1.1730987 | 0.6294062 | -0.28363963 | -1.497441553 | 1.2828239 | 1.42336776 | -0.02832301 | 1.14083202 | -0.10196114 | -1.4200758 |
PHR1.LOC_OS07G48596.LOC_OS01G08160.LOC_OS06G40710.OSMYBC... | -0.20470671 | -0.262954288 | 0.94210293 | 1.0090629 | -1.0663063 | -0.866673181 | -0.43544093 | -0.4513390614 | -0.27301894 | -0.5869105 | ⋯ | 1.4168838 | -1.4339118 | 1.67311145 | 2.045698568 | -1.3104017 | 0.44926620 | -0.14695066 | -1.39860527 | 0.75963535 | 1.3458452 |
OSHOX16.OSHOX4.OSHOX14.OSHOX20.OSHOX21... | 3.21995232 | 4.384398840 | -3.57635660 | 2.4189643 | -1.0384231 | -2.071435725 | -2.45521598 | -1.5012505568 | -1.39690440 | -0.3154339 | ⋯ | 2.1042018 | -1.2293532 | 1.48518408 | 1.784670031 | -3.7844225 | -1.24767073 | -1.06891033 | -0.88421110 | -1.10404203 | -0.1630412 |
VP1..OSLFL1 | 4.27748554 | 4.454431679 | -1.57749339 | 5.0830169 | -5.0830169 | -2.821030015 | -3.92864970 | -0.7552370968 | -1.22002210 | 1.6283352 | ⋯ | 1.5559358 | -2.1395951 | 5.08301691 | 5.083016914 | 0.8180333 | 2.45719658 | -3.81222015 | -5.08301691 | -3.05900805 | -4.9060708 |
LOC_OS06G04010.OSH1.LOC_OS10G02584 | 1.91918190 | 0.956924005 | 1.37933054 | 2.8409208 | -1.1985844 | -3.014577925 | -2.72622925 | 2.2184317187 | 0.93834169 | 2.9992037 | ⋯ | -1.9353700 | -0.7501255 | 4.17973871 | 4.375232374 | -2.0211927 | -0.37925142 | -1.76071973 | -2.38888497 | -2.10189420 | -2.5463891 |
ERF130.OSERF123.DERF3.OSERF101.OSERF079... | 0.61954023 | 0.839741042 | 1.68692938 | -3.3319733 | 1.2674287 | 1.967696123 | 2.65542660 | -0.6313982369 | -1.61325570 | -1.7612768 | ⋯ | -0.7347624 | 0.6224690 | -3.96136861 | -4.242120573 | 0.5223799 | 0.03345495 | 0.04850089 | 1.73566235 | 1.07954679 | 1.4209759 |
options(repr.plot.width = 15, repr.plot.height =25, repr.plot.res = 100)
blueYellow <- c("1"="#352A86","2"="#343DAE","3"="#0262E0","4"="#1389D2","5"="#2DB7A3","6"="#A5BE6A","7"="#F8BA43","8"="#F6DA23","9"="#F8FA0D")
solarExtra <- c("5"='#3361A5', "7"='#248AF3', "1"='#14B3FF', "8"='#88CEEF', "9"='#C1D5DC', "4"='#EAD397', "3"='#FDB31A',"2"= '#E42A2A', "6"='#A31D1D')
horizonExtra <- c("1"="#000436","4"="#021EA9","6"="#1632FB","8"="#6E34FC","3"="#C732D5","9"="#FD619D","7"="#FF9965","5"="#FFD32B","2"="#FFFC5A")
p5<- pheatmap(test,cellwidth=20,cellheight=15)
Warning message: “The input is a data frame, convert it to the matrix.”
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# options(warn=-1)
# args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
# motif <- args[1]
# save <- args[2]
plot_footprint <- function(motif, save){
cal_footprint <- function(gene_bed, coverage_bed, group_name) {
gene <- readBed(gene_bed)
coverage <- read.table(coverage_bed)
colnames(coverage) <- c("chr","start","end","coverage")
cov <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(coverage,keep.extra.columns=T)
mat1 = normalizeToMatrix(cov, gene, value_column = "coverage",
extend = 200, mean_mode = "w0", w = 1,smooth = TRUE,background = NA,trim=c(0.01, 0.01))
# group_name <- gsub(".bed","", basename(args[2]))
# gene_name <- gsub(".bed","",basename(args[1]))
quant_smo <- data.frame(x = c(1:length(colnames(mat1))), density=colMeans(mat1,na.rm=T),group=group_name)
a <- list(sprintf("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/TOBIAS/ATACorrect/panicle_correct/bindetect/%s/beds/%s_all.bed",motif,motif),
b <- list("/public/workspace202011/encode/zhutao/analysis/TOBIAS/ATACorrect/panicle_correct/NIP_YP4_final.bed",
c <- list("YP4","YP3","YP2","YP1")
res <- list()
res <- parallel::mcmapply(function(gene_bed, coverage_bed, group_name){
return(cal_footprint(gene_bed, coverage_bed, group_name))
}, gene_bed=a,coverage_bed=b,group_name=c,mc.cores=length(b))
tt <- data.frame(x=c(res[[1]],res[[4]],res[[7]],res[[10]]), density=c(res[[2]],res[[5]],res[[8]],res[[11]]), group=c(res[[3]], res[[6]],res[[9]],res[[12]]))
tt <- tt[tt$group==c("YP1","YP2","YP3","YP4"),]
options(repr.plot.width = 7, repr.plot.height = 6, repr.plot.res = 100)
p3 <- ggplot(tt, aes(x=x, y=density, color=group)) +
geom_line(size=0.5)+#+theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "grey50"))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("#ABD9E9","#74ADD1","#4575B4","#313695"))+scale_linetype_manual(values=c(rep("solid",5)))+
theme_pubr(base_size = 12,base_family = "", border = TRUE, margin = TRUE, legend = c("right"), x.text.angle = 0)+
geom_vline(xintercept = c(200-8,200+8), linetype="dashed", color = "#5C6068", size=0.5)+
coord_cartesian(expand = T, ylim = c(0, 1.2*quantile(tt$density, 0.999)))+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0,100,200,300,400),
labels=c("-200", "-100", "0","100","200"))+labs(x = "Distance to motif center (bp)", y = 'Tn5 bias-corrected normalized insertions')
#ggtitle(sprintf("%s_%s",unlist(strsplit(motif,"_"))[1],unlist(strsplit(motif,"_"))[2]))+theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
# plot_footprint(motif, save)