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Background : ESG investing is becoming one of the shiniest jewelry in the global equity market driven by rising demand for investments that foster sustainability. But what is ESG? Do investors really care about ESG? This paper wants to examine whether the ESG score can explain stock volatility and whether the ESG score is useful in stock prediction. We use visualization on correlation and time series to examine stock volatility and introduce a factor methodology to see if ESG help predicts the performance of S&P500 stocks. Methodology : We constructed ESG+ factor portfolio, which consists of ESG factors along with other common-used factors (Profitability, Leverage Ratio, etc.) which will be reduced too three factors by PCA analysis. Then, we applied linear regression, support vector regression, random forest, and gradient boosting on those factors to predict the future return of stocks in S&P 500. The result shows ESG factors, according to p-value in the linear regression model, are not significant in predicting except for S-score which is negative correlated with next quarter stock returns. In terms of the model performace, based on ESG+ factors, the linear regression perform the best in terms of mean square error while random forest performs best on stock portfolio construction. We conclude that it is important to find the balance point between over investing and lack of investing in ESG, and we give out advice to policy makers, corporations and investors in our discussion and conclusion session.
ESG scores are a set of metrics used to evaluate and quantify a company's performance in three key areas: Environmental, Social, and Governance. These scores are designed to help investors and stakeholders assess the sustainability and ethical impact of a company, as well as its long-term resilience and performance. ESG scores are increasingly being incorporated into asset management firms’ decision-making processes (such as Blackrock, JP. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.) as awareness grows about the importance of responsible and sustainable business practices.
The three components of ESG scores are:
ESG scores are calculated using a combination of publicly available information and proprietary research. Various organizations and rating agencies, such as Bloomberg, provide ESG scores, and their methodologies and weightings can differ. Bloomberg is a well-regarded provider of financial data, analytics, and research, and its ESG scores are considered reliable and credible. Bloomberg offers ESG data and analytics since 2016, which is now widely used by financial professionals.
ESG investing is on fire (Eccles and Stroehle, 2018). Over 3,000 institutional investors and service providers have formally endorsed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), thereby pledging to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) considerations into their investment analysis and decision-making procedures (Gullian et al., 2021). However, whether ESG has been priced in stocks are still under huge dispute.
The ESG investment performance literature highlights three primary perspectives:
!pip install plotly_express
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly_express as px
import plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import seaborn as sns
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: plotly_express in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (0.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.11 in c:\users\1020h\appdata\roaming\python\python39\site-packages (from plotly_express) (1.24.2) Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.20.0 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly_express) (1.4.4) Requirement already satisfied: plotly>=4.1.0 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly_express) (5.9.0) Requirement already satisfied: patsy>=0.5 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly_express) (0.5.2) Requirement already satisfied: statsmodels>=0.9.0 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly_express) (0.13.2) Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.18 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly_express) (1.9.1) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from pandas>=0.20.0->plotly_express) (2022.1) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from pandas>=0.20.0->plotly_express) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: six in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from patsy>=0.5->plotly_express) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: tenacity>=6.2.0 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from plotly>=4.1.0->plotly_express) (8.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=21.3 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from statsmodels>=0.9.0->plotly_express) (21.3) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 in d:\ana\lib\site-packages (from packaging>=21.3->statsmodels>=0.9.0->plotly_express) (3.0.9)
In this section, we use two main datasets to investigate those questions:
1) ESG_Disclosure_across_world - from Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative (SSE)
2) Industry - from Refinitiv
ESG_Disclosure_across_world = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [291, 290])
Industry = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [1])
We use ESG_Disclosure_across_world to track the progress of stock exchanges worldwide in establishing ESG guidance. Columns incldue:
# Combine descriptive information from the "STOCK EXCHANGE" and "ESG GUIDANCE" columns
ESG_Disclosure_across_world["Stock exchage & ESG guidance"] = ESG_Disclosure_across_world["STOCK EXCHANGE"] + ": " + ESG_Disclosure_across_world["ESG GUIDANCE"]
Market | continent | iso_alpha | STOCK EXCHANGE | Year | ESG GUIDANCE | Stock exchage & ESG guidance | |
0 | China | Asia | CHN | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | 2006 | Social Responsibility Instructions to Listed C... | Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Social Responsibility... |
1 | China | Asia | CHN | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | 2007 | Social Responsibility Instructions to Listed C... | Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Social Responsibility... |
2 | China | Asia | CHN | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | 2008 | Social Responsibility Instructions to Listed C... | Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Social Responsibility... |
3 | China | Asia | CHN | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | 2009 | Social Responsibility Instructions to Listed C... | Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Social Responsibility... |
4 | China | Asia | CHN | Shenzhen Stock Exchange | 2010 | Social Responsibility Instructions to Listed C... | Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Social Responsibility... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
284 | Netherlands | Europe | NLD | Euronext Amsterdam | 2022 | ESG Reporting Guide - Target 1.5°C | Euronext Amsterdam: ESG Reporting Guide - Targ... |
285 | Norway | Europe | NOR | Oslo Bors (Euronext) | 2022 | ESG Reporting Guide - Target 1.5°C | Oslo Bors (Euronext): ESG Reporting Guide - Ta... |
286 | Portugal | Europe | PRT | Euronext Lisbon | 2022 | ESG Reporting Guide - Target 1.5°C | Euronext Lisbon: ESG Reporting Guide - Target ... |
287 | Russian Federation | Asia | RUS | Moscow Exchange | 2022 | ESG Best Practice Guide (in Russian) | Moscow Exchange: ESG Best Practice Guide (in R... |
288 | UK | Europe | GBR | Euronext London | 2022 | ESG Reporting Guide - Target 1.5°C | Euronext London: ESG Reporting Guide - Target ... |
289 rows × 7 columns
We use Refinitiv to compare the market cap, ESG score, and correlation with Beta in different sectors in S&P 500. We generated a customized dataset in the Refinitiv workspace by selecting relevant columns and indicators. Columns incldue:
Company Name: This column provides the name of the company for which the ESG scores are being reported.
Sector: This column provides the sector in which the company operates.
Ticker Symbol: This column provides the stock ticker symbol of the company.
Ticker Symbol (Simplified): This column provides a simplified version of the stock ticker symbol of the company.
ESG Score (FY0): This column provides the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) score of the company for the current fiscal year (FY0).
YoY Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%): This column provides the year-over-year percentage change in the ESG score of the company for the current fiscal year (FY0).
ESG Score (FY-1): This column provides the ESG score of the company for the previous fiscal year (FY-1).
ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0): This column provides the date when the ESG score of the company for the current fiscal year (FY0) was last updated.
Market Cap: This column provides the market capitalization of the company.
Beta: This column provides the beta coefficient of the company's stock, which measures the volatility of the stock in relation to the overall market.
Is S&P500: This column provides a binary indicator of whether the company is a constituent of the S&P 500 index (True if yes, False if no).
(Reference: ,
# Rename columns
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"ESG Score\n(FY0)\n(Σ=Avg)": "ESG Score (FY0)"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"ESG Period Last Update Date\n(FY0)": "ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0)"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"ESG Score\n(FY-1)\n(Σ=Avg)": "ESG Score (FY-1)"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"Original Announcement Date Time\n(FY0)": "Latest Financial Statement Announcement Time (FY0)"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"Ticker Symbol": "Ticker Symbol (Simplified)"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"Identifier (RIC)": "Ticker Symbol"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"TRBC Economic Sector Name": "Sector"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"Market Cap\n(Σ=Avg)": "Market Cap"})
Industry = Industry.rename(columns={"Beta\n(Σ=Avg)": "Beta"})
# Get rid of the rating alphabet letters and only keep the numeral score
Industry['ESG Score (FY0)'] = Industry['ESG Score (FY0)'].str.extract('(\d+\.\d+)').astype(float)
Industry['ESG Score (FY-1)'] = Industry['ESG Score (FY-1)'].str.extract('(\d+\.\d+)').astype(float)
# Make the data in the 'Market Cap' column become numeric and get rid of the ","
Industry['Market Cap'] = pd.to_numeric(Industry['Market Cap'].str.replace(',', ''))
# Remove the given Yoy change with only two decimal and calculate it to get the accurate value
Industry['Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%)'] = ((Industry['ESG Score (FY0)']/Industry['ESG Score (FY-1)'])-1)*100
Industry = Industry.drop("YoY % Chg in\nESG Score\n(FY0)\n(Σ=Avg)", axis=1)
# Reorder columns
new_column_order = ["Company Name", "Sector", "Ticker Symbol", "Ticker Symbol (Simplified)", "ESG Score (FY0)", "Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%)","ESG Score (FY-1)","ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0)", "Market Cap", "Beta"]
Industry = Industry[new_column_order]
# Drop the rows that contain NA in the ESG Score (FY0) - Latest ESG Score column
Industry = Industry.dropna(subset=['ESG Score (FY0)'])
# Insert the list of S&P 500 company
list_of_SP500 = pd.read_csv("")
list_of_SP500 = list_of_SP500.rename(columns={"Symbol": "Ticker Symbol (Simplified)"})
# Merge and only contain the data of S&P 500 company
merged_data_Industry = pd.merge(Industry, list_of_SP500, on='Ticker Symbol (Simplified)', how='left')
merged_data_Industry['Is S&P500'] = merged_data_Industry['Ticker Symbol (Simplified)'].isin(list_of_SP500['Ticker Symbol (Simplified)'])
Industry_SP500 = merged_data_Industry.loc[merged_data_Industry['Is S&P500'] == True]
# Reorder columns
Industry_SP500 = Industry_SP500[["Company Name", "Sector", "Ticker Symbol", "Ticker Symbol (Simplified)", "ESG Score (FY0)", "Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%)","ESG Score (FY-1)","ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0)", "Market Cap", "Beta", "Is S&P500"]]
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
0 | Baker Hughes Co | Energy | BKR.OQ | BKR | 92.13 | 8.311780 | 85.06 | 29/03/2023 | 2.884841e+10 | 1.47 | True |
1 | Chevron Corp | Energy | CVX.N | CVX | 86.20 | 2.999164 | 83.69 | 29/03/2023 | 3.196539e+11 | 1.15 | True |
2 | Kinder Morgan Inc | Energy | KMI.N | KMI | 85.90 | -1.614935 | 87.31 | 29/03/2023 | 3.981249e+10 | 0.92 | True |
3 | Halliburton Co | Energy | HAL.N | HAL | 85.78 | -4.284758 | 89.62 | 29/03/2023 | 2.953318e+10 | 2.12 | True |
4 | Schlumberger NV | Energy | SLB.N | SLB | 85.47 | 5.206795 | 81.24 | 29/03/2023 | 7.046975e+10 | 1.78 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3099 | Camden Property Trust | Real Estate | CPT.N | CPT | 62.87 | -7.666324 | 68.09 | 29/03/2023 | 1.115660e+10 | 0.80 | True |
3104 | Equity Residential | Real Estate | EQR.N | EQR | 61.69 | 2.526176 | 60.17 | 09/03/2023 | 2.276917e+10 | 0.83 | True |
3113 | VICI Properties Inc | Real Estate | VICI.N | VICI | 56.91 | -3.981778 | 59.27 | 29/03/2023 | 3.245590e+10 | 0.96 | True |
3116 | Invitation Homes Inc | Real Estate | INVH.N | INVH | 54.85 | 21.081678 | 45.30 | 29/03/2023 | 1.926749e+10 | 0.90 | True |
3185 | Extra Space Storage Inc | Real Estate | EXR.N | EXR | 33.06 | -3.727432 | 34.34 | 29/03/2023 | 2.197784e+10 | 0.56 | True |
475 rows × 11 columns
Globally, there has been an upward tendency in the development of ESG recommendations in the stock market. With a number of important exchanges and regulatory organisations actively encouraging ESG integration in investment decisions and disclosures (such as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ), the American market in particular has been a prominent driver of this movement.
Additionally, the US has a rather well-developed legislative structure for ESG reporting, with businesses receiving advice from groups like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
We concentrate on the US stock market for various reasons:
1) Publicly listed firms are required to publish certain ESG-related information in their annual reports by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), such as climate risks, human capital management, and board diversity. Researchers will now find it simpler to acquire and examine ESG data for US-listed corporations.
2) The US market is the biggest in the world, according to the World Federation of Exchanges (2021), with a total market capitalization of more than $47 trillion as of 2020. It comprises a major share of the world's investment opportunities and has the potential to significantly affect both the environment and the global economy.
3) According to MSCI (2017), the US market is home to a number of sizable multinational enterprises that operate in a variety of industries, giving researchers a diversified group of businesses to examine from an ESG standpoint.
4) The S&P 500 is under intense scrutiny from authorities and investors, therefore businesses listed on the index are more likely to be open and responsible with their ESG reporting.
fig = px.scatter_geo(ESG_Disclosure_across_world, locations="iso_alpha",
hover_name="Stock exchage & ESG guidance",
text = "Market",
scope = "world",
animation_frame = "Year",
projection="natural earth",
title='Progression of Establishing ESG Guidance across World')
da = ESG_Disclosure_across_world.query("Year == 2022")
fig = px.scatter_geo(da, locations="iso_alpha",
hover_name="Stock exchage & ESG guidance",
color = "continent",
text = "Market",
scope = "world",
animation_frame = "Year",
title='Progression of Establishing ESG Guidance till 2022')
fig = px.treemap(Industry_SP500, path=[px.Constant("S&P 500"), 'Sector', 'Company Name'], values='Market Cap',
color='Market Cap', hover_data=['Ticker Symbol'],
fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=50, l=25, r=25, b=25), title = "Market Cap Treemap of S&P 500")
fig = px.treemap(Industry_SP500, path=[px.Constant("S&P 500"), 'Sector', 'Company Name'], values='ESG Score (FY0)',
color='ESG Score (FY0)', hover_data=['Ticker Symbol'],
fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=50, l=25, r=25, b=25), title = "ESG Score Treemap of S&P 500")
# Compute the average ESG Score by Sector
sector_scores_SP500only = Industry_SP500.groupby('Sector')['ESG Score (FY0)'].mean()
# Compute the average Market Cap by Sector
sector_market_cap_SP500only = Industry_SP500.groupby('Sector')['Market Cap'].mean()
# Combine into one Dataframe
combined_data = pd.concat([sector_scores_SP500only, sector_market_cap_SP500only], axis=1)
combined_data.columns = ['Average ESG Score across sectors (S&P 500 only)', "Total Market Cap (S&P 500 only)"]
combined_data = combined_data.sort_values("Average ESG Score across sectors (S&P 500 only)", ascending=True)
# Convert to a list in order to visualize it
sector= combined_data.index.tolist()
sc = combined_data['Average ESG Score across sectors (S&P 500 only)'].tolist()
cap= combined_data['Total Market Cap (S&P 500 only)'].tolist()
# Create 2 Plot
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, specs=[[{}, {}]], shared_xaxes=True,
shared_yaxes=False, vertical_spacing=0.001)
# Create Bar Plot on the left
color='rgba(50, 171, 96, 0.6)',
color='rgba(50, 171, 96, 1.0)',
name='Average ESG Score for Each Sectors',
), 1, 1)
# Create Scatter Plot on the right
x=cap, y=sector,
line_color='rgb(116, 116, 212)',
name='Market Cap for Each Sectors',
), 1, 2)
# Adjusting graph layout
title='Average ESG Score and Total Market Cap for Each Sector within S&P 500',
domain=[0, 0.85],
linecolor='rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.8)',
domain=[0, 0.85],
domain=[0, 0.42],
domain=[0.47, 1],
legend=dict(x=0.029, y=1.038, font_size=10),
margin=dict(l=100, r=20, t=70, b=70),
paper_bgcolor='rgb(248, 248, 255)',
plot_bgcolor='rgb(248, 248, 255)',
annotations = []
y_s = np.round(sc, decimals=2)
ccap = [float(s) / 1000000000 for s in cap]
y_nw = np.rint(ccap)
# Adding labels
for ydn, yd, xd in zip(y_nw, y_s, sector):
annotations.append(dict(xref='x2', yref='y2',
y=xd, x=ydn,
text='{:,}'.format(ydn) + 'B',
font=dict(family='Arial', size=12,
color='rgb(116, 116, 212)'),
annotations.append(dict(xref='x1', yref='y1',
y=xd, x=yd + 10,
font=dict(family='Arial', size=12,
color='rgb(50, 171, 96)'),
Industrials have an average ESG score of 63.9, while Consumer Non-Cyclicals have an average ESG score of 75.2. Consumer Non-Cyclicals has the highest average ESG score, followed by Healthcare and Real Estate. Industrials have the lowest average ESG score, followed by Consumer Cyclicals and Financials.
Each sector in the S&P 500 has a different market value, ranging from 2.67 trillion for basic materials to 157.72 trillion for technology. The market capitalization of the sectors Healthcare, Consumer Non-Cyclicals, and Technology are in that order, with Basic Materials having the lowest market capitalization.
Some sectors often have higher ESG scores than others when comparing the average ESG scores across the various sectors. This demonstrates the need to take ESG aspects into account when investing in various areas of the economy.
In the following part, we will further investigate how the ESG score determines the volatility/Beta.
Beta is a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or portfolio in comparison to the overall market. It is a statistical indicator that assesses how an asset's price has changed in relation to a benchmark's performance, such as the S&P 500 index. When the asset's beta is 1, it moves in lockstep with the market; when it is larger than 1, it is more volatile than the market. The asset is less volatile than the market if the beta value is smaller than 1.
Investors frequently use beta in the financial market to judge an investment's risk in relation to the market as a whole. larger beta assets often offer a larger potential for returns but also carry a higher level of risk because they are more vulnerable to market volatility. In contrast, smaller beta assets offer lower potential returns but also lower levels of risk and volatility.
Overall, we expect to see a mixed relationship between ESG scores and Beta across different sectors. Some sectors may show a positive correlation, while others may show a negative correlation or no correlation at all.
fig = px.scatter(Industry_SP500, x="ESG Score (FY0)", y="Beta", facet_col_wrap=5, facet_col="Sector", color= "Sector",
width = 1050, trendline= "ols")
fig.update_layout(title='Relationship between Beta and ESG Score across Sectors', showlegend=False)
# Separate the dataset by sector
Energy = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Energy"]
Basic_Materials = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Basic Materials"]
Industrials = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Industrials"]
Consumer_Cyclicals = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Consumer Cyclicals"]
Consumer_Non_Cyclicals = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Consumer Non-Cyclicals"]
Financials = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Financials"]
Healthcare = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Healthcare"]
Technology = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Technology"]
Utilities = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Utilities"]
Real_Estate = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Real Estate"]
# Get the Beta and rename the columns for each industry
Corr_Energy = Energy[["Beta", "ESG Score (FY0)"]]
Corr_Energy = Corr_Energy.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Energy"})
Corr_Basic_Materials = Basic_Materials[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Basic_Materials = Corr_Basic_Materials.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Basic Materials"})
Corr_Industrials = Industrials[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Industrials = Corr_Industrials.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Industrials"})
Corr_Consumer_Cyclicals = Consumer_Cyclicals[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Consumer_Cyclicals = Corr_Consumer_Cyclicals.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Consumer Cyclicals"})
Corr_Consumer_Non_Cyclicals = Consumer_Non_Cyclicals[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Consumer_Non_Cyclicals = Corr_Consumer_Non_Cyclicals.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Consumer Non Cyclicals"})
Corr_Financials = Financials[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Financials = Corr_Financials.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Financials"})
Corr_Healthcare = Healthcare[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Healthcare = Corr_Healthcare.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Healthcare"})
Corr_Technology = Technology[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Technology = Corr_Technology.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Technology"})
Corr_Utilities = Utilities[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Utilities = Corr_Utilities.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Utilities"})
Corr_Real_Estate = Real_Estate[["ESG Score (FY0)", "Beta"]]
Corr_Real_Estate = Corr_Real_Estate.rename(columns={"ESG Score (FY0)": "ESG Score in Real_Estate"})
# Merge all the correlations in different sector
Corr = pd.merge(Corr_Energy, Corr_Basic_Materials, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Industrials, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Consumer_Cyclicals, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Consumer_Non_Cyclicals, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Financials, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Healthcare, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Technology, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Utilities, how="outer")
Corr = pd.merge(Corr, Corr_Real_Estate, how="outer")
# Covert the Dataframe into correlation matrix
Corr = Corr.corr()
# Visualization
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.heatmap(Corr, vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, cmap='BrBG',
annot_kws={'fontsize':7, 'fontweight':'bold'},
plt.title('Correlation between ESG core and Beta across Sectors')
There is a positive correlation between ESG Score and Beta in the Financials and Real Estate sectors, with correlation coefficients of 0.45 and 0.5 on the correlation matrix, and r squared is 0.21 and 0.20 respectively, which means 21% / 20% of the variations of Beta (Y) is explained by the variations of Financials ESG Score / Real Estate ESG Score (X), respectively.This suggests that companies in these sectors with higher ESG scores tend to have higher betas, which means they are more sensitive to market fluctuations.
On the other hand, there is a negative correlation between ESG Score and Beta in the Healthcare sector, with a correlation coefficient of -0.27 and r squared is 0.15, which means 15% of the variations of Beta (Y) is explained by the variations of Healthcare ESG Score (X), respectively. This suggests that companies in this sector with higher ESG scores tend to have lower betas, which means they are less sensitive to market fluctuations. This negative correlation may be due to the fact that companies in the healthcare sector tend to be less cyclical and less affected by economic changes, which could result in lower volatility.
In the financial and real estate industries, there is a positive association between ESG Score and Beta, however in the healthcare industry, there is a negative correlation.
To further investigate the relationship between market volatility and changes in ESG scores. To further evaluate the relationship, we will choose the top three and bottom three ESG score companies in these three industries. We anticipated that the time-series graph would highlight the association between stock volatility and the ESG Score. Additionally, the stock trend will change during the ESG score change period.
Financials = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Financials"]
Financials = Financials.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=False)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
1265 | Citigroup Inc | Financials | C.N | C | 87.25 | -1.867057 | 88.91 | 31/03/2023 | 8.926487e+10 | 1.56 | True |
1266 | Goldman Sachs Group Inc | Financials | GS.N | GS | 84.44 | -2.987132 | 87.04 | 31/03/2023 | 1.076154e+11 | 1.40 | True |
1267 | JPMorgan Chase & Co | Financials | JPM.N | JPM | 83.09 | -1.981833 | 84.77 | 29/03/2023 | 3.736733e+11 | 1.08 | True |
Financials = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Financials"]
Financials = Financials.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=True)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
1564 | Brown & Brown Inc | Financials | BRO.N | BRO | 36.28 | 14.088050 | 31.80 | 29/03/2023 | 1.681318e+10 | 0.74 | True |
1457 | Loews Corp | Financials | L.N | L | 44.06 | 4.929745 | 41.99 | 29/03/2023 | 1.301680e+10 | 0.83 | True |
1430 | First Republic Bank | Financials | FRC.N | FRC | 46.86 | 3.741421 | 45.17 | 09/03/2023 | 2.566443e+09 | 1.01 | True |
1 - read the csv file
2 - Change the data in "Date" into datetime format
3 - Rename the column
4 - Merge all
5 - Separate into "high score dataframe" and "low score dataframe"
C = pd.read_csv("")
C['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(C['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
C = C.set_index(C['Date'])
C = C[['Close']]
C = C.rename(columns={"Close": "Citigroup"})
GS = pd.read_csv("")
GS['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(GS['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
GS = GS.set_index(GS['Date'])
GS = GS[['Close']]
GS = GS.rename(columns={"Close": "Goldman Sachs Group"})
JPM = pd.read_csv("")
JPM['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(JPM['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
JPM = JPM.set_index(JPM['Date'])
JPM = JPM[['Close']]
JPM = JPM.rename(columns={"Close": "JPMorgan Chase & Co"})
BRO = pd.read_csv("")
BRO['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(BRO['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
BRO = BRO.set_index(BRO['Date'])
BRO = BRO[['Close']]
BRO = BRO.rename(columns={"Close": "Brown & Brown"})
L = pd.read_csv("")
L['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(L['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
L = L.set_index(L['Date'])
L = L[['Close']]
L = L.rename(columns={"Close": "Loews Corp"})
FRC = pd.read_csv("")
FRC['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(FRC['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
FRC = FRC.set_index(FRC['Date'])
FRC = FRC[['Close']]
FRC = FRC.rename(columns={"Close": "First Republic Bank"})
merged_df = pd.merge(C, GS, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, JPM, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, BRO, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, L, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, FRC, left_index=True, right_index=True)
high_score_df = merged_df[["Citigroup", "Goldman Sachs Group", "JPMorgan Chase & Co"]]
low_score_df = merged_df[["Brown & Brown", "Loews Corp", "First Republic Bank"]]
1 - read the csv file
2 - Set index
3 - Make the "period end date" and "esg score" into list
(The purpose of this to create a for loop, and then generate many vertical time lines describing the change in ESG grading during the visualization process)
C_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
C_score = C_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
C_period_end_date = C_score.iloc[0].tolist()
C_esg_scores = C_score.iloc[7].tolist()
GS_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
GS_score = GS_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
GS_period_end_date = GS_score.iloc[0].tolist()
GS_esg_scores = GS_score.iloc[7].tolist()
JPM_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
JPM_score = JPM_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
JPM_period_end_date = JPM_score.iloc[0].tolist()
JPM_esg_scores = JPM_score.iloc[7].tolist()
BRO_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
BRO_score = BRO_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
BRO_period_end_date = BRO_score.iloc[0].tolist()
BRO_esg_scores = BRO_score.iloc[7].tolist()
L_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
L_score = L_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
L_period_end_date = L_score.iloc[0].tolist()
L_esg_scores = L_score.iloc[7].tolist()
FRC_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
FRC_score = FRC_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
FRC_period_end_date = FRC_score.iloc[0].tolist()
FRC_esg_scores = FRC_score.iloc[7].tolist()
def color_score(x):
if x == "D-":
return "#FF0000"
elif x == "D":
return "#FF1100"
elif x == "D+":
return "#FF3300"
elif x == "C-":
return "#FF6600"
elif x == "C":
return "#FF9900"
elif x == "C+":
return "#FFCC00"
elif x == "B-":
return "#FFFF00"
elif x == "B":
return "#CCFF00"
elif x == "B+":
return "#99FF00"
elif x == "A-":
return "#66FF00"
elif x == "A":
return "#33FF00"
elif x == "A+":
return "#00FF00"
return "#77FF00"
1 - Create time-series plots (One plot for Top 3 and one plot for Bottom 3)
2 - Create for loop for the top 3/bottom 3 companies and generate many vertical timelines per year. It is used to describe the change in ESG grading
3 - Insert the color based on their ESG grading
4 - Insert the Beta for each company
5 - Set title, color for each time-series, range, etc...
fig = px.line(high_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#eb663b", "#511cfb", "#00a08b"], range_y=[0,450])
for i in range(len(C_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = C_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=C_period_end_date[i], x1=C_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=C_period_end_date[0], x1=C_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 1.56", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(GS_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = GS_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=GS_period_end_date[i], x1=GS_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=GS_period_end_date[0], x1=GS_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 1.40", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(JPM_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = JPM_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=JPM_period_end_date[i], x1=JPM_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=JPM_period_end_date[0], x1=JPM_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 1.08", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Highest ESG Score Financial Companies in S&P500',
height=400,legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
fig = px.line(low_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#b2828d", "#6c7c32", "#778aae"], range_y=[0,450])
for i in range(len(BRO_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = BRO_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=BRO_period_end_date[i], x1=BRO_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=BRO_period_end_date[0], x1=BRO_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 0.74", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(L_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = L_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=L_period_end_date[i], x1=L_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=L_period_end_date[0], x1=L_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 0.83", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(FRC_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = FRC_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=FRC_period_end_date[i], x1=FRC_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=FRC_period_end_date[0], x1=FRC_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 1.01", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Lowest ESG Score Financial Companies in S&P500',
height=400, legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
We observe that The top 3 ESG rating Financial companies generally have a larger Beta, and they have more volatility and growth potential compared to the bottom 3 ESG rating Financial companies. In contrast, the bottom 3 ESG rating Financial companies generally have a less Beta and less growth potential. One thing to notice is that although the First Republic Bank seems to have a great return before 2022, the ESG rating does reflect its weakness in risk management practices: "First Republic Bank’s wealthy depositors have been moving their money to larger institutions seen as less likely to go under. The bank’s depositors have withdrawn roughly $70 billion since SBV’s collapse earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported. " This also proves that companies with higher ESG Scores are more likely to be well-governed and have better risk management practices.
Real_Estate = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Real Estate"]
Real_Estate = Real_Estate.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=False)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
3038 | Healthpeak Properties Inc | Real Estate | PEAK.N | PEAK | 88.59 | -1.325462 | 89.78 | 31/03/2023 | 1.172752e+10 | 0.88 | True |
3039 | CBRE Group Inc | Real Estate | CBRE.N | CBRE | 85.53 | -0.650482 | 86.09 | 29/03/2023 | 2.185135e+10 | 1.36 | True |
3040 | Realty Income Corp | Real Estate | O.N | O | 85.43 | 10.118587 | 77.58 | 09/03/2023 | 4.132990e+10 | 0.80 | True |
Real_Estate = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Real Estate"]
Real_Estate = Real_Estate.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=True)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
3185 | Extra Space Storage Inc | Real Estate | EXR.N | EXR | 33.06 | -3.727432 | 34.34 | 29/03/2023 | 2.197784e+10 | 0.56 | True |
3116 | Invitation Homes Inc | Real Estate | INVH.N | INVH | 54.85 | 21.081678 | 45.30 | 29/03/2023 | 1.926749e+10 | 0.90 | True |
3113 | VICI Properties Inc | Real Estate | VICI.N | VICI | 56.91 | -3.981778 | 59.27 | 29/03/2023 | 3.245590e+10 | 0.96 | True |
1 - read the csv file
2 - Change the data in "Date" into datetime format
3 - Rename the column
4 - Merge all
5 - Separate into "high score dataframe" and "low score dataframe"
PEAK = pd.read_csv("")
PEAK['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(PEAK['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
PEAK = PEAK.set_index(PEAK['Date'])
PEAK = PEAK[['Close']]
PEAK = PEAK.rename(columns={"Close": "Healthpeak Properties"})
CBRE = pd.read_csv("")
CBRE['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(CBRE['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
CBRE = CBRE.set_index(CBRE['Date'])
CBRE = CBRE[['Close']]
CBRE = CBRE.rename(columns={"Close": "CBRE Group"})
O = pd.read_csv("")
O['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(O['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
O = O.set_index(O['Date'])
O = O[['Close']]
O = O.rename(columns={"Close": "Realty Income Corp"})
EXR = pd.read_csv("")
EXR['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(EXR['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
EXR = EXR.set_index(EXR['Date'])
EXR = EXR[['Close']]
EXR = EXR.rename(columns={"Close": "Extra Space Storage"})
INVH = pd.read_csv("")
INVH['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(INVH['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
INVH = INVH.set_index(INVH['Date'])
INVH = INVH[['Close']]
INVH = INVH.rename(columns={"Close": "Invitation Homes"})
VICI = pd.read_csv("")
VICI['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(VICI['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
VICI = VICI.set_index(VICI['Date'])
VICI = VICI[['Close']]
VICI = VICI.rename(columns={"Close": "VICI Properties"})
high_score_df = pd.merge(PEAK, CBRE, how="outer", left_on="Date", right_on = "Date")
high_score_df = pd.merge(high_score_df, O, how="outer", left_on="Date", right_on = "Date")
low_score_df = pd.merge(EXR, INVH, how="outer", left_on="Date", right_on = "Date")
low_score_df = pd.merge(low_score_df, VICI, how="outer", left_on="Date", right_on = "Date")
1 - read the csv file
2 - Set index
3 - Make the "period end date" and "esg score" into list
(The purpose of this to create a for loop, and then generate many vertical time lines describing the change in ESG grading during the visualization process)
PEAK_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
PEAK_score = PEAK_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
PEAK_period_end_date = PEAK_score.iloc[0].tolist()
PEAK_esg_scores = PEAK_score.iloc[7].tolist()
CBRE_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
CBRE_score = CBRE_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
CBRE_period_end_date = CBRE_score.iloc[0].tolist()
CBRE_esg_scores = CBRE_score.iloc[7].tolist()
O_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
O_score = O_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
O_period_end_date = O_score.iloc[0].tolist()
O_esg_scores = O_score.iloc[7].tolist()
EXR_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
EXR_score = EXR_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
EXR_period_end_date = EXR_score.iloc[0].tolist()
EXR_esg_scores = EXR_score.iloc[7].tolist()
INVH_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
INVH_score = INVH_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
INVH_period_end_date = INVH_score.iloc[0].tolist()
INVH_esg_scores = INVH_score.iloc[7].tolist()
VICI_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
VICI_score = VICI_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
VICI_period_end_date = VICI_score.iloc[0].tolist()
VICI_esg_scores = VICI_score.iloc[7].tolist()
1 - Create time-series plots (One plot for Top 3 and one plot for Bottom 3)
2 - Create for loop for the top 3/bottom 3 companies and generate many vertical timelines per year. It is used to describe the change in ESG grading
3 - Insert the color based on their ESG grading
4 - Insert the Beta for each company
5 - Set title, color for each time-series, range, etc...
fig = px.line(high_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#2e91e5", "#e15f99", "#1ca71c"], range_y=[0,250])
for i in range(len(PEAK_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = PEAK_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=PEAK_period_end_date[i], x1=PEAK_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=PEAK_period_end_date[0], x1=PEAK_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 0.88", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(CBRE_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = CBRE_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=CBRE_period_end_date[i], x1=CBRE_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=CBRE_period_end_date[0], x1=CBRE_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 1.36", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(O_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = O_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=O_period_end_date[i], x1=O_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=O_period_end_date[0], x1=O_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 0.80", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Highest ESG Score Real Estate Companies in S&P500',
height=400,legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
fig = px.line(low_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#fb0d0d", "#da16ff", "#750d86"], range_y=[0,250])
for i in range(len(EXR_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = EXR_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=EXR_period_end_date[i], x1=EXR_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=EXR_period_end_date[0], x1=EXR_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 0.56", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(INVH_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = INVH_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=INVH_period_end_date[i], x1=INVH_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=INVH_period_end_date[0], x1=INVH_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 0.90", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(VICI_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = VICI_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=VICI_period_end_date[i], x1=VICI_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=VICI_period_end_date[0], x1=VICI_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 0.96", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Lowest ESG Score Real Estate Companies in S&P500',
height=400, legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
We observe that there are no differences in the top 3 and bottom 3 ESG rating Real Estate companies in terms of stock volatility and beta. It is different from what we expected to see and the reference paper.
Healthcare_Sector = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Healthcare"]
Healthcare_Sector_high = Healthcare_Sector.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=False)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
1784 | Johnson & Johnson | Healthcare | JNJ.N | JNJ | 92.20 | 6.824238 | 86.31 | 31/03/2023 | 4.291241e+11 | 0.53 | True |
1785 | CVS Health Corp | Healthcare | CVS.N | CVS | 88.89 | 1.414718 | 87.65 | 29/03/2023 | 9.957002e+10 | 0.60 | True |
1786 | Agilent Technologies Inc | Healthcare | A.N | A | 88.74 | 1.533181 | 87.40 | 09/03/2023 | 4.081573e+10 | 1.03 | True |
Healthcare_Sector = Industry_SP500.loc[Industry_SP500["Sector"] == "Healthcare"]
Healthcare_Sector_high = Healthcare_Sector.sort_values("ESG Score (FY0)", ascending=True)
Company Name | Sector | Ticker Symbol | Ticker Symbol (Simplified) | ESG Score (FY0) | Yoy Change in ESG Score in FY0 (%) | ESG Score (FY-1) | ESG Score Latest Update Date (FY0) | Market Cap | Beta | Is S&P500 | |
1935 | Universal Health Services Inc | Healthcare | UHS.N | UHS | 45.53 | 30.533257 | 34.88 | 31/03/2023 | 8.972948e+09 | 1.25 | True |
1916 | Dexcom Inc | Healthcare | DXCM.OQ | DXCM | 47.81 | 8.634401 | 44.01 | 29/03/2023 | 4.359738e+10 | 1.16 | True |
1899 | Bio Rad Laboratories Inc | Healthcare | BIO.N | BIO | 51.78 | 6.171827 | 48.77 | 29/03/2023 | 1.378785e+10 | 0.91 | True |
1 - read the csv file
2 - Change the data in "Date" into datetime format
3 - Rename the column
4 - Merge all
5 - Separate into "high score dataframe" and "low score dataframe"
JNJ = pd.read_csv("")
JNJ['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(JNJ['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
JNJ = JNJ.set_index(JNJ['Date'])
JNJ = JNJ[['Close']]
JNJ = JNJ.rename(columns={"Close": "Johnson & Johnson"})
CVS = pd.read_csv("")
CVS['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(CVS['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
CVS = CVS.set_index(CVS['Date'])
CVS = CVS[['Close']]
CVS = CVS.rename(columns={"Close": "CVS Health Corp"})
A = pd.read_csv("")
A['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(A['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
A = A.set_index(A['Date'])
A = A[['Close']]
A = A.rename(columns={"Close": "Agilent Technologies"})
UHS = pd.read_csv("")
UHS['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(UHS['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
UHS = UHS.set_index(UHS['Date'])
UHS = UHS[['Close']]
UHS = UHS.rename(columns={"Close": "Universal Health Services Inc"})
DXCM = pd.read_csv("")
DXCM['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(DXCM['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
DXCM = DXCM.set_index(DXCM['Date'])
DXCM = DXCM[['Close']]
DXCM = DXCM.rename(columns={"Close": "Dexcom Inc"})
BIO = pd.read_csv("")
BIO['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(BIO['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
BIO = BIO.set_index(BIO['Date'])
BIO = BIO[['Close']]
BIO = BIO.rename(columns={"Close": "Bio Rad Laboratories Inc"})
merged_df = pd.merge(JNJ, CVS, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, A, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, UHS, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, DXCM, left_index=True, right_index=True)
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, BIO, left_index=True, right_index=True)
high_score_df = merged_df[["Johnson & Johnson", "CVS Health Corp", "Agilent Technologies"]]
low_score_df = merged_df[["Universal Health Services Inc", "Dexcom Inc", "Bio Rad Laboratories Inc"]]
1 - read the csv file
2 - Set index
3 - Make the "period end date" and "esg score" into list
(The purpose of this to create a for loop, and then generate many vertical time lines describing the change in ESG grading during the visualization process)
JNJ_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
JNJ_score = JNJ_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
JNJ_period_end_date = JNJ_score.iloc[0].tolist()
JNJ_esg_scores = JNJ_score.iloc[7].tolist()
CVS_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
CVS_score = CVS_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
CVS_period_end_date = CVS_score.iloc[0].tolist()
CVS_esg_scores = CVS_score.iloc[7].tolist()
A_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
A_score = A_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
A_period_end_date = A_score.iloc[0].tolist()
A_esg_scores = A_score.iloc[7].tolist()
UHS_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
UHS_score = UHS_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
UHS_period_end_date = UHS_score.iloc[0].tolist()
UHS_esg_scores = UHS_score.iloc[7].tolist()
DXCM_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
DXCM_score = DXCM_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
DXCM_period_end_date = DXCM_score.iloc[0].tolist()
DXCM_esg_scores = DXCM_score.iloc[7].tolist()
BIO_score = pd.read_csv("", skiprows = [0,1])
BIO_score = BIO_score.set_index('Unnamed: 0', inplace=False)
BIO_period_end_date = BIO_score.iloc[0].tolist()
BIO_esg_scores = BIO_score.iloc[7].tolist()
1 - Create time-series plots (One plot for Top 3 and one plot for Bottom 3)
2 - Create for loop for the top 3/bottom 3 companies and generate many vertical timelines per year. It is used to describe the change in ESG grading
3 - Insert the color based on their ESG grading
4 - Insert the Beta for each company
5 - Set title, color for each time-series, range, etc...
fig = px.line(high_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#862a16", "#a777f1", "#620042"], range_y=[0,900])
for i in range(len(JNJ_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = JNJ_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=JNJ_period_end_date[i], x1=JNJ_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=JNJ_period_end_date[0], x1=JNJ_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 0.53", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(CVS_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = CVS_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=CVS_period_end_date[i], x1=CVS_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=CVS_period_end_date[0], x1=CVS_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 0.60", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(A_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = A_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=A_period_end_date[i], x1=A_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=A_period_end_date[0], x1=A_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 1.03", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Highest ESG Score Healthcare Companies in S&P500',
height=400,legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
fig = px.line(low_score_df, facet_col="variable", facet_col_wrap=3, labels=dict(value="Stock Price", variable="Company"),
color_discrete_sequence=["#1616a7", "#0d2a63", "#af0038"], range_y=[0,900])
for i in range(len(UHS_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = UHS_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=UHS_period_end_date[i], x1=UHS_period_end_date[i+1], col=1,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=UHS_period_end_date[0], x1=UHS_period_end_date[1], col=1,annotation_text="Beta = 1.25", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(DXCM_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = DXCM_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=DXCM_period_end_date[i], x1=DXCM_period_end_date[i+1], col=2,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=DXCM_period_end_date[0], x1=DXCM_period_end_date[1], col=2,annotation_text="Beta = 1.16", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
for i in range(len(BIO_period_end_date) - 1):
esg_score = BIO_esg_scores[i]
fillcolor = color_score(esg_score)
fig.add_vrect(x0=BIO_period_end_date[i], x1=BIO_period_end_date[i+1], col=3,
annotation_text=esg_score, annotation_position="top left",
fillcolor=fillcolor, opacity=0.15, line_width=1)
fig.add_vrect(x0=BIO_period_end_date[0], x1=BIO_period_end_date[1], col=3,annotation_text="Beta = 0.91", annotation_position="inside bottom right", opacity=0.15, line_width=0)
fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price and ESG Rating of the Three Lowest ESG Score Healthcare Companies in S&P500',
height=400, legend=dict(y=0.5, font_size=10))
It appears that the top 3 ESG rating Healthcare companies have a smaller beta and less volatility and are more stable compared to the bottom 3 ESG rating Healthcare companies. Healthcare Sector is different from Financial Sector and Real Estate Sector. The negative correlation is mainly due to it being a "defensive sector." Investors hope to invest in a stable return company during bad times.
For the bottom 3 ESG rating Healthcare companies, Universal Health Service and Dexcom contain a higher fluctuation and uncertainty than the top 3 ESG rating Healthcare companies; however, they don't reward a exceed/extra return. Bio-Rad Laboratories is the exception, as it is not characterized as a "defensive stock." It has experienced a large increase and slump during the recent 3 years.
In the next section, we want to extract the influences of ESG scores on sectors to run Multi-Factor Machine Learning Modelings. To answer questions such as: Are ESG factors significant in stock prediction? We realize that we need to change into Bloomberg ESG score since Bloomberg has a different and specific grading ESG framework for each industry, while Refinitiv is not comprehensive enough in terms of framework diversity. We suggest that Bloomberg is more accurate and reliable. So we will change to use the Bloomberg ESG score in the following Machine Learning analysis.
Financial market is rife with uncertainties, making it extremely hard to capture extra stock return, or otherwise everyone in the world would be extremely rich. One of famous approach to predict stock returns followed by scholars is to apply factor constructions (proven extremely effective in interpreting factors that are driving the market and widely used by big asset management firms like D.E. Shaw). Multiple factor models attempt to describe asset returns and their covariance matrix as a function of a limited number of factor attributes.
Many scholars now identify ESG as new risk factors similarly to the original FF factors (Hübel and Scholz, 2020; Jin, 2018; Maiti, 2020). We apply factors construction on ESG scores to test whether they are valid new factors that helpful to stock prediction (FF, 1996, 2015, 2017). Also, we incorporated most commonly-used factors (net income, PE, PB, Momentum, ROA, ROE, Revenue, Debt Ratio) that relate to fundamental analysis. Portfolio managers who integrate sustainability in their investment portfolios undertake a dual optimisation process that combines ESG strategies with fundamental valuation, and this is why we use ESG factors plus fundamental factors as our factor portfolio.
Traiditionally, scholars will use linear regression to do a multi-factor modelling, like follows. This is based on one of the most famous model in asset pricing: CAPM. $$ R = α + \sum_{j=1}^m β_{1_j}(ESG Factor_j) + \sum_{i=1}^n β_{2_i}(PCA Factor_i) + β₃(Covid Factor) + ε $$
Where, R represents the return, α is the intercept, $β_{1_j}, β_{2_i}, and β₃$ are the factor loadings, and $ε$ is the error term. The factors considered are a series of m ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors denoted by ESG Factor_j, a series of $n$ PCA (Principal Component Analysis) factors denoted by PCA Factor_i, and Covid factor.
However, now, with the development of quantitative finance, it is increasinly popular to combine factors with other complex machine learning models in to help capture non-linear trends.
A) Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical technique widely employed by financial scholars (Yu et al., 2018) to reduce the dimensionality of variables in a given dataset. This method typically involves applying covariance analysis among various attributes. The original data is transformed into a new coordinate system based on the variance within the data. PCA uses a mathematical procedure to convert correlated variables into linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components.
To reduce the dimensionality of the transformed data, only the first few components are considered, as the first principal component accounts for the largest variance in the data, and each subsequent component accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible. PCA is particularly useful when there are numerous correlated dimensions, which often contain significant data redundancy. PCA can be utilized to decrease this redundancy, resulting in the reduction of highly correlated data into a smaller number of uncorrelated principal components that account for most of the variance in the original data.
In our model, several fundamental factors, such as ROE and PE, are correlated. PCA can help us reduce dimensionality, thereby decreasing complexity and redundancy.
In Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the covariance matrix is computed, denoted as $\mathbf{S}$:
$$ \mathbf{S} = \frac{1}{N-1} \mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{X} $$Where $\mathbf{X}$ is the original data matrix, and $N$ is the number of observations.
Next, the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix $\mathbf{S}$ will be ocmputed. Let $\mathbf{W}$ be the matrix of eigenvectors, and $\boldsymbol{\Lambda}$ be the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues:
$$ \mathbf{SW} = \mathbf{W \boldsymbol{\Lambda}} $$The eigenvectors are sorted in descending order based on their corresponding eigenvalues. The eigenvector associated with the highest eigenvalue corresponds to the first principal component, which accounts for the largest variance in the data. Subsequent eigenvectors are chosen to be orthogonal to the previous ones and account for the maximum remaining variance.
The matrix $\mathbf{Z}$ of principal components is obtained by projecting the original data matrix $\mathbf{X}$ onto the eigenvectors:
$$ \mathbf{Z} = \mathbf{XW} $$Financial experts often apply machine learning techniques to make accurate predictions and optimize investment strategies. It is worth noticing that there has been studys shown ESG scores and fundamental variables are non-linear with stock performance (Pu, 2022; Ahmah et al., 2021) and also there are studys shown they could be linear (Han, 2016). This is why in the following models, we will be using both linear and non-linear models to how factors perform on predicting stock returns. In this paper, linear regression (linear), and support vector regression with RBF kernel, random forest, and gradient boosting (non-linear) will be utilized.
B) Linear Regression
Linear Regression is a simple machine learning technique that aims to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables ("Hello World" function in quantitative finance). Easiest model for multi-factor modelling. The function minimized in Linear Regression is the Mean Squared Error (MSE).
$$ MSE = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 $$Where:
Minimizing the MSE ensures that the model's predictions are as close as possible to the actual data points.
C) Support Vector Regression (SVR)
Support Vector Regression is an advanced machine learning technique derived from Support Vector Machines (SVMs). It aims to find the best-fitting line (or hyperplane) while allowing a certain degree of error for data points. The main idea behind SVR is to minimize the model's complexity while maintaining a certain level of accuracy. In this paper,we will use RBF kernel to capture non-linear attribute of the data
For the RBF kernel, the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model still aims to minimize the same objective function as mentioned before. However, the main difference lies in the transformation of the input data using the RBF kernel. Here is the objective function for SVR with the RBF kernel:
Objective Function (SVR with RBF Kernel):
$$ \min_{w,b} \frac{1}{2} ||w||^2 + C \sum_{i=1}^{n} (L_\epsilon(y_i, \hat{y}_i)) $$Where:
Minimizing this objective function ensures that the model strikes a balance between accuracy and complexity, avoiding overfitting (Rohmah, 2021).
D) Random Forest
Random Forest is an ensemble learning technique that builds multiple Decision Trees and combines their predictions through a majority vote or averaging. This model aims to minimize the variance and reduce overfitting by averaging the predictions of individual trees. It uses bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) to create different training subsets for each tree, ensuring diversity.
The primary function that Random Forest tries to minimize is the Gini impurity or the entropy at each split, depending on the chosen criterion.
Gini Impurity:
$$ Gini(p) = 1 - \sum_{i=1}^c p_i^2 $$Entropy:
$$ Entropy(p) = -\sum_{i=1}^c p_i \log_2 p_i $$Where:
By minimizing these impurity measures, Random Forest ensures that each split in the Decision Trees is as pure as possible, leading to accurate predictions.
E) Gradient Boost
Gradient Boost is another ensemble learning technique that focuses on building Decision Trees sequentially. Each new tree aims to correct the errors made by the previous trees in the ensemble. Gradient Boost minimizes a loss function by applying the gradient descent algorithm and sequentially fitting weak learners (shallow Decision Trees) to the negative gradients of the loss function.
The objective function that Gradient Boost attempts to minimize is the sum of the loss function and a regularization term:
Objective Function (Gradient Boost):
$$ \min_{F} \sum_{i=1}^{n} L(y_i, F(x_i)) + \sum_{m=1}^M \Omega(f_m) $$Where:
In general, gradient boost gives a more accurate prediction as its tree method fits the reality better (Ran, 2018). This differnece lies in the difference in method each model uses. Random Forests operate under the assumption that, on average, individual decision trees produce accurate predictions, with random noise being the primary factor hindering optimal performance. Consequently, ensembles are employed to mitigate the impact of this noise. In contrast, Gradient Boosting posits that a singular decision tree may habitually deviate from the desired target, necessitating the utilization of ensembles to systematically guide the tree towards the correct objective (Ran, 2018).
In this project, we are trying to answer two research questions:
We retrieve the S&P500's each stock's quarterly E-score, S-score, G-score, Price Earning ratio, Price-to-book ratio, Relative Share Price Momentum, ROE, ROA, Net Income, Debt Ratio, Market Capitalization, Industry, and Last Price from Bloomberg from 2016-01 to 2022-10. We calculate quarterly returns, and remove outliers in factors, and because factors are not comparable across industry sectors (Naffa, 2022). Therefore, we follow MorningStar's approach via standardization (Justice and Hale, 2016).
$$ \text{z-score}_{\text{factor}_i} = \frac{\text{factor}_i - \mu_{\text{peer}}}{\sigma_{\text{peer}}} $$Where:
We then neutralize the effects from industry (as we have shown in visualization part, industry is strongly associated with ESG factors, we want to avoid the effect of industry on our analysis) and marketcap followed by scholars (Naffa, 2022). In other words, marketcap and industry are kept as controlling variables.
Later, we use PCA analysis to make fundamental factors (Price Earning ratio, Price-to-book ratio, Relative Share Price Momentum, ROE, ROA, Net Income, Debt Ratio) into three groups (Profitability, Leverage, and Momentum) to reduce dimensions. And we will add a Covid dummy variable in to capture the effect of covid factor on stock returns.
The final factors will be 7 in total: E-score, S-score, G-score, PCA 1, PCA 2, PCA 3, Covid.
Lastly, we apply linear regression, support vector regression, random forest, and gradient boosting to construct stock portfolio based on factors. Our purpose is to see if ESG scores are significant in helping stock prediction, and how machine learning models incorporating ESG factors perform on stock portfolio construction which will be compared with S&P500 Index. To be more specific on stock portfolio construction, we will select top 5 stocks based on returns given by each machine learning model, and we will buy at the start of the first quarter and sell at the start of next quarter. These 5 stocks constitute the stock portfolio, the return of which will be compared with S&P500 to see if our portfolio beats S&P500. In this way, we can see whether the investment strategy of machine learning models incorporating ESG factor is good one to pursue.
I will first retrieve the data from an excel file containing data from bloomberg. Then, I do some data cleaning and manipulation, just in accordance with methodology, to obtain the final dataset used for modelling.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', None)
data = pd.read_excel("./data.xlsx")
Instrument | columns | 2016-01-31 00:00:00 | 2016-04-30 00:00:00 | 2016-07-31 00:00:00 | 2016-10-31 00:00:00 | 2017-01-31 00:00:00 | 2017-04-30 00:00:00 | 2017-07-31 00:00:00 | 2017-10-31 00:00:00 | ... | 2020-07-31 00:00:00 | 2020-10-31 00:00:00 | 2021-01-31 00:00:00 | 2021-04-30 00:00:00 | 2021-07-31 00:00:00 | 2021-10-31 00:00:00 | 2022-01-31 00:00:00 | 2022-04-30 00:00:00 | 2022-07-31 00:00:00 | 2022-10-31 00:00:00 | |
0 | A UN Equity | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | ... | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 1.5000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 |
1 | NaN | BESG Social Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.6400 | 1.6400 | 1.6400 | 1.6400 | 1.6000 | ... | 1.8000 | 5.1400 | 5.1400 | 5.1400 | 5.1400 | 7.6600 | 7.6600 | 7.6600 | 7.6600 | 7.6600 |
2 | NaN | BESG Governance Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 5.9200 | 5.9200 | 5.9200 | 5.9200 | 6.3500 | ... | 6.6800 | 6.5600 | 6.5600 | 6.5600 | 6.5600 | 6.7300 | 6.7300 | 6.7300 | 6.7300 | 6.7300 |
3 | NaN | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | 24.9317 | 26.7484 | 30.7221 | 27.0396 | 27.9601 | 28.5429 | 31.6935 | 34.5991 | ... | 37.4695 | 38.6665 | 41.1288 | 41.5718 | 44.3922 | 42.2991 | 35.1326 | 28.7858 | 30.5493 | 29.4270 |
4 | NaN | Price to Book Ratio | 3.0530 | 3.1953 | 3.5891 | 3.3271 | 3.6696 | 4.0419 | 4.1780 | 4.5344 | ... | 5.9677 | 6.4107 | 7.6294 | 8.4185 | 9.3871 | 8.8258 | 8.1094 | 6.9625 | 7.7968 | 7.6934 |
5 | NaN | Relative Share Price Momentum | 4.0554 | 9.8799 | 8.5025 | 7.9585 | -2.4319 | 6.5499 | 16.6943 | 14.3360 | ... | 9.2830 | 12.1779 | 12.6658 | 4.8849 | 4.6442 | 8.1828 | -9.3599 | -16.2913 | 0.4189 | 21.4459 |
6 | NaN | Return on Common Equity | 11.0843 | 11.1298 | 11.2716 | 10.9869 | 12.2033 | 13.6396 | 14.1437 | 15.0760 | ... | 14.2064 | 14.9465 | 16.7841 | 19.3151 | 19.9456 | 23.5821 | 24.2016 | 25.4329 | 26.4621 | 23.4524 |
7 | NaN | Return on Assets | 6.1939 | 6.1520 | 6.3530 | 6.0499 | 6.7088 | 7.4348 | 7.9150 | 8.4340 | ... | 7.6055 | 7.5371 | 8.4485 | 9.3185 | 9.8817 | 11.9024 | 12.0494 | 12.1134 | 12.6627 | 11.8096 |
8 | NaN | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | 121.0000 | 91.0000 | 124.0000 | 126.0000 | 168.0000 | 164.0000 | 175.0000 | 177.0000 | ... | 199.0000 | 222.0000 | 288.0000 | 216.0000 | 264.0000 | 442.0000 | 283.0000 | 274.0000 | 329.0000 | 368.0000 |
9 | NaN | Revenue | 1028.0000 | 1019.0000 | 1044.0000 | 1111.0000 | 1067.0000 | 1102.0000 | 1114.0000 | 1189.0000 | ... | 1261.0000 | 1483.0000 | 1548.0000 | 1525.0000 | 1586.0000 | 1660.0000 | 1674.0000 | 1607.0000 | 1718.0000 | 1849.0000 |
10 | NaN | Total Debt to Total Equity | 42.8113 | 45.3541 | 43.4192 | 44.8422 | 46.3256 | 46.6971 | 45.1312 | 41.5926 | ... | 50.3513 | 52.0624 | 55.6828 | 64.9272 | 61.5447 | 54.0174 | 52.9686 | 56.7161 | 60.3614 | 55.0613 |
11 | NaN | Last Price | 37.6500 | 40.9200 | 48.1100 | 43.5700 | 48.9700 | 55.0500 | 59.7900 | 68.0300 | ... | 96.3300 | 102.0900 | 120.1700 | 133.6400 | 153.2300 | 157.4900 | 139.3200 | 119.2700 | 134.1000 | 138.3500 |
12 | NaN | Current Market Cap | 12340.4987 | 13412.3517 | 15660.8489 | 14133.4442 | 15755.9944 | 17742.6647 | 19212.7657 | 21893.9590 | ... | 29744.5266 | 31475.3306 | 36874.1075 | 40719.7759 | 46496.6054 | 47675.7930 | 42074.7510 | 35794.5225 | 40056.7503 | 40957.2129 |
13 | AAL UW Equity | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2.1200 | 2.1200 | 2.1200 | 2.1200 | 2.1800 | ... | 4.1800 | 2.8400 | 2.8400 | 2.8400 | 2.8400 | 5.3200 | 5.3200 | 5.3200 | 5.3200 | 5.3200 |
14 rows × 30 columns
data['Instrument'] = data['Instrument'].fillna(method='ffill')
Instrument | columns | 2016-01-31 00:00:00 | 2016-04-30 00:00:00 | 2016-07-31 00:00:00 | 2016-10-31 00:00:00 | 2017-01-31 00:00:00 | 2017-04-30 00:00:00 | 2017-07-31 00:00:00 | 2017-10-31 00:00:00 | ... | 2020-07-31 00:00:00 | 2020-10-31 00:00:00 | 2021-01-31 00:00:00 | 2021-04-30 00:00:00 | 2021-07-31 00:00:00 | 2021-10-31 00:00:00 | 2022-01-31 00:00:00 | 2022-04-30 00:00:00 | 2022-07-31 00:00:00 | 2022-10-31 00:00:00 | |
0 | A UN Equity | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | ... | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 |
1 | A UN Equity | BESG Social Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1.64 | 1.64 | 1.64 | 1.64 | 1.60 | ... | 1.80 | 5.14 | 5.14 | 5.14 | 5.14 | 7.66 | 7.66 | 7.66 | 7.66 | 7.66 |
2 | A UN Equity | BESG Governance Pillar Score | NaN | NaN | NaN | 5.92 | 5.92 | 5.92 | 5.92 | 6.35 | ... | 6.68 | 6.56 | 6.56 | 6.56 | 6.56 | 6.73 | 6.73 | 6.73 | 6.73 | 6.73 |
3 rows × 30 columns
# last column is nonsense, should be removed
data = data.drop(columns=data.columns[-1])
# Reshape the DataFrame using melt
data_melted = data.melt(id_vars=['Instrument', 'columns'], var_name='Date', value_name='Value')
# Pivot the DataFrame
data_melted['Instrument'] = data_melted['Instrument'].fillna(method='ffill')
data_pivoted = data_melted.pivot_table(index=['Instrument', 'Date'], columns='columns', values='Value')
# Reset the index to have 'Instrument' and 'Timestamp' as columns again
columns | Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity |
0 | A UN Equity | 2016-01-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.0 | 24.9317 | 3.0530 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.0 | 42.8113 |
1 | A UN Equity | 2016-04-30 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 13412.3517 | 40.92 | 91.0 | 26.7484 | 3.1953 | 9.8799 | 6.1520 | 11.1298 | 1019.0 | 45.3541 |
2 | A UN Equity | 2016-07-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 15660.8489 | 48.11 | 124.0 | 30.7221 | 3.5891 | 8.5025 | 6.3530 | 11.2716 | 1044.0 | 43.4192 |
3 | A UN Equity | 2016-10-31 | 1.50 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 14133.4442 | 43.57 | 126.0 | 27.0396 | 3.3271 | 7.9585 | 6.0499 | 10.9869 | 1111.0 | 44.8422 |
4 | A UN Equity | 2017-01-31 | 1.50 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 15755.9944 | 48.97 | 168.0 | 27.9601 | 3.6696 | -2.4319 | 6.7088 | 12.2033 | 1067.0 | 46.3256 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13427 | ZTS UN Equity | 2021-07-31 | 4.59 | 7.25 | 3.47 | 92011.5256 | 194.14 | 552.0 | 42.1919 | 19.6411 | 16.4668 | 14.4513 | 47.8686 | 1990.0 | 144.2427 |
13428 | ZTS UN Equity | 2021-10-31 | 4.59 | 7.19 | 3.47 | 115456.8943 | 244.03 | 414.0 | 52.1302 | 25.3846 | 15.3516 | 14.8097 | 49.0135 | 1967.0 | 149.2958 |
13429 | ZTS UN Equity | 2022-01-31 | 4.59 | 7.19 | 3.47 | 88976.7529 | 188.59 | 595.0 | 40.1436 | 19.0780 | -4.4566 | 14.9913 | 47.3991 | 1986.0 | 144.6114 |
13430 | ZTS UN Equity | 2022-04-30 | 4.59 | 7.19 | 3.47 | 80896.3595 | 171.89 | 529.0 | 36.5053 | 17.5873 | -14.7083 | 15.0149 | 46.8085 | 2052.0 | 147.0306 |
13431 | ZTS UN Equity | 2022-07-31 | 4.59 | 7.19 | 3.47 | 69420.2682 | 148.29 | 529.0 | 31.7942 | 14.8335 | -6.0819 | 15.0992 | 44.2518 | 2002.0 | 144.7662 |
13432 rows × 15 columns
Now, because industry column is missing, I will merge another dataset containing the name of instrument and its industry to data_pivot dataset.
#to match instrument token
data_pivoted['Instrument']=data_pivoted['Instrument'].replace(' UN Equity', '', regex=True)
columns | Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity |
0 | A | 2016-01-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.0 | 24.9317 | 3.0530 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.0 | 42.8113 |
1 | A | 2016-04-30 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 13412.3517 | 40.92 | 91.0 | 26.7484 | 3.1953 | 9.8799 | 6.1520 | 11.1298 | 1019.0 | 45.3541 |
2 | A | 2016-07-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 15660.8489 | 48.11 | 124.0 | 30.7221 | 3.5891 | 8.5025 | 6.3530 | 11.2716 | 1044.0 | 43.4192 |
3 | A | 2016-10-31 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 14133.4442 | 43.57 | 126.0 | 27.0396 | 3.3271 | 7.9585 | 6.0499 | 10.9869 | 1111.0 | 44.8422 |
4 | A | 2017-01-31 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 15755.9944 | 48.97 | 168.0 | 27.9601 | 3.6696 | -2.4319 | 6.7088 | 12.2033 | 1067.0 | 46.3256 |
industry = pd.read_csv('/Users/daltondu/Documents/UBC/323/project/data/industry.csv')
merged_df = data_pivoted.merge(industry, on='Instrument')
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | |
0 | A | 2016-01-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.0 | 24.9317 | 3.0530 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.0 | 42.8113 | Health Care |
1 | A | 2016-04-30 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 13412.3517 | 40.92 | 91.0 | 26.7484 | 3.1953 | 9.8799 | 6.1520 | 11.1298 | 1019.0 | 45.3541 | Health Care |
2 | A | 2016-07-31 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 15660.8489 | 48.11 | 124.0 | 30.7221 | 3.5891 | 8.5025 | 6.3530 | 11.2716 | 1044.0 | 43.4192 | Health Care |
merged_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(merged_df['Date'])
# Format the 'Date' column as year-month
merged_df['Date'] = merged_df['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m')
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | |
0 | A | 2016-01 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.0 | 24.9317 | 3.053 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.0 | 42.8113 | Health Care |
Here we have gotten the rough shape of the dataframe we want. Next, we will fill in missing data in all columns It is important to notice that we should only fill in missing value by a previous or next year's value when it is under the same instrument. We accomplish this by do the following:
#see how many is missing
Instrument 0 Date 0 BESG Environmental Pillar Score 1227 BESG Governance Pillar Score 744 BESG Social Pillar Score 1227 Current Market Cap 24 Last Price 22 Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) 1 Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) 63 Price to Book Ratio 199 Relative Share Price Momentum 34 Return on Assets 14 Return on Common Equity 249 Revenue 1 Total Debt to Total Equity 170 Industry 0 dtype: int64
#fill up missing cells
fill_df = pd.DataFrame()
for instrument in merged_df.Instrument.unique():
#to make sure only the number is filled up within same instrument: the function will not fill up values across different instruments
s_df = merged_df[merged_df['Instrument'] == instrument]
s_df = s_df.fillna(method = "ffill").fillna(method="bfill")
fill_df = pd.concat([fill_df, s_df])
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | |
0 | A | 2016-01 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.0 | 24.9317 | 3.0530 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.0 | 42.8113 | Health Care |
1 | A | 2016-04 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 13412.3517 | 40.92 | 91.0 | 26.7484 | 3.1953 | 9.8799 | 6.1520 | 11.1298 | 1019.0 | 45.3541 | Health Care |
2 | A | 2016-07 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 15660.8489 | 48.11 | 124.0 | 30.7221 | 3.5891 | 8.5025 | 6.3530 | 11.2716 | 1044.0 | 43.4192 | Health Care |
3 | A | 2016-10 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 14133.4442 | 43.57 | 126.0 | 27.0396 | 3.3271 | 7.9585 | 6.0499 | 10.9869 | 1111.0 | 44.8422 | Health Care |
4 | A | 2017-01 | 1.5 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 15755.9944 | 48.97 | 168.0 | 27.9601 | 3.6696 | -2.4319 | 6.7088 | 12.2033 | 1067.0 | 46.3256 | Health Care |
fill_df = fill_df.fillna(0)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 7717 entries, 0 to 7716 Data columns (total 16 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Instrument 7717 non-null object 1 Date 7717 non-null object 2 BESG Environmental Pillar Score 7717 non-null float64 3 BESG Governance Pillar Score 7717 non-null float64 4 BESG Social Pillar Score 7717 non-null float64 5 Current Market Cap 7717 non-null float64 6 Last Price 7717 non-null float64 7 Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) 7717 non-null float64 8 Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) 7717 non-null float64 9 Price to Book Ratio 7717 non-null float64 10 Relative Share Price Momentum 7717 non-null float64 11 Return on Assets 7717 non-null float64 12 Return on Common Equity 7717 non-null float64 13 Revenue 7717 non-null float64 14 Total Debt to Total Equity 7717 non-null float64 15 Industry 7717 non-null object dtypes: float64(13), object(3) memory usage: 1.0+ MB
#change last price to quarterly return
fill_df.sort_values(by='Date', inplace=True)
def calculate_quarterly_return(group):
group['Quarterly Return'] = group['Last Price'].pct_change(periods=1)
return group
# Group by 'Instrument' and apply the custom function to each group
fill_df = fill_df.groupby('Instrument').apply(calculate_quarterly_return)
/var/folders/xz/y00l9pw56txcfllknld9w1rr0000gn/T/ipykernel_81675/ FutureWarning: Not prepending group keys to the result index of transform-like apply. In the future, the group keys will be included in the index, regardless of whether the applied function returns a like-indexed object. To preserve the previous behavior, use >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=False) To adopt the future behavior and silence this warning, use >>> .groupby(..., group_keys=True) fill_df = fill_df.groupby('Instrument').apply(calculate_quarterly_return)
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Last Price | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | Quarterly Return | |
0 | A | 2016-01 | 1.50 | 5.92 | 1.64 | 12340.4987 | 37.65 | 121.000 | 24.9317 | 3.0530 | 4.0554 | 6.1939 | 11.0843 | 1028.000 | 42.8113 | Health Care | NaN |
6313 | SHW | 2016-01 | 3.29 | 7.00 | 0.69 | 26247.3745 | 94.89 | 164.876 | 23.1355 | 26.3089 | 12.1670 | 18.2879 | 147.8293 | 2574.024 | 203.7951 | Materials | NaN |
3343 | HIG | 2016-01 | 0.06 | 7.80 | 2.07 | 18278.8242 | 46.08 | 323.000 | 11.8106 | 1.0065 | -4.9065 | 0.6483 | 8.2713 | 4391.000 | 29.3894 | Financials | NaN |
2777 | FCX | 2016-01 | 5.22 | 7.31 | 3.95 | 12944.1275 | 10.34 | -4184.000 | 9.4625 | 3.5064 | -9.5850 | -28.2511 | -143.1460 | 3242.000 | 237.8047 | Materials | NaN |
216 | AES | 2016-01 | 2.24 | 8.23 | 5.02 | 7784.8534 | 11.80 | 126.000 | 11.2824 | 2.4293 | 1.6587 | 0.7744 | 8.0299 | 3271.000 | 299.8396 | Utilities | NaN |
#drop NAN ones as they are first quarter, also drop last price
fill_df = fill_df.drop(columns='Last Price')
fill_df = fill_df.dropna()
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | Quarterly Return | |
6071 | RHI | 2016-04 | 0.00 | 6.67 | 1.71 | 5011.1179 | 91.616 | 13.6774 | 4.6433 | -18.3080 | 20.8316 | 35.0449 | 1344.160 | 0.1014 | Industrials | -0.180764 |
6476 | SPGI | 2016-04 | 4.69 | 8.08 | 1.94 | 28402.4467 | 383.000 | 23.8403 | 75.2817 | 9.7340 | 16.4569 | 206.6725 | 1482.000 | 280.9665 | Financials | 0.083653 |
5369 | ORCL | 2016-04 | 4.68 | 6.04 | 0.83 | 166824.5824 | 2814.000 | 18.6499 | 3.5117 | 2.0127 | 7.9791 | 18.5509 | 10594.000 | 91.7661 | Information Technology | 0.092985 |
4343 | LOW | 2016-04 | 1.63 | 6.94 | 1.68 | 68223.3128 | 884.000 | 21.7946 | 9.4234 | 2.2649 | 7.7012 | 32.9439 | 15234.000 | 213.6023 | Consumer Discretionary | 0.060843 |
4451 | MAA | 2016-04 | 0.00 | 7.07 | 1.50 | 8034.2374 | 45.144 | 48.5020 | 2.7187 | 10.5362 | 3.2565 | 7.5275 | 272.236 | 111.4943 | Real Estate | 0.040994 |
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('./final.csv')
Unnamed: 0 | Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | Quarterly Return | |
0 | 6071 | RHI | 2016-04 | 0.00 | 6.67 | 1.71 | 5011.1179 | 91.616 | 13.6774 | 4.6433 | -18.3080 | 20.8316 | 35.0449 | 1344.16 | 0.1014 | Industrials | -0.180764 |
1 | 6476 | SPGI | 2016-04 | 4.69 | 8.08 | 1.94 | 28402.4467 | 383.000 | 23.8403 | 75.2817 | 9.7340 | 16.4569 | 206.6725 | 1482.00 | 280.9665 | Financials | 0.083653 |
2 | 5369 | ORCL | 2016-04 | 4.68 | 6.04 | 0.83 | 166824.5824 | 2814.000 | 18.6499 | 3.5117 | 2.0127 | 7.9791 | 18.5509 | 10594.00 | 91.7661 | Information Technology | 0.092985 |
data = data.drop(data.columns[0], axis=1)
Instrument | Date | BESG Environmental Pillar Score | BESG Governance Pillar Score | BESG Social Pillar Score | Current Market Cap | Net Income/Net Profit (Losses) | Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) | Price to Book Ratio | Relative Share Price Momentum | Return on Assets | Return on Common Equity | Revenue | Total Debt to Total Equity | Industry | Quarterly Return | |
0 | RHI | 2016-04 | 0.00 | 6.67 | 1.71 | 5011.1179 | 91.616 | 13.6774 | 4.6433 | -18.3080 | 20.8316 | 35.0449 | 1344.16 | 0.1014 | Industrials | -0.180764 |
1 | SPGI | 2016-04 | 4.69 | 8.08 | 1.94 | 28402.4467 | 383.000 | 23.8403 | 75.2817 | 9.7340 | 16.4569 | 206.6725 | 1482.00 | 280.9665 | Financials | 0.083653 |
2 | ORCL | 2016-04 | 4.68 | 6.04 | 0.83 | 166824.5824 | 2814.000 | 18.6499 | 3.5117 | 2.0127 | 7.9791 | 18.5509 | 10594.00 | 91.7661 | Information Technology | 0.092985 |
#change the name of the columns.
data.rename(columns={'Instrument': 'Instrument', 'Date': 'Date', 'BESG Environmental Pillar Score' : 'E Score', 'BESG Social Pillar Score' : 'S Score', 'BESG Governance Pillar Score':'G Score', 'Net Income/Net Profit (Losses)' : 'NI',
'Price Earnings Ratio (P/E)': 'PE', 'Price to Book Ratio': 'PB', 'Relative Share Price Momentum': 'Momentum', 'Return on Assets': 'ROA',
'Return on Common Equity': 'ROE', 'Total Debt to Total Equity': 'Debt Ratio', 'Industry': 'Industry'}, inplace = True)
Instrument | Date | E Score | G Score | S Score | Current Market Cap | NI | PE | PB | Momentum | ROA | ROE | Revenue | Debt Ratio | Industry | Quarterly Return | |
7426 | DHR | 2022-07 | 0.00 | 6.84 | 3.49 | 187891.8607 | 1572.000 | 28.4515 | 4.1488 | 11.7926 | 8.2738 | 15.2472 | 7663.000 | 43.0851 | Health Care | 0.000930 |
7427 | ACN | 2022-07 | 6.42 | 7.83 | 2.11 | 191868.5670 | 1665.128 | 26.6385 | 8.2426 | -0.2166 | 15.2084 | 33.0351 | 15423.656 | 14.6206 | Information Technology | -0.033505 |
7428 | SJM | 2022-07 | 4.59 | 7.78 | 2.76 | 14099.7891 | 109.800 | 19.0025 | 1.7313 | 8.7050 | 3.6173 | 7.1923 | 1873.000 | 59.0744 | Consumer Staples | -0.033667 |
7429 | CFG | 2022-07 | 0.49 | 6.85 | 4.53 | 17030.3073 | 636.000 | 7.2331 | 0.8076 | -13.2617 | 0.9473 | 8.6437 | 2481.000 | 71.4983 | Financials | -0.037265 |
7430 | ZTS | 2022-07 | 4.59 | 7.19 | 3.47 | 69420.2682 | 529.000 | 31.7942 | 14.8335 | -6.0819 | 15.0992 | 44.2518 | 2002.000 | 144.7662 | Health Care | -0.137297 |
The standardizing process involves transforming the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The formula for standardizing a variable $x$ is as follows:
$$ z = \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} $$where:
Neutralizing is a process used to remove the impact of unwanted factors (e.g., industry and marketcap) from a set of variables. This is often done using a multiple linear regression, where the variable of interest (e.g., a factor) is regressed on the unwanted factors (e.g., industry dummies). The residuals from this regression represent the neutralized variable.
Given a dependent variable $y$ (the factor to be neutralized) and a set of independent variables $X$ (the unwanted factors, e.g., industry dummies), the linear regression model can be represented as:
$$ y = X\beta + \epsilon $$where:
By fitting this linear regression, we obtain the residual $\epsilon$, which represents the neutralized factor.
norm_df = pd.DataFrame()
norm_df['Date'] = data['Date']
norm_df['Instrument'] = data['Instrument']
norm_df['Quarterly Return'] = data['Quarterly Return']
def removeoutlier_standardizing_neutralizing(data, factor_column = factor_column, dummy_industry=dummy_industry, marketcap=marketcap, std=3):
factor = ['E Score', 'S Score', 'G Score', 'NI', 'PE', 'PB', 'Momentum', 'ROA', 'ROE', 'Revenue', 'Debt Ratio', 'Industry']
a = data[factor]
a = a.dropna().copy()
# Apply outlier removal to columns
for col in factor_column:
edge_up = a.groupby('Industry')[col].transform(lambda x: x.mean() + std * x.std())
edge_low = a.groupby('Industry')[col].transform(lambda x: x.mean() - std * x.std())
a.loc[a[col] > edge_up, col] = edge_up
a.loc[a[col] < edge_low, col] = edge_low
# Apply group-wise standardization using transform()
a[factor_column] = a.groupby('Industry')[factor_column].transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std())
def neutralizing(factor, dummy_industry, marketcap):
This function helps to isolate the impact of individual factors on the returns of a portfolio, thereby reducing the impact of biases or unintended exposures to other factors.
It ensures that the model is focused on the factors of interest and not driven by hidden or unwanted exposures, and in this case, the unwanted exposure is the industry.
y = factor
LNmarketcap = marketcap.apply(lambda x:math.log(x))
x= pd.concat([LNmarketcap, dummy_industry], axis=1)
result = sm.OLS(y.astype(float), x.astype(float)).fit()
return result.resid
a[factor_column] = neutralizing(a[factor_column], dummy_industry, marketcap)
a = a.drop('Industry', axis=1)
return a
norm_df = norm_df.merge(removeoutlier_standardizing_neutralizing(data), left_index=True, right_index=True)
Date | Instrument | Quarterly Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | NI | PE | PB | Momentum | ROA | ROE | Revenue | Debt Ratio | |
0 | 2016-04 | RHI | -0.180764 | -0.794609 | -0.417906 | -0.682521 | 0.646252 | -0.238948 | 0.039841 | -1.142926 | 2.899639 | 0.345103 | 0.342765 | -0.242635 |
1 | 2016-04 | SPGI | 0.083653 | 2.124629 | -0.078859 | 1.207612 | -0.310351 | 0.904303 | 2.276875 | 0.638833 | 3.835884 | 3.231890 | -0.637843 | 1.226947 |
2 | 2016-04 | ORCL | 0.092985 | 0.085032 | -1.244272 | -2.352521 | 1.116564 | -0.402256 | -0.546795 | -0.066309 | -0.226945 | -0.478035 | 0.203074 | -0.280510 |
3 | 2016-04 | LOW | 0.060843 | -0.635830 | -0.462489 | -0.462001 | -0.198123 | -0.109821 | -0.388520 | 0.086307 | -0.235228 | -0.303302 | 0.238386 | -0.327309 |
4 | 2016-04 | MAA | 0.040994 | -1.278139 | -0.720425 | 0.298226 | -0.158611 | -0.109704 | -0.336812 | 1.045642 | -0.116065 | -0.194657 | -0.352459 | -0.208183 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7426 | 2022-07 | DHR | 0.000930 | -1.569813 | 0.443858 | -0.681898 | -0.304783 | 0.296278 | -0.459524 | 0.585317 | -0.094883 | -0.627106 | -1.138502 | -0.434464 |
7427 | 2022-07 | ACN | -0.033505 | 0.755874 | 0.251713 | 1.085647 | -0.075711 | -0.308817 | -0.249107 | -0.251594 | 0.790317 | -0.078159 | 1.096902 | -0.664381 |
7428 | 2022-07 | SJM | -0.033667 | 0.727459 | 0.150126 | 0.930223 | 0.078841 | -0.151280 | -0.219080 | 0.845005 | -0.790318 | -0.176290 | 0.157363 | -0.194284 |
7429 | 2022-07 | CFG | -0.037265 | -0.139193 | 1.445985 | -0.677444 | 0.179862 | -0.834155 | -0.081724 | -0.820258 | -0.393494 | -0.083843 | -0.178153 | -0.286319 |
7430 | 2022-07 | ZTS | -0.137297 | 0.620567 | 0.572084 | -0.003925 | -0.494337 | 0.661950 | -0.068215 | -0.638368 | 1.321123 | 0.299901 | -0.879869 | -0.212003 |
7431 rows × 14 columns
Also, we should find next quarter's return as our dependent variable for our modelling.
#find next quarter return
final = pd.DataFrame()
for instr in norm_df.Instrument.unique():
s = norm_df[norm_df['Instrument'] == instr]
s['Next Q Return'] = s['Quarterly Return'].shift(-1)
final = pd.concat([final, s])
Date | Instrument | Quarterly Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | NI | PE | PB | Momentum | ROA | ROE | Revenue | Debt Ratio | Next Q Return | |
0 | 2016-04 | RHI | -0.180764 | -0.794609 | -0.417906 | -0.682521 | 0.646252 | -0.238948 | 0.039841 | -1.142926 | 2.899639 | 0.345103 | 0.342765 | -0.242635 | -0.007862 |
562 | 2016-07 | RHI | -0.007862 | -0.788871 | -0.415521 | -0.679219 | 0.655998 | -0.238228 | 0.040337 | -1.159616 | 2.742283 | 0.340419 | 0.352340 | -0.241018 | 0.288431 |
840 | 2016-10 | RHI | 0.288431 | -0.871597 | -0.449900 | -0.726823 | 0.478711 | -0.119151 | 0.017910 | 1.211123 | 2.674064 | 0.264757 | 0.187422 | -0.264439 | 0.001025 |
996 | 2017-01 | RHI | 0.001025 | -0.869063 | -0.448847 | -0.725365 | 0.484592 | -0.114168 | 0.019109 | 1.291428 | 2.541265 | 0.256264 | 0.195962 | -0.263726 | -0.018431 |
1199 | 2017-04 | RHI | -0.018431 | -0.861106 | -0.445540 | -0.720786 | 0.502390 | -0.108408 | 0.019690 | -0.556969 | 2.318636 | 0.244288 | 0.214258 | -0.261481 | 0.050282 |
final = final.reset_index(drop=True).dropna()
Date | Instrument | Quarterly Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | NI | PE | PB | Momentum | ROA | ROE | Revenue | Debt Ratio | Next Q Return | |
0 | 2016-04 | RHI | -0.180764 | -0.794609 | -0.417906 | -0.682521 | 0.646252 | -0.238948 | 0.039841 | -1.142926 | 2.899639 | 0.345103 | 0.342765 | -0.242635 | -0.007862 |
1 | 2016-07 | RHI | -0.007862 | -0.788871 | -0.415521 | -0.679219 | 0.655998 | -0.238228 | 0.040337 | -1.159616 | 2.742283 | 0.340419 | 0.352340 | -0.241018 | 0.288431 |
2 | 2016-10 | RHI | 0.288431 | -0.871597 | -0.449900 | -0.726823 | 0.478711 | -0.119151 | 0.017910 | 1.211123 | 2.674064 | 0.264757 | 0.187422 | -0.264439 | 0.001025 |
3 | 2017-01 | RHI | 0.001025 | -0.869063 | -0.448847 | -0.725365 | 0.484592 | -0.114168 | 0.019109 | 1.291428 | 2.541265 | 0.256264 | 0.195962 | -0.263726 | -0.018431 |
4 | 2017-04 | RHI | -0.018431 | -0.861106 | -0.445540 | -0.720786 | 0.502390 | -0.108408 | 0.019690 | -0.556969 | 2.318636 | 0.244288 | 0.214258 | -0.261481 | 0.050282 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7425 | 2021-04 | DXC | 0.245681 | 1.439174 | -0.277825 | 0.212136 | 0.545462 | 0.210870 | -0.231891 | 3.262569 | -0.633070 | -0.109188 | 0.653665 | 0.113160 | -0.136877 |
7426 | 2021-07 | DXC | -0.136877 | 1.493021 | -0.255447 | 0.243122 | 0.203621 | -0.074785 | -0.219816 | 0.762283 | -0.554010 | -0.020808 | 0.729533 | 0.166225 | -0.042249 |
7427 | 2021-10 | DXC | -0.042249 | 1.507222 | -0.249545 | 0.251294 | 0.505048 | -0.073831 | -0.217727 | -1.989807 | -1.196390 | -0.617624 | 0.768243 | 0.148156 | 0.013669 |
7428 | 2022-01 | DXC | 0.013669 | 1.513221 | -0.247052 | 0.254746 | 0.930386 | -0.106554 | -0.227228 | -0.535099 | -0.296670 | 0.169376 | 0.762821 | 0.121962 | -0.071100 |
7429 | 2022-04 | DXC | -0.071100 | 1.559481 | -0.227828 | 0.281367 | 0.610223 | -0.266300 | -0.211008 | 1.944347 | -0.365724 | 0.105921 | 0.786748 | 0.141913 | -0.192346 |
7145 rows × 15 columns
For our research, E score, S score, and G Score are the main factors that we want to interpret. For other factors, in order for reduced complexity to remove redundancy information, we will use PCA to reduce these factors into 3. Just according to fundamental analysis, we can see divide factors into three groups: one for profitability (NI, PE, PB, ROA, ROE), one for Momentum (Momentum), and one for Liability (Debt Ratio). This is why we choose n=3 for PCA.
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca_factor_name = ['NI', 'PE', 'PB', 'Momentum', 'ROA', 'ROE', 'Revenue', 'Debt Ratio']
com_df = pd.DataFrame()
date_list = list(final['Date'].unique())
# PCA analysis by using four quarters (1 year) past factors to predict this quarter's return
for quar in range(4, len(final['Date'].unique())):
s_df = final[(final['Date'] >= date_list[quar - 4]) & (final['Date'] < date_list[quar])]
pca = PCA(n_components=3)[pca_factor_name].values))
weights = pca.components_
curr = final[final['Date'] == date_list[quar]]
split_com = pd.DataFrame()
split_com['Date'] = curr['Date']
split_com['Instrument'] = curr['Instrument']
# Calculate PCA factors
pca_factors =[pca_factor_name].values, weights.T)
for i in range(3):
split_com[f'PCA Factor {i + 1}'] = pca_factors[:, i]
com_df = com_df.append(split_com)
com_df['Next Q Return'] = final['Next Q Return']
com_df['Quarterly Return'] = final['Quarterly Return']
com_df['E Score'] = final['E Score']
com_df['S Score'] = final['S Score']
com_df['G Score'] = final['G Score']
Date | Instrument | PCA Factor 1 | PCA Factor 2 | PCA Factor 3 | Next Q Return | Quarterly Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | |
1199 | 2017-04 | RHI | 0.852194 | -1.940168 | 0.434228 | 0.050282 | -0.018431 | -0.861106 | -0.445540 | -0.720786 |
1297 | 2017-04 | SPGI | 4.612328 | -2.510695 | 3.296044 | 0.070690 | 0.116644 | 2.029091 | -0.118562 | 1.152635 |
1208 | 2017-04 | ORCL | -0.743416 | -0.238669 | -0.603372 | 0.108835 | 0.065743 | 0.121018 | -1.189149 | -2.045449 |
1413 | 2017-04 | LOW | -0.560841 | 0.274964 | -0.065589 | -0.088721 | 0.173421 | -0.594675 | -0.473439 | -0.360427 |
1389 | 2017-04 | MAA | -1.021647 | 0.370841 | 0.204787 | 0.014234 | 0.035777 | -1.413413 | -0.776643 | 0.220382 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7262 | 2022-07 | WM | -0.452703 | -0.290607 | 1.159184 | NaN | 0.047261 | 0.499012 | 0.381293 | 1.670612 |
7252 | 2022-07 | CAH | 0.433156 | -1.607065 | -1.295089 | NaN | 0.275684 | 1.153382 | -0.063716 | 0.859551 |
7407 | 2022-07 | AVY | 0.548646 | -0.349065 | 0.162362 | NaN | -0.060558 | 0.994782 | -0.558506 | -0.350338 |
7249 | 2022-07 | CMS | 1.001439 | -0.688955 | 0.923604 | NaN | -0.137185 | 0.305028 | 0.946862 | 2.218818 |
7368 | 2022-07 | DXC | 0.106735 | -0.544495 | -0.999375 | NaN | -0.192346 | 1.631655 | -0.197834 | 0.322900 |
6291 rows × 10 columns
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = com_df.drop(com_df.columns[6], axis =1)
df = df.dropna()
Date | Instrument | PCA Factor 1 | PCA Factor 2 | PCA Factor 3 | Next Q Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | |
1199 | 2017-04 | RHI | 0.852194 | -1.940168 | 0.434228 | 0.050282 | -0.861106 | -0.445540 | -0.720786 |
1297 | 2017-04 | SPGI | 4.612328 | -2.510695 | 3.296044 | 0.070690 | 2.029091 | -0.118562 | 1.152635 |
1208 | 2017-04 | ORCL | -0.743416 | -0.238669 | -0.603372 | 0.108835 | 0.121018 | -1.189149 | -2.045449 |
1413 | 2017-04 | LOW | -0.560841 | 0.274964 | -0.065589 | -0.088721 | -0.594675 | -0.473439 | -0.360427 |
1389 | 2017-04 | MAA | -1.021647 | 0.370841 | 0.204787 | 0.014234 | -1.413413 | -0.776643 | 0.220382 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7107 | 2022-04 | WM | -0.530063 | 0.432105 | -0.444899 | 0.047261 | 0.513191 | 0.387185 | 1.678771 |
6970 | 2022-04 | CAH | 0.382502 | -1.287591 | 2.399141 | 0.275684 | 1.222790 | -0.034871 | 0.899493 |
6998 | 2022-04 | AVY | 0.463544 | -0.144213 | -0.221545 | -0.060558 | 0.970929 | -0.568420 | -0.364065 |
7078 | 2022-04 | CMS | 1.250524 | -0.300628 | -1.373276 | -0.137185 | 0.255026 | 0.926082 | 2.190044 |
6889 | 2022-04 | DXC | 0.073055 | -0.924805 | 0.293358 | -0.192346 | 1.559481 | -0.227828 | 0.281367 |
6005 rows × 9 columns
Add covid 19 into consideration
# Create a dummy variable for Covid based on the condition: if date >= '2020-01-01' and <= '2022-01-01', it would be 1, otherwise 0
# we assume covid affected stock market in 2020 and 2021.
# Why setting 2022 to be uneffective is because 1. a single event which has a start must have a end, and 2. we have to do this because we build the test data set
# only for data with date >2021-01. If I set all date > 2021-01 with covid variable 1, the linear regression will show error because intercept will be confused
# with dummy variable
df['Covid'] = ((df['Date'] >= '2020-01') & (df['Date'] < '2022-01')).astype(int)
The final dataset is consisted of factors of 'E Score', 'S Score', 'G Score', 'PCA Factor 1', 'PCA Factor 2', 'PCA Factor 3', 'Covid'.
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
factor_col = ['E Score', 'S Score', 'G Score', 'PCA Factor 1', 'PCA Factor 2', 'PCA Factor 3', 'Covid']
# Assuming your DataFrame is named df
correlation_matrix = df[factor_col].corr()
# Create a heatmap using Seaborn
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix, annot=True, fmt=".2f", linewidths=0.5)
# Customize the plot
plt.title("Correlation Matrix", fontsize=20)
# Show the plot
PCA Factor 1 | PCA Factor 2 | PCA Factor 3 | Next Q Return | E Score | S Score | G Score | Covid | |
count | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 | 6005.000000 |
mean | -0.003506 | 0.029440 | -0.014076 | 0.024194 | 0.053216 | 0.050056 | 0.015121 | 0.381016 |
std | 1.494748 | 1.131171 | 1.034577 | 0.158069 | 0.950474 | 1.000145 | 0.979416 | 0.485677 |
min | -5.313446 | -5.422237 | -4.328957 | -0.812361 | -2.681774 | -3.031672 | -3.047624 | 0.000000 |
25% | -0.703778 | -0.607372 | -0.612219 | -0.060558 | -0.623677 | -0.680531 | -0.575794 | 0.000000 |
50% | -0.339823 | -0.070666 | -0.077146 | 0.025691 | -0.016866 | -0.134695 | 0.109163 | 0.000000 |
75% | 0.146190 | 0.509475 | 0.462595 | 0.109748 | 0.654640 | 0.669262 | 0.697301 | 1.000000 |
max | 16.026433 | 9.816880 | 8.207443 | 0.957227 | 3.337515 | 3.264825 | 2.825667 | 1.000000 |
Here, we first divide dataset into a training dataset (data before 2021-01) and a test dataset (data after 2021-01).
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
train_df = df[df['Date']<='2021-01']
test_df = df[df['Date']>'2021-01']
#factor_col = ['E Score', 'S Score', 'G Score', 'NI', 'PE', 'PB', 'Momentum', 'ROA', 'ROE', 'Revenue', 'Debt Ratio', 'Covid']
X_train = train_df[factor_col].values
Y_train = train_df['Next Q Return']
X_test = test_df[factor_col].values
Y_test = test_df['Next Q Return']
Linear Regression
X_train1 = sm.add_constant(X_train, prepend = True)
LR1 = sm.OLS(Y_train, X_train1)
LR =
X_test1 = sm.add_constant(X_test, prepend = True)
LR_test = LR.predict(X_test1)
Random Forest
randomforest_regressor = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=300)
model_RF =, Y_train)
RF_test = model_RF.predict(X_test)
svr = SVR(kernel='rbf')
model_SVR =, Y_train)
svr_test = model_SVR.predict(X_test)
Gradient Boost
gbdt = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=5)
model_GB =, Y_train)
gbdt_test = model_GB.predict(X_test)
Below is the result of our linear regression model, variables X1 to X7 each represent: 'E Score', 'S Score', 'G Score', 'PCA Factor 1', 'PCA Factor 2', 'PCA Factor 3', 'Covid'.
In linear regression model, we can see among ESG scores, only S-score is shown to be significant.
Dep. Variable: | Next Q Return | R-squared: | 0.112 |
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.111 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 82.20 |
Date: | Sun, 23 Apr 2023 | Prob (F-statistic): | 6.56e-113 |
Time: | 12:40:27 | Log-Likelihood: | 2111.9 |
No. Observations: | 4576 | AIC: | -4208. |
Df Residuals: | 4568 | BIC: | -4156. |
Df Model: | 7 | ||
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -0.0004 | 0.003 | -0.136 | 0.892 | -0.006 | 0.005 |
x1 | 0.0001 | 0.003 | 0.050 | 0.960 | -0.005 | 0.005 |
x2 | -0.0069 | 0.003 | -2.663 | 0.008 | -0.012 | -0.002 |
x3 | 0.0001 | 0.002 | 0.043 | 0.966 | -0.005 | 0.005 |
x4 | 0.0009 | 0.002 | 0.598 | 0.550 | -0.002 | 0.004 |
x5 | 0.0036 | 0.002 | 1.737 | 0.083 | -0.000 | 0.008 |
x6 | -0.0014 | 0.002 | -0.623 | 0.533 | -0.006 | 0.003 |
x7 | 0.1174 | 0.005 | 23.012 | 0.000 | 0.107 | 0.127 |
Omnibus: | 428.428 | Durbin-Watson: | 1.472 |
Prob(Omnibus): | 0.000 | Jarque-Bera (JB): | 1585.733 |
Skew: | -0.425 | Prob(JB): | 0.00 |
Kurtosis: | 5.756 | Cond. No. | 3.49 |
As for random forest:
All E-score, S-score, and G-scores are slightly above the average significance which is 1/7.
# Get feature importances
RF_importances = model_RF.feature_importances_
# Print the feature importances
for feature, importance in zip(factor_col, RF_importances):
print(f"{feature}: {importance}")
E Score: 0.15306876895814198 S Score: 0.1456452103484826 G Score: 0.14323780823727802 PCA Factor 1: 0.13957025117922972 PCA Factor 2: 0.15753055992669504 PCA Factor 3: 0.1513779006058136 Covid: 0.10956950074435894
As for Gradient Boosting:
Only E-score is slightly above the average significance.
importances2 = model_GB.feature_importances_
# Print the feature importances
for feature, importance in zip(factor_col, importances2):
print(f"{feature}: {importance}")
E Score: 0.14613749118630107 S Score: 0.12413907467663009 G Score: 0.12878085983271992 PCA Factor 1: 0.08660388796214366 PCA Factor 2: 0.11543424855423633 PCA Factor 3: 0.13374951829969456 Covid: 0.2651549194882743
We first merge all results into one dataframe. Then we will analyze mean-square-error for each models on test dataset to see how they perform.
pred_df = pd.DataFrame()
pred_df['Instrument'] = test_df['Instrument']
pred_df['Date'] = test_df['Date']
pred_df['LR'] = LR_test
pred_df['RF'] = RF_test
pred_df['SVR'] = svr_test
pred_df['GB'] = gbdt_test
pred_df['Actual Return'] = test_df['Next Q Return']
Instrument | Date | LR | RF | SVR | GB | Actual Return | |
5764 | RHI | 2021-04 | 0.123420 | 0.168349 | 0.158057 | 0.175005 | 0.127683 |
5929 | SPGI | 2021-04 | 0.123906 | 0.129902 | 0.138656 | 0.106414 | 0.035181 |
5883 | ORCL | 2021-04 | 0.126573 | 0.167482 | 0.105094 | 0.077113 | 0.131953 |
5972 | LOW | 2021-04 | 0.118705 | 0.120991 | 0.282981 | 0.113571 | -0.018140 |
5946 | MAA | 2021-04 | 0.114827 | 0.143250 | 0.112849 | 0.124268 | 0.108835 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7107 | WM | 2022-04 | -0.001145 | -0.000266 | -0.015315 | -0.004667 | 0.047261 |
6970 | CAH | 2022-04 | -0.007403 | -0.027068 | 0.175226 | -0.030647 | 0.275684 |
6998 | AVY | 2022-04 | 0.003846 | -0.006445 | 0.004178 | 0.018158 | -0.060558 |
7078 | CMS | 2022-04 | -0.004518 | 0.001014 | 0.066760 | 0.021595 | -0.137185 |
6889 | DXC | 2022-04 | -0.002212 | 0.004876 | 0.000648 | 0.004377 | -0.192346 |
1429 rows × 7 columns
pred_df = pred_df.sort_values(by=['Instrument', 'Date'])
Instrument | Date | LR | RF | SVR | GB | Actual Return | |
5960 | A | 2021-04 | 0.110206 | 0.160231 | 0.115178 | 0.178601 | 0.146588 |
6059 | A | 2021-07 | 0.112734 | 0.131651 | 0.160899 | 0.163970 | 0.027801 |
6293 | A | 2021-10 | 0.101839 | 0.184062 | 0.105382 | 0.069218 | -0.115372 |
6764 | A | 2022-01 | -0.017033 | -0.088556 | -0.001623 | -0.084798 | -0.143913 |
7015 | A | 2022-04 | -0.019506 | -0.075513 | -0.019761 | -0.098354 | 0.124340 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5820 | ZTS | 2021-04 | 0.117553 | 0.057486 | -0.009100 | 0.071518 | 0.041747 |
6193 | ZTS | 2021-07 | 0.120532 | 0.098244 | 0.146891 | 0.123646 | 0.256979 |
6572 | ZTS | 2021-10 | 0.123629 | 0.235019 | 0.231796 | 0.210828 | -0.227185 |
6768 | ZTS | 2022-01 | 0.002745 | 0.018562 | 0.012963 | 0.034367 | -0.088552 |
6882 | ZTS | 2022-04 | 0.000819 | 0.070902 | 0.029919 | 0.063524 | -0.137297 |
1429 rows × 7 columns
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
Y_test = Y_test.dropna() #drop out the last row for next return which is NAN
mse_lr = mean_squared_error(Y_test, LR_test)
mse_rf = mean_squared_error(Y_test, RF_test)
mse_svr = mean_squared_error(Y_test, svr_test)
mse_gb = mean_squared_error(Y_test, gbdt_test)
print(f"Mean Squared Error for Linear Regression: {mse_lr}")
print(f"Mean Squared Error for Random Forest: {mse_rf}")
print(f"Mean Squared Error for Support Vector Regression: {mse_svr}")
print(f"Mean Squared Error for Gradient Boosting: {mse_gb}")
Mean Squared Error for Linear Regression: 0.023257777000994646 Mean Squared Error for Random Forest: 0.024504062986203536 Mean Squared Error for Support Vector Regression: 0.024717368400565383 Mean Squared Error for Gradient Boosting: 0.02392708622907875
Looks like linear regression perform the best. This is reasonable because linear regression's objective function is trying to solely minimize mean square error while other models incorporate others things in, like regularization, which try to avoid overfitting problem. However, factors in our models are still too smaller compared to real asset management firms, who use over 100+ or even 1000+ factors in constructing models. These asset management firms are so complex that are easy exposed to overfitting while our models are much more simpler and thus subject less to overfit. In this case, linear regression may actually perform better on MSE metric.
Our goal is not to just predict stock return bu to create a portfolio that beats the market. We will select 5 top stocks based on each model at the start of each quarter and sell at the next quarter based on their predicted next quarter return. We construct a stock portfolio based on equal weight of these 5 stocks (meaning purchasing same amount of money of each stock), and we try to see how the stock portfolio perform compared to each other as well as to S&P 500 index.
def get_ret(name):
for quar in pred_df.Date.unique():
s_df = pred_df[pred_df['Date'] == quar]
K= 5
s_df = s_df.sort_values(by=name, ascending=False)
ret1 = s_df.iloc[:K]['Actual Return'].mean() #Equal Weight
return ret
LR_ret = get_ret(name="LR")
RF_ret = get_ret(name="RF")
SVR_ret = get_ret(name="SVR")
GBDT_ret = get_ret(name='GB')
all_ret = pd.DataFrame()
all_ret['Date'] = pred_df.Date.unique()
all_ret['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(all_ret['Date'])
all_ret['Date'] = all_ret['Date'] + pd.DateOffset(months=3)
all_ret['LR'] = LR_ret
all_ret['RF'] = RF_ret
all_ret['SVR'] = SVR_ret
all_ret['GBDT'] = GBDT_ret
all_ret_backup = all_ret
Date | LR | RF | SVR | GBDT | |
0 | 2021-07-01 | -0.023292 | -0.041212 | 0.008082 | 0.020397 |
1 | 2021-10-01 | 0.088594 | 0.166775 | 0.115003 | 0.166775 |
2 | 2022-01-01 | -0.098635 | 0.121873 | -0.033019 | 0.028023 |
3 | 2022-04-01 | -0.205070 | -0.112781 | -0.099513 | -0.048980 |
4 | 2022-07-01 | -0.070502 | -0.028746 | -0.017714 | -0.094978 |
Below, we add in S&P 500 index return and merge it with our models' result.
sp500 = pd.read_excel('./sp500return.xlsx')
sp500 = sp500.T
sp5001 = sp500.iloc[2:,:]
sp5001 = sp5001.reset_index()
sp5001.columns = ['Date', 'Last Price']
Date | Last Price | |
0 | 03/31/2016 | 2059.74 |
1 | 06/30/2016 | 2098.86 |
2 | 09/30/2016 | 2168.27 |
3 | 12/30/2016 | 2238.83 |
4 | 03/31/2017 | 2362.72 |
5 | 06/30/2017 | 2423.41 |
6 | 09/29/2017 | 2519.36 |
7 | 12/29/2017 | 2673.61 |
8 | 03/30/2018 | 2640.87 |
9 | 06/29/2018 | 2718.37 |
10 | 09/28/2018 | 2913.98 |
11 | 12/31/2018 | 2506.85 |
12 | 03/29/2019 | 2834.4 |
13 | 06/28/2019 | 2941.76 |
14 | 09/30/2019 | 2976.74 |
15 | 12/31/2019 | 3230.78 |
16 | 03/31/2020 | 2584.59 |
17 | 06/30/2020 | 3100.29 |
18 | 09/30/2020 | 3363 |
19 | 12/31/2020 | 3756.07 |
20 | 03/31/2021 | 3972.89 |
21 | 06/30/2021 | 4297.5 |
22 | 09/30/2021 | 4307.54 |
23 | 12/31/2021 | 4766.18 |
24 | 03/31/2022 | 4530.41 |
25 | 06/30/2022 | 3785.38 |
26 | 09/30/2022 | 3585.62 |
27 | 12/30/2022 | 3839.5 |
# Group by 'Instrument' and apply the custom function to each group
sp5002 = sp5001.set_index('Date').pct_change()
sp5003 = sp5002.tail(7)
Last Price | |
Date | |
06/30/2021 | 0.081706 |
09/30/2021 | 0.002336 |
12/31/2021 | 0.106474 |
03/31/2022 | -0.049467 |
06/30/2022 | -0.164451 |
09/30/2022 | -0.052771 |
12/30/2022 | 0.070805 |
sp5004 = sp5003.reset_index()['Last Price']
all_return = all_ret.merge(sp5004, left_index=True, right_index=True)
all_return = all_return.dropna()
all_return = all_return.set_index('Date')
LR | RF | SVR | GBDT | Last Price | |
Date | |||||
2021-07-01 | -0.023292 | -0.041212 | 0.008082 | 0.020397 | 0.081706 |
2021-10-01 | 0.088594 | 0.166775 | 0.115003 | 0.166775 | 0.002336 |
2022-01-01 | -0.098635 | 0.121873 | -0.033019 | 0.028023 | 0.106474 |
2022-04-01 | -0.205070 | -0.112781 | -0.099513 | -0.048980 | -0.049467 |
2022-07-01 | -0.070502 | -0.028746 | -0.017714 | -0.094978 | -0.164451 |
Lastly, we plot the return of our stock portfolio from each model and the return of actual S&P500 index return.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pandas as pd
# Set figure size
# Plot LR
plt.plot(all_return['LR'], linestyle='--', lw=1.5, color='purple', label='LR')
# Plot RF
plt.plot(all_return['RF'], linestyle='-', lw=4, color='blue', label='RF')
# Plot SVR
plt.plot(all_return['SVR'], linestyle='--', lw=1.5, color='orange', label='SVR')
# Plot GBDT
plt.plot(all_return['GBDT'], linestyle='-', lw=4, color='Purple', label='GB')
# Plot S&P500 Index
plt.plot(all_return['Last Price'], linestyle='-.', lw=1.5, color='gray', label='S&P500 Index')
# Add shaded area between -0.2 and the S&P500 line
plt.fill_between(all_return.index, -0.2, all_return['Last Price'], color='red', alpha=0.2)
# Customize legend
# Create a list of dates with a 3-month interval
start_date = pd.Timestamp('2021-07-01')
end_date = pd.Timestamp('2022-07-01')
date_range = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq='3M')
# Set custom x-axis tickers
ax = plt.gca()
# Show the plot
We can see random forest and gradient boosting are better at constructing stock portfolio. However, we do not see significant extra returns seized by our models compared to S&P500.
In this project, we try to asnwer four questions:
It is reasonable to suspect that ESG scores' relationships with returns is non-linear. We can think about the balance point between over-investing and necessary investing in ESG activities. Thus, this is also why we are using random forest, gradient boosting, and support vector regression (kernel: RDF), models that are non-linear in nature. Shown by gradient boosting, E-score is slightly higher than average significance. This is expected as E-score is nornally the most well-known factor by common investors given the green trasition is such a big phrase in our daily life. Every company talks about green trasition, primarily driven by their willingness to protect the environment and government regulations.
Do machine learning models incorporating ESG factors useful in stock prediction? According to mean-square-error comparison, linear regression is the best in stock prediction in test dataset, followed by gradient boosting.
Can machine learning models incorporating ESG factors be a good investment strategy? There is no significant crazy improvement of portfolios yielded by four machine learning models than S&P 500 index. Indeed, random forest and gradient boosting perform better than SVR and linear regression. However, random forest and gradient boosting still just ourperform S&P500 3 times out of 5 time periods, indicating a 60% success rate. As we can see from below, that random forest outperforms S&P500 by around 2% and gradient boosting outperforms S&P500 by around 1.4% across 5 quarter horizon. Can it be a good investment strategy? I personally would not throw my money in my models this time. :)
LR -0.061781 RF 0.021182 SVR -0.005432 GBDT 0.014248 Last Price -0.004680 dtype: float64
It can be said that any investment strategy derived from the four models is not so good: it does not capture crazy returns. This is because of arbitrage theory. For our study, the model is too easy compared to other models worked by top asset management firms who spend a great deal of time developed by a bunch of PH.D.. They do this for a living, and have already developed models capture the benefits that can be captured by our study's factors. This is why the adjusted R-squared of linear regression is 0.111 (we have tried to improve the R-squared: the original one is 0.001, a really astonishing number), and also why our investment strategy, for example the one derived from random forest only gives out 2% more return than S&P500. However, this project indeed let us know a lot more about quantitative finance, inspiring us to consider taking quantitative researcher as our career path.
Our research provides insight to companies how their performance on ESG activities may affect their market capitalization. Also, our research may serve as a caution for companies who are over-investing in ESG or invest in S-score too much to make their business models fall apart. It is increasingly important to find a balance point between over investing and simply neglecting ESG.
Also, we can see E-score and G-score are not significant. This might be due to a lot of people simply do not know what E-score and G-score are. Everybody is talking about ESG and no one really looks at, for example, SASB's ESG disclosure report to truly figure what ESG really is. One of the insight from this research is to let policy maker to be aware that it is important to let investors or even common people know what ESG really are what they mean for their own and their children's future.
Moreover, for quantitative researchers, our study sheds light on that non-linear multifactor modelling on ESG may perform better on building investment strategy probably due to non-linear nature of ESG scores.
One of the future research direction we see is that there are different ESG rating agencies. This time, we only use Bloomberg ESG for our modelling part. However, there are many famous ESG rating agencies like MSCI, S&P Global, Sustainalytics, etc. These agencies all use different criteria and weighting methods to calcualte ESG scores. For example, Bloomberg dives into air quality, climate change, water, energy management, material waste, health and safety, audit risk, diversity, compensation, board structure and shareholder's rights into their framework (Bloomberg, 2023) while Refinitiv (2023) considers resource use, emissions, innovations, workforce, human rights, community, and product responsibility for social scores, and management, shareholders, and corporate social responsibility and controversity scores in their analysis. In this case, Bloomberg, unlike other agencies, do not incorporate innovation, product responsibility and things like that.
Thus, future research can be taken to incorporate ESG scores from other agencies into modelling to see whether they are effective in predicting stock returns. Another future research direction is to do it in other countries like China or Europe to see if their investors care about ESG.
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