Two-dimensional, incompressible, bottom heated, steady isoviscous thermal convection in a 1 x 1 box, see case 1 of King et al. 2009 / Blankenbach et al. 1989 for details.
This example introduces:
Keywords: Stokes system, EBA, advective diffusive systems, analysis tools
Scott D. King, Changyeol Lee, Peter E. Van Keken, Wei Leng, Shijie Zhong, Eh Tan, Nicola Tosi, Masanori C. Kameyama, A community benchmark for 2-D Cartesian compressible convection in the Earth's mantle, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 180, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 73–87,
B. Blankenbach, F. Busse, U. Christensen, L. Cserepes, D. Gunkel, U. Hansen, H. Harder, G. Jarvis, M. Koch, G. Marquart, D. Moore, P. Olson, H. Schmeling and T. Schnaubelt. A benchmark comparison for mantle convection codes. Geophysical Journal International, 98, 1, 23–38, 1989
import underworld as uw
from underworld import function as fn
import underworld.visualisation as vis
import math
import numpy as np
from underworld.scaling import units as u
# The physical S.I. units from the Blankenbach paper
# Sanity check for the Rayleigh number.
# In this implementation the equations are non-dimensionalised with Ra
# Ra = a*g*dT*h**3 / (eta0*dif)
h = 1e6 * u.m
dT = 1e3 * u.degK
a = 2.5e-5 * u.degK**-1
g = 10 * u.m * u.s**-2
diff = 1e-6 * u.m**2 * u.s**-1
eta = 1e23 * * u.s**-1 * u.m**-1
rho = 4000 * * u.m**-3 # reference density, only for units
Ra = (a*g*dT*h**3)/(eta/rho*diff)
10000.000000000002 dimensionless
boxHeight = 1.0
boxLength = 1.0
# Set grid resolution.
res = 64
# Set max & min temperautres
tempMin = 0.0
tempMax = 1.0
Choose which Rayleigh number, see case 1 of Blankenbach et al. 1989 for details.
Di = 0.5
Ra = 1.e4
eta0 = 1.e23
Set input and output file directory
outputPath = 'EBA/'
# Make output directory if necessary.
if uw.mpi.rank==0:
import os
if not os.path.exists(outputPath):
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1/dQ0"),
elementRes = (res, res),
minCoord = (0., 0.),
maxCoord = (boxLength, boxHeight))
velocityField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=2 )
pressureField = mesh.subMesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )
temperatureDotField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1 )
# initialise velocity, pressure and temperatureDot field[:] = [0.,0.][:] = 0.[:] = 0.[:] = 0.
Set values and functions for viscosity, density and buoyancy force.
# Set a constant viscosity.
viscosity = 1.
# Create our density function.
densityFn = Ra * temperatureField
# Define our vertical unit vector using a python tuple (this will be automatically converted to a function).
z_hat = ( 0.0, 1.0 )
# A buoyancy function.
buoyancyFn = densityFn * z_hat
Use a sinusodial perturbation[:] = 0.
pertStrength = 0.1
deltaTemp = tempMax - tempMin
for index, coord in enumerate(
pertCoeff = math.cos( math.pi * coord[0]/boxLength ) * math.sin( math.pi * coord[1]/boxLength )[index] = tempMin + deltaTemp*(boxHeight - coord[1]) + pertStrength * pertCoeff[index] = max(tempMin, min(tempMax,[index]))
Show initial temperature field
# fig = vis.Figure()
# fig.append( vis.objects.Surface(mesh, temperatureField) )
Set temperature boundary conditions on the bottom ( MinJ
) and top ( MaxJ
for index in mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = tempMax
for index in mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]:[index] = tempMin
Construct sets for the both horizontal and vertical walls. Combine the sets of vertices to make the I
(left and right side walls) and J
(top and bottom walls) sets.
iWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
jWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
freeslipBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable = velocityField,
indexSetsPerDof = (iWalls, jWalls) )
tempBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable = temperatureField,
indexSetsPerDof = (jWalls,) )
Setup a Stokes system
stokes = velocityField = velocityField,
pressureField = pressureField,
conditions = [freeslipBC,],
fn_viscosity = viscosity,
fn_bodyforce = buoyancyFn )
# get the default stokes equation solver
solver = stokes )
# a function for the 2nd invariant strain rate tensor
fn_sr2Inv = fn.tensor.second_invariant(fn.tensor.symmetric( velocityField.fn_gradient ))
# a function for viscous dissipation, i.e.
# the contraction of dev. stress tensor with strain rate tensor.
vd = 2 * viscosity * 2 * fn_sr2Inv**2
# function for adiabatic heating
adiabatic_heating = Di * velocityField[1]*(temperatureField)
# combine viscous dissipation and adiabatic heating
# terms to the energy equation, via the argument 'fn_source'
fn_source = Di/Ra * vd - adiabatic_heating
### As discussed by King et al. (JI09) the volume integral of the viscous dissipation and
### the adiabatic heating should balance.
int_vd = uw.utils.Integral([Di/Ra*vd,adiabatic_heating], mesh)
Create an advection diffusion system
advDiff = phiField = temperatureField,
phiDotField = temperatureDotField,
velocityField = velocityField,
fn_diffusivity = 1.0,
fn_sourceTerm = fn_source,
conditions = [tempBC,] )
Nusselt number
The Nusselt number is the ratio between convective and conductive heat transfer
$$ Nu = -h \frac{ \int_0^l \partial_z T (x, z=h) dx}{ \int_0^l T (x, z=0) dx} $$nuTop = uw.utils.Integral( fn=temperatureField.fn_gradient[1],
mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface',
nuBottom = uw.utils.Integral( fn=temperatureField,
mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface',
nu = - nuTop.evaluate()[0]/nuBottom.evaluate()[0]
if uw.mpi.rank == 0 : print('Nusselt number = {0:.6f}'.format(nu))
Nusselt number = 1.000000
RMS velocity
The root mean squared velocity is defined by intergrating over the entire simulation domain via
$$ \begin{aligned} v_{rms} = \sqrt{ \frac{ \int_V (\mathbf{v}.\mathbf{v}) dV } {\int_V dV} } \end{aligned} $$where $V$ denotes the volume of the box.
vrms = stokes.velocity_rms()
if uw.mpi.rank == 0 : print('Initial vrms = {0:.3f}'.format(vrms))
Initial vrms = 0.000
#initialise time, step, output arrays
time = 0.
step = 0
timeVal = []
vrmsVal = []
step_end = 30
# output frequency
step_output = max(1,min(100, step_end/10)) # reasonable automatic choice
epsilon = 1.e-8
velplotmax = 0.0
nuLast = -1.0
rerr = 1.
# define an update function
def update():
# Determining the maximum timestep for advancing the a-d system.
dt = advDiff.get_max_dt()
# Advect using this timestep size.
return time+dt, step+1
v_old = velocityField.copy()
tol = 1e-8
# Perform steps.
while step<=step_end and rerr > tol:
# copy to previous[:] =[:]
# Solving the Stokes system.
aerr = uw.utils._nps_2norm(
magV = uw.utils._nps_2norm(
rerr = ( aerr/magV if magV>1e-8 else 1) # calculate relative variation
# Calculate & store the RMS velocity and Nusselt number.
vrms = stokes.velocity_rms()
nu = - nuTop.evaluate()[0]/nuBottom.evaluate()[0]
velplotmax = max(vrms, velplotmax)
# print output statistics
if step%(step_end/step_output) == 0:
# mH ="mesh-{}.h5".format(step))
# tH ="t-{}.h5".format(step), mH)
# vH ="v-{}.h5".format(step), mH)
# velocityField.xdmf(outputPath+"v-{}.xdmf".format(step), vH, "velocity", mH, "mesh")
# temperatureField.xdmf(outputPath+"t-{}.xdmf".format(step), tH, "temperature", mH, "mesh" )
print('steps = {0:6d}; time = {1:.3e}; v_rms = {2:.3f}; Nu = {3:.3f}; Rel change = {4:.3e} vChange = {5:.3e}'
.format(step, time, vrms, nu, abs((nu - nuLast)/nu), rerr))
# # Check loop break conditions.
# if(abs((nu - nuLast)/nu) < epsilon):
# if(uw.mpi.rank==0):
# print('steps = {0:6d}; time = {1:.3e}; v_rms = {2:.3f}; Nu = {3:.3f}; Rel change = {4:.3e}'
# .format(step, time, vrms, nu, abs((nu - nuLast)/nu)))
# break
nuLast = nu
# update
time, step = update()
print("velocity relative tolerance is: {:.3f}".format(rerr))
steps = 0; time = 0.000e+00; v_rms = 17.899; Nu = 1.000; Rel change = 2.000e+00 vChange = 1.000e+00 steps = 10; time = 1.221e-03; v_rms = 21.672; Nu = 1.059; Rel change = 6.079e-03 vChange = 2.010e-02 steps = 20; time = 2.441e-03; v_rms = 26.347; Nu = 1.137; Rel change = 8.114e-03 vChange = 1.939e-02 steps = 30; time = 3.662e-03; v_rms = 31.759; Nu = 1.252; Rel change = 1.083e-02 vChange = 1.838e-02 velocity relative tolerance is: 0.018
Benchmark values
We can check the volume integral of viscous dissipation and adibatic heating are equal
vd, ad = int_vd.evaluate()
# error if >2% difference in vd and ad
if not np.isclose(vd,ad, rtol=2e-2):
if uw.mpi.rank == 0: print('vd = {0:.3e}, ad = {1:.3e}'.format(vd,ad))
raise RuntimeError("The volume integral of viscous dissipation and adiabatic heating should be approximately equal")