This is a test for the volume & surface integral functionality.
Various mesh are integrated over, with checks made against things like total volume, surface area and function integration.
import underworld as uw
import underworld.visualisation as vis
import numpy as np
import math
minCoord = [-2.,-1.]
maxCoord = [ 2., 1.]
meshq1 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q1', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
meshq2 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q2', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
Global element size: 16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16 Global element size: 16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16
meshfig = vis.Figure(figsize=(800,400))
meshfig.append( vis.objects.Mesh(meshq1) )
def checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, value, fn=1., rtol=1e-05):
This function performs surface integration across the entire boundary of the
provided mesh. The surface integration of 'fn' is expected to return a result
with 'rtol' of 'value'.
mesh : uw.mesh.FeMesh
The mesh across which integration is to be performed.
value: float
The expected result of the integration.
fn : uw.function.Function
The function which is to be integrated.
rtol : float
Relative tolerance. Check allclose documentation for details.
boundaryLength = uw.utils.Integral( fn=fn, mesh=mesh, integrationType='Surface', surfaceIndexSet=mesh.specialSets["AllWalls_VertexSet"])
result = boundaryLength.evaluate()
assert np.allclose( result, value, rtol=rtol ), "Error occurred in surface integration. Integration = {}, Expected = {}".format(result, value)
def checkVolumeIntegration(mesh, value, fn=1., rtol=1e-05):
This function performs volume integration across the entire volume of the
provided mesh. The volume integration of 'fn' is expected to return a result
with 'rtol' of 'value'.
mesh : uw.mesh.FeMesh
The mesh across which integration is to be performed.
value: float
The expected result of the integration.
fn : uw.function.Function
The function which is to be integrated.
rtol : float
Relative tolerance. Check allclose documentation for details.
totalVolume = uw.utils.Integral( fn=fn, mesh=mesh, integrationType='Volume')
result = totalVolume.evaluate()
assert np.allclose( result, value, rtol=rtol ), "Error occurred in volume integration. Integration = {}, Expected = {}".format(result, value)
def correctLength(minCoord,maxCoord):
""" Calculates the total boundary length of a mesh created using minCoord,maxCoord. """
return 2.*sum( maxCoord[ii] - minCoord[ii] for ii in range(0,len(minCoord)))
def correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord):
""" Calculates the volume of a mesh created using minCoord,maxCoord. """
return [ maxCoord[ii] - minCoord[ii] for ii in range(0,len(minCoord)) ] )
# check we are getting correct
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctLength(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration(mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
# lets rotate and try again
def rotate(mesh):
with mesh.deform_mesh():
for vert in[:]:
radius = np.linalg.norm(vert[0:2])
angle = np.arctan2(vert[1],vert[0])
vert[0] = radius*math.cos(angle+math.pi/6.)
vert[1] = radius*math.sin(angle+math.pi/6.)
# check
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctLength(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
def refine(mesh, minCoord, maxCoord):
# lets do some refinement and check
xp = np.array( (0., 0.10, 0.20, 0.300, 0.40, 0.5, 0.60, 0.70, 0.8, 0.90, 1.0) )
yp = np.array( (0., 0.05, 0.10, 0.125, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.4, 0.55, 1.0) )
# scale to domain
xp = xp*(maxCoord[0]-minCoord[0]) - maxCoord[0]
yp = yp*(maxCoord[0]-minCoord[0]) - maxCoord[0]
with mesh.deform_mesh():[:,0] = np.interp([:,0], xp, yp)
# check
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
refine(mesh, minCoord, maxCoord)
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctLength(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctLength(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
# giordani mesh
minCoord = [-1.,-1.]
maxCoord = [ 1., 1.]
meshq1 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q1', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
meshq2 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q2', elementRes=(16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
def circleMesh(mesh):
with mesh.deform_mesh():
for vert in[:]:
radius = np.max(np.abs(vert))
angle = np.arctan2(vert[1],vert[0])
vert[0] = radius*math.cos(angle)
vert[1] = radius*math.sin(angle)
# check.. note we need to use a lower tolerance for the q1 mesh because it always
# under-integrates due to the mesh 'cutting corners'
for index,mesh in enumerate([meshq1,meshq2]):
rtols = [1e-2,1e-5]
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, 2.*math.pi, rtol=rtols[index])
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, math.pi, rtol=rtols[index])
meshfig = vis.Figure(figsize=(600,600))
meshfig.append( vis.objects.Mesh(meshq1) )
Global element size: 16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16 Global element size: 16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16
# lets do some 3d tests
minCoord = [-5.,-2.,-1.]
maxCoord = [ 5., 2., 1.]
meshq1 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q1', elementRes=(8,8,8), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
meshq2 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q2', elementRes=(8,8,8), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
def correctSurface(minCoord,maxCoord):
val = 0.
val += ( maxCoord[0] - minCoord[0] )*( maxCoord[1] - minCoord[1] )
val += ( maxCoord[0] - minCoord[0] )*( maxCoord[2] - minCoord[2] )
val += ( maxCoord[1] - minCoord[1] )*( maxCoord[2] - minCoord[2] )
return 2*val
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctSurface(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
meshfig = vis.Figure(figsize=(800,400))
meshfig.append( vis.objects.Mesh(meshq1) )
Global element size: 8x8x8 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0x0 Local range of rank 0: 8x8x8 Global element size: 8x8x8 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0x0 Local range of rank 0: 8x8x8
# check
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctSurface(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
# refine, check, rotate, check
for mesh in [meshq1,meshq2]:
refine(mesh, minCoord, maxCoord)
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctSurface(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, correctSurface(minCoord,maxCoord))
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, correctVol(minCoord,maxCoord))
# giordani mesh
minCoord = [-1.,-1.,-1.]
maxCoord = [ 1., 1., 1.]
meshq1 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q1', elementRes=(16,16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
meshq2 = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType='Q2', elementRes=(16,16,16), minCoord=minCoord, maxCoord=maxCoord)
def sphereMesh(mesh):
with mesh.deform_mesh():
for vert in[:]:
radius = np.max(np.abs(vert))
angle1 = np.arctan2(vert[1],vert[0])
angle2 = np.arctan2(vert[2],np.linalg.norm(vert[0:2]))
distinplane = radius*math.cos(angle2)
vert[0] = distinplane*math.cos(angle1)
vert[1] = distinplane*math.sin(angle1)
vert[2] = radius*math.sin(angle2)
# check.. note we need to use a lower tolerance for the q1 mesh because it always
# under-integrates due to the mesh 'cutting corners'
for index,mesh in enumerate([meshq1,meshq2]):
rtols = [1e-2,1e-5]
checkSurfaceIntegration(mesh, 4.*math.pi, rtol=rtols[index])
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, 4./3.*math.pi, rtol=rtols[index])
meshfig = vis.Figure(figsize=(600,600))
meshfig.append( vis.objects.Mesh(meshq1) )
Global element size: 16x16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16x16 Global element size: 16x16x16 Local offset of rank 0: 0x0x0 Local range of rank 0: 16x16x16
# integrate radial function
import underworld.function as fn
coord = fn.input()
r = fn.math.sqrt(,coord) ) # exact solution for integration across unit sphere is \pi
for index,mesh in enumerate([meshq1,meshq2]):
rtols = [1e-2,1e-5]
checkVolumeIntegration( mesh, math.pi, fn=r, rtol=rtols[index])
# lets also integrate just one eighth of sphere surface
func = fn.branching.conditional( [ ( (coord[0]>0.) & (coord[1]>0.) & (coord[2] > 0.), 1.),
( True , 0.) ] )
for index,mesh in enumerate([meshq1,meshq2]):
rtols = [1e-2,1e-5]
checkSurfaceIntegration( mesh, 1./2.*math.pi, fn=func, rtol=rtols[index])
# finally let's add an empty surface integral tests.
# this is in particular important for parallel surface integrations
# where often some procs have empty sets. it should return
# a valid result, zero.
zero = uw.utils.Integral( fn=1., mesh=meshq1, integrationType='Surface', surfaceIndexSet=meshq1.specialSets["Empty"])
result = zero.evaluate()
assert np.allclose( result, 0., rtol=1e-5 ), "Error occurred in surface integration. Integration = {}, Expected = {}".format(result[0], 0.)