Comparison of a solutions obtained via underworld2
and analytic solutions provided by Dohrmann and Bochev (2004) (equations 48-50).
The SolDb2d analytic solution is run over a range of resolutions with the error (in velocity and pressure) measured at each conffiguration. The error convergence is analysed against the expected element type order.
import underworld as uw
import glucifer
from underworld import function as fn
import numpy as np
# SolDB object contains the analytic solution and parameter (ie, viscosity, density) profiles
sol = fn.analytic.SolDB2d()
elTypeToUse = "Q2/dQ1"
# expected order of convergence results for Q2/dQ1
# velocity for Q2 -> 3rd order convergence
# pressure is dQ1 -> 2nd order convergence
expected_order = np.array([2.9,1.9])
# Resolutions to test against
res = [(16,16),(32,32),(64,64)]
def analyticMeasure( numeric, analytic, mesh ):
Measure the integrated error between 2 MeshVariables (or uw.Functions) over the mesh
rel, err: ndarray, ndarray
Array representing the relative and absolute errors between the MeshVariables
The lengths are the number of components of the field
# functional description of L2 norm sums; error and magnitude
fn_err = - analytic, numeric-analytic)
fn_norm = fn.math.pow(analytic, 2.)
# perform L2 norm evaluation
err = fn.math.sqrt(uw.utils.Integral( fn_err, mesh ).evaluate()).evaluate()[0]
norm = fn.math.sqrt(uw.utils.Integral( fn_norm, mesh ).evaluate()).evaluate()[0]
# calculate relative error measures
rel = err / norm
return rel, err
def analyticSol_SingleResolutionTest( sol, elType, resolution ):
Test a FEM model against an analytic solution
sol : fn.analyic._SolBase
The python wrapped analyic solution.
elType: string
The element type desired, as these equation solve stokes this must
describe a mesh/subMesh pair, eg 'Q1/dQ0'.
resolution: integer tuple
The resolution of the mesh.
# 'global' python vars are visible outside this function's scope
global mesh
global velocityField
global pressureField
global solver
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elType, resolution, (0.,0.), (1.,1.))
velocityField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable(mesh,2)[:] = (0.,0.)
# use the analytic solution to define the dirichlet bcs
vel=sol.fn_velocity[:] = vel.evaluate(
pressureField = uw.mesh.MeshVariable(mesh.subMesh,1)[:] = 0.
# currently not checking strain rate
# strainRate = fn.tensor.symmetric( velocityField.fn_gradient )
# freeslip
IWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinI_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxI_VertexSet"]
JWalls = mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] + mesh.specialSets["MaxJ_VertexSet"]
vBCs = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition(velocityField, (IWalls+JWalls, IWalls+JWalls))
stokesSystem =,pressureField,
# Run the BSSCR Solver
# tighter tolerances
solver.options.scr.ksp_rtol=1e-8 # tolerance for the scr solve, default is 1e-5.
solver.options.A11.ksp_rtol=1e-8 # tolerance for the inv K approximation
v_err, abs_v_err = analyticMeasure( velocityField, sol.fn_velocity, mesh )
p_err, abs_p_err = analyticMeasure( pressureField, sol.fn_pressure, mesh )
return v_err, p_err
# store the error measures
vel = []
p = []
ssize = len(res) # the number of samples
for i in xrange(ssize):
test_err = analyticSol_SingleResolutionTest( sol, elTypeToUse, res[i])
vel.append(test_err[0][0]) # get vel error
p.append(test_err[1][0]) # get pressure
# take the log of error measures
yvel = np.log(vel)
yp = np.log(p)
# assume square resolutions - only take x-res
res_x = np.asarray( res )[:,0]
# h = log(1/res_x)
h = np.log(np.reciprocal(res_x.astype(float)))
# prepare a matrix
A = np.vstack([h, np.ones(len(h))]).T
velm, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, yvel)[0]
pm, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, yp)[0]
test = np.array([velm, pm])
if uw.rank()==0:
np.all(np.less(expected_order, test))
if not np.all(np.less(expected_order, test)):
raise RuntimeError("The numerical order of convergence is outside the error threshold."+
"The Relative error found were ", test," the threshold is ", expected_order )
tol scr | tol A11 | O(v_err) | O(p_err) |
1e-5 | 1e-6 | 2.8519131 | 0.75335309 |
1e-6 | 1e-6 | 2.85560521 | 1.14948763 |
1e-6 | 1e-7 | 2.855289 | 1.14857845 |
1e-7 | 1e-7 | 2.85549347 | 1.7223448 |
1e-7 | 1e-8 | 2.99996629 | 1.80303023 |
1e-8 | 1e-8 | 2.99997216 | 1.99653218 |
**1e-8 | 1e-6 | 2.85617013 | 1.96276391** |
if uw.rank()==0:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pyplot.plot(h, yvel, '*-', label='vel', markersize=10)
pyplot.plot(h, yp, 'o-', label='p', markersize=10)
pyplot.title("Log graph of relative error (L2 norm) vs element width")
pyplot.savefig("solDB2d") if uw.nProcs() > 1 else
figViscosity = glucifer.Figure()
figForce = glucifer.Figure(**figViscosity)
# figViscosity.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn=sol.fn_velocity[1], onMesh=True) )
figViscosity.append( glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, fn=sol.fn_velocity, scaling=0.1) )
figForce.append( glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, fn=pressureField,onMesh=True) )
Commented out currently
# # and difference
# diff = sol.fn_velocity - velocityField
# velDiff = glucifer.Figure()
# velDiff.append(glucifer.objects.Surface(velocityField.mesh,,diff) ))
# import numpy as np
# N=201
# a=np.ndarray(shape=(N,2))
# a[:,1]=0.75*np.ones(N)
# a[:,0]=np.linspace(0,1,N)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as mplt
# import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
# vy=sol.fn_velocity[1].evaluate(a)[:,0]
# ax=a[:,0]
# vf=velocityField[1].evaluate(a)[:,0]
# mplt.plot(ax,vf,label='Numerical Velocity')
# #mplt.plot(ax,vy,label='Exact Velocity')
# mplt.plot(ax,1e6*(vy-vf),label='Error (x 1e+6)')
# mplt.legend(loc=3)
# N=801
# a=np.ndarray(shape=(N,2))
# a[:,0]=0.85*np.ones(N)
# a[:,1]=np.linspace(0,1,N)
# ax=a[:,1]
# pex=sol.fn_pressure.evaluate(a)[:,0]
# y=a[:,1]
# pfd=pressureField.evaluate(a)[:,0]
# mplt.plot(y,pfd,label='Numerical')
# mplt.plot(y,pex,label='Exact')
# mplt.plot(y,100*(pfd-pex),label='Error (x 100)')
# mplt.legend(loc=2)