Over a unit square a blob of heat is rotated one revolution subject to a high peclet number.
The evolution of the heat is governed by the advection diffusion equation.
In Underworld this equation can be numerically approximated with 2 methods ("SUPG" and "SLADE").
Various numerical parameters can be investigate in the model below.
This classical test problem is taken from J. Donea and A. Huerta, Finite Element Methods for Flow Problems (2003) with an initial field (temperature in this case) given:
$ T(x,y,0) = \begin{array}{cc} \biggl\{ & \begin{array}{cc} 0.25(1+\cos(\pi X))(1+\cos(\pi Y)) & X^2 + Y^2 < 1, \\ 0 & otherwise, \\ \end{array} \end{array} $
where $(X, Y) = (\space (x-x_0) / \sigma ,\space (y-y_0) / \sigma)\space)$ with $(x_0, y_0)$ as the center of the blob. The domain is a unit square $[-0.5,0.5]x[-0.5,0.5]$ and the rotating velocity is $V(x,y) = (-y,x)$. A static timestep $dt = 2 \pi / 200 $.
import underworld as uw
import underworld.function as fn
import glucifer
import numpy as np
# numerical parameters
nEls = 30 # number of elements in x & y
dt = 2*np.pi/200 # timestep size
def runModel(method, nEls = nEls, dt = dt, elementType='Q1', viz = 1):
Defines and executes "rotating cone problem" numerical model.
method : str, "SUPG" or "SLCN"
The numerical scheme used to evolve the temperature in time.
nEls : int
The number of elements of that define the numerical domain,
equal in both axis.
dt : float
The dimensionless timestep size used to integrate the temperature
field one time step.
Q1 : str
The underworld finite element type used to approximate the temperature field
viz : bool
Show the initial and final timesteps of the model
maxT : float
The maximum temperature after one revolution.
avgT : float
The average temperature after one revolution.
num_t : float
Wall time (fractional seconds) taken to complete.
steps : int
The number of discrete time steps to taken to complete.
# default model parameters
sigma = 0.2 # width of blob
x_0 = (1./6, 1./6) # position of blob
kappa = 1e-6 # thermal diffusion (entire domain)
# unit 2D mesh max/min coords
minCoord = [-0.5,-0.5]
maxCoord = [0.5,0.5]
# define a quick reporting function
def reportMetics(maxT, avgT):
if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
s = "max temperature = {:.4f} / ".format(maxT)
s += "avg. temperature = {:.4f}".format(avgT)
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(elementType = elementType,
elementRes = (nEls,nEls),
minCoord = minCoord,
maxCoord = maxCoord )
tField = mesh.add_variable(1)
vField = mesh.add_variable(2)
all_walls = mesh.specialSets["AllWalls_VertexSet"]
fig = glucifer.Figure()
fig.Surface(mesh,tField, valueRange=[0.,1.]);
# functions to define the cosine hill
fn_X = (fn.input()[0]-x_0[0])/sigma
fn_Y = (fn.input()[1]-x_0[1])/sigma
fn_inside = ( fn.math.pow(fn_X,2.) + fn.math.pow(fn_Y,2.) ) < 1.
fn_hill = 0.25 * ( 1.+fn.math.cos(np.pi*fn_X) ) * ( 1.+fn.math.cos(np.pi*fn_Y) )
fn_ic = fn.branching.conditional([(fn_inside, fn_hill ),
(True , 0.)])
# evaluate the function over the mesh and store on the tField
tField.data[:] = fn_ic.evaluate(mesh)
x_vel = -1.*uw.function.coord()[1]
y_vel = 1.*uw.function.coord()[0]
vField.data[:,0] = x_vel.evaluate(mesh).reshape(-1)
vField.data[:,1] = y_vel.evaluate(mesh).reshape(-1)
fn_K = uw.function.misc.constant(kappa)
if viz: fig.show()
measureT = fn.view.min_max(tField,fn_auxiliary=fn.input())
maxT = measureT.max_global()
intT,vol = mesh.integrate(fn=(tField,1.))
avgT = intT/vol
dbc = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition(variable=tField,
# extra variable needed with supg
tDotField = None
if method == "SUPG":
tDotField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1, dataType='double')
system = uw.systems.AdvectionDiffusion( phiField = tField,
method = method,
phiDotField = tDotField,
velocityField = vField,
fn_diffusivity = fn_K,
conditions = [dbc], kwages=None )
reportMetics(maxT, avgT)
from timeit import default_timer as timer
t0 = timer()
num_t = 0
time = 0
steps = 0
if dt < 0:
dt = system.get_max_dt()
while time<2.*np.pi:
time += dt
steps += 1
num_t = timer()-t0
if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
print("{} method, wall time {:.4e}, number of interations {} dt {:.4e}".format(
system.method, num_t, steps, dt))
if viz: fig.show()
measureT = fn.view.min_max(tField,fn_auxiliary=fn.input())
maxT = measureT.max_global()
intT,vol = mesh.integrate(fn=(tField,1.))
avgT = intT/vol
reportMetics(maxT, avgT)
return maxT, avgT, num_t, steps, nEls, dt
results_slcn = runModel("SLCN", nEls = nEls, dt = dt, viz = 0)
results_supg = runModel("SUPG", nEls = nEls, dt = dt, viz = 0)
max temperature = 1.0000 / avg. temperature = 0.0398 SLCN method, wall time 1.8801e+01, number of interations 201 dt 3.1416e-02 max temperature = 0.8511 / avg. temperature = 0.0401 max temperature = 1.0000 / avg. temperature = 0.0398 SUPG method, wall time 6.4969e+00, number of interations 201 dt 3.1416e-02 max temperature = 0.4956 / avg. temperature = 0.0399
# test the max temperature and avg. temperature iff nEls == 30
# against expected results for 1 proc
if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
if results_supg[4] == 30:
expected = [0.4956, 0.0399]
if not np.allclose([results_supg[0],results_supg[1]],
expected, rtol=1e-3):
raise RuntimeError("Failed SUPG test")
if results_slcn[4] ==30:
expected = [0.8511, 0.0401]
if not np.allclose([results_slcn[0], results_slcn[1]],
expected, rtol=1e-3):
raise RuntimeError("Failed SUPG test")