2 methods available:
2D Heat Equation run to steady state, $0 \leqslant x \leqslant 1 $ and $ y_{0}\leqslant y \leqslant y_{1}$ with Dirichlet BC at $ \Gamma_{D} $ and Neumman BC at $ \Gamma_{\phi} $.
$$ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = -\mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla T +\nabla \cdot (k \nabla T)+h $$with
$$ \begin{align*} T &= T_{D} &\quad\text{at } \Gamma_{D} \\ \mathbf{n} \cdot k\nabla{T} &= \phi &\quad\text{at } \Gamma_{\phi} \end{align*} $$$ \mathbf{n} $ is the unit normal outward facing vector, $ v, k, h, T_{D}, \phi $ are constants representing the velocity in y-axis, the diffusivity coefficient, the volumetric source term, prescribed values of T on portion $\Gamma_{D}$ and the normal diffusive flux on the portion $\Gamma_{\phi}$ respectively.
$ \frac{\partial T}{\partial x} = 0 $
and the equation run to steaty state, $ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = 0 $
the problem reduces to a 2nd order ode, described by the analytic function
$T = c_{0} \exp \left[\frac{v}{k}y\right] + \frac{h}{v}y + c_{1}$
$c_{0} = ( \frac{\phi}{k}-\frac{h}{v} ) \cdot \frac{k}{v} \cdot \exp \left[-\frac{v}{k}y_{0} \right]$
$c_{1} = T_{D}-c_{0}\exp \left[\frac{v}{k}y_{1} \right] - \frac{h}{v}y_{1}$
We implement the above boundary conditions using:
for $T=T_{D}$NeumannCondition
object for $ \mathbf{n} \cdot k\nabla{T} = \phi $When the NeumannCondition
object is associated with the AdvectionDiffusion
object it defines a flux along the boundary region $ \Gamma_{\phi}$:
$ \mathbf{n} \cdot k\nabla T = \phi \quad $ at $ \Gamma_{\phi} $
An example: Defining a scalar field's flux at the bottom wall in a 2D rectangular domain.
The outward facing normal vector at the bottom wall $\mathbf{n}\mid_{(x,y_{0})}=\left[0,-1\right] $) and the imposed flux vector $k \nabla T = \left[0, \phi\right]$
The NeumannCondition
object definition of this condition would be:
nbc = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition( fn_flux= -1.0 * phi, variable=tField,
indexSetsPerDof=mesh.specialSets["MinJ_VertexSet"] )
Applies a 'fn_flux' to the scalar 'variable' MeshVariable
over the boundary vertices in the set 'indexSetsPerDof'. The factor -1 is from the vector multiplication with the outward facing normal vector.
Here phi
can be a underworld.Function
or underworld.MeshVariable
from __future__ import print_function
# model options
# wall_setup_options = ('a', # neumman bottom, dirichlet top
# 'b') # neumman top, dirichlet bottom
# method_options = ('supg', # Stream line UPwind Galerkin method
# 'slcn') # Semi-Lagrangian Crank Nicholson method
### TODO: grab user options from commandline, or user can edit in notebook
wall_setup = 'a' ; method_setup = 'slcn'
# wall_setup = 'b' ; method_setup = 'slcn'
# wall_setup = 'a' ; method_setup = 'supg'
# wall_setup = 'b' ; method_setup = 'supg'
# parameters
TD = 8.0 # dirichlet temperature
k = 6.70 # diffusivity
h = 8.0 # source term
phi = 4 # boundary flux
v = 2.47 # j-axis velocity component
# y-axis extent
y0 = -0.6 ; y1 = 1.3
import underworld as uw
import glucifer
from underworld import function as fn
import numpy as np
make_graphs = True # flag for matplotlib output
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
rank = uw.mpi.rank
# analytic solution definitions as underworld functions
c0 = fn.misc.constant(0.)
c1 = fn.misc.constant(0.)
fn_y = fn.input()[1]
# the analytic solution
fn_analyticT = c0*fn.math.exp(v/k*fn_y) + h/v*fn_y + c1
# the analytic gradient
fn_analytic_dT_dy = v/k*c0*fn.math.exp(v/k*fn_y) + h/v
# numerical setup: domain, conditions, parameters, system
mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian( elementType = ("Q1"), elementRes = (10, 15),
minCoord = (0., y0), maxCoord = (1., y1))
tField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1, dataType='double')
vField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=2, dataType='double')
if wall_setup == 'a':
ny = 1. # outward normal component in y
c0.value = (phi/k-h/v) * k/v * np.exp(-v/k*y1)
c1.value = TD - c0.value*np.exp(v/k*y0) - h/v*y0
neumannIndex = mesh.specialSets['MaxJ_VertexSet']
dirichletIndex = mesh.specialSets['MinJ_VertexSet']
ny = -1. # outward normal component in y
c0.value = (phi/k-h/v) * k/v * np.exp(-v/k*y0)
c1.value = TD - c0.value*np.exp(v/k*y1) - h/v*y1
neumannIndex = mesh.specialSets['MinJ_VertexSet']
dirichletIndex = mesh.specialSets['MaxJ_VertexSet']
# define neumann condition - flux, ny is the direction of the outward normal
nbc = uw.conditions.NeumannCondition( fn_flux = ny * phi,
variable = tField,
indexSetsPerDof = (neumannIndex) )
# flag top boundary nodes with dirichlet conditions
bc = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition(variable = tField, indexSetsPerDof = (dirichletIndex) )
# set entire tField to TD, including dirichlet
tField.data[:] = TD
# set constant velocity field
vField.data[:] = (0.0,v)
# define heat eq. system
factor_dt = 1.
tDotField = None
if method_setup == 'supg':
tDotField = mesh.add_variable( nodeDofCount=1, dataType='double') # extra variable needed with supg
elif method_setup == 'slcn':
factor_dt = 5.
raise ValueError("Can't process 'method_setup'")
system = uw.systems.AdvectionDiffusion( phiField = tField,
phiDotField = tDotField,
method = method_setup,
velocityField = vField,
fn_diffusivity = k,
fn_sourceTerm = h,
conditions = [bc, nbc] )
# evolve to a <1e-5 relative variation. Assume that is steady state solution.
er = 1.0
its = 0 # iteration count
tOld = tField.copy() # old temperature field
# NOTICE the factor_dt for slcn
dt = factor_dt * system.get_max_dt()
if rank == 0: print('Timestep: {:.3e}'.format(dt))
while er > 1e-5 and its < 2000:
tOld.data[:] = tField.data[:] # record old values
# integrate in time (solve)
absErr = uw.utils._nps_2norm(tOld.data-tField.data)
magT = uw.utils._nps_2norm(tOld.data)
er = absErr/magT # calculate relative variation
its += 1
if rank == 0: print('Number of iterations:',its)
Timestep: 7.463e-03 Number of iterations: 150
# error measures percentage error (|u*-u|)*100/|u*|
fn_errSq = fn.math.pow( (fn_analyticT-tField) , 2. )
fn_norm = fn.math.pow( fn_analyticT , 2. )
norm = np.sqrt( mesh.integrate( fn.math.pow(fn_analyticT,2.) )[0] )
err = np.sqrt( mesh.integrate( fn_errSq )[0] ) / norm * 100 # percentage error
rank = uw.mpi.rank
if rank == 0:
threshold = 1.0 # 1% error theshold
print('error : {0:.5e}%'.format(err))
if err > threshold:
raise RuntimeError("The numerical solution is outside the error threshold of the analytic solution." \
"The Relative error was ", relerr," the threshold is ", threshold)
error : 1.24475e-01%
pswarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)
ntracers = 3*(mesh.elementRes[1])
coords = np.zeros((ntracers,2))
coords[:,1] = np.linspace( mesh.minCoord[1], mesh.maxCoord[1], num=ntracers)
pswarm.add_particles_with_coordinates( coords )
numeric = tField.evaluate(pswarm)
coords = fn_y.evaluate(pswarm)
from mpi4py import MPI
# assuming order in the allgather is the same
coords = comm.allgather( coords)[0]
numerical = comm.allgather(numeric)[0]
if rank == 0 and make_graphs:
# build matplot lib graph of result only on proc 0
# 1st build exact solution hiRes
exact = fn_analyticT.evaluate(pswarm)
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pyplot.ion() # needed to ensure pure python jobs do now hang on show()
pylab.rcParams[ 'figure.figsize'] = 12, 6
pyplot.plot(coords[::4], numerical[::4], 'o', color='black', label='numerical') # just print every 4th
pyplot.plot( coords, exact, color='red', label="exact")
pyplot.xlabel('Y coords')
# Coefficients and setup for model without velocity
# v = 0.;
# h = 1.
# k = 2.
# phi = 2.
# ny = 1.
# c0 = (phi+h*y1)/k
# c1 = TD + h/(2.0*k)*y0**2 - c0*y0
# neumannIndex = mesh.specialSets['MaxJ_VertexSet']
# dirichletIndex = mesh.specialSets['MinJ_VertexSet']
# if wall_flux = 'bottom':
# ny = -1.
# c0 = (phi+h*y0)/k
# c1 = TD + h/(2.0*k)*y1**2 - c0*y1
# neumannIndex = mesh.specialSets['MinJ_VertexSet']
# dirichletIndex = mesh.specialSets['MaxJ_VertexSet']
# # analytic solution for NO velocity
# def analyticT(y):
# return -h/(2*k)*y*y + c0*y + c1
# def analytic_dT_dy(y):
# return -h/k*y + c0