%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import requests
import numpy as np
import os,sys,glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import dask
import zipfile
from pyproj import Proj, transform
import subprocess
import asp_binder_utils as asp_utils
from fetch_dem import opentopo_utils
import xyzservices
import rioxarray
import rasterio
#verbose = False # Will only print the bash commands and whether the process ran sucessfully or not
verbose = True # will print all the logs printed by ASP
alignment_algortihm = 'point-to-plane' # suggested to use point-to-point if the terrain variability is low (more flat terrain cases)
max_displacement = -1 #you might have to play with this to adapt to different datasets
tsrs = 'EPSG:32610' # inpute projection
tr = 30 #DEM resolution
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will register the ASTER DEM produced using the stereo processing tutorial to the Copernicus GLO-30 DEM.
Alternatively, users can bring their own DEMs, and explore the tutorial using the same! Please follow the below guidelines to do so.
When you change the DEMs to a different site than the site used by default, make sure to change the projected corrdinate system definition (t_srs)
aster_dem_fn = 'aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif'
#ASTER Sample has been staged on Zenodo:
zenodo_url = 'https://zenodo.org/records/10208419/files/aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif?download=1'
if os.path.exists(aster_dem_fn):
print(f"file {aster_dem_fn} already downloaded")
response = requests.get(zenodo_url)
#Check for 200
if response.ok:
print ('OK!')
print ('Query failed')
#Write to disk
open(aster_dem_fn, 'wb').write(response.content)
print(f"file {aster_dem_fn} saved")
OK! file aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif saved
# get aoi extent in geographic coordinates
aoi_extent = asp_utils.subsetBBox(aster_dem_fn,'EPSG:4326')
#in_crs = rasterio.open(dem_file).crs
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyproj/crs/crs.py:141: FutureWarning: '+init=<authority>:<code>' syntax is deprecated. '<authority>:<code>' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6 in_crs_string = _prepare_from_proj_string(in_crs_string) /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyproj/crs/crs.py:141: FutureWarning: '+init=<authority>:<code>' syntax is deprecated. '<authority>:<code>' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6 in_crs_string = _prepare_from_proj_string(in_crs_string) /workspaces/asp_tutorials/tutorials/asp_binder_utils.py:114: FutureWarning: This function is deprecated. See: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#upgrading-to-pyproj-2-from-pyproj-1 [Left,Bottom] = transform(incord,outcord,L,B) /workspaces/asp_tutorials/tutorials/asp_binder_utils.py:115: FutureWarning: This function is deprecated. See: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#upgrading-to-pyproj-2-from-pyproj-1 [Right,Top] = transform(incord,outcord,R,T)
opentopo_api_key = 'demoapikeyot2022' #paste your open topography api key within the quotes
reference_cop30 = opentopo_utils.get_dem('COP30_E',aoi_extent,apikey=opentopo_api_key,proj=tsrs)
Ellipsoidal versions of COP30 is not provided automatically... Will perform vertical datum adjustment downstream..... https://portal.opentopography.org/API/globaldem?demtype=COP30&west=-122.3432849411124&south=46.72248482449153&east=-121.35468538023632&north=47.32888038665895&outputFormat=GTiff&API_Key=demoapikeyot2022 OK! /srv/conda/envs/notebook/bin/gdalwarp -r cubic -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER -s_srs 'EPSG:4326+EPSG:3855' -t_srs 'EPSG:32610+EPSG:4979' COP30_E_temp.tif COP30_E.tif /srv/conda/envs/notebook/bin/gdalwarp -r cubic -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER -s_srs 'EPSG:4326+EPSG:3855' -t_srs 'EPSG:32610+EPSG:4979' COP30_E_temp.tif COP30_E.tif Creating output file that is 3149P x 2833L. Processing COP30_E_temp.tif [1/1] : 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. /srv/conda/envs/notebook/bin/gdal_edit.py COP30_E.tif -a_srs EPSG:32610+EPSG:4979
Child returned 0 Child returned 0
pc_align = find_executable('pc_align')
refdem = reference_cop30
src_dem = aster_dem_fn
alignment_dir = 'alignment/aster_aligned2COP30'
alignment_call = f'{pc_align} --highest-accuracy --save-transformed-source-points --alignment-method {alignment_algortihm} --max-displacement {max_displacement} {refdem} {src_dem} -o {alignment_dir}'
/srv/StereoPipeline/bin/pc_align --highest-accuracy --save-transformed-source-points --alignment-method point-to-plane --max-displacement -1 COP30_E.tif aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif -o alignment/aster_aligned2COP30 --> Setting number of processing threads to: 4 Creating output directory: "alignment". Writing log info to: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-log-pc_align-02-27-2325-1537.txt Detected datum from COP30_E.tif: Geodetic Datum --> Name: WGS_1984 Spheroid: WGS 84 Semi-major axis: 6378137 Semi-minor axis: 6356752.3142451793 Meridian: Greenwich at 0 Proj4 Str: +datum=WGS84 Will use datum (for CSV files): Geodetic Datum --> Name: WGS_1984 Spheroid: WGS 84 Semi-major axis: 6378137 Semi-minor axis: 6356752.3142451793 Meridian: Greenwich at 0 Proj4 Str: +datum=WGS84 Computing the intersection of the bounding boxes of the reference and source points using 9000000 sample points. Reference box: (Origin: (1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308) width: 0 height: 0) Source box: (Origin: (1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308) width: 0 height: 0) Intersection reference box: (Origin: (1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308) width: 0 height: 0) Intersection source box: (Origin: (1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308) width: 0 height: 0) Intersection of bounding boxes took 0.000292 [s] Reading: COP30_E.tif --> [********************************************************] Complete! Loaded points: 8921117 Loading the reference point cloud took 3.60573 [s] Reading: aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif --> [********************************************************] Complete! Loaded points: 73111 Loading the source point cloud took 0.233709 [s] Data shifted internally by subtracting: Vector3(-2.29842e+06,-3.70031e+06,4.64437e+06) Loading reference as DEM. Building the reference cloud tree. Reference point cloud processing took 29.2879 [s] Reducing number of source points to 73111 Number of errors: 73111 Input: error percentile of smallest errors (meters): 16%: 2.65362, 50%: 9.50031, 84%: 23.0206 Input: mean of smallest errors (meters): 25%: 2.08254, 50%: 4.38332, 75%: 7.3872, 100%: 13.295 Initial error computation took 0.29633 [s]
writing to alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-iterationInfo.csv
Match ratio: 0.75001 Alignment took 2.97351 [s] Number of errors: 73111 Output: error percentile of smallest errors (meters): 16%: 1.93187, 50%: 6.7898, 84%: 15.6941 Output: mean of smallest errors (meters): 25%: 1.51295, 50%: 3.193, 75%: 5.2275, 100%: 9.70207 Final error computation took 0.140347 [s] Alignment transform (origin is planet center): 0.9999999953288642 8.729020432836782e-05 -4.150533191345044e-05 518.4286080501042 -8.72847562676228e-05 0.9999999875780076 0.0001312454042845992 -844.3683618921787 4.151678783605546e-05 -0.0001312417808887727 0.9999999905259759 -405.2520579015836 0 0 0 1 Centroid of source points (Cartesian, meters): Vector3(-2299602.4,-3699555.9,4644442.1) Centroid of source points (lat,lon,z): Vector3(47.027411,-121.86462,819.42341) Translation vector (Cartesian, meters): Vector3(2.7352503,-34.040493,-15.231861) Translation vector (North-East-Down, meters): Vector3(-30.479488,20.293495,-7.5776763) Translation vector magnitude (meters): 37.393132 Maximum displacement of points between the source cloud with any initial transform applied to it and the source cloud after alignment to the reference: 39.157357 m Translation vector (lat,lon,z): Vector3(-0.00027413142,0.00026692372,7.5777814) Transform scale - 1 = 2.220446e-16 Euler angles (degrees): Vector3(-0.0075196002,-0.0023787367,-0.0050010482) Euler angles (North-East-Down, degrees): Vector3(-0.007791612,-0.0051309019,-0.00042326326) Axis of rotation and angle (degrees): Vector3(0.8052034,0.25467793,0.53552463) 359.99066 Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-transform.txt Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-inverse-transform.txt Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source.tif --> [********************************************************] Complete! Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-beg_errors.csv Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-end_errors.csv Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-iterationInfo.csv Saving to disk took 4.073188 [s]
Child returned 0
point2dem = find_executable('point2dem')
tsrs = tsrs
#p2dem_args = '--errorimage'
nodata_value = -9999.0
pointcloud = glob.glob(alignment_dir+'*-trans_source.tif')[0]
print ("Gridding pointcloud {} at {} m/px".format(pointcloud,tr))
point2dem_call = f"{point2dem} --tr {tr} --t_srs '{tsrs}' --nodata-value {nodata_value} {pointcloud}"
aligned_dem = glob.glob(alignment_dir+'*-DEM.tif')[0]
print("DEM saved at {}".format(aligned_dem))
Gridding pointcloud alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source.tif at 30 m/px /srv/StereoPipeline/bin/point2dem --tr 30 --t_srs 'EPSG:32610' --nodata-value -9999.0 alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source.tif --> Setting number of processing threads to: 4 Writing log info to: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source-log-point2dem-02-27-2326-1941.txt The point cloud files must have an equal number of channels which must be 4 or 6 to be able to remove outliers. Statistics: [********************************************************] Complete! QuadTree: [**********************************************************] Complete! -- Starting DEM rasterization -- --> DEM spacing: 30 pt/px or: 0.0333333 px/pt Creating output file that is Vector2(2461,2283) px. Writing: alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source-DEM.tif DEM: [***************************************************************] Complete! Percentage of valid pixels: 73.7692% DEM saved at alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source-DEM.tif
Child returned 0
geodiff = find_executable('geodiff')
initial_output_prefix = 'initial'
print(f"Computing elevation difference before alignment between {refdem} and {src_dem}\n\n")
geodiff_call = f"{geodiff} {refdem} {src_dem} -o {initial_output_prefix}"
initial_elevation_difference_fn = glob.glob(initial_output_prefix+'-diff.tif')[0]
print("\n\nInitial elevation difference saved at {}".format(initial_elevation_difference_fn))
Computing elevation difference before alignment between COP30_E.tif and aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif /srv/StereoPipeline/bin/geodiff COP30_E.tif aster_orthorectified-DEM.tif -o initial --> Setting number of processing threads to: 4 Found input nodata value for DEM 2: -3.40282e+38 Writing difference file: initial-diff.tif --> Differencing: [******************************************] Complete! Initial elevation difference saved at initial-diff.tif
Child returned 0
geodiff = find_executable('geodiff')
aligned_output_prefix = 'coregistered'
print(f"Computing elevation difference after alignment between {refdem} and {aligned_dem}\n\n")
geodiff_call = f"{geodiff} {refdem} {aligned_dem} -o {aligned_output_prefix}"
aligned_elevation_difference_fn = glob.glob(aligned_output_prefix+'-diff.tif')[0]
print("\n\nFinal elevation difference, after alignment saved at {}".format(aligned_elevation_difference_fn))
Computing elevation difference after alignment between COP30_E.tif and alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source-DEM.tif /srv/StereoPipeline/bin/geodiff COP30_E.tif alignment/aster_aligned2COP30-trans_source-DEM.tif -o coregistered --> Setting number of processing threads to: 4 Found input nodata value for DEM 2: -9999 Writing difference file: coregistered-diff.tif --> Differencing: [******************************************] Complete! Final elevation difference, after alignment saved at coregistered-diff.tif
Child returned 0
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.9/site-packages/osgeo/gdal.py:312: FutureWarning: Neither gdal.UseExceptions() nor gdal.DontUseExceptions() has been explicitly called. In GDAL 4.0, exceptions will be enabled by default. warnings.warn(