Warning: fastdup create() without work_dir argument, output is stored in a folder named work_dir in your current working path.
FastDup Software, (C) copyright 2022 Dr. Amir Alush and Dr. Danny Bickson.
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2023-09-19 21:40:45 [INFO] Going to loop over dir /tmp/tmpjb5y9uvf.csv
2023-09-19 21:40:45 [INFO] Found total 100000 images to run on, 100000 train, 0 test, name list 100000, counter 100000
2023-09-19 21:44:25 [INFO] Found total 100000 images to run onmated: 0 Minutes
Finished histogram 38.760
Finished bucket sort 38.971
2023-09-19 21:44:45 [INFO] 20456) Finished write_index() NN model
2023-09-19 21:44:45 [INFO] Stored nn model index file work_dir/nnf.index
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Total time took 251595 ms
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Found a total of 40 fully identical images (d>0.990), which are 0.02 % of total graph edges
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Found a total of 0 nearly identical images(d>0.980), which are 0.00 % of total graph edges
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Found a total of 11083 above threshold images (d>0.900), which are 5.54 % of total graph edges
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Found a total of 10001 outlier images (d<0.050), which are 5.00 % of total graph edges
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Min distance found 0.601 max distance 1.000
2023-09-19 21:44:56 [INFO] Running connected components for ccthreshold 0.960000
Dataset Analysis Summary:
Dataset contains 100000 images
Valid images are 100.00% (100,000) of the data, invalid are 0.00% (0) of the data
Similarity: 0.05% (46) belong to 1 similarity clusters (components).
99.95% (99,954) images do not belong to any similarity cluster.
Largest cluster has 4 (0.00%) images.
For a detailed analysis, use `.connected_components()`
(similarity threshold used is 0.9, connected component threshold used is 0.96).
Outliers: 6.34% (6,344) of images are possible outliers, and fall in the bottom 5.00% of similarity values.
For a detailed list of outliers, use `.outliers()`.
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