from pandas_datareader import data, wb
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
register_matplotlib_converters() # Allow matplotlib have access to timestamp
# Retrieve data from FRED, check my notebook for pandareader's user guide
start = dt.datetime(1975, 1, 1)
end =
NetLendingGov ='AD01RC1Q027SBEA', 'fred', start, end)
NetLendingPriv ='W994RC1Q027SBEA', 'fred', start, end)
CA ='NETFI', 'fred', start, end)
The identity of interest is called Sectoral Balance $$ (S-I) + (M - X)=(G-T) $$
It says that deficit of govertment will always reflect in private and foreign surplus. This is a framework mostly used by Montery Monetary Theory, rarely seen in main stream.
The data is from FRED, also we plot the shaded area for recession which deemed by NBER.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 6))
ax.plot(NetLendingGov, color = 'CornflowerBlue', alpha = 1, label = 'Gov Net Surplus')
ax.plot(NetLendingPriv, color = 'DarkGoldenRod', alpha = 1, label = 'Private Net Surplus')
ax.plot(CA,color = 'Maroon', alpha = 1, label = 'Current Account Balance')
# these are all recession periods
alp = .3
ax.axvspan('1980-01-01','1980-07-01',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axvspan('1981-07-01','1982-11-01',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axvspan('1990-07-01','1991-03-01',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axvspan('2001-03-1','2001-11-1',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axvspan('2007-12-1','2009-6-1',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axvspan('2020-3-1','2020-6-1',color = 'gray', alpha = alp, zorder = -1)
ax.axhline(0, color = 'black', zorder = -1)
ax.set_title('US Sectoral Balances')