Interactive seismic viewer
data, inlines, crosslines, twt, sample_rate, vm: output from segyio.read
data: the whole cube (3D numpy array)
inlines: inline locations (1D numpy array)
crosslines: crossline locations (1D numpy array)
twt: two-way travel time (1D numpy array)
sample_rate: sampling rate (float)
vm: 99th percentile of data
from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual, ToggleButtons
import ipywidgets as widgets
import segyio
type = ToggleButtons(description='Selection',options=['Inline','Crossline',
cmap_button = ToggleButtons(description='Colormaps',options=['gray','seismic',
def seis_widget(type=type, inline_loc=(min(inlines), max(inlines), 5),
xline_loc=(min(crosslines), max(crosslines), 5),
timeslice_loc=(min(twt), max(twt), sample_rate),
if type == 'Inline':
with segyio.open(filename) as f:
inline_slice = f.iline[inline_loc]
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.title('Norne Seismic at Inline {}'.format(inline_loc))
extent = [crosslines[0], crosslines[-1], twt[-1], twt[0]]
p1 = plt.imshow(inline_slice.T, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', extent=extent,
vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, interpolation='bicubic')
plt.xlabel('Crossline'); plt.ylabel('TWT')
if type == 'Crossline':
with segyio.open(filename) as f:
xline_slice = f.xline[xline_loc]
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.title('Norne Seismic at Crossline {}'.format(xline_loc))
extent = [inlines[0], inlines[-1], twt[-1], twt[0]]
p1 = plt.imshow(xline_slice.T, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', extent=extent,
vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, interpolation='bicubic')
plt.xlabel('Inline'); plt.ylabel('TWT')
if type == 'Timeslice':
id = np.where(twt == timeslice_loc)[0][0]
tslice = data[:,:,id]
plt.title('Norne Seismic at Timeslice {} ms'.format(timeslice_loc))
extent = [inlines[0], inlines[-1], crosslines[-1], crosslines[0]]
p1 = plt.imshow(tslice.T, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', extent=extent,
vmin=-vm, vmax=vm, interpolation='bicubic')
plt.xlabel('Inline'); plt.ylabel('Crossline')
plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') # axis on top
plt.gca().xaxis.set_label_position('top') # label on top
plt.xlim(min(inlines), max(inlines))
plt.ylim(min(crosslines), max(crosslines))