Notebook Status: Validated
Validation Notes: This tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. Additionally, this notebook has been validated by checking that results are consistent with exact derivative expressions used in the SEOBNRv3_opt approixment of LALSuite.
This notebook documents the symbolic partial derivative routine used to generate analytic derivatives of the SEOBNRv3 Hamiltonian (documented here) and described in this article. In general, this notebook takes as input a file of inter-dependent mathematical expressions (in SymPy syntax), a file listing the names of values within those expressions, and a file listing all variables with which to take partial derivatives of each expression. The output is a text file containing the original expression and those for each partial derivative computation. The intention is to perform CSE on these expressions to create efficient partial derivative code!
This notebook is organized as follows
goes to var(xx)
NRPy+ module# Step 1.a: import all needed modules from Python/NRPy+:
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import sys, os # Standard Python modules for multiplatform OS-level functions
from outputC import superfast_uniq, lhrh # Remove duplicate entries from a Python array; store left- and right-
# hand sides of mathematical expressions
# Step 1.b: Check for a sufficiently new version of SymPy (for validation)
# Ignore the rc's and b's for release candidates & betas.
sympy_version = sp.__version__.replace('rc', '...').replace('b', '...')
sympy_version_decimal = float(sympy_version.split(".")[0]) + float(sympy_version.split(".")[1])/10.0
if sympy_version_decimal < 1.2:
print('Error: NRPy+ does not support SymPy < 1.2')
# Step 1.c: Name of the directory containing the input file
inputdir = "SEOBNR"
[Back to top]¶We read in the expressions of which we will compute partial derivatives in a single large string before splitting the string by line (carriage return) and by "=". Doing so allows us to manipulate the right- and left-hand sides of the expressions appropriately. We store the left- and right-hand sides in the array lr
, which consists of lhrh
arrays with left-hand sides lhs
and right-hand sides rhs
. Note that Lambda
is a protected keyword in Python, so the variable Λ in the Hamiltonian is renamed Lamb
# Step 2.a: Read in expressions as a (single) string
with open(os.path.join(inputdir,'Hamstring.txt'), 'r') as file:
expressions_as_lines = file.readlines()
# Step 2.b: Create and populate the "lr" array, which separates each line into left- and right-hand sides
# Each entry is a string of the form lhrh(lhs='',rhs='')
lr = []
for i in range(len(expressions_as_lines)):
# Ignore lines with 2 or fewer characters and those starting with #
if len(expressions_as_lines[i]) > 2 and expressions_as_lines[i][0] != "#":
# Split each line by its equals sign
split_line = expressions_as_lines[i].split("=")
# Append the line to "lr", removing spaces, "sp." prefixes, and replacing Lambda->Lamb
# (Lambda is a protected keyword):
lr.append(lhrh(lhs=split_line[0].replace(" ","").replace("Lambda","Lamb"),
rhs=split_line[1].replace(" ","").replace("sp.","").replace("Lambda","Lamb")))
# Step 2.c: Separate and sympify right- and left-hand sides into separate arrays
lhss = []
rhss = []
# As of April 2021, "sp.sympify("Q+1")" fails because Q is a reserved keyword.
# This is the workaround, courtesy Ken Sible.
custom_global_dict = {}
exec('from sympy import *', custom_global_dict)
del custom_global_dict['Q']
if sympy_version_decimal >= 1.6:
custom_parse_expr = lambda expr: sp.parse_expr(expr, global_dict=custom_global_dict)
custom_parse_expr = lambda expr: sp.sympify(expr)
for i in range(len(lr)):
We read in and declare as SymPy symbols the constant values; derivatives with respect to these variables will be set to zero. We then read in the variables with respect to which we want to take derivatives and declare those as SymPy variables as well.
# Step 3.a: Create `input_constants` array and populate with SymPy symbols
m1,m2,tortoise,eta,KK,k0,k1,EMgamma,d1v2,dheffSSv2 = sp.symbols('m1 m2 tortoise eta KK k0 k1 EMgamma d1v2 dheffSSv2',
input_constants = [m1,m2,tortoise,eta,KK,k0,k1,EMgamma,d1v2,dheffSSv2]
# Step 3.b: Create `dynamic_variables` array and populate with SymPy symbols
x,y,z,px,py,pz,s1x,s1y,s1z,s2x,s2y,s2z = sp.symbols('x y z px py pz s1x s1y s1z s2x s2y s2z', real=True)
dynamic_variables = [x,y,z,px,py,pz,s1x,s1y,s1z,s2x,s2y,s2z]
By ''free symbols'' we mean the variables in the right-hand sides. We first create a list of all such terms (using SymPy's built-in free_symbol attribute), including duplicates, and then strip the duplicates. We then remove input constants from the symbol list.
# Step 4.a: Prepare array of "free symbols" in the right-hand side expressions
full_symbol_list_with_dups = []
for i in range(len(lr)):
for variable in rhss[i].free_symbols:
# Step 4.b: Remove duplicate free symbols
full_symbol_list = superfast_uniq(full_symbol_list_with_dups)
# Step 4.c: Remove input constants from symbol list
for inputconst in input_constants:
for symbol in full_symbol_list:
if str(symbol) == str(inputconst):
# Step 5.a: Convert each left-hand side to function notation
# while separating and simplifying left- and right-hand sides
xx = sp.Symbol('xx',real=True)
func = []
for i in range(len(lr)):
# Step 5.b: Mark each free variable as a function with argument xx
full_function_list = []
for symb in full_symbol_list:
func = sp.sympify(sp.Function(str(symb),real=True)(xx))
for i in range(len(rhss)):
for var in rhss[i].free_symbols:
if str(var) == str(symb):
rhss[i] = rhss[i].subs(var,func)
[Back to top]¶Now we differentiate the right-hand expressions with respect to xx
. We use the SymPy diff command, differentiating with respect to xx. After so doing, we remove (xx) and "Derivative" (which is output by diff), and use "prm" suffix to denote the derivative with respect to xx.
# Step 6: Use SymPy's diff function to differentiate right-hand sides with respect to xx
# and append "prm" notation to left-hand sides
lhss_deriv = []
rhss_deriv = []
for i in range(len(rhss)):
newrhs = custom_parse_expr(str(sp.diff(rhss[i],xx)).replace("(xx)","").replace(", xx","prm").replace("Derivative",""))
# Step 7.a: Define derivative simplification function
def simplify_deriv(lhss_deriv,rhss_deriv):
# Copy expressions into another array
lhss_deriv_simp = []
rhss_deriv_simp = []
for i in range(len(rhss_deriv)):
# If a right-hand side is 0, substitute value 0 for the corresponding left-hand side in later terms
for i in range(len(rhss_deriv_simp)):
if rhss_deriv_simp[i] == 0:
for j in range(i+1,len(rhss_deriv_simp)):
for var in rhss_deriv_simp[j].free_symbols:
if str(var) == str(lhss_deriv_simp[i]):
rhss_deriv_simp[j] = rhss_deriv_simp[j].subs(var,0)
zero_elements_to_remove = []
# Create array of indices for expressions that are zero
for i in range(len(rhss_deriv_simp)):
if rhss_deriv_simp[i] == sp.sympify(0):
# When removing terms that are zero, we need to take into account their new index (after each removal)
count = 0
for i in range(len(zero_elements_to_remove)):
del lhss_deriv_simp[zero_elements_to_remove[i]+count]
del rhss_deriv_simp[zero_elements_to_remove[i]+count]
count -= 1
return lhss_deriv_simp,rhss_deriv_simp
# Step 7.b: Call the simplication function and then copy results
lhss_deriv_simp,rhss_deriv_simp = simplify_deriv(lhss_deriv,rhss_deriv)
lhss_deriv = lhss_deriv_simp
rhss_deriv = rhss_deriv_simp
In Step 6 we took a generic derivative of each expression, assuming all variables were functions of xx
. We now define a function that will select a specific dynamic variable (element of dynamic_variables
) and set the derivative of the variable to 1 and all others to 0.
# Step 8.a: Define onevar derivative function
def deriv_onevar(lhss_deriv,rhss_deriv,variable_list,index):
# Denote each variable with prm
variableprm_list = []
for variable in variable_list:
# Copy expressions into another array
lhss_deriv_new = []
rhss_deriv_new = []
for i in range(len(rhss_deriv)):
# For each free symbol's derivative, replace it with:
# 1, if we are differentiating with respect to the variable, or
# 0, if we are note differentiating with respect to that variable
for i in range(len(rhss_deriv_new)):
for var in variableprm_list:
if variableprm_list.index(str(var))==index:
rhss_deriv_new[i] = rhss_deriv_new[i].subs(var,1)
rhss_deriv_new[i] = rhss_deriv_new[i].subs(var,0)
# Simplify derivative expressions again
lhss_deriv_simp,rhss_deriv_simp = simplify_deriv(lhss_deriv_new,rhss_deriv_new)
return lhss_deriv_simp,rhss_deriv_simp
# Step 8.b: Call the derivative function and populate dictionaries with the result
lhss_derivative = {}
rhss_derivative = {}
for index in range(len(dynamic_variables)):
lhss_temp,rhss_temp = deriv_onevar(lhss_deriv,rhss_deriv,dynamic_variables,index)
lhss_derivative[dynamic_variables[index]] = lhss_temp
rhss_derivative[dynamic_variables[index]] = rhss_temp
# Step 9: Output original expression and each partial derivative expression in SymPy snytax
with open(os.path.join(inputdir,'partial_derivatives.txt-VALIDATION'), 'w') as output:
for i in range(len(lr)):
right_side = lr[i].rhs
right_side_in_sp = right_side.replace("sqrt(","sp.sqrt(").replace("log(","sp.log(").replace("pi",
output.write(str(lr[i].lhs)+" = "+right_side_in_sp)
for var in dynamic_variables:
for i in range(len(lhss_derivative[var])):
right_side = str(rhss_derivative[var][i])
right_side_in_sp = right_side.replace("sqrt(","sp.sqrt(").replace("log(","sp.log(").replace("pi",
output.write(str(lhss_derivative[var][i]).replace("prm","prm_"+str(var))+" = "+right_side_in_sp+"\n")
NRPy+ module [Back to top]¶We validate the output of this notebook against known LALSuite values of the Hamiltonian partial derivatives and the output of the SEOBNR_Derivative_Routine
NRPy+ module. We note that due to cancellations in the deriavtive terms, various versions of SymPy may result in relative errors that differ as much as an order of magnitude. Furthermore, even changing the set of input pararameters can affect the relative error by as many as two orders of magnitude. Therefore we look for agreement with LALSuite to at least 10 significant digits.
When comparing the notebook output to that of the NRPy+ module, we compare term-by-term using SymPy to check that each right-hand side side is equivalent.
# Define a function to return a set of reasonable input parameters
# This function contains three distinct sets of input parameters, and index differentiates between them
def reset_values(tort_value, index):
# Check that a reasonable tortoise value has been passed
if tort_value!=1 and tort_value!=2:
print("Error: tortoise must be 1 or 2.")
# Each index corresponds to a specific set of input parameters
if index==0:#-M 13 -m 11 -X 0.1 -Y -0.2 -Z 0.3 -x -0.3 -y 0.2 -z -0.1
values = {'m1': 1.300000000000000e+01, 'm2': 1.100000000000000e+01, 'eta': 2.482638888888889e-01,
'x': 1.658426645098320e+01, 'y': 3.975021008701605e-02, 'z': -1.820682538442627e-07,
's1x': 2.934751675254397e-02, 's1y': -5.867672205485316e-02, 's1z': 8.802097562761332e-02,
's2x': -6.302678133897792e-02, 's2y': 4.200490780215727e-02, 's2z': -2.100705983874398e-02,
'KK': 3.913980338468737e-01, 'k0': -7.447639215330089e-01, 'k1': -6.380586501824999e-01,
'd1v2': -7.476323019145448e+01,'dheffSSv2':2.105103187692902e+01,
'EMgamma': 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431}
# Note that we transform the momentum based on the tortoise values
if tort_value==1:
values.update({'px': -1.517631642228534e-03, 'py': 2.693180445886167e-01, 'pz': -1.320499830947482e-04,
'tortoise': 1})
values.update({'px': -1.633028076483384e-03, 'py': 2.693177679992048e-01, 'pz': -1.320499918278832e-04,
'tortoise': 2})
elif index==1:#-M 25 -m 10 -X 0.1 -Y -0.0 -Z 0.1 -x -0.2 -y 0.0 -z -0.2
values = {'m1': 2.500000000000000e+01, 'm2': 1.000000000000000e+01, 'eta': 2.040816326530612e-01,
'x': 1.289689003662444e+01, 'y': 5.495441315063273e-03, 'z': -1.717482806041791e-11,
's1x': 5.102040816179230e-02, 's1y': 9.846215537206260e-07, 's1z': 5.102040816473832e-02,
's2x': -1.632653061189792e-02, 's2y': -6.762952223804450e-07, 's2z': -1.632653061259188e-02,
'KK': 5.642540639599580e-01, 'k0': -1.063532077165767e+00, 'k1': -8.835684149841774e-01,
'd1v2': -8.041179092044979e+01,'dheffSSv2':1.125986130778842e+01,
'EMgamma': 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431}
if tort_value==1:
values.update({'px': -1.898773926867491e-03, 'py': 3.160984442121970e-01, 'pz': 1.171602901570564e-07,
'tortoise': 1})
values.update({'px': -2.209215477700561e-03, 'py': 3.160983119312114e-01, 'pz': 1.171602905704723e-07,
'tortoise': 2})
elif index==2:#-M 7 -m 5 -X 0.01 -Y -0.5 -Z 0.03 -x -0.04 -y 0.05 -z -0.06
values = {'m1': 7.000000000000000e+00, 'm2': 5.000000000000000e+00, 'eta': 2.430555555555556e-01,
'x': 2.633506161699224e+01, 'y': 7.574563213724998e-02, 'z': -2.789625823248071e-08,
's1x': 3.417297286269225e-03, 's1y': -1.701385963191495e-01, 's1z': 1.020835932957879e-02,
's2x': -6.945454346305877e-03, 's2y': 8.679766617922793e-03, 's2z': -1.041665076794264e-02,
'KK': 4.052853693162246e-01, 'k0': -7.706473492549312e-01, 'k1': -6.587426366263742e-01,
'd1v2': -7.555647472993827e+01,'dheffSSv2':1.972817669753086e+01,
'EMgamma': 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431}
if tort_value==1:
values.update({'px': -7.883793607066706e-04, 'py': 2.068742709904638e-01, 'pz': -7.338789145500886e-04,
'tortoise': 1})
values.update({'px': -8.039726989861640e-04, 'py': 2.068742261404732e-01, 'pz': -7.338789145335709e-04,
'tortoise': 2})
# If an improper index is passed, exit
print("Error: invalid index (only three sets of input parameters available).")
# Return the input values
return values
# Numerically evaluate right-hand sides using input values
def evaluate_expression(left_sides,right_sides,input_values):
new_right_sides = []
for i in range(len(right_sides)):
term = custom_parse_expr(str(right_sides[i]).replace("(xx)",""))
# Only look for the free variables in each expression to reduce computation time
free_vars = term.free_symbols
for variable in free_vars:
term = term.subs(variable, input_values[str(variable)])
# Evaluate each term to reduce computation time
# Store each subexpression in values numerically
input_values[str(left_sides[i])] = new_right_sides[i]
# Return the input values dictionary with all numerical right-hand added
return input_values
# Create array of trusted LALSuite derivative values
# Note that position in the array corresponds to the index of the corresponding input values
LALSuite_validated_values = []
#-M 13 -m 11 -X 0.1 -Y -0.2 -Z 0.3 -x -0.3 -y 0.2 -z -0.1
LALSuite_validated_values.append({'Hreal': 9.928923110195770e-01,'dHreal_dx': 9.932484846748471e-04,
'dHreal_dy': 2.813294366789505e-06, 'dHreal_dz': 1.926378549762488e-06,
'dHreal_dpx': -3.710666135737856e-04, 'dHreal_dpy': 6.116199124763537e-02,
'dHreal_dpz': -5.600910364542288e-07, 'dHreal_ds1x': -1.438467658934620e-05,
'dHreal_ds1y': -1.319462868057848e-06, 'dHreal_ds1z': 7.665413183773232e-04,
'dHreal_ds2x': -2.075691477548065e-05,'dHreal_ds2y': 2.456427688083135e-06,
'dHreal_ds2z': 8.762835349889455e-04})
#-M 25 -m 10 -X 0.1 -Y -0.0 -Z 0.1 -x -0.2 -y 0.0 -z -0.2
LALSuite_validated_values.append({'Hreal': 9.926852598351464e-01, 'dHreal_dx': 1.397519118422771e-03,
'dHreal_dy': 1.928133240540033e-06, 'dHreal_dz': -1.215449398950413e-06,
'dHreal_dpx': -4.004159849919695e-04, 'dHreal_dpy': 5.701850933742150e-02,
'dHreal_dpz': 4.329487960716782e-08, 'dHreal_ds1x': 2.259457049322466e-06,
'dHreal_ds1y': -2.544122765762015e-09, 'dHreal_ds1z': 9.834156257814124e-04,
'dHreal_ds2x': 5.185557993931246e-06,'dHreal_ds2y': 2.437768415468806e-10,
'dHreal_ds2z': 2.111169766641698e-03})
#-M 7 -m 5 -X 0.01 -Y -0.5 -Z 0.03 -x -0.04 -y 0.05 -z -0.06
LALSuite_validated_values.append({'Hreal': 9.955293642650920e-01, 'dHreal_dx': 3.734697245297603e-04,
'dHreal_dy': 1.105998063449349e-06, 'dHreal_dz': 5.367207414282669e-08,
'dHreal_dpx': -1.848412708548443e-04, 'dHreal_dpy': 4.754239153769983e-02,
'dHreal_dpz': -3.549083643069269e-08, 'dHreal_ds1x': -4.819261725948465e-07,
'dHreal_ds1y': 3.333280059627902e-06, 'dHreal_ds1z': 2.201786563823208e-04,
'dHreal_ds2x': -7.576810957551029e-07,'dHreal_ds2y': 6.818093508597533e-06,
'dHreal_ds2z': 2.922663340179887e-04})
# Sort variables by which tortoise value we use to compute the derivatives
variables_tort2 = [x,y,z]
variables_tort1 = [px,py,pz,s1x,s1y,s1z,s2x,s2y,s2z]
# Call evaluation function
print("Computing the difference between notebook output and trusted LALSuite derivative values...")
for index in range(3):
values = reset_values(2,index)
values = evaluate_expression(lhss,rhss,values)
Hreal = values['Hreal']
trusted_Hreal = LALSuite_validated_values[index]['Hreal']
relative_difference = (trusted_Hreal - Hreal)/trusted_Hreal
if abs(relative_difference) > 1e-9:
print("The relative difference in Hreal is too large: %.15e" % relative_difference)
for var in variables_tort2:
Hrealprm = evaluate_expression(lhss_derivative[var],rhss_derivative[var],values)['Hrealprm']
trusted_Hrealprm = LALSuite_validated_values[index]['dHreal_d'+str(var)]
relative_difference = (trusted_Hrealprm - Hrealprm)/trusted_Hrealprm
if abs(relative_difference) > 1e-9:
print("The relative difference in dHreal_d%s is too large: %.15e" % (var,relative_difference))
values = reset_values(1,index)
values = evaluate_expression(lhss,rhss,values)
for var in variables_tort1:
Hrealprm = evaluate_expression(lhss_derivative[var],rhss_derivative[var],values)['Hrealprm']
trusted_Hrealprm = LALSuite_validated_values[index]['dHreal_d'+str(var)]
relative_difference = (trusted_Hrealprm - Hrealprm)/trusted_Hrealprm
if abs(relative_difference) > 1e-9:
print("The relative difference in dHreal_d%s is too large: %.15e" % (var,relative_difference))
print("Test passed: the notebook agrees with LALSuite to at least 10 significant digits!")
print("Printing difference between notebook output and trusted NRPy+ module output...")
# Open the files to compare
file = 'partial_derivatives.txt'
outfile = 'partial_derivatives.txt-VALIDATION'
print("Checking file " + outfile)
with open(os.path.join(inputdir,file), "r") as file1, open(os.path.join(inputdir,outfile), "r") as file2:
# Read the lines of each file
file1_lines = file1.readlines()
file2_lines = file2.readlines()
# Compare right-hand sides of the expressions by computing the difference between them
num_diffs = 0
for i in range(len(file1_lines)):
expr_new = custom_parse_expr(file1_lines[i].split("=")[1].replace("sp.",""))
expr_validated = custom_parse_expr(file2_lines[i].split("=")[1].replace("sp.",""))
difference = sp.simplify(expr_new - expr_validated)
if difference != 0:
num_diffs += 1
if num_diffs == 0:
print("No difference. TEST PASSED!")
print("WARNING: Possible disagreement found with the trusted file. See differences above.")
# sys.exit(1)
Computing the difference between notebook output and trusted LALSuite derivative values... Test passed: the notebook agrees with LALSuite to at least 10 significant digits! Printing difference between notebook output and trusted NRPy+ module output... Checking file partial_derivatives.txt-VALIDATION No difference. TEST PASSED!
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import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
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