Notebook Status: Validated
Validation Notes: The expressions generated by the NRPy+ module corresponding to this tutorial notebook are used to demonstrate that the initial data for a massless scalar field satisfy Einstein's equations as expected in this tutorial notebook.
The module is organized as follows
The energy-momentum tensor for a massless scalar field is given by eq. (5.232) of B&S, which we right here in contravariant form
Tμν=∂μφ∂νφ−12gμν(∂λφ∂λφ) .This is a key tensor in the problem of gravitational collapse of a massless scalar field, since it will be responsible for how the geometry changes in the presence of the scalar field. In this tutorial module we will be implementing this tensor.
# Step 1.a: import all needed modules from NRPy+:
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import NRPy_param_funcs as par # NRPy+: Parameter interface
import indexedexp as ixp # NRPy+: Symbolic indexed expression (e.g., tensors, vectors, etc.) support
import reference_metric as rfm # NRPy+: Reference metric support
import BSSN.BSSN_quantities as Bq # NRPy+: BSSN quantities
import BSSN.ADM_in_terms_of_BSSN as BtoA # NRPy+: ADM quantities in terms of BSSN quantities
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as ADMg # NRPy+: ADM 4-metric to/from ADM or BSSN quantities
# Step 1.b: Set the coordinate system for the numerical grid
coord_system = "Spherical"
# Step 1.c: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN, as BSSN is
# a 3+1-dimensional decomposition of the general
# relativistic field equations)
DIM = 3
# Step 1.d: Given the chosen coordinate system, set up
# corresponding reference metric and needed
# reference metric quantities
# The following function call sets up the reference metric
# and related quantities, including rescaling matrices ReDD,
# ReU, and hatted quantities.
# Step 1.e: Set the theta and phi axes to be the symmetry axes; i.e., axis "1" and "2",
# corresponding to the i1 and i2 directions. This sets all spatial derivatives
# in the theta and phi directions to zero (analytically).
# Step 1.e: Import all basic (unrescaled) BSSN scalars & tensors
alpha = Bq.alpha
betaU = Bq.betaU
# Step 1.g: Define ADM quantities in terms of BSSN quantities
gammaDD = BtoA.gammaDD
gammaUU = BtoA.gammaUU
# Step 1.h: Define scalar field quantitites
sf_dD = ixp.declarerank1("sf_dD")
Pi = sp.Symbol("sfM",real=True)
Consider the ADM 4-metric (eq. 2.119 of B&S)
gμν=(−α−2α−2βiα−2βjγij−α−2βiβj) ,and the definition of the scalar field's conjugate momentum, Π, as given by eq. 2.522 of B&S
Π≡−1α[∂tφ−βi∂iφ] .Then we have
∂tφ=gtt∂tφ+gti∂iφ=−α−2∂tφ+α−2βi∂iφ=α−1[−1α(∂tφ−βi∂iφ)]=Πα .# Step 2a: Set up \partial^{t}\varphi = Pi/alpha
sf4dU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
sf4dU[0] = Pi / alpha
Next, we look at
∂iφ=git∂tφ+gij∂jφ=α−2βi∂tφ+γij∂jφ−α−2βiβj∂jφ=−α−1βi[−1α(∂tφ−βj∂jφ)]+γij∂jφ=−Παβi+γij∂jφ .# Step 2b: Set up \partial^{i}\varphi = -Pi*beta^{i}/alpha + gamma^{ij}\partial_{j}\varphi
for i in range(DIM):
sf4dU[i+1] = -Pi * betaU[i] / alpha
for j in range(DIM):
sf4dU[i+1] += gammaUU[i][j] * sf_dD[j]
The last step is to set up the contraction
∂λφ∂λφ=∂tφ∂tφ+∂iφ∂iφ=Πα∂tφ−Παβi∂iφ+γij∂iφ∂jφ=−Π[−1α(∂tφ−βi∂iφ)]+γij∂iφ∂jφ=−Π2+γij∂iφ∂jφ .# Step 2c: Set up \partial^{i}\varphi\partial_{i}\varphi = -Pi**2 + gamma^{ij}\partial_{i}\varphi\partial_{j}\varphi
sf4d2 = -Pi**2
for i in range(DIM):
for j in range(DIM):
sf4d2 += gammaUU[i][j] * sf_dD[i] * sf_dD[j]
We start by setting up the ADM 4-metric gμν, given by eq. (2.119) in B&S,
gμν=(−α−2α−2βiα−2βjγij−α−2βiβj) .We do this be calling the module.
# Step 3a: Setting up g^{\mu\nu}
ADMg.g4UU_ito_BSSN_or_ADM("ADM",gammaDD=gammaDD,betaU=betaU,alpha=alpha, gammaUU=gammaUU)
g4UU = ADMg.g4UU
We then focus on the energy momentum tensor Tμν for a massless scalar field, φ (cf. eq. 5.232 of B&S with V(φ)=0)
Tμν=∂μφ∂νφ−12gμν(∂λφ∂λφ⏟≡sf4d2) .# Step 3b: Setting up T^{\mu\nu} for a massless scalar field
T4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
T4UU[mu][nu] = sf4dU[mu] * sf4dU[nu] - sp.Rational(1,2) * g4UU[mu][nu] * sf4d2
Here we perform a code validation. We verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for the energy-momentum tensor of a scalar field between
By default, we analyze the RHSs in Spherical coordinates, though other coordinate systems may be chosen.
import ScalarField.ScalarField_Tmunu as sfTmunu # NRPyCritCol: Scalar field energy-momentum tensor
print("Consistency check between this tutorial and the module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO\n")
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
print("T4UU["+str(mu)+"]["+str(nu)+"] - sfTmunu.T4UU["+str(mu)+"]["+str(nu)+"] = "+str(sp.simplify(T4UU[mu][nu] - sfTmunu.T4UU[mu][nu])))
Consistency check between this tutorial and the module: ALL SHOULD BE ZERO T4UU[0][0] - sfTmunu.T4UU[0][0] = 0 T4UU[0][1] - sfTmunu.T4UU[0][1] = 0 T4UU[0][2] - sfTmunu.T4UU[0][2] = 0 T4UU[0][3] - sfTmunu.T4UU[0][3] = 0 T4UU[1][0] - sfTmunu.T4UU[1][0] = 0 T4UU[1][1] - sfTmunu.T4UU[1][1] = 0 T4UU[1][2] - sfTmunu.T4UU[1][2] = 0 T4UU[1][3] - sfTmunu.T4UU[1][3] = 0 T4UU[2][0] - sfTmunu.T4UU[2][0] = 0 T4UU[2][1] - sfTmunu.T4UU[2][1] = 0 T4UU[2][2] - sfTmunu.T4UU[2][2] = 0 T4UU[2][3] - sfTmunu.T4UU[2][3] = 0 T4UU[3][0] - sfTmunu.T4UU[3][0] = 0 T4UU[3][1] - sfTmunu.T4UU[3][1] = 0 T4UU[3][2] - sfTmunu.T4UU[3][2] = 0 T4UU[3][3] - sfTmunu.T4UU[3][3] = 0
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import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
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