Notebook Status: Validated
Validation Notes: The expressions in this notebook have been validated against trusted versions, as part of the Event Horizon Telescope GRMHD code comparison project (see this tutorial notebook for the analysis), and research performed as part of the TCAN project 80NSSC18K1488. Also, this tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. Additional validation tests may have been performed, but are as yet, undocumented. (TODO)
This goal of this module will be to construct Fishbone-Moncrief initial data for GRMHD simulations in a format suitable for the Einstein Toolkit (ETK). We will be using the equations as derived in the original paper, which will hereafter be called "*the FM paper". Since we want to use this with the ETK, our final result will be in Cartesian coordinates. The natural coordinate system for these data is spherical, however, so we will use ([Tutorial*](Tutorial-Reference_Metric.ipynb)) to help with the coordinate transformation.
This notebook documents the equations in the NRPy+ module Then, we will build an Einstein Toolkit thorn to set this initial data.
This notebook is organized as follows
Step 1: Initialize core Python/NRPy+ modules
Step 2: Implementing Fishbone-Moncrief initial data within NRPy+
Step 3: Output SymPy expressions to C code, using NRPy+
Step 4: Code Validation against Code Validation against FishboneMoncriefID.FishboneMoncriefID
NRPy+ module NRPy+ module
Step 5: Output this notebook to LATEX-formatted PDF file
# Step 1a: Import needed NRPy+ core modules:
import NRPy_param_funcs as par # NRPy+: Parameter interface
import indexedexp as ixp # NRPy+: Symbolic indexed expression (e.g., tensors, vectors, etc.) support
import grid as gri # NRPy+: Functions having to do with numerical grids
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import reference_metric as rfm # NRPy+: Reference metric support
#Set the spatial dimension parameter to 3.
par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", 3)
DIM = par.parval_from_str("grid::DIM")
thismodule = "FishboneMoncriefID"
gPhys4UU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("AUX","gPhys4UU", "sym01", DIM=4)
KDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("EVOL","KDD", "sym01")
# Variables needed for initial data given in spherical basis
r, th, ph = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX",["r","th","ph"])
r_in,r_at_max_density,a,M = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,
["r_in","r_at_max_density", "a","M"],
[ 6.0, 12.0, 0.9375,1.0])
kappa,gamma = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,["kappa","gamma"], [1.0e-3, 4.0/3.0])
# The return value from gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX","LorentzFactor") is unused, so we ignore it here:
Now, we can begin actually building the ID equations. We will start with the value of the angular momentum l at the position r≡r_at_max_density
where the density is at a maximum, as in equation 3.8 of the FM paper:
def calculate_l_at_r(r):
l = sp.sqrt(M/r**3) * (r**4 + r**2*a**2 - 2*M*r*a**2 - a*sp.sqrt(M*r)*(r**2-a**2))
l /= r**2 - 3*M*r + 2*a*sp.sqrt(M*r)
return l
# First compute angular momentum at r_at_max_density, TAKING POSITIVE ROOT. This way disk is co-rotating with black hole
# Eq 3.8:
l = calculate_l_at_r(r_at_max_density)
Next, we will follow equation 3.6 of the FM paper to compute the enthalpy h by first finding its logarithm lnh. Fortunately, we can make this process quite a bit simpler by first identifying the common subexpressions. Let Δ=r2−2Mr+a2Σ=r2+a2cos2(θ)A=(r2+a2)2−Δa2sin2(θ);
ln_h_const=12∗log(1+tmp3ΣΔ/A)−12tmp3−2aMrlA# Eq 3.6:
# First compute the radially-independent part of the log of the enthalpy, ln_h_const
Delta = r**2 - 2*M*r + a**2
Sigma = r**2 + a**2*sp.cos(th)**2
A = (r**2 + a**2)**2 - Delta*a**2*sp.sin(th)**2
# Next compute the radially-dependent part of log(enthalpy), ln_h
tmp3 = sp.sqrt(1 + 4*l**2*Sigma**2*Delta/(A*sp.sin(th))**2)
# Term 1 of Eq 3.6
ln_h = sp.Rational(1,2)*sp.log( ( 1 + tmp3) / (Sigma*Delta/A))
# Term 2 of Eq 3.6
ln_h -= sp.Rational(1,2)*tmp3
# Term 3 of Eq 3.6
ln_h -= 2*a*M*r*l/A
Additionally, let Δin=r2in−2Mrin+a2Σin=r2in+a2cos2(π/2)Ain=(r2in+a2)2−Δina2sin2(π/2)
and th=pi/2 (the integration constant), as described in the text below Eq. 3.6.)
So, then, we exponentiate: hm1≡h−1=eln_h+mln_h_in−1.
# Next compute the radially-INdependent part of log(enthalpy), ln_h
# Note that there is some typo in the expression for these terms given in Eq 3.6, so we opt to just evaluate
# negative of the first three terms at r=r_in and th=pi/2 (the integration constant), as described in
# the text below Eq. 3.6, basically just copying the above lines of code.
# Delin = Delta_in ; Sigin = Sigma_in ; Ain = A_in .
Delin = r_in**2 - 2*M*r_in + a**2
Sigin = r_in**2 + a**2*sp.cos(sp.pi/2)**2
Ain = (r_in**2 + a**2)**2 - Delin*a**2*sp.sin(sp.pi/2)**2
tmp3in = sp.sqrt(1 + 4*l**2*Sigin**2*Delin/(Ain*sp.sin(sp.pi/2))**2)
# Term 4 of Eq 3.6
mln_h_in = -sp.Rational(1,2)*sp.log( ( 1 + tmp3in) / (Sigin*Delin/Ain))
# Term 5 of Eq 3.6
mln_h_in += sp.Rational(1,2)*tmp3in
# Term 6 of Eq 3.6
mln_h_in += 2*a*M*r_in*l/Ain
hm1 = sp.exp(ln_h + mln_h_in) - 1
Python 3.4 + SymPy 1.0.0 has a serious problem taking the power here; it hangs forever, so instead we use the identity x1/y=exp(1y∗log(x)). Thus, our expression for density becomes (in Python 2.7 + SymPy
ρ0=((h−1)(γ−1)κγ)1/(γ−1)=exp[1γ−1log((h−1)(γ−1)κγ)]Additionally, the pressure P0=κργ0
rho_initial,Pressure_initial = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX",["rho_initial","Pressure_initial"])
# Python 3.4 + sympy 1.0.0 has a serious problem taking the power here, hangs forever.
# so instead we use the identity x^{1/y} = exp( [1/y] * log(x) )
# Original expression (works with Python 2.7 + sympy
# rho_initial = ( hm1*(gamma-1)/(kappa*gamma) )**(1/(gamma - 1))
# New expression (workaround):
rho_initial = sp.exp( (1/(gamma-1)) * sp.log( hm1*(gamma-1)/(kappa*gamma) ))
Pressure_initial = kappa * rho_initial**gamma
We now want to compute eq 3.3; we will start by finding e−2χ in Boyer-Lindquist (BL) coordinates. By eq 2.16, χ=ψ−ν, so, by eqs. 3.5, e2ν=ΣΔAe2ψ=Asin2θΣe−2χ=e2ν/e2ψ=e2(ν−ψ).
Next, we will calculate the 4-velocity ui of the fluid disk in BL coordinates. We start with eqs. 3.3 and 2.13, finding u(r)=u(θ)=0u(ϕ)=√−1+12√1+4l2e−2χu(t)=−√1+u2(ϕ).
Given that ω=2aMr/A, we then find that, in BL coordinates, ur=uθ=0uϕ=u(ϕ)√e2ψut=u(t)√e2ν−ωuϕ,
# Eq 3.3: First compute exp(-2 chi), assuming Boyer-Lindquist coordinates
# Eq 2.16: chi = psi - nu, so
# Eq 3.5 -> exp(-2 chi) = exp(-2 (psi - nu)) = exp(2 nu)/exp(2 psi)
exp2nu = Sigma*Delta / A
exp2psi = A*sp.sin(th)**2 / Sigma
expm2chi = exp2nu / exp2psi
# Eq 3.3: Next compute u_(phi).
u_pphip = sp.sqrt((-1 + sp.sqrt(1 + 4*l**2*expm2chi))/2)
# Eq 2.13: Compute u_(t)
u_ptp = -sp.sqrt(1 + u_pphip**2)
# Next compute spatial components of 4-velocity in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates:
uBL4D = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4) # Components 1 and 2: u_r = u_theta = 0
# Eq 2.12 (typo): u_(phi) = e^(-psi) u_phi -> u_phi = e^(psi) u_(phi)
uBL4D[3] = sp.sqrt(exp2psi)*u_pphip
# Assumes Boyer-Lindquist coordinates:
omega = 2*a*M*r/A
# Eq 2.13: u_(t) = 1/sqrt(exp2nu) * ( u_t + omega*u_phi )
# --> u_t = u_(t) * sqrt(exp2nu) - omega*u_phi
# --> u_t = u_ptp * sqrt(exp2nu) - omega*uBL4D[3]
uBL4D[0] = u_ptp*sp.sqrt(exp2nu) - omega*uBL4D[3]
Next, we will use eq. 2.1 to find the inverse physical (as opposed to conformal) metric in BL coordinates, using the shorthands defined in eq. 3.5: gtt=−ΣΔA+ω2sin2θAΣgtϕ=gϕt=−ωsin2θAΣgϕϕ=sin2θAΣ,
With this, we will now be able to raise the index on the BL ui: ui=gijuj
# Eq. 3.5:
# w = 2*a*M*r/A;
# Eqs. 3.5 & 2.1:
# gtt = -Sig*Del/A + w^2*Sin[th]^2*A/Sig;
# gtp = w*Sin[th]^2*A/Sig;
# gpp = Sin[th]^2*A/Sig;
# FullSimplify[Inverse[{{gtt,gtp},{gtp,gpp}}]]
gPhys4BLUU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
gPhys4BLUU[0][0] = -A/(Delta*Sigma)
# DO NOT NEED TO SET gPhys4BLUU[1][1] or gPhys4BLUU[2][2]!
gPhys4BLUU[0][3] = gPhys4BLUU[3][0] = -2*a*M*r/(Delta*Sigma)
gPhys4BLUU[3][3] = -4*a**2*M**2*r**2/(Delta*A*Sigma) + Sigma**2/(A*Sigma*sp.sin(th)**2)
uBL4U = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
uBL4U[i] += gPhys4BLUU[i][j]*uBL4D[j]
Now, we will transform the 4-velocity from the Boyer-Lindquist to the Kerr-Schild basis. This algorithm is adapted from HARM. This definees the tensor transformBLtoKS
, where the diagonal elements are 1, and the non-zero off-diagonal elements are
# Next transform Boyer-Lindquist velocity to Kerr-Schild basis:
transformBLtoKS = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
for i in range(4):
transformBLtoKS[i][i] = 1
transformBLtoKS[0][1] = 2*r/(r**2 - 2*r + a*a)
transformBLtoKS[3][1] = a/(r**2 - 2*r + a*a)
#uBL4U = ixp.declarerank1("UBL4U",DIM=4)
# After the xform below, print(uKS4U) outputs:
# [UBL4U0 + 2*UBL4U1*r/(a**2 + r**2 - 2*r), UBL4U1, UBL4U2, UBL4U1*a/(a**2 + r**2 - 2*r) + UBL4U3]
uKS4U = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
uKS4U[i] += transformBLtoKS[i][j]*uBL4U[j]
We will also adopt the Kerr-Schild metric for Fishbone-Moncrief disks. Further details can be found in Cook's Living Review article on initial data, or in the appendix of this article. So, in KS coordinates, ρ2=r2+a2cos2θΔ=r2−2Mr+a2α=(1+2Mrρ2)−1/2β0=2α2Mrρ2γ00=1+2Mrρ2γ02=γ20=−(1+2Mrρ2)asin2θγ11=ρ2γ22=(r2+a2+2Mrρ2a2sin2θ)sin2θ.
# Adopt the Kerr-Schild metric for Fishbone-Moncrief disks
# Alternatively, Appendix of
rhoKS2 = r**2 + a**2*sp.cos(th)**2 # Eq 79 of Cook's Living Review article
DeltaKS = r**2 - 2*M*r + a**2 # Eq 79 of Cook's Living Review article
alphaKS = 1/sp.sqrt(1 + 2*M*r/rhoKS2)
betaKSU = ixp.zerorank1()
betaKSU[0] = alphaKS**2*2*M*r/rhoKS2
gammaKSDD = ixp.zerorank2()
gammaKSDD[0][0] = 1 + 2*M*r/rhoKS2
gammaKSDD[0][2] = gammaKSDD[2][0] = -(1 + 2*M*r/rhoKS2)*a*sp.sin(th)**2
gammaKSDD[1][1] = rhoKS2
gammaKSDD[2][2] = (r**2 + a**2 + 2*M*r/rhoKS2 * a**2*sp.sin(th)**2) * sp.sin(th)**2
We can also define the following useful quantities, continuing in KS coordinates: A=a2cos(2θ)+a2+2r2B=A+4MrD=√2Mra2cos2θ+r2+1;
AA = a**2 * sp.cos(2*th) + a**2 + 2*r**2
BB = AA + 4*M*r
DD = sp.sqrt(2*M*r / (a**2 * sp.cos(th)**2 + r**2) + 1)
KDD[0][0] = DD*(AA + 2*M*r)/(AA**2*BB) * (4*M*(a**2 * sp.cos(2*th) + a**2 - 2*r**2))
KDD[0][1] = KDD[1][0] = DD/(AA*BB) * 8*a**2*M*r*sp.sin(th)*sp.cos(th)
KDD[0][2] = KDD[2][0] = DD/AA**2 * (-2*a*M*sp.sin(th)**2 * (a**2 * sp.cos(2*th) + a**2 - 2*r**2))
KDD[1][1] = DD/BB * 4*M*r**2
KDD[1][2] = KDD[2][1] = DD/(AA*BB) * (-8*a**3*M*r*sp.sin(th)**3*sp.cos(th))
KDD[2][2] = DD/(AA**2*BB) * \
(2*M*r*sp.sin(th)**2 * (a**4*(r-M)*sp.cos(4*th) + a**4*(M+3*r) +
4*a**2*r**2*(2*r-M) + 4*a**2*r*sp.cos(2*th)*(a**2 + r*(M+2*r)) + 8*r**5))
We must also compute the inverse and determinant of the KS metric. We can use the NRPy+ function to do this easily for the inverse physical 3-metric γij, and then use the lapse α and the shift βi to find the full, inverse 4-dimensional metric, gij. We use the general form relating the 3- and 4- metric from (B&S 2.122) gμν=(−α2+β⋅ββiβjγij),
# For compatibility, we must compute gPhys4UU
gammaKSUU,gammaKSDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaKSDD)
# See, e.g., Eq. 4.49 of , where N = alpha
gPhys4UU[0][0] = -1 / alphaKS**2
for i in range(1,4):
if i>0:
# if the quantity does not have a "4", then it is assumed to be a 3D quantity.
# E.g., betaKSU[] is a spatial vector, with indices ranging from 0 to 2:
gPhys4UU[0][i] = gPhys4UU[i][0] = betaKSU[i-1]/alphaKS**2
for i in range(1,4):
for j in range(1,4):
# if the quantity does not have a "4", then it is assumed to be a 3D quantity.
# E.g., betaKSU[] is a spatial vector, with indices ranging from 0 to 2,
# and gammaKSUU[][] is a spatial tensor, with indices again ranging from 0 to 2.
gPhys4UU[i][j] = gPhys4UU[j][i] = gammaKSUU[i-1][j-1] - betaKSU[i-1]*betaKSU[j-1]/alphaKS**2
The original Fishbone-Moncrief initial data prescription describes a non-self-gravitating accretion disk in hydrodynamical equilibrium about a black hole. The following assumes that a very weak magnetic field seeded into this disk will not significantly disturb this equilibrium, at least on a dynamical (free-fall) timescale.
Now, we will set up the magnetic field that, when simulated with a GRMHD code, will give us insight into the electromagnetic emission from the disk. We define the vector potential Ai to be proportional to ρ0, and, as usual, let the magnetic field Bi be the curl of the vector potential.
A_b = par.Cparameters("REAL",thismodule,"A_b",1.0)
A_3vecpotentialD = ixp.zerorank1()
# Set A_phi = A_b*rho_initial FIXME: why is there a sign error?
A_3vecpotentialD[2] = -A_b * rho_initial
BtildeU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL","BtildeU")
# Eq 15 of
# B = curl A -> B^r = d_th A_ph - d_ph A_th
BtildeU[0] = sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[2],th) - sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[1],ph)
# B = curl A -> B^th = d_ph A_r - d_r A_ph
BtildeU[1] = sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[0],ph) - sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[2],r)
# B = curl A -> B^ph = d_r A_th - d_th A_r
BtildeU[2] = sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[1],r) - sp.diff(A_3vecpotentialD[0],th)
Now, we wish to build the 3+1-dimensional variables in terms of the inverse 4-dimensional spacetime metric gij, as demonstrated in eq. 4.49 of Gourgoulhon's lecture notes on 3+1 formalisms (letting N=α). So, α=√−1g00βi=α2g0(i+1)γij=g(i+1)(j+1)+βiβjα2,
# Construct spacetime metric in 3+1 form:
# See, e.g., Eq. 4.49 of , where N = alpha
# The return values from gri.register_gridfunctions() & ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1() are
# unused, so we ignore them below:
alpha = sp.sqrt(1/(-gPhys4UU[0][0]))
betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
betaU[i] = alpha**2 * gPhys4UU[0][i+1]
gammaUU = ixp.zerorank2()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
gammaUU[i][j] = gPhys4UU[i+1][j+1] + betaU[i]*betaU[j]/alpha**2
# The return value from ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2() is unused so we ignore it below:
gammaDD,igammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaUU)
gammaDET = 1/igammaDET
Now, we will lower the index on the shift vector βj=γijβi and use that to calculate the 4-dimensional metric tensor, gij. So, we have g00=−α2+β2g0(i+1)=g(i+1)0=βig(i+1)(j+1)=γij,
# Next compute g_{\alpha \beta} from lower 3-metric, using
# Eq 4.47 of
betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j]*betaU[j]
beta2 = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
beta2 += betaU[i]*betaD[i]
gPhys4DD = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
gPhys4DD[0][0] = -alpha**2 + beta2
for i in range(3):
gPhys4DD[0][i+1] = gPhys4DD[i+1][0] = betaD[i]
for j in range(3):
gPhys4DD[i+1][j+1] = gammaDD[i][j]
Next compute bμ using Eqs 23, 24, 27 and 31 of this paper: Bi=˜B√|γ|B0(u)=ui+1Biαb0=B0(u)√4πbi+1=Biα+B0(u)ui+1u0√4π
# Next compute b^{\mu} using Eqs 23 and 31 of
uKS4D = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
uKS4D[i] += gPhys4DD[i][j] * uKS4U[j]
# Eq 27 of
BU = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
BU[i] = BtildeU[i]/sp.sqrt(gammaDET)
# Eq 23 of
BU0_u = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
BU0_u += uKS4D[i+1]*BU[i]/alpha
smallbU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
smallbU[0] = BU0_u / sp.sqrt(4 * sp.pi)
# Eqs 24 and 31 of
for i in range(3):
smallbU[i+1] = (BU[i]/alpha + BU0_u*uKS4U[i+1])/(sp.sqrt(4*sp.pi)*uKS4U[0])
smallbD = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
smallbD[i] += gPhys4DD[i][j]*smallbU[j]
smallb2 = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(4):
smallb2 += smallbU[i]*smallbD[i]
Now, we will define the Lorentz factor (=αu0) and the Valencia 3-velocity vi(n), which sets the 3-velocity as measured by normal observers to the spatial slice: vi(n)=uiu0α+βiα,
LorentzFactor = alpha * uKS4U[0]
# Define Valencia 3-velocity v^i_(n), which sets the 3-velocity as measured by normal observers to the spatial slice:
# v^i_(n) = u^i/(u^0*alpha) + beta^i/alpha. See eq 11 of
Valencia3velocityU = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
Valencia3velocityU[i] = uKS4U[i + 1] / (alpha * uKS4U[0]) + betaU[i] / alpha
# sqrtgamma4DET = sp.sqrt(gammaDET)*alpha
Finally, we have contructed the underlying expressions necessary for the Fishbone-Moncrief initial data. By means of demonstration, we will use NRPy+'s FD_outputC()
to print the expressions. (The actual output statements are commented out right now, to save time in testing.)
from outputC import lhrh # NRPy+: Core C code output module
KerrSchild_CKernel = [\
FMdisk_Lorentz_uUs_CKernel = [\
# lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","uKS4U1"),rhs=uKS4U[1]),\
# lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","uKS4U2"),rhs=uKS4U[2]),\
# lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","uKS4U3"),rhs=uKS4U[3]),\
FMdisk_hm1_rho_P_CKernel = [\
# lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","hm1"),rhs=hm1),\
udotu = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(4):
udotu += uKS4U[i]*uKS4D[i]
#NRPy_file_output(OUTDIR+"/standalone-spherical_coords/NRPy_codegen/FMdisk_Btildes.h", [],[],[],
# ID_protected_variables + ["r","th","ph"],
# [],[uKS4U[0], "uKS4Ut", uKS4U[1],"uKS4Ur", uKS4U[2],"uKS4Uth", uKS4U[3],"uKS4Uph",
# uKS4D[0], "uKS4Dt", uKS4D[1],"uKS4Dr", uKS4D[2],"uKS4Dth", uKS4D[3],"uKS4Dph",
# uKS4D[1] * BU[0] / alpha, "Bur", uKS4D[2] * BU[1] / alpha, "Buth", uKS4D[3] * BU[2] / alpha, "Buph",
# gPhys4DD[0][0], "g4DD00", gPhys4DD[0][1], "g4DD01",gPhys4DD[0][2], "g4DD02",gPhys4DD[0][3], "g4DD03",
# BtildeU[0], "BtildeUr", BtildeU[1], "BtildeUth",BtildeU[2], "BtildeUph",
# smallbU[0], "smallbUt", smallbU[1], "smallbUr", smallbU[2], "smallbUth",smallbU[3], "smallbUph",
# smallb2,"smallb2",udotu,"udotu"])
FMdisk_Btildes_CKernel = [\
We will now use the relationships between coordinate systems provided by to convert our expressions to Cartesian coordinates. See Tutorial-Reference_Metric for more detail.
# Now that all derivatives of ghat and gbar have been computed,
# we may now substitute the definitions r = rfm.xxSph[0], th=rfm.xxSph[1],...
# WARNING: Substitution only works when the variable is not an integer. Hence the if not isinstance(...,...) stuff.
# If the variable isn't an integer, we revert transcendental functions inside to normal variables. E.g., sin(x2) -> sinx2
# Reverting to normal variables in this way makes expressions simpler in NRPy, and enables transcendental functions
# to be pre-computed in SENR.
alpha = alpha.subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
for i in range(DIM):
betaU[i] = betaU[i].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
for j in range(DIM):
gammaDD[i][j] = gammaDD[i][j].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
KDD[i][j] = KDD[i][j].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
# GRMHD variables:
# Density and pressure:
hm1 = hm1.subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
rho_initial = rho_initial.subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
Pressure_initial = Pressure_initial.subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
LorentzFactor = LorentzFactor.subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
# "Valencia" three-velocity
for i in range(DIM):
BtildeU[i] = BtildeU[i].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
uKS4U[i+1] = uKS4U[i+1].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
uBL4U[i+1] = uBL4U[i+1].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
Valencia3velocityU[i] = Valencia3velocityU[i].subs(r,rfm.xxSph[0]).subs(th,rfm.xxSph[1]).subs(ph,rfm.xxSph[2])
At last, we will use our reference metric formalism and the Jacobian associated with the two coordinate systems to convert the spherical initial data to Cartesian coordinates. The module provides us with the definition of r,θ,ϕ in Cartesian coordinates. To find dthe Jacobian to then transform from spherical to Cartesian, we must find the tensor ∂xi∂yj,
# uUphi = uKS4U[3]
# uUphi = sympify_integers__replace_rthph(uUphi,r,th,ph,rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xxSph[2])
# uUt = uKS4U[0]
# uUt = sympify_integers__replace_rthph(uUt,r,th,ph,rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xxSph[2])
# Transform initial data to our coordinate system:
# First compute Jacobian and its inverse
drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix = sp.Matrix([[sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff( rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff( rfm.xxSph[0],rfm.xx[2])],
[sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[1],rfm.xx[2])],
[sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[0]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[1]), sp.diff(rfm.xxSph[2],rfm.xx[2])]])
dx__drrefmetric_0UDmatrix = drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix.inv()
# Declare as gridfunctions the final quantities we will output for the initial data
IDalpha = gri.register_gridfunctions("EVOL","IDalpha")
IDgammaDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("EVOL","IDgammaDD","sym01")
IDKDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("EVOL","IDKDD","sym01")
IDbetaU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL","IDbetaU")
IDValencia3velocityU = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank1("EVOL","IDValencia3velocityU")
IDalpha = alpha
for i in range(3):
IDbetaU[i] = 0
IDValencia3velocityU[i] = 0
for j in range(3):
# Matrices are stored in row, column format, so (i,j) <-> (row,column)
IDbetaU[i] += dx__drrefmetric_0UDmatrix[(i,j)]*betaU[j]
IDValencia3velocityU[i] += dx__drrefmetric_0UDmatrix[(i,j)]*Valencia3velocityU[j]
IDgammaDD[i][j] = 0
IDKDD[i][j] = 0
for k in range(3):
for l in range(3):
IDgammaDD[i][j] += drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(k,i)]*drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(l,j)]*gammaDD[k][l]
IDKDD[i][j] += drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(k,i)]*drrefmetric__dx_0UDmatrix[(l,j)]* KDD[k][l]
# -={ Spacetime quantities: Generate C code from expressions and output to file }=-
KerrSchild_to_print = [\
# -={ GRMHD quantities: Generate C code from expressions and output to file }=-
FMdisk_GRHD_hm1_to_print = [lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs","rho_initial"),rhs=rho_initial)]
FMdisk_GRHD_velocities_to_print = [\
To verify this against the old version of FishboneMoncriefID from the old version of NRPy, we use the mathematica_code()
output function.
# Comment out debug code for now, to reduce this file's size.
#from mathematica_output import *
# print("ID1alpha = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDalpha) + ";")
# print("ID1beta0 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDbetaU[0]) + ";")
# print("ID1beta1 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDbetaU[1]) + ";")
# print("ID1beta2 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDbetaU[2]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma00 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[0][0]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma01 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[0][1]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma02 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[0][2]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma11 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[1][1]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma12 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[1][2]) + ";")
# print("ID1gamma22 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDgammaDD[2][2]) + ";")
# print("ID1K00 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[0][0]) + ";")
# print("ID1K01 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[0][1]) + ";")
# print("ID1K02 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[0][2]) + ";")
# print("ID1K11 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[1][1]) + ";")
# print("ID1K12 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[1][2]) + ";")
# print("ID1K22 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDKDD[2][2]) + ";")
# print("hm11 = " + sp.mathematica_code(hm1) + ";")
# print("ID1Valencia3velocityU0 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDValencia3velocityU[0]) + ";")
# print("ID1Valencia3velocityU1 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDValencia3velocityU[1]) + ";")
# print("ID1Valencia3velocityU2 = " + sp.mathematica_code(IDValencia3velocityU[2]) + ";")
NRPy+ module [Back to top]¶Here, as a code validation check, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for these Fishbone-Moncrief initial data between
gri.glb_gridfcs_list = []
import FishboneMoncriefID.FishboneMoncriefID as fmid
print("IDalpha - fmid.IDalpha = " + str(IDalpha - fmid.IDalpha))
print("rho_initial - fmid.rho_initial = " + str(rho_initial - fmid.rho_initial))
print("hm1 - fmid.hm1 = " + str(hm1 - fmid.hm1))
for i in range(DIM):
print("IDbetaU["+str(i)+"] - fmid.IDbetaU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(IDbetaU[i] - fmid.IDbetaU[i]))
print("IDValencia3velocityU["+str(i)+"] - fmid.IDValencia3velocityU["+str(i)+"] = "\
+ str(IDValencia3velocityU[i] - fmid.IDValencia3velocityU[i]))
for j in range(DIM):
print("IDgammaDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - fmid.IDgammaDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] = "
+ str(IDgammaDD[i][j] - fmid.IDgammaDD[i][j]))
print("IDKDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - fmid.IDKDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] = "
+ str(IDKDD[i][j] - fmid.IDKDD[i][j]))
IDalpha - fmid.IDalpha = 0 rho_initial - fmid.rho_initial = 0 hm1 - fmid.hm1 = 0 IDbetaU[0] - fmid.IDbetaU[0] = 0 IDValencia3velocityU[0] - fmid.IDValencia3velocityU[0] = 0 IDgammaDD[0][0] - fmid.IDgammaDD[0][0] = 0 IDKDD[0][0] - fmid.IDKDD[0][0] = 0 IDgammaDD[0][1] - fmid.IDgammaDD[0][1] = 0 IDKDD[0][1] - fmid.IDKDD[0][1] = 0 IDgammaDD[0][2] - fmid.IDgammaDD[0][2] = 0 IDKDD[0][2] - fmid.IDKDD[0][2] = 0 IDbetaU[1] - fmid.IDbetaU[1] = 0 IDValencia3velocityU[1] - fmid.IDValencia3velocityU[1] = 0 IDgammaDD[1][0] - fmid.IDgammaDD[1][0] = 0 IDKDD[1][0] - fmid.IDKDD[1][0] = 0 IDgammaDD[1][1] - fmid.IDgammaDD[1][1] = 0 IDKDD[1][1] - fmid.IDKDD[1][1] = 0 IDgammaDD[1][2] - fmid.IDgammaDD[1][2] = 0 IDKDD[1][2] - fmid.IDKDD[1][2] = 0 IDbetaU[2] - fmid.IDbetaU[2] = 0 IDValencia3velocityU[2] - fmid.IDValencia3velocityU[2] = 0 IDgammaDD[2][0] - fmid.IDgammaDD[2][0] = 0 IDKDD[2][0] - fmid.IDKDD[2][0] = 0 IDgammaDD[2][1] - fmid.IDgammaDD[2][1] = 0 IDKDD[2][1] - fmid.IDKDD[2][1] = 0 IDgammaDD[2][2] - fmid.IDgammaDD[2][2] = 0 IDKDD[2][2] - fmid.IDKDD[2][2] = 0
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import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
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