Notebook Status: Self-validated, some additional tests performed
Validation Notes: This tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. In addition, the construction of gμν and gμν from BSSN variables has passed the test gμνgμν=4 below. Additional validation tests may have been performed, but are as yet, undocumented. (TODO)
This notebook is organized as follows
: If inputvars="ADM"
declare ADM quantities {γij,βi,α}; if inputvars="ADM"
define ADM quantities in terms of BSSN quantitiesBSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric
NRPy+ moduleimport sympy as sp
import NRPy_param_funcs as par
import indexedexp as ixp
import sys
def setup_ADM_quantities(inputvars):
if inputvars == "ADM":
gammaDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaDD", "sym01")
betaU = ixp.declarerank1("betaU")
alpha = sp.symbols("alpha", real=True)
elif inputvars == "BSSN":
import BSSN.ADM_in_terms_of_BSSN as AitoB
# Construct gamma_{ij} in terms of cf & gammabar_{ij}
gammaDD = AitoB.gammaDD
# Next construct beta^i in terms of vet^i and reference metric quantities
import BSSN.BSSN_quantities as Bq
betaU = Bq.betaU
alpha = sp.symbols("alpha", real=True)
print("inputvars = " + str(inputvars) + " not supported. Please choose ADM or BSSN.")
return gammaDD,betaU,alpha
Given ADM variables {γij,βi,α}, which themselves may be written in terms of the rescaled BSSN curvilinear variables {hij,cf,Vi,α} for our chosen reference metric via simple function calls to ADM_in_terms_of_BSSN()
and BSSN_quantities.BSSN_basic_tensors()
, we are to construct the 4-metric gμν.
We accomplish this via Eq. 2.122 (which can be trivially derived from the ADM 3+1 line element) of Baumgarte & Shapiro's Numerical Relativity (henceforth B&S): gμν=(−α2+βkβkβiβjγij),
def g4DD_ito_BSSN_or_ADM(inputvars):
# Step 0: Declare g4DD as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
global g4DD
# Step 1: Check that inputvars is set to a supported value
gammaDD,betaU,alpha = setup_ADM_quantities(inputvars)
# Step 2: Compute g4DD = g_{mu nu}:
# To get \gamma_{\mu \nu} = gamma4DD[mu][nu], we'll need to construct the 4-metric, using Eq. 2.122 in B&S:
g4DD = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
# Step 2.a: Compute beta_i via Eq. 2.121 in B&S
betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * betaU[j]
# Step 2.b: Compute beta_i beta^i, the beta contraction.
beta2 = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
beta2 += betaU[i] * betaD[i]
# Step 2.c: Construct g4DD via Eq. 2.122 in B&S
g4DD[0][0] = -alpha ** 2 + beta2
for mu in range(1, 4):
g4DD[mu][0] = g4DD[0][mu] = betaD[mu - 1]
for mu in range(1, 4):
for nu in range(1, 4):
g4DD[mu][nu] = gammaDD[mu - 1][nu - 1]
B&S also provide a convenient form for the inverse 4-metric (Eq. 2.119; also Eq. 4.49 in Gourgoulhon): gμν=γμν−nμnν=(−1α2βiα2βiα2γij−βiβjα2),
def g4UU_ito_BSSN_or_ADM(inputvars):
# Step 0: Declare g4UU as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
global g4UU
# Step 1: Check that inputvars is set to a supported value
gammaDD,betaU,alpha = setup_ADM_quantities(inputvars)
# Step 2: Compute g4UU = g_{mu nu}:
# To get \gamma^{\mu \nu} = gamma4UU[mu][nu], we'll need to use Eq. 2.119 in B&S.
g4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
# Step 3: Construct g4UU = g^{mu nu}
# Step 3.a: Compute gammaUU based on provided gammaDD:
gammaUU, _gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
# Then evaluate g4UU:
g4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
g4UU[0][0] = -1 / alpha**2
for mu in range(1,4):
g4UU[0][mu] = g4UU[mu][0] = betaU[mu-1]/alpha**2
for mu in range(1,4):
for nu in range(1,4):
g4UU[mu][nu] = gammaUU[mu-1][nu-1] - betaU[mu-1]*betaU[nu-1]/alpha**2
contraction = 0
for mu in range(4):
for nu in range(4):
contraction += g4DD[mu][nu]*g4UU[mu][nu]
if sp.simplify(contraction) == sp.sympify(4):
print("TEST PASSED!")
print("TEST FAILED: "+str(contraction)+" does not apparently equal 4.")
Given gμν, we now compute ADM/BSSN metric quantities, excluding extrinsic curvature.
Let's start by computing the ADM quantities in terms of the 4-metric gμν.
Recall that gμν=(−α2+βkβkβiβjγij).
From this equation, we immediately obtain γij. However we need βi and α. After computing the inverse of γij, γij, we raise βj via βi=γijβj and then compute α via α=√βkβk−g00. To convert to BSSN variables {hij,cf,Vi,α}, we need only convert from ADM via function calls to BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM
def BSSN_or_ADM_ito_g4DD(inputvars):
# Step 0: Declare output variables as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
if inputvars == "ADM":
global gammaDD,betaU,alpha
elif inputvars == "BSSN":
global hDD,cf,vetU,alpha
print("inputvars = " + str(inputvars) + " not supported. Please choose ADM or BSSN.")
# Step 1: declare g4DD as symmetric rank-4 tensor:
g4DD = ixp.declarerank2("g4DD","sym01",DIM=4)
# Step 2: Compute gammaDD & betaD
betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
for i in range(3):
betaD[i] = g4DD[0][i]
for j in range(3):
gammaDD[i][j] = g4DD[i+1][j+1]
# Step 3: Compute betaU
# Step 3.a: Compute gammaUU based on provided gammaDD
gammaUU, _gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
# Step 3.b: Use gammaUU to raise betaU
betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
betaU[i] += gammaUU[i][j]*betaD[j]
# Step 4: Compute alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
# Step 4.a: Compute beta^2 = beta^k beta_k:
beta_squared = sp.sympify(0)
for k in range(3):
beta_squared += betaU[k]*betaD[k]
# Step 4.b: alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
alpha = sp.sqrt(sp.simplify(beta_squared) - g4DD[0][0])
# Step 5: If inputvars == "ADM", we are finished. Return.
if inputvars == "ADM":
# Step 6: If inputvars == "BSSN", convert ADM to BSSN & return hDD, cf,
import BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM as BitoA
dummyBU = ixp.zerorank1()
BitoA.gammabarDD_hDD( gammaDD)
BitoA.betU_vetU( betaU,dummyBU)
hDD = BitoA.hDD
cf =
vetU = BitoA.vetU
gammaUU, gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
contraction = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
contraction += gammaDD[i][j]*gammaUU[i][j]
if sp.simplify(contraction) == sp.sympify(3):
print("TEST PASSED!")
print("TEST FAILED: "+str(contraction)+" does not apparently equal 3.")
import reference_metric as rfm
gammabarDD = ixp.zerorank2()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
# gammabar_{ij} = h_{ij}*ReDD[i][j] + gammahat_{ij}
gammabarDD[i][j] = hDD[i][j] * rfm.ReDD[i][j] + rfm.ghatDD[i][j]
gammabarUU, gammabarDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammabarDD)
contraction = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
contraction += gammabarDD[i][j]*gammabarUU[i][j]
if sp.simplify(contraction) == sp.sympify(3):
print("TEST PASSED!")
print("TEST FAILED: "+str(contraction)+" does not apparently equal 3.")
NRPy+ module [Back to top]¶Here, as a code validation check, we verify agreement in the SymPy expressions for BrillLindquist initial data between
By default, we analyze these expressions in SinhCylindrical coordinates, though other coordinate systems may be chosen.
import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m
for inputvars in ["BSSN","ADM"]:
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
print(inputvars+" input: g4DD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - g4DD_mod["+str(i)+"]["
+str(j)+"] = "+str(g4DD[i][j]-AB4m.g4DD[i][j]))
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
print(inputvars+" input: g4UU["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - g4UU_mod["+str(i)+"]["
+str(j)+"] = "+str(g4UU[i][j]-AB4m.g4UU[i][j]))
print("BSSN QUANTITIES (ito 4-metric g4DD)")
print("cf - mod_cf = " + str(cf -
print("alpha - mod_alpha = " + str(alpha - AB4m.alpha))
for i in range(3):
print("vetU["+str(i)+"] - mod_vetU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(vetU[i] - AB4m.vetU[i]))
for j in range(3):
print("hDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - mod_hDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] = "
+ str(hDD[i][j] - AB4m.hDD[i][j]))
print("ADM QUANTITIES (ito 4-metric g4DD)")
print("alpha - mod_alpha = " + str(alpha - AB4m.alpha))
for i in range(3):
print("betaU["+str(i)+"] - mod_betaU["+str(i)+"] = " + str(betaU[i] - AB4m.betaU[i]))
for j in range(3):
print("gammaDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] - mod_gammaDD["+str(i)+"]["+str(j)+"] = "
+ str(gammaDD[i][j] - AB4m.gammaDD[i][j]))
BSSN input: g4DD[0][0] - g4DD_mod[0][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[0][1] - g4DD_mod[0][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[0][2] - g4DD_mod[0][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[0][3] - g4DD_mod[0][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[1][0] - g4DD_mod[1][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[1][1] - g4DD_mod[1][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[1][2] - g4DD_mod[1][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[1][3] - g4DD_mod[1][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[2][0] - g4DD_mod[2][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[2][1] - g4DD_mod[2][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[2][2] - g4DD_mod[2][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[2][3] - g4DD_mod[2][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[3][0] - g4DD_mod[3][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[3][1] - g4DD_mod[3][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[3][2] - g4DD_mod[3][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4DD[3][3] - g4DD_mod[3][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[0][0] - g4UU_mod[0][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[0][1] - g4UU_mod[0][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[0][2] - g4UU_mod[0][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[0][3] - g4UU_mod[0][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[1][0] - g4UU_mod[1][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[1][1] - g4UU_mod[1][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[1][2] - g4UU_mod[1][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[1][3] - g4UU_mod[1][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[2][0] - g4UU_mod[2][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[2][1] - g4UU_mod[2][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[2][2] - g4UU_mod[2][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[2][3] - g4UU_mod[2][3] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[3][0] - g4UU_mod[3][0] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[3][1] - g4UU_mod[3][1] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[3][2] - g4UU_mod[3][2] = 0 BSSN input: g4UU[3][3] - g4UU_mod[3][3] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[0][0] - g4DD_mod[0][0] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[0][1] - g4DD_mod[0][1] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[0][2] - g4DD_mod[0][2] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[0][3] - g4DD_mod[0][3] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[1][0] - g4DD_mod[1][0] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[1][1] - g4DD_mod[1][1] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[1][2] - g4DD_mod[1][2] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[1][3] - g4DD_mod[1][3] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[2][0] - g4DD_mod[2][0] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[2][1] - g4DD_mod[2][1] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[2][2] - g4DD_mod[2][2] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[2][3] - g4DD_mod[2][3] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[3][0] - g4DD_mod[3][0] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[3][1] - g4DD_mod[3][1] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[3][2] - g4DD_mod[3][2] = 0 ADM input: g4DD[3][3] - g4DD_mod[3][3] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[0][0] - g4UU_mod[0][0] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[0][1] - g4UU_mod[0][1] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[0][2] - g4UU_mod[0][2] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[0][3] - g4UU_mod[0][3] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[1][0] - g4UU_mod[1][0] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[1][1] - g4UU_mod[1][1] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[1][2] - g4UU_mod[1][2] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[1][3] - g4UU_mod[1][3] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[2][0] - g4UU_mod[2][0] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[2][1] - g4UU_mod[2][1] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[2][2] - g4UU_mod[2][2] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[2][3] - g4UU_mod[2][3] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[3][0] - g4UU_mod[3][0] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[3][1] - g4UU_mod[3][1] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[3][2] - g4UU_mod[3][2] = 0 ADM input: g4UU[3][3] - g4UU_mod[3][3] = 0 BSSN QUANTITIES (ito 4-metric g4DD) cf - mod_cf = 0 alpha - mod_alpha = 0 vetU[0] - mod_vetU[0] = 0 hDD[0][0] - mod_hDD[0][0] = 0 hDD[0][1] - mod_hDD[0][1] = 0 hDD[0][2] - mod_hDD[0][2] = 0 vetU[1] - mod_vetU[1] = 0 hDD[1][0] - mod_hDD[1][0] = 0 hDD[1][1] - mod_hDD[1][1] = 0 hDD[1][2] - mod_hDD[1][2] = 0 vetU[2] - mod_vetU[2] = 0 hDD[2][0] - mod_hDD[2][0] = 0 hDD[2][1] - mod_hDD[2][1] = 0 hDD[2][2] - mod_hDD[2][2] = 0 ADM QUANTITIES (ito 4-metric g4DD) alpha - mod_alpha = 0 betaU[0] - mod_betaU[0] = 0 gammaDD[0][0] - mod_gammaDD[0][0] = 0 gammaDD[0][1] - mod_gammaDD[0][1] = 0 gammaDD[0][2] - mod_gammaDD[0][2] = 0 betaU[1] - mod_betaU[1] = 0 gammaDD[1][0] - mod_gammaDD[1][0] = 0 gammaDD[1][1] - mod_gammaDD[1][1] = 0 gammaDD[1][2] - mod_gammaDD[1][2] = 0 betaU[2] - mod_betaU[2] = 0 gammaDD[2][0] - mod_gammaDD[2][0] = 0 gammaDD[2][1] - mod_gammaDD[2][1] = 0 gammaDD[2][2] - mod_gammaDD[2][2] = 0
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import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
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