Notebook Status: Validated through extensive use
Validation Notes: This tutorial notebook has been confirmed to be self-consistent with its corresponding NRPy+ module, as documented below. Additional validation tests may have been performed, but are as yet, undocumented. (TODO)
) and cross products (cross(a,b)
) (including the Levi-Civita symbol); also the shortcut div(a,b)
to sp.Rational(a,b)
for rational number `a/bnumeval(expr)
: Compute pt (tangential orbital momentum) and pr (radial orbital momentumHere, after initializing the module, we define
and m2
, the masses of the point particles. We will require that m1+m2=1
, using G=c=1 units, as all results can be rescaled appropriately with total mass.S1U
=S1 and S2U
=S2, the dimensionful spin vectors of the point massespU
=p=P1/μ=−P2/μ, where Pi is the momentum vector of mass i with respect to the center of mass, and μ=m1m2/(m1+m2)2 is the reduced massnU
=(X1−X2)/|X1−X2|, where Xi is the position vector of mass i with respect to the center of massdrdt
=drdt, the radial infall rate of the binary systemPt
=pt, Pr
=pr, the tangential and radial components of the momentum vector for the binary, with respect to its center of mass.r
=χ1=S1/m22 and chi2U
=χ2=S2/m22, the dimensionless spin vectors of the point masses (each with physically permissible values between -1 and +1)%%writefile
# As documented in the NRPyPN notebook
# NRPyPN_shortcuts.ipynb, this Python script
# provides useful shortcuts for inputting
# post-Newtonian expressions into SymPy/NRPy+
# Basic functions:
# dot(a,b): 3-vector dot product
# cross(a,b): 3-vector cross product
# div(a,b): a shortcut for SymPy's sp.Rational(a,b), to declare rational numbers
# num_eval(expr): Numerically evaluates NRPyPN expressions
# Author: Zach Etienne
# zachetie **at** gmail **dot* com
# Step 0: Add NRPy's directory to the path
import sympy as sp # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import indexedexpNRPyPN as ixp # NRPy+: Symbolic indexed expression (e.g., tensors, vectors, etc.) support
# Step 1: Declare several global variables used
# throughout NRPyPN
m1,m2 = sp.symbols('m1 m2',real=True)
S1U = ixp.declarerank1("S1U")
S2U = ixp.declarerank1("S2U")
pU = ixp.declarerank1("pU")
nU = ixp.declarerank1("nU")
drdt = sp.symbols('drdt', real=True)
Pt, Pr = sp.symbols('Pt Pr', real=True)
# Some references use r, others use q to represent the
# distance between the two point masses. This is rather
# confusing since q is also used to represent the
# mass ratio m2/m1. However, q is the canonical position
# variable name in Hamiltonian mechanics, so both are
# well justified. It should be obvious which is which
# throughout NRPyPN.
r, q = sp.symbols('r q', real=True)
chi1U = ixp.declarerank1('chi1U')
chi2U = ixp.declarerank1('chi2U')
# Euler-Mascheroni gamma constant:
gamma_EulerMascheroni = sp.EulerGamma
# Derived quantities used in Damour et al papers:
n12U = ixp.zerorank1()
n21U = ixp.zerorank1()
p1U = ixp.zerorank1()
p2U = ixp.zerorank1()
for i in range(3):
n12U[i] = +nU[i]
n21U[i] = -nU[i]
p1U[i] = +pU[i]
p2U[i] = -pU[i]
) and cross products (cross(a,b)
) (including the Levi-Civita symbol); also the shortcut div(a,b)
to sp.Rational(a,b)
for rational number a/b
[Back to top]¶Here we define
=a⋅b, for 3-vectors a and bcross(a,b)
=a×b, for 3-vectors a and bixp.LeviCivitaSymbol_dim3_rank3()
function from, which constructs the Levi-Civita symbol used for cross productsdiv(a,b)
=a/b, for integers a and b. This is a convenient shortcut for SymPy's sp.Rational(a,b)
function%%writefile -a
# Step 2.a: Define dot and cross product of vectors
def dot(vec1,vec2):
vec1_dot_vec2 = sp.sympify(0)
for i in range(3):
vec1_dot_vec2 += vec1[i]*vec2[i]
return vec1_dot_vec2
def cross(vec1,vec2):
vec1_cross_vec2 = ixp.zerorank1()
LeviCivitaSymbol = ixp.LeviCivitaSymbol_dim3_rank3()
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
for k in range(3):
vec1_cross_vec2[i] += LeviCivitaSymbol[i][j][k]*vec1[j]*vec2[k]
return vec1_cross_vec2
# Step 2.b: Construct rational numbers a/b via div(a,b)
def div(a,b):
return sp.Rational(a,b)
Appending to
: numerical evaluation of SymPy expressions [Back to top]¶num_eval(expr, qmassratio, nr, nchi1x, nchi1y, nchi1z, nchi2x, nchi2y, nchi2z, nPt=None, ndrdt=None)
numerically evaluates expression expr
with options to also specify numerical values for the tangential momentum pt and the radial infall rate drdt. Default options evaluate a q=1 mass-ratio, nonspinning binary with separation r=12.%%writefile -a
# Step 3: num_eval(expr), a means to numerically evaluate SymPy/NRPyPN
# expressions
def num_eval(expr,
qmassratio = 1.0, # must be >= 1
nr = 12.0, # Orbital separation
nchi1x = +0.,
nchi1y = +0.,
nchi1z = +0.,
nchi2x = +0.,
nchi2y = +0.,
nchi2z = +0.,
nPt=None, ndrdt=None):
# We want m1+m2 = 1, so that
# m2/m1 = qmassratio
# We find below:
nm1 = 1/(1+qmassratio)
nm2 = qmassratio/(1+qmassratio)
# This way nm1+nm2 = (qmassratio+1)/(1+qmassratio) = 1 CHECK
# and nm2/nm1 = qmassratio CHECK
nS1U0 = nchi1x*nm1**2
nS1U1 = nchi1y*nm1**2
nS1U2 = nchi1z*nm1**2
nS2U0 = nchi2x*nm2**2
nS2U1 = nchi2y*nm2**2
nS2U2 = nchi2z*nm2**2
if nPt != None:
expr2 = expr.subs(Pt,nPt)
expr = expr2
if ndrdt != None:
expr2 = expr.subs(drdt,ndrdt)
expr = expr2
return expr\
Appending to
%%writefile -a
# Shortcut function to just evaluate P_t and P_r
# -= Inputs =-
# * qmassratio: mass ratio q>=1
# * nr: Orbital separation (total coordinate distance between black holes)
# * nchi1x,nchi1y,nchi1z: dimensionless spin vector for BH 1
# * nchi2x,nchi2y,nchi2z: dimensionless spin vector for BH 2
# -= Outputs =-
# The numerical values for
# * P_t: the tangential momentum
# * P_r: the radial momentum
def eval__P_t__and__P_r(qmassratio, nr,
nchi1x, nchi1y, nchi1z,
nchi2x, nchi2y, nchi2z):
# Compute p_t, the tangential component of momentum
import PN_p_t as pt
pt.f_p_t(m1,m2, chi1U,chi2U, r)
# Compute p_r, the radial component of momentum
import PN_p_r as pr
pr.f_p_r(m1,m2, n12U,n21U, chi1U,chi2U, S1U,S2U, p1U,p2U, r)
nPt = num_eval(pt.p_t,
qmassratio=qmassratio, nr=nr,
nPr = num_eval(pr.p_r,
qmassratio = qmassratio, nr=nr,
nchi1x=nchi1x, nchi1y=nchi1y, nchi1z=nchi1z,
nchi2x=nchi2x, nchi2y=nchi2y, nchi2z=nchi2z, nPt=nPt)
return nPt, nPr
Appending to
import difflib,sys
print("Printing difference between original and this code,")
# Open the files to compare
with open("") as file1, open("") as file2:
# Read the lines of each file,
file1_lines = file1.readlines()
file2_lines = file2.readlines()
num_diffs = 0
for line in difflib.unified_diff(file1_lines, file2_lines, fromfile="", tofile=""):
num_diffs = num_diffs + 1
if num_diffs == 0:
print("No difference. TEST PASSED!")
print("ERROR: Disagreement found with .py file. See differences above.")
Printing difference between original and this code, No difference. TEST PASSED!
The following code cell converts this Jupyter notebook into a proper, clickable LATEX-formatted PDF file. After the cell is successfully run, the generated PDF may be found in the root NRPy+ tutorial directory, with filename NRPyPN_shortcuts.pdf (Note that clicking on this link may not work; you may need to open the PDF file through another means.)
import os,sys # Standard Python modules for multiplatform OS-level functions
import cmdline_helperNRPyPN as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
Created NRPyPN_shortcuts.tex, and compiled LaTeX file to PDF file NRPyPN_shortcuts.pdf