In order to obtain initial data for our simulations, we must solve the Hamiltonian and momentum constraint equations, which are given by, respectively,
H=R+K2−KijKij−16πρ=0,Mi=Dj(Kij−γijK)−8πSi=0,where γij is the physical spatial metric, Kij is the extrinsic curvature, K≡γijKij is the mean curvature, R is the three-dimensional Ricci scalar, and Di is the spatial covariant derivative compatible with γij.
We now consider a spherically symmetric massless scalar field φ minimally coupled to gravity. Assuming a moment of time symmetry, for which
∂tφ=Kij=K=0,and the momentum constraints are automatically satisfied. Further assuming that the metric is initially conformally flat, i.e.,
γij=ψ4ˉγij=ψ4ˆγij,where ψ is the conformal factor, ˉγij is the conformal metric, and ˆγij is the flat spatial metric, the Hamiltonian constraint can be written as (see Eq. 60 of Werneck et al. 2021)
ˆγijˆDiˆDjψ=−2πψ5ρ=π(ˆγij∂i∂jφ)ψ.For a given initial profile of the scalar field ϕ(t=0,r), our task is to solve this last equation for the conformal factor.
In spherical symmetry we have
∂2rψ+2r∂rψ+πΦ2ψ=0,where Φ≡∂rφ. Discretizing this last equation using second-order accurate, centered finite differences and multiplying it by Δr2 results in the following tridiagonal system:
(1−Δrri)ψi−1+(πΔr2Φ2i−2)ψi+(1+Δrri)ψi+1=0.We solve this system using a cell-centered grid, i.e.,
ri=(i−12)Δr,with r0=−Δr/2. We solve the boundary value problem by imposing the conditions
∂rψ|r=0=0,limr→∞ψ=1.The first condition (regularity at the origin) states
ψ1−ψ0Δr=0⟹ψ1=ψ0.The second condition (asymptotic flatness) states
ψN=1+CrN,where N=Nr−1 and Nr is the number of discretization points. Differentiating with respect to r we find
∂rψN=−Cr2N=−1rN(CrN)=−1rN(ψN−1)=1−ψNrN,which can be written as
ψN+1−ψN−12Δr=1−ψNrN⇒ψN+1=ψN−1−2ΔrrNψN+2ΔrrN.Using the boundary conditions on the boxed equation above we find
(πΔr2Φ21−1−Δrr1)ψ1+(1+Δrr1)ψ2=0(i=1),(1−Δrri)ψi−1+(πΔr2Φ2i−2)ψi+(1+Δrri)ψi+1=0(1<i<N),2ψN−1+[πΔr2Φ2N−2−2ΔrrN(1+ΔrrN)]ψN=−2ΔrrN(1+ΔrrN)(i=N),which can be written in matrix form as (using N→Nr−1)
[b0c0a0b1c1a1⋱⋱⋱⋱cNr−2aNr−2bNr−1][x0x1⋮⋮xNr−1]=[d0d1⋮⋮dNr−1],where →a, →b, and →c are the lower, main, and upper lower diagonals of the tridiagonal system, →d is the vector of source terms, and →x=→ψ. Explicitly, these are
→a=[1−Δrr1⋮1−ΔrrNr−22];→b=[(πΔr2Φ20−2)+(1−Δr/r0)(πΔr2Φ21−2)⋮(πΔr2Φ2Nr−1−2)−2ΔrrNr−1(1+ΔrrNr−1)];→c=[1+Δrr01+Δrr1⋮1+ΔrrNr−2];→s=[0⋮0−2ΔrrNr−1(1+ΔrrNr−1)].This tridiagonal system can be solved using e.g., Thomas' algorith, which is explained in detail here. Our implementation of Thomas' algorithm is described in Step 2 of this tutorial notebook.
# Step 1: Initialize core Python/NRPy+ modules
import sympy as sp # SymPy: a computer algebra system written entirely in Python
import os, sys, shutil # Standard Python modules for multiplatform OS-level functions
import outputC as outC # NRPy+: C code output functionality
import cmdline_helper as cmd # NRPy+: Multi-platform Python command-line interface
# Step 1.a: Create all output directories needed by this tutorial
# notebook, removing previous instances if they exist
Ccodesdir = os.path.join("ScalarFieldID_Ccodes")
if os.path.exists(Ccodesdir):
Consider the system
[b0c0a0b1c1a1⋱⋱⋱⋱cN−1aN−1bN][x0x1⋮⋮xN]=[d0d1⋮⋮dN].This tridiagonal system can be solved using Thomas' algorithm, described in detail here. The algorithm goes as follows: for i=1,…,n−1, do
w=ai−1bi−1,bi=bi−wci−1,di=di−wdi−1,followed by the back-substitution (N=n−1)
xN=dNbN,xi=di−cixi+1bi, for i=N−1,N−2,…,0.Note that this algorihm modifies both →b and →d.
# Step 2: Thomas' algorithm for tridiagonal systems
def NRPyCritCol_add_thomas_algorithm_to_C_func_dict():
desc = """(c) 2023 Leo Werneck
Tridiagonal system solver using Thomas algorithm
includes = ["NRPy_basic_defines.h"]
name = "tridiagonal_solver_thomas_algorithm"
params = r"""
const int n, // Number of points
const double *restrict a, // Lower diagonal
double *restrict b, // Main diagonal
const double *restrict c, // Upper diagonal
double *restrict d, // Source vector
double *restrict x // Solution vector
body = r""" // Step 1: First pass prepares b and d
if( b[0] == 0.0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "(%s) Error: first diagonal element is zero\n", __func__);
for(int i=1;i<n;i++) {
const double w = a[i-1]/b[i-1];
b[i] -= w * c[i-1];
d[i] -= w * d[i-1];
// Step 2: Second pass performs the back-substitution
const int N = n-1;
x[N] = d[N] / b[N];
for(int i=N;i>0;i--)
x[i-1] = (d[i-1]-c[i-1]*x[i])/b[i-1];
outC.add_to_Cfunction_dict(includes=includes, desc=desc, name=name,
params=params, body=body, enableCparameters=False)
# Step 3: Initial scalar field profile
def NRPyCritCol_add_initial_profiles_to_C_func_dict():
# Step 3.a: Implement symbolic expressions for phi(0,r)
eta, r, r0, sigma = sp.symbols("eta r r0 sigma", real=True)
phi_profiles = {}
phi_profiles["gaussian_pulse" ] = eta * sp.exp( -(r-r0)**2 / sigma**2 )
phi_profiles["gaussian_pulse_v2"] = eta * r**3 * sp.exp( -(r-r0)**2 / sigma**2 )
phi_profiles["tanh_pulse" ] = eta * ( 1 - sp.tanh((r-r0)**2/sigma**2) )
# Step 3.b: Get maximum length of keys (Optional)
max_length = 0
for key in phi_profiles.keys():
if len(key) > max_length:
max_length = len(key)
# Step 3.c: Python function that generates C functions for the initial
# scalar field profile and its radial derivative
def generate_phi_or_Phi_function(var, expr, profile):
desc = """(c) 2023 Leo Werneck
NRPyCritCol: Initial """+var+" profile - "+profile
outCparams = "includebraces=False,outCverbose=False,preindent=1"
includes = ["NRPy_basic_defines.h"]
c_type = "double"
name = "NRPyCritCol_initial_"+var+"_"+profile
params = """
const double r, /* Radial coordinate */
const double eta, /* Pulse amplitude */
const double r0, /* Pulse center */
const double sigma /* Pulse width */"""
body = outC.outputC(expr, "return", "returnstring",
params=outCparams).replace("_ =","")
outC.add_to_Cfunction_dict(includes=includes, prefunc=prefunc, desc=desc,
name=name, params=params, body=body, c_type=c_type,
# Step 3.d: Finally, generate all C code for computing the initial
# scalar field profile and its radial derivative, including
# "driver" functions that select which profile to use
includes = ["NRPy_basic_defines.h", "NRPy_function_prototypes.h"]
prefunc = ""
c_type = "double"
name = "NRPyCritCol_initial_var"
params = """
const int id_type, /* Type of initial data */
const double r, /* Radial coordinate */
const double eta, /* Pulse amplitude */
const double r0, /* Pulse center */
const double sigma /* Pulse width */"""
body = """
switch (id_type) {
counter = 0
defines = ""
for profile, phi in phi_profiles.items():
Phi = phi.diff(r)
generate_phi_or_Phi_function("phi", phi, profile)
generate_phi_or_Phi_function("phi_radial_deriv", Phi, profile)
defines += "#define "+profile.upper()
for i in range(max_length - len(profile) + 1):
defines += " "
defines += str(counter)+"\n"
body += " case "+profile.upper()+""":
return NRPyCritCol_initial_var_"""+profile+"(r, eta, r0, sigma);\n break;\n"
counter += 1
body += r""" default:
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown initial data key (%d)\n", id_type);
outC.outC_NRPy_basic_defines_h_dict["ScalarFieldID"] = defines
for var in ["phi", "phi_radial_deriv"]:
newname = name.replace("var", var)
newbody = body.replace("var", var)
outC.add_to_Cfunction_dict(includes=includes, name=newname, params=params,
c_type=c_type, body=newbody, enableCparameters=False)
We now solve the Hamiltonian constraint described above using Thomas' algorithm. Recall the the tridiagonal system is characterized by the following:
→a=[1−Δrr1⋮1−ΔrrNr−22];→b=[(πΔr2Φ20−2)+(1−Δr/r0)(πΔr2Φ21−2)⋮(πΔr2Φ2Nr−1−2)−2ΔrrNr−1(1+ΔrrNr−1)];→c=[1+Δrr01+Δrr1⋮1+ΔrrNr−2];→d=[0⋮0−2ΔrrNr−1(1+ΔrrNr−1)].# Step 4: Solving the Hamiltonian constraint
def NRPyCritCol_add_Hamiltonian_constraint_solver_to_C_func_dict():
desc = """(c) 2023 Leo Werneck
NRPyCritCol: This function solves the Hamiltonian
constraint for the conformal factor"""
includes = ["NRPy_basic_defines.h", "NRPy_function_prototypes.h"]
name = "NRPyCritCol_initial_data"
params = r"""
const int Nr, /* Number of points */
const double eta, /* Pulse amplitude */
const double r0, /* Pulse center */
const double sigma, /* Pulse width */
const double rmax, /* Maximum radius */
double *restrict rr, /* Radial points */
double *restrict phi, /* Scalar field */
double *restrict psi /* Conformal factor */"""
body = r"""
// Step 1: Allocate memory for auxiliary variables
double *a = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(Nr-1));
double *b = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nr);
double *c = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(Nr-1));
double *d = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nr);
// Step 2: Set ID type
const int id_type = GAUSSIAN_PULSE;
// Step 3: Compute step sizes
const double dr = rmax/Nr;
const double dr2 = dr*dr;
// Step 4: Build tridiagonal system
for(int i=0;i<Nr-1;i++) {
// Step 4.a: Set helper variables
const double r = (i-0.5)*dr;
const double Phi = NRPyCritCol_initial_phi_radial_deriv(id_type, r, eta, r0, sigma);
const double tmp = dr/(r+dr);
// Step 4.b: Set arrays
rr[i] = r;
phi[i] = NRPyCritCol_initial_phi(id_type, r, eta, r0, sigma);
a[i] = 1 - tmp + (i==Nr-2)*(1 + tmp);
b[i] = M_PI * dr2 * Phi * Phi - 2;
c[i] = 1 + dr/r;
d[i] = 0;
// Step 5: Adjust remaining entries
const int N = Nr-1;
const double r_N = (N-0.5)*dr;
const double tmp0 = dr/r_N;
const double tmp1 = -2 * tmp0 * (1 + tmp0);
const double Phi = NRPyCritCol_initial_phi_radial_deriv(id_type, r_N, eta, r0, sigma);
rr[N] = r_N;
phi[N] = NRPyCritCol_initial_phi(id_type, r_N, eta, r0, sigma);
b[0] += 1 - dr/rr[0];
b[N] = M_PI * dr2 * Phi * Phi - 2 + tmp1;
d[N] = tmp1;
// Step 6: Solve the system
tridiagonal_solver_thomas_algorithm(Nr, a, b, c, d, psi);
// Step 7: Free memory of auxiliary variables
outC.add_to_Cfunction_dict(includes=includes, desc=desc, name=name,
params=params, body=body, enableCparameters=False)
def register_C_functions():
We now validate our code against the trusted NRPy+
solver which is implemented in Python
and described in this tutorial notebook.
# Step 5: Code validation
# Step 5.a: Generate the main function of the standalone C code
def NRPyCritCol_add_initial_data_standalone_to_C_func_dict():
c_type = "int"
desc = """(c) 2023 Leo Werneck
NRPyCritCol: Initial data - standalone test"""
includes = ["NRPy_basic_defines.h", "NRPy_function_prototypes.h"]
name = "main"
params = "int argc, char **argv"
body = r"""
if( argc != 6 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Correct usage is: %s <Nr> <eta> <r0> <sigma> <rmax> \n", argv[0]);
const int Nr = atoi(argv[1]);
const double eta = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
const double r0 = strtod(argv[3], NULL);
const double sigma = strtod(argv[4], NULL);
const double rmax = strtod(argv[5], NULL);
double *rr = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nr);
double *phi = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nr);
double *psi = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Nr);
NRPyCritCol_initial_data(Nr, eta, r0, sigma, rmax, rr, phi, psi);
FILE *fp = fopen("output.txt", "w");
for(int i=0;i<Nr;i++)
fprintf(fp, "%.15e %.15e %.15e\n", rr[i], phi[i], psi[i]);
return 0;
outC.add_to_Cfunction_dict(includes=includes, c_type=c_type, desc=desc,
name=name, params=params, body=body, enableCparameters=False)
# Step 5.b: Generate all C codes and compile the project
# Step 5.b.i: Register all C functions from this tutorial
# Step 5.b.ii: Register all C functions and basic defines from outputC
# Step 5.b.iii: Generate core NRPy+ header files
# Step 5.b.iv: Generate all C code and compile the project
cmd.new_C_compile(Ccodesdir, "NRPyCritCol", mkdir_Ccodesrootdir=False,
uses_free_parameters_h=False, compiler_opt_option="fast") # fastdebug or debug also supported
(EXEC): Executing `make -j34`... (BENCH): Finished executing in 0.20 seconds. Finished compilation.
# Step 5: Running the C code
# Step 5.a: Change to output directory
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Step 5.b: Try running the code
cmd.Execute("NRPyCritCol", "320 0.1 0 1 5")
# Step 5.c: If an error occured, return to the base directory
(EXEC): Executing `taskset -c 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 ./NRPyCritCol 320 0.1 0 1 5`... (BENCH): Finished executing in 0.20 seconds.
# Step 5.d: Generating trusted initial data
# Step 5.d.i: Import the ScalarField/
import ScalarField.ScalarField_InitialData as SFID
# Step 5.d.ii: Generate the initial data
outfile = os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "output_trusted.txt")
ID_family = "Gaussian_pulse"
Nr = 320
rmax = 5
eta = 0.1
r0 = 0
sigma = 1
SFID.ScalarField_InitialData(outfile, ID_family, Nr, rmax, eta, r0, sigma)
Generated the ADM initial data for the gravitational collapse of a massless scalar field in spherical coordinates. Type of initial condition: Scalar field: "Gaussian" Shell ADM quantities: Time-symmetric Parameters: amplitude = 0.1, center = 0, width = 1, domain size = 5, number of points = 320, Initial data file = ScalarFieldID_Ccodes/output_trusted.txt.
# Step 5.e: Plotting the relative error between the two initial data
# Step 5.e.i: Import required Python modules
import numpy as np # NumPy: mathematical library for the Python programming language
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib: plotting library for the Python programming language
from IPython.display import Image # Image: Display images on Jupyter notebooks
# Step 5.e.ii: Read in the initial data files
rC ,sfC ,psiC = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "output.txt")).T
rPy,sfPy,psiPy = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(Ccodesdir, "output_trusted.txt")).T
# Step 5.e.iii: Generate the plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,2.5))
plt.title("Conformal factor vs trusted code")
plt.ylabel(r"$\log_{10}{|\rm Rel.\ Error|}$",fontsize=14)
outfig = os.path.join(Ccodesdir,"validation.png")
The following code cell converts this Jupyter notebook into a proper, clickable LATEX-formatted PDF file. After the cell is successfully run, the generated PDF may be found in the root NRPy+ tutorial directory, with filename Tutorial-ADM_Initial_Data-ScalarField_Ccode.pdf (Note that clicking on this link may not work; you may need to open the PDF file through another means.)
# Step 6: Output this module as LaTeX formatted PDF file
Created Tutorial-ADM_Initial_Data-ScalarField_Ccode.tex, and compiled LaTeX file to PDF file Tutorial-ADM_Initial_Data-ScalarField_Ccode.pdf