libraries on different platforms.¶The BlackHoles@Home project allows users to volunteer CPU time so a large number of binary black hole simulations can be performed. The objective is to create an extensive catalog of gravitational waveforms, which can be used by observatories such as LIGO, VIRGO, and, in the future, LISA in order to infer what was the source of a detected gravitational wave.
BlackHoles@Home is destined to run on the BOINC infrastructure (alongside Einstein@Home and many other great projects), enabling anyone with a computer to contribute to the construction of the largest numerical relativity gravitational wave catalogs ever produced.
This tutorial compiles the BOINC
libraries. It will also install all needed dependencies. We test that everything is okay by compiling and running a simple "Hello World!" application that makes use of the BOINC
libraries. This tutorial is organized as follows:
# Step 1: Import necessary modules - set directories.
# Step 1.a: Import required Python modules
import os,sys,shutil
# Step 1.b: Add NRPy's root directory to the sys.path()
# Step 1.c: Load NRPy+'s command line helper module
import cmdline_helper as cmd
# Step 1.d: Set directories needed by this tutorial notebook
boinc_base_dir = "/Users/werneck/bhah" # os.getcwd()
boinc_root_dir = os.path.join(boinc_base_dir,"boinc")
boinc_lib_dir = os.path.join(boinc_root_dir,"lib")
boinc_api_dir = os.path.join(boinc_root_dir,"api")
boinc_zip_dir = os.path.join(boinc_root_dir,"zip")
libraries [Back to top]¶We will now write a simple bash
script that will take care of downloading the BOINC
source code and compiling the BOINC
The script performs the following tasks:
source code (if necessary).BOINC
core, API, and zip libraries.The BOINC
library requires the following packages:
In Linux, we will be using the GNU compilers installed using aptitude
in Ubuntu and Debian. In Mac OS X, we will be using the LLVM compilers installed using homebrew
# Step 2: Write down a script to compile the BOINC libraries
# Step 2.a: Check the platform. This will adjust the way we install the dependencies.
platform = sys.platform
compiler_config = ""
if platform == "linux":
# In Ubuntu/Debian, use aptitude to install the dependencies.
# To avoid issues where the user does not have sudo priviledges,
# such as in mybinder, we check if we find the command first.
dependency_list = ["git","make","m4","autoconf","libtool","g++"]
dependencies = ""
for dependency in dependency_list:
path = shutil.which(dependency)
if path is not None:
dependencies += dependency+" "
print(dependency+" found at "+path)
if dependencies != "":
install_dependencies = "sudo apt install -y "+dependencies
elif platform == "darwin":
# In Mac OS X, use homebrew to install the dependencies.
install_dependencies = "brew install git make m4 autoconf libtool llvm"
# Because we use clang/clang++ instead of gcc/g++, we need
# to specify additional compilation flags to help the build
# script locate all the header files and libraries we will
# need. The paths below assume that the llvm compilers are
# in the default brew path /usr/local/opt. Adjust the
# variable 'path_to_llvm' if that's not the case.
path_to_llvm = "/usr/local/opt/llvm/"
path_to_clang = os.path.join(path_to_llvm,"bin","clang")
path_to_clangpp = os.path.join(path_to_llvm,"bin","clang++")
path_to_clang_include = os.path.join(path_to_llvm,"include")
path_to_clang_library = os.path.join(path_to_llvm,"lib")
CPPFLAGS = "-I%s"%(path_to_clang_include)
LDFLAGS = "-L%s"%(path_to_clang_library)
compiler_config = "CC=%s CXX=%s OBJC=%s CPPFLAGS=\"%s\" LDFLAGS=\"%s\" "%(path_to_clang,
print("Error: platform %s is currently not supported."%platform)
with open("","w") as file:
# Install all required software
# Download BOINC repository (if necessary)
if [ -d "$boincdir" ]; then
echo "BOINC directory found at $boincdir"
echo "BOINC directory not found at $boincdir. Cloning from BOINC github repository..."
git clone boinc
# Now change directories to the BOINC directory
cd "$boincdir"
# Compile the core BOINC libraries
./_autosetup -f
%s./configure --disable-client --disable-manager --disable-server
# Now compile the boinc_zip library
cd %s
libraries [Back to top]¶We now run the script above to compile the BOINC
libraries. This tutorial notebook has been tested in the following systems:
If all the dependencies are already installed, then the script should finish running in just a few minutes. If not, then it will download the dependencies and the execution time may vary depending on your internet connection speed.
# Step 3: Compile the BOINC libraries
# FIXME: I don't think this is the best way of doing this.
print("Now compiling BOINC libraries (can take a few minutes depending on your internet connection) ...")
status = os.system("source")
print("Finished compiling BOINC libraries" if status == 0
else "Error: Something went wrong when compiling the BOINC libraries.")
Now compiling BOINC libraries (can take a few minutes depending on your internet connection) ... Finished compiling BOINC libraries
# Step 3: Compiling a test program
# Step 3.a: Write down a "Hello World!" program that uses the BOINC libraries
outfile = "hello_boinc.cpp"
with open(outfile,"w") as file:
// Core C++ input/output header
#include <iostream>
// BOINC API header
#include "boinc_api.h"
// Main program
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Initialize the boinc environment
int status = boinc_init();
// Check everything is okay
if( status != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: boinc_init() returned a non-zero value: %d. Terminating.",status);
// Print a message to the user
printf("Hello BOINC!\n");
// Terminate the program with no errors
// All done!
# Step 3.b: Add the base nrpytutorial directory to sys.path()
import sys
# Step 3.c: Import the cmdline_helper NRPy+ module
import cmdline_helper as cmd
# Step 3.d: Prepare to compile
# Step 3.d.i: Set the C++ compiler flags
CXXFLAGS = "-I%s -I%s "%(boinc_api_dir,boinc_lib_dir)
LDFLAGS = "-L%s -L%s -lboinc_api -lboinc "%(boinc_api_dir,boinc_lib_dir)
# Step 3.d.ii: Set the C++ compiler
if platform == 'linux':
CXX_compiler = "g++ "
elif platform == 'darwin':
CXX_compiler = "clang++ "
CXXFLAGS += "-I%s "%(path_to_clang_include)
LDFLAGS += "-L%s "%(path_to_clang_library)
print("Error: platform %s is currently not supported."%platform)
# Step 3.d.iii: Compile the program
CXX_compile_string = CXX_compiler+CXXFLAGS+"hello_boinc.cpp -o hello_boinc "+LDFLAGS
# Step 3.d.iv: Run the program
print("Running hello_boinc program...")
print("All done!")
Running hello_boinc program... Hello BOINC! All done!
The following code cell converts this Jupyter notebook into a proper, clickable $\LaTeX$-formatted PDF file. After the cell is successfully run, the generated PDF may be found in the root NRPy+ tutorial directory, with filename Tutorial-BlackHolesAtHome-Compiling_the_BOINC_libraries.pdf (Note that clicking on this link may not work; you may need to open the PDF file through another means.)
!cp ../latex_nrpy_style.tplx .
!rm -f latex_nrpy_style.tplx
Created Tutorial-BlackHolesAtHome-Compiling_the_BOINC_libraries.tex, and compiled LaTeX file to PDF file Tutorial-BlackHolesAtHome- Compiling_the_BOINC_libraries.pdf